In today's world, even the champions of the major regions may not have the method of comprehension, but Sakagi alone has three laws in his body at this moment. Otherwise, I am afraid that I am not his opponent.

 08 Dr. Yew patted Tianlin on the shoulder, smiled and comforted, "Okay, don't think too much, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person, there are Mr. Du, Zhulan, Dawu, Dandi, Adai in the alliance. Ke, and you, everyone unites, we will definitely be able to defeat him."

"Well, yes, let's talk about the future!" Tian Lin smiled reluctantly, not wanting to say more, how could it be as simple as she thought, the champions of all regions have their own responsibilities. How could it be so easy to join forces.

Moreover, once Sakagi integrates the three laws and three master-level Pokémon appear, even if all the champions join forces, they may not win him.

Unless Tianlin uses a first-level god, he can't do it. In fact, when he was in the ruins before, he tried to summon Lie Kongzai or Palkia to come, but an ominous premonition stopped him, he always felt , If you face Sakagi with a first-level god, it will cause even greater disasters.

"Uncle Sakagi, what secrets do you have?" Tian Lin sighed as he looked towards Kanto.

Over the sea, Team Rocket's helicopter was flying towards the Kanto direction. Sakagi was playing with half of the Night Meteor in his hand. At this moment, a sinister voice sounded in his ear.

"Sakagi, have you met Tianlin?"

"You are really all-pervasive, Shadow, you can find me in the helicopter!" Sakagi said.

"Don't forget, you have my energy in you, and finding you couldn't be easier for me. It seems that you fought against Tianlin, why didn't you do your best?"

"Are you questioning me? I know how much effort I put in, and you don't need to decide." Sakagi frowned slightly, he didn't want to be taught that way.

"Hmph, with your strength and all-out efforts, Tianlin is not your opponent. Even if you can't kill him, you can at least force out the two first-level gods in his hands." Shadow said angrily.

It has a plan for a long time, and the key to the success of the plan is two points, one is to force Tianlin to use a first-level god, and the other is that Tianlin's opponent has a power it bestows.

At the beginning of the Shenao Alliance, the first point had been completed, but at the last moment, Ah Yin destroyed part of its origin, not only making its plan bankrupt, but also taking a long time to cultivate.

Now Sakagi is the other way around. Although he has his power, Sakagi only uses a part of the power that is comparable to Tianlin's, so that he can't force Tianlin's first-level god. This father and son, no one can worry about it. Not willing to be his puppet obediently.

"I'm the boss of the Rockets. How can I use all my strength in the face of an opponent as big as my son? I also want to be embarrassed." Sakagi ignored the shadow and closed his eyes to recuperate.

How can Sakagi be a soft-hearted person, in fact, he is completely intentional, the purpose is very simple, he just doesn't want to be used by the shadows.

He didn't know what the shadow wanted to do, but his intuition told him that it was not good.

"It seems that we have to find a new puppet. This father and son are too scheming, and it is too difficult to control." How can the shadow not understand Sakagi's thoughts? With Sakagi's strength, as long as he is willing to help it, it has absolute confidence. Return to the peak period in a short period of time.

But now it finds that Sakagi is not under its control at all, but instead uses its power to keep getting stronger. If this goes on, it will become Sakagi's puppet, so it must leave some behind.

In Feiyun City, Tian Lin bid farewell to Dr. Yew, and went to the Pokémon Center to exchange the original six Pokémon on his body, so he planned to go to Feiyun Gym. Now that the incident has ended, this Gym The battle should begin.

Of course, you have to be fully prepared before going to the challenge gym.

"Come out, Pokkigu!"

"Pokkigu, you are the main force in this Gym Challenge. Before that, I want to improve your strength, come, touch this!" Tian Lin touched Pokekigu's head and smiled.

He thought that it was almost time. Pokokigu didn't need experience points to evolve Pokokis, a stone of light was enough, and he had a high-grade stone of light on his body. This was the time of the Futaba festival. It was given to him after he finished the stone lecture.

 433 "Kigu!" Pokekigu stretched out his small hand, pressed it on the stone of light, and immediately surrounded it with the light of evolution.

The famous and famous generation of cancer in the previous life, Tianen Pookekis finally appeared, bird-type Pokémon, coupled with egg-shaped body, no matter how you look at it, it is an honest and cute little guy.

But anyone who underestimates its power will surely be hit head-on.

Pokkis, female, goblin type plus flying type, blessing Pokémon, characteristic of grace, bold personality (plus defense minus attack), height 1.8m, weight 42kg, excellent qualifications, champion potential, current strength quasi-king mid-level , has skills: command, feather habitat, charming, magic flash, mental strength, jet flame, stand-in, primitive power, yawn, look at me, air slash.

"Is it amazing? With you here, it seems that my third badge is secure!" Tian Lin smiled with satisfaction.

Being praised, Pokkis proudly circled around Tianlin a few times, and the expression expressed was very obvious. Isn't it just a gym?

