"Alice, she is currently traveling with my friend Xiaozhi. Although I haven't seen her make a move, I can feel her strength is very strong. You may not be her opponent." Tian Lin knew, Alice is the future champion of the United Congregation, and her potential is strong enough to match Touya Touzi.

"No way, you underestimate me, Brother Tianlin, but according to what you said, I have already conquered the wind goblin. With the strong suppressing power of the goblin class on the dragon class, I will definitely be able to defeat her. If you don't believe it, just Just wait and see." Lan Ge Lei expressed his dissatisfaction with Tian Lin's underestimation, and decided to behave well in front of him.

"Okay, then do you know where Alice is now?" Tian Lin didn't mind seeing the strength of the future Hezhong champion in advance.

"Of course I know. I got the news that she just passed the 28th district of No. [*] Road. According to this itinerary, she will definitely pass here today." Langley said with great conviction.

It seems that she is indeed very well prepared, and her goal is very clear, that is to defeat Alice.

"Area 4 on No. 28 Road! It's really close to here." Tian Lin knew this place. If he hadn't detoured to Aindook, he would have passed there too. It's a place famous for UFOs. , is indeed very close to here, "Okay, then I'll wait with you for a while."

Tianlin knew that the arrival of Alice also represented the arrival of Xiaozhi. He was still a little bit worried about Xiaozhi's tragic defeat to Emperor Xiu, and it was too embarrassing for him and Xiaomao. Today, we will see how he enters the country. If he still doesn't move forward, then don't blame him for shaking out the black history to Xiaomao.

The three of them waited for about an hour, and sure enough, the unhurried trio appeared on the side of the road, it was Xiao Zhi and his party.

"Xiao Zhi, haven't seen you for a while, do you look good!" Tian Lin stepped forward and greeted.

He found that Xiaozhi's energy was much more energetic than before. It seems that he has been fighting less recently, and his record should be good. Pikachu's power has recovered quite quickly. In such a short time, he has recovered to the gym-level high-level To the extent that he should be able to return to the quasi-celestial king soon.

"Of course, I met the Emperor Xiu again a few days ago, and I fought with him again, but I won." Ashamed before the snow, he raised his eyebrows and exhaled.

"Yeah, it's a pity, it's just a narrow victory, 447 is also a fire-type warm pig against an ice-type mini ice!" Alice complained unceremoniously on the side.

"Well, the fire element narrowly beat the ice element. It's really not a victory worth boasting about. It seems that you still have a long way to go!" For him, this result is obviously not yet fully qualified, so for Xiaozhi, he still needs to be encouraged.

"Hey, you are Alice, I've been waiting for you for a long time." At this moment, Langley rushed over impatiently.

"Who are you?" Alice didn't recognize Langley at all.

"I am the Dragon Destroyer Lan Ge Lei, aiming to defeat all Dragon-type Pokémon, Alice, you are from the land of dragons, and you are aiming at the Dragon-type master, right, then you must be the one I want Downed object!"

"Why are you so obsessed with defeating Dragon-type Pokémon?" Tian Tong wondered.

"That's because, when I was passing through the Land of Dragons, I was beaten down by Shaka, who used dragon-type Pokémon, and he told me that it was too early for me to challenge him, and let me defeat Alice first. Say it again." Langley explained.

This is the so-called kick in the gym and being kicked. In fact, it is not ashamed to lose to a monster like Shaka, who is one of the best among gym trainers. The girl is really careful. I didn’t expect that the reason why Lan Ge Lei became the dragon destroyer turned out to be revenge. .

Chapter [*]: Blue Grey vs. Alice Dragon Destroyer and Dragon Master

"Master Shaka!" Hearing this name, Alice fell into memory.

She used to be the first of the younger generation in Dragon Township, and she was invincible in the Dragon Township. Only when she met Xia Ka did she taste the defeat, and she was almost powerless to fight back.

This is also the reason why she went out to travel, she wanted to surpass Shaka and become a real dragon master.

In fact, Xia Ka is also very optimistic about Alice. Tian Lin guessed that the purpose of Xia Ka inviting Lan Grey to challenge Alice is to find her an opponent. After all, competition can lead to progress.

"Okay, I'll accept your challenge!" Alice has been inspired by the name of Master Shaka, any dragon destroyer, come if you can.

"Very good, then let's go, wind goblin!" As expected, Lan Gelei subdued the goblin-type wind goblin according to Tian Lin's suggestion. Today, Alice is only afraid of suffering.

"I'm going, Ya Ya!" Alice had only one Dragon-type Pokémon, Ya Ya, she had no choice.

"Then, the game begins!" Tian Lin announced as the referee.

"Ya Ya, unleash the wrath of the dragon!" Although Alice has a strong fighting ability, she has insufficient knowledge of Pokémon and made the most wrong decision.

