Chapter [*]: The three-legged Tianlin directly lifts the table

"Vio, you're hitting too hard, even if they are Team Rocket's Pokémon, they can't hurt like this!" Looking at the crying mask and the billowing bats frozen into ice sculptures, Rhodes questioned directly.

Sometimes Vio really wanted to shoot this Virgin to death, and even the boss Kui Qisi complained at this moment.

Seeing this scene in the dark, Sakagi seemed to have discovered something, but he was not allowed to think about it at the moment, because the Vulcan Moth moved, or rather, it triggered the power of the night meteor.

I saw that the meteorite emitted an extremely high temperature at night, and Dr. Seg burned off his gloves, so he had to let go of his hand. The meteorite flew to the side of the Vulcan Moth. The ring of attributes melted directly.

"This is, no wonder the meteorite has the power to change the celestial phenomenon this night, and it actually contains the law of fire!" Tianlin and Sakagi's eyes became solemn.

At this moment, the friendly picture they had just now disappeared, and there was only one thought in their hearts, that is, they must never let the other party get the night meteorite.

After all, laws represent power. When a champion-level peak Pokémon fully understands a law, it has the ability to compete with a first-level god.

Why is Sakagi obsessed with creating super dreams? Isn’t it the desire for the power of the first-level gods? Although his super armored rhinoceros and giant stingers have begun to comprehend the laws of the earth and insects respectively, but if they are to fully understand, who knows? To the year of the monkey, the month of the horse.

The night meteorite in front of you is different. The law of fire contained in it is ready-made and complete. This is like the difference between writing a book and reading a book. The giant bee and the giant gold monster are writing books and improving themselves little by little. content, and as long as you get a meteorite, it is like reading a book. After reading the whole book, you will make a breakthrough.

"Big Needle Bee, do it!"

"The giant gold monster, grab the meteorite!"

The two started their actions very tacitly. Two Pokémon flew out from behind the plasma group. Before Vio could turn around, his geometric snowflake, which was only a king, was affected by Chiyu and was directly hit by two champion-level peak Pokémon. Fly, helpless.

However, because of the mutual check and balance between the giant needle bee and the giant golden monster, at this moment, no one can be good. After the collision, they bounced off each other, and the meteorite is still in the hands of Vulcan Moth.

At this moment, it was like entering a three-legged situation. Although Vulcan Moth did not understand the laws in the meteorite, it has always guarded the meteorite. With the help of the power inside, it is enough to compete with two Pokémon for a while.

"Boss!" Musashi Kojiro excitedly looked at Sakagi who came over. As long as Sakagi was there, they would have the backbone. The Seven Sages of the Plasma Corps would not be worthy of their boss' shoes.

"Tianlin, are you all right?" Yew was also very happy at the moment, and Tianlin's arrival made her feel a lot at ease.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Tian Lin smiled at her, then looked at Sakagi seriously, "Give it up, Uncle Sakagi, with me here today, it is impossible for you to get the Night Meteor."

"It's not that simple to stop me. Today, I have to decide the law of fire." Sakagi has planned for so long, there is no reason to let it go at this moment, as long as they grab the meteorite, their Rocket Team will have one more First-class god.

But the problem is that Tianlin's strength is not much weaker than him now, and he really dare not act rashly for a while.

"Damn, the meteorites must be taken away by our plasma group. You decide to belong to yourself, are you looking down on us?" Vio said angrily, his ace was beaten for no reason and lost his ability to fight, which made him very unhappy.

But Tianlin and Banmu glanced at him and said in unison, "Yes, shut up!"

They just look down on him, a little junior king, who is horizontal in front of two champions, who gave him the courage?Quizzes?

The two of them are still facing each other, but some people can't wait. For Vulcan Moth, either Tianlin's side or Sakagi's side, they are all villains who want to snatch the meteorite in the night, and it has to drive them all away.

Borrowing the fire energy in the meteorite, the Vulcan Moth danced the dance of fire again. The temperature at this moment was even more terrifying. As in the legend, it was like an artificial sun, illuminating the entire ground, and the high temperature would melt everything in the world.

The big stinger bee and the giant golden monster are all weak, and at this moment, facing such a high temperature, they have to retreat.