Well, although this child has fully evolved, the black-bellied character has not changed at all, or because his strength has become stronger, I am afraid that he will play tricks on people in the future.

Now that the preparations were complete, Tian Lin packed his bags and walked towards Feiyun Taoist Hall.

Chapter [*]: Feiyun Gym and Tianlin's unrestrained tactics

Tianlin came to Feiyun Gym, which was arranged like a botanical garden, surrounded by dense trees, very similar to the Cypress Gym in Chengdu, but much more luxurious.

This environment is indeed very suitable for the growth of Bug-type Pokémon.

"Tianlin, welcome to my Feiyun Taoist Hall." Mr. Yati came to Tianlin to greet him, "This time, it's really thanks to you that this matter can be solved perfectly, I've heard Dr. If you want to replace Sakagi with such a strong power, I am afraid that you will lose miserably. I want to express my gratitude to you on behalf of Feiyun City and the Insect-type Pokémon!"

"It's nothing, Mr. Yadi, has Xiao Zhi left?" Tian Lin asked.

"Yes, after the centipede group took the initiative to disperse, I knew the incident had been completely resolved, so I immediately accepted his challenge. It was a really good battle, and I was very happy to give him the badge!" Yadi smiled, "It's your turn now, but before the game started, a little guy has been waiting for you for a long time."

With that said, Yadi shouted from the tree, "Come out, Tianlin is back!"

A red figure slowly climbed out of the grass, and Tian Lin recognized it as the leader of the centipede group.

"It's you, didn't you leave with your partner?" Although Tianlin subdued it, he was helpless at the time. The leader is very important to a group, and Tianlin never thought of taking it away.

"Haha, don't worry, do you still remember the centipede we rescued in the sewers, this time when it organized the migration of the ethnic group, it showed amazing leadership, the position of the leader, the centipede has been handed over to it , and this original leader is now your Pokémon, waiting for your return, accept it!" Yadi explained.

"Yes, you are welcome to join my team, Centipede!" Tian Lin happily accepted the Centipede. This child has an amazing talent and potential, and is also a dream-type Pokémon. Since he is willing to follow him, Tian Lin's brain is too much.

However, this gym Zhan Tianlin didn't plan to send it on the field, so he let it watch the battle first.

"Then, let's start our game immediately~' ." Yadi walked to the side of the opposing battlefield and handed the centipede back to Tianlin. His part-time job was over, and now he should finish his job as a gym trainer. Already working.

"Then please give me more advice, Mr. Yadi!"

"Now, let's start the gym competition in Feiyun Gym. The trainers on both sides can use three Pokémon. When all the Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight, the game is over!"

As soon as the referee's voice fell, Mr. Yadi took the lead in throwing out the Poké Ball, "As a gym trainer, I'll be the first to do the debut job, let's go, Crab in the Rock Palace!"

"The Crab in the Rock Palace, could it be that the Crab in the Rock evolved at that time?" Tian Lin felt a little familiar with this Pokémon.

"You guessed it right, it has become stronger, even if it is your ivy snake, it is not its opponent now. Do you want to try it?" Yadi provocatively asked, but he had always wanted to be a crab in the Yandian. Shame before the snow.

"You can't ask for it, Ivy Snake, go!" Tian Lin didn't want to avoid the battle at all. Although it was very unwise to use Grass-type Pokémon in an insect-type gym, he didn't think the Ivy Snake would lose.

"Then let's start, Ivy Snake, make a provocation!"

"The Crab in the Rock Palace, use a broken shell!"

The opening of the two was very different from the last time. Tian Lin was almost defeated by this move, so how could he have hit the same move twice.

"Very good, the following is, Feiye Storm!"

"Oops, Crab in the Rock Palace, Scissor Cross Fist!"

When provoked, the Crab in the Rock Palace can only use an attacking trick, but it has not been strengthened by breaking the shell. Even if the attributes are mutually restrained, the Crab in the Rock Palace cannot kill the Ivy Snake in one blow.

On the contrary, it was the Flying Leaf Storm of the Ivy Snake, whose power was greatly increased by carrying the Miracle Seed, and in one move, the sturdy characteristics of the Crab in the Rock Palace were played out.

"Don't think that I have no other way to fight if I lose the broken shell, Crab in the Rock Palace, go crazy!"

Crazy is a skill that can be used in conjunction with the sturdiness feature. This skill is that the less one's physical strength, the greater the power. Now, the power of the Crab in the Rock Palace is unparalleled. Even Feiye Storm, which has improved its special attack, can't be matched. .

"Ivy Snake, avoid it and use the grass field!" Tian Lin chose to temporarily avoid the edge. The speed of the Ivy Snake was slightly better, and he barely avoided the attack, and then he set up the grass field.

"Even if you increase the power of the grass element, you can't match the current madness. Keep attacking, the crab in the rock palace!" Yadi knew that if you defend for a long time, you will lose, so his attack became more and more fierce, just to let the ivy snake in himself Leaked flaws under the storm.