"Hehe, it's really stupid, wind goblin, let's grow!" Lan Gelei calmly completed the strengthening, after all, eating a moat grows a wisdom, she was also pitted by Tianlin back then, and now it is her turn to pit others.

Before the Dragon's Fury attacked, the wind goblin increased its strength by growing, which made Tian Lin's eyes shine. The level of this wind goblin was not too high, but the move was so quick.

The only possible situation is that it has the trait of mischievous heart.

You must know that in Tianlin's previous life, the wind fairy was a Pokémon known as the black-hearted cotton, and it disgusted countless rival parties.

Change-type skills are all preemptive skills, which can be described as extremely overbearing.

Dragon's Fury successfully hit a lot of dust, but Lan Gelei smiled slightly and didn't care.

"Wind Fairy, do it again~'!" Sure enough, she gave full play to the characteristics of the Wind Fairy, and once again quickly hit Fang Ya!

"How is it possible that there is no injury at all!" Alice exclaimed, "Wind fairy, fairy... Could it be?"

She guessed that, after all, the trainer aiming at the Dragon Master, although it is extremely rare in the Hezhong area, she always knows the attribute of the fairy type, which is the most restrained to the dragon type.

"That's right, the wind fairy, the nemesis of your dragon." Lan Gelei said proudly, "You are sure to lose, wind fairy, continue to use growth!"

Because Fangya has been restricted, it can only use Dragon's Wrath now, but this move is completely ineffective for Fairy-type Pokémon, and Wind Fairy can be calmly strengthened.

After connecting the three dragon rage, the wind fairy was unscathed, and then it was strengthened three times in a row. With the first growth, the special attack of the wind fairy has increased by two times.

"It's over, wind fairy, the power of the moon!" Lan Gelei snapped her fingers, and the wind fairy activated the power of the moon. With its special attack at this time, the power of the moon was extremely terrifying.

The pink ball attacked Fang Ya, Fang Ya couldn't dodge in time, and was buried under the light.

"The winner is decided, Yaya loses his ability to fight, and the wind fairy wins!" Tian Lin pronounced the sentence.

"Tooth!" Alice hugged Tooth anxiously, and immediately took out the tree fruit to treat it.

"What? It's too easy to win. Are you really the strongest young generation in the Land of Dragons? If you have other Dragon-type Pokémon, I don't mind continuing to fight!" Lan Gelei didn't seem to have fought yet. Enjoyable.

After all, the wind fairy has finally strengthened to this level, but it is impossible to fully exert its power in one-on-one terms. Lan Gelei feels that now she can experience the refreshing feeling of pushing the team.

"I..." Alice seemed to want to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

At this time, Tiantong stepped forward and explained to her, "The only dragon-type Pokémon that Alice has now is Fangya!"

"Only one tooth? That's how you still want to become the Master of the Dragon, it's too rude!" Lan Gelei was completely disappointed, she decided to go to Xia Ka to settle the account, the younger generation of Dragon Township couldn't win her at all.

"Wait, I still have a Pokémon. Although it's not a dragon, I believe it won't lose to your wind fairy." Alice said unwillingly.

However, Lan Gelei said that she has no interest in defeating Pokémon that are not dragons.

"Are you afraid?" Alice squinted and mocked slightly.

"What do you say, call me if you want to!" After all, she was a child, and Lan Ge Lei couldn't take it any longer after Alice's agitation.

"Then, let's go, Dragon Head Gopher!" Alice's second Pokémon is Dragon Head Gopher, which is quite a powerful character.

The pokeball opened, and a bazooka-like Pokémon appeared on the field. This was the shape of the dragon-headed gopher when it was resting, and its real body was shrunk in the iron armor.

"'" Dragon-headed gopher, Lan Gelei is a good opponent, although it is not a dragon, but in the doubles battle, it has the nickname of the rat-headed ground dragon. It can play a role in cooperation with Banquilas. More power than Quasi-Shen Lie biting a land shark. Tianlin reminded him that he hoped that Lan Gelei would not underestimate the dragon head gopher because it is not a dragon.

"It's still Tianlin who has the vision, my dragon head gopher is a very powerful Pokémon!" Alice immediately smiled when she heard the compliment.

"Okay, Dragon Head Gopher, get ready to fight, let your opponent see your strength!" With Alice's order, Dragon Head Gopher's body instantly opened, staring at the wind goblin.

It seems that this is a bit different from the original book. According to the original book, the dragon-headed gopher at this time should have a heavy psychological shadow because of the red-faced dragon that once lost to Shaka, and he didn't listen to Alice at all. Negative.

But now, judging from the way Alice is holding hands to it, there is no such situation at all.

In fact, this is normal. After all, Alice is the future champion of the United States, and her aptitude and potential are not inferior to those of Xiao Zhi and others. The snack knot of the leading gopher has been easily resolved by her.