"Doctor, hurry up and get out of here, you can't bear such a high temperature." Tianlin reminded loudly that he has a super-power shield, and it will not be a problem to hold it for a while, but Yew and Miss Junsha are mortal. I'm afraid it will be cooked in no time.

"Musashi Kojiro, you also leave with all the members of Team Rocket." Sakagi ordered,

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"What about you, boss?"

"I'm fine." I saw that Sakagi's whole body flashed a green light, and he was able to resist the high temperature like Tianlin.

"Evergreen's power, like Ah Yin's, is indeed a father and son!" Tian Lin was not surprised by Sakagi's ever-green power. As the former strongest gym trainer in Changqing City, he did not master this kind of power. strangeness.

The two parties immediately withdrew from the temple, including everyone in the plasma group. They just wanted to capture the meteorite, but they didn't want to die at all.

At this moment, in the temple of ruins, apart from Vulcan Moth, only Tianlin and Sakagi were left.

Sakagi smiled and said, "This Vulcan moth is really strong, then when I capture the night meteorite, I will take it by the way, let's go, super armored rhinoceros!"

...... 0

Although the large needle bee could not face the Vulcan Moth head-on due to its inferior attributes, Sakagi's super-armored rhinoceros had four times the suppression power against the Vulcan Moth, and Sakagi had the advantage at this moment.

"Rock Cannon!"

A huge rock cannon flew out, instantly smashing the Vulcan Moth out, and the fire dance stopped.

Seeing this scene, Tian Lin was worried again, "No, Sakagi is too strong, far ahead of me, it is extremely difficult to stop him today, in this case, giant gold monster, cannon light cannon!"

"Huh? What does Tianlin want to do? Not good!" Sakagi quickly understood Tianlin's thoughts. The target of the cannon's attack was not his Pokémon, but the Night Meteor. Tianlin actually wanted to ruin the night. Night meteorite, everyone shot and scattered.

A huge resentment flashed through Sakagi's heart. How could there be such a thing? If he couldn't beat him, he would overturn the table. Tian Lin is too much fun.

"Big Needle Bee, stop him!" Sakagi said anxiously. Although the meteorite at night contained the law of fire, it was still a stone, and it was definitely not immune to being hit by the cannon that contained the law of steel.

It's a pity that Sakagi's order was still a step too late. The meteorite had been hit by the light at night, and there were slight cracks on it. The big needle bee waving the spear, and it was repaired in time, and the beam of the cannon light cannon was scattered from the middle.

Because of this blow, the giant gold monster did not completely smash the night meteorite into powder, but a crack in the middle split the meteorite into two halves and bounced toward the left and right sides.

Exactly half of it fell on Tianlin's hand, and half fell on Sakagi's handkerchief.

Chapter [*]: The Attribution of the Night Meteorite

"You are so decisive." Sakagi stared at Tianlin, with admiration in anger.

"Each each other." Tian Lin said that Sakagi's response was not slow, and he did not allow him to completely destroy the night meteorite.

Half of the meteorite in their hands is now overflowing with energy, and the law of fire contained in it seems to be gradually disappearing. If this continues, the meteorite at night will soon become an ordinary stone.

Tianlin and Sakagi's hands shone, and the two of them thought of another one, that is to use the power of evergreen in their bodies to lock the last bit of the power of law.

In this way, even if Pokémon cannot read the entire law book, at least an outline is retained. Some Pokémon with amazing aptitude can still get a chance to understand the law of fire through this half meteorite.

"That's it for today, Tian Lin, I will take the Rockets back to the Kanto region." Sakagi put away the half meteorite in his hand. idea, because it can't be done.

Tianlin's strength is not much inferior to him.

"Okay, Uncle Sakagi, let's save our battle for the next time." Tian Lin didn't plan to stop him either. Sakagi couldn't stop him, and he couldn't stop Sakagi either, so he didn't want to fight meaningless battles.

"By the way, Tianlin, since you have come to Hezhong, it will be a matter of time before you meet the plasma group. Although they have a good image in the society, they will be exposed one day. I found a big weakness in them. , are you interested in listening?" Sakagi suddenly turned around halfway through.