"Really, I don't plan to dodge anymore, is the power of your crazy move really that high!" Tian Lin chuckled, the formula for victory has been written, and the opportunity to counterattack has come, "'" Ivy Snake, Flying Leaf Storm! "

The Qingteng Snake once again blew the Feiye Storm, which was joined by the crazy confrontation of the Yandian resident crab. At first, the Feiye Storm was still at a disadvantage, and was continuously pushed by the Yandian resident crab.

But the moment before the Crab in the Rock Palace was about to win, the form suddenly changed. The Crab in the Rock Palace was blown away like a powerless successor, and fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

"The Crab in the Rock Palace loses its ability to fight, and the Ivy Snake wins!" the referee pronounced.

"What, how is it possible?" Yadi didn't react for a while. It was not the power of the ivy snake that had greatly increased just now, but the crab in the Yandian, who did not know why, and the power of the trick dropped significantly, so that the opponent turned defeat into victory.

"Mr. Yadi, you should thank me, I just treated the crab in the rock palace for you!" Tianlin explained.

"Treatment? That's right, this green grass field!" Yadi understood, what kind of treatment, Tian Lin didn't have a good heart at all.

 (Okay?) The grass field skill can not only increase the power of grass-type tricks, but also allow Pokémon on the field to recover one-sixteenth of their stamina each round. More importantly, this skill affects the entire field. , that is, not only yourself, but also your opponents will be boosted by the field.

Originally, this was a good thing, but it was too deadly for the Crab Crab, who used to be crazy. Originally, it was extremely powerful. After the Crab's physical strength recovered a little, its power suddenly dropped by almost a quarter. One kill.

As for the opponent, because of the grass field, the power of the ultimate move is multiplied. Under the situation, its defeat is very natural.

"Winning by restoring my Pokémon's stamina, I've never seen such a winning method before. It's such a wild tactic, you really are amazing Tianlin!" Yadi praised.

"Thank you for the compliment." Tian Lin is used to this kind of praise, and his expression is not careless, because the game is not over yet! .

The first thousand and ninety-two chapters cry mask first battle

The game continued. After Mr. Yadi took back the Crab in the Rock Palace, he took out a new Insect-type Pokémon, one of the famous Insect-type Pokémon in Hezhong, an electric spider with both an electric type.

It seems that Mr. Yadi really attaches great importance to Tianlin, and the Pokémon he took out are much stronger than those he used to deal with other challengers. At least when he dealt with Xiaozhi yesterday, he was only in front of Shiju Crab and Wheel Ball. An incompletely evolved Pokémon.

"Electric Spider, is your pure heart burning?" Yadi is also burning with fighting spirit at the moment. With Tianlin as his opponent, he has long stopped planning to test his strength. It's better to have a good fight, isn't it?

And Tianlin naturally won't let him down, "Green Vine Snake, Feiye Storm!"

The green vine snake used the Flying Leaf Storm for the third time, and it wanted to use this attack to increase its special attack to the maximum!

"Electric spider, avoid it and use gastric juice!"

The speed of this electric spider, Yadi, was so fast that even Feiye Fengfeng couldn't catch up with its movements under the continuous swing of the four spider legs.

Then the electric spider spews disgusting gastric juice, which is a unique trick to wash away the opponent's characteristics.

433 The ivy snake is stained with gastric juice, and its proud dual characteristics of lush and naysaying have completely disappeared.

And because of the loss of the naysayer, the negative characteristics of Flying Leaf Storm will be activated naturally, and the special attack of Ivy Snake will be greatly reduced in an instant.

"How, do you still dare to fight against me now, Electric Spider, use thunder!" Yadi saw that Tianlin did not dare to use Feiye Storm again, and took the opportunity to start a continuous attack.

The lightning of the electric spider is not only powerful, but also has extremely high accuracy. This is all due to its characteristics, compound eyes, which has only a 70% hit rate of thunder, and it has been mentioned more than 90%.

"Ivy Snake, be charming!"

It's not that Tianlin has no way to counterattack. No matter how high the lightning hit rate is, this is an electrical skill. The ivy snake is enough to resist it. After withstanding the thunder and lightning, the ivy snake releases countless love and charms the electric spider.

"It's a good idea, it's a pity!" Yadi smiled faintly, seeing that the electric spider hit by Charming was unmoved at all. This situation proves that this electric spider is a female Pokémon at all, and charming is completely useless. .

"Fix it, Signal Ray! (aiea)"

A colorful light passed through all the hearts, and the Ivy Snake, who was defenseless because of its charming failure, successfully pulled back a game for Yadi.

This time the game became two to two.

Tianlin took back the Ivy Snake and took out a Poke Ball again.

"Crying mask, I'll ask you now!" Tian Lin No. [*] is just a crying mask. When this child is subdued, his level is very high. After a few battles, he can almost evolve.

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