Because of turning fear into unwillingness, the dragon-headed gopher has worked so hard to cultivate that its strength is not weaker than that of the original book.

"It's amazing, Alice actually has such a Pokémon, it seems that Lan Ge Lei is going to lose!" Tian Lin quickly decided Lan Ge Lei's ending. A huge threshold between the high-level quasi-celestial king.

"Wind fairy, don't be afraid, use the power of the moon!" Lan Gelei didn't know the seriousness of the situation at this time, so she chose to continue the attack.

Chapter [*] The powerful Alice and the dragon head gopher meet in the East George battle meeting

"Lan Ge Lei chose to attack? This is not a smart approach." Tian Lin shook his head. It seems that although she has obtained a fairy-type Pokémon, her research on this attribute is not in-depth.

Fairy type is the most restrained attribute of dragon type, but like ice type, it is restrained by steel type.

Therefore, since this attribute was discovered, many Dragon-type trainers have deliberately cultivated Steel-type Pokémon in order to make up for the lack of lineups.

Maybe Alice bred the dragon head gopher just because of fate, but now, she definitely takes it as one of the main trump cards in the future.

"Dragon head gopher, rush over and use metal claws!"

However, the dragon-headed gopher's claws flickered with silver light, and the steel-type energy continued to gather. Facing the lasing moon's power, it cut it in half with one claw on its left hand.

Then, the dragon-headed gopher jumped to the top, grabbed his right paw straight down, and buried the wind goblin in the ground with one blow.

"Alas, the wind goblin lost its ability to fight, and the dragon-headed gopher won!" Tian Lin sighed, announcing the result of the competition with such an expression as expected.

In fact, the wind fairy is not invincible, as long as it makes good use of its characteristics of mischievous heart.

In addition to physical attack, the leading gopher is not particularly outstanding in other aspects. Without the assistance of sand and dust weather, the speed of 447 is average.

As long as she uses the heart of mischief, the wind goblin can completely strengthen the defense with cotton first, or reduce the opponent's physical attack by acting like a spoiled child, and then use the skills such as ultimate absorption to restore physical strength while grinding with the dragon head gopher. .

Even if you can't win in the end, at least it can greatly weaken the stamina of the dragon-headed gopher, giving it a good advantage for the next Pokémon.

But now, the good situation has been completely ruined.

"This, it turns out that the fairy system was restrained by the steel system. Damn, I didn't do enough homework!" Langley discovered the reason for his defeat later.

"Hey, how's it going, my dragon head gopher is very powerful, isn't it?" Alice regained her confidence at once.

"Humph!" Lan Ge Lei shook his head unhappily, "It's not that I lost to Dragon-type Pokémon, I don't care at all."

"If you're not convinced, show your second Pokémon!" Since Alice used two, Langley would naturally have a second one out of fairness.

"Okay, don't think I'm really going to lose to you, go, Tundra Bear!"

Lan Ge Lei's second is the Tundra Bear who had a battle with Tian Lin last time (aiea), and its strength is only gym-level, plus the attribute disadvantage, I am afraid it is still not the opponent of the dragon head gopher.

After all, Alice, the leading gopher, is much stronger than the one that appeared in the original book. It is only a footstep away from the heavenly king level. It is worthy of being a genius who can reach the championship in the future.

"Let's see, my Dragon Destroyer's ice-type skill, Tundra Bear, makes an icicle crash!" Lan Ge Lei launched the attack with confidence, and she was more confident than the fairy-type skill she just got. Good at ice.

It's a pity that the dragon head gopher is a combination of the ground type and the steel type, and the ice type does not restrain it. Due to the level difference, it can't dodge and take all the icicles' attacks.

"Ice skills, nothing more than that!" Alice smiled and waved her hand, "Let's see, what is a one-hit kill, the dragon-headed gopher, make a ground fissure!"

"Dragon Land!" The dragon-headed gopher inserted both hands under the ground at the same time. In an instant, an astonishing crack appeared on the ground, and it attacked the tundra bear extremely fast.

"One-hit nirvana!" Tianlin Xiaozhi said in unison.

They have all seen similar moves in previous league competitions, and they know that this kind of move is terrifying.

The disadvantage is that the hit rate of this move is extremely low, but this hit rate is not static. The more one's level exceeds the opponent's, the higher the hit rate.

At this moment, with the huge level gap between the dragon head gopher and the tundra bear, the hit rate of this move can probably remain between 60% and 70%, which is quite scary.

"Tunyuan Bear, don't be afraid, use an avalanche!"

Lan Ge Lei actually tried to fight against the one-hit nirvana. She wanted to use the avalanche to stop the ground fissure's attack. If it was a normal skill, maybe this plan was feasible, but for the ground fissure, it was obviously not enough.

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