"Weakness? You tell me this, just want to use me to deal with the plasma group." Tian Lin smiled, "That's not necessary, even if you don't say it, I will deal with them. As for the weakness you said, I will first Let me ask you a question, what is 5 plus 2?"

"5 plus 2, haha, I'm meddling with my own business, so you already found out, this guy Kui Qisi made a big mistake, I'm waiting for the day when he is completely eliminated by you." Hearing this question, Sakagi immediately understood that Tianlin had the same discovery as him, and left with a big smile.

"Finally gone." Seeing the disappearance of Sakagi's figure, Tian Lin breathed a sigh of relief and confronted Sakagi in front of him, so that he could feel how much pressure he put on him.

Now he still has one more thing to do, that is to rescue the Vulcan Moth that has been knocked down by Sakagi in the ruins. After losing the Night Meteor, its strength is greatly reduced, and the after-effects of forcibly applying the Law of Fire will only show on it. .

This is also the reason why Sakagi no longer intends to accept it.

The giant gold monster used its superpower to push away the gravel that was pressing on the Vulcan Moth, and saw that its body was flickering with fire. It was obviously a fire-type Pokémon, but its body seemed to be burned, exuding a strong high temperature.

Sure enough, the backlash against the Law of Fire has already appeared. If it goes on like this, it will be burned to death. After all, the Vulcan Moth is also a worm type, and it has no resistance to the fire type at all.

"I hope this thing can save you!" Tian Lin guided the power in half of the night meteorite and slowly conveyed it to Vulcan Moth.

At this moment, the Vulcan Moth must save itself, and the only way to save itself is to let it comprehend the law of fire, so Tianlin gave it the opportunity to comprehend the law, which is its own thing.

Tian Lin didn't feel bad about losing the opportunity to let Lao Fu comprehend the law of fire. After all, compared with the life of Vulcan Moth, everything seemed less important.

At this time, the plasma group and Dr. Yew returned to the ruins. When they saw Sakagi leaving with his subordinates, they knew that the battle here was over.

Facing Sakagi, they didn't dare to stop him. At this moment, they were more concerned about different things. Dr. Yew was worried about Tianlin, and the plasma group was of course worried about the ownership of the meteorite in the night.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Seeing Tianlin transferring the power of the Night Meteor to Vulcan Moth, Vio's eyes were splitting. In his heart, it belonged to their plasma group.

"Vio, can't you see that he is saving the Vulcan Moth, what a good boy." Unlike Vio, Rhode was very impressed.

"Yeah, in the face of such a huge power, you can actually not covet it!" Dr. Yew said with great satisfaction, as expected of Dr. Damu's apprentice, and his strength is not worth mentioning.

"Humph!" Seeing the two of them like this, Vio had no choice but to snort coldly. Now he wants to maintain his character, so he can't speak to them. Second, he wants to snatch it, but he also knows that he can't beat Tianlin at all.

Next to Tianlin, there was the gleaming giant golden monster guarding him, and no one dared to act rashly.

No matter how angry Vio is at the moment, he can only hold it back. This time, their plasma regiment can only lose their wife and lose their troops, and gain nothing.

After a while, the power of law in the meteorite was finally delivered. Half of the night meteorite in Tianlin's hand turned into fly ash, completely losing its effectiveness. The temperature on Vulcan Moth began to drop, returning to normal body temperature 0... ....

In fact, the backlash of the law on Vulcan Moth has not completely disappeared, but it is now entering the law of fire, and can gradually control this power by itself, not only the life is saved, but also the future can be described as limitless.

Vulcan Moth flew to Tianlin and nodded to express his gratitude.

"The meteorite has disappeared at night, and your duty to guard this place is over. Leave, live your own free life, and remember to comb the fire energy in your body from time to time. When you completely master the law of fire, you will become Among ordinary Pokémon, the king of fire!"

Vulcan Moth stared at Tianlin for a while, a little reluctant. Because of Tianlin's gentleness, it found that it was somewhat in love with this human being, but at this moment, the energy in its body was still very mixed and disordered, and it had to solve this problem first.

In the end, Vulcan Moth shot a jet of flame towards the top, and the flame power integrated into the law of fire was astonishing, and instantly opened up a passage to the outside world.

The Vulcan Moth flew out of the passage and gradually disappeared into the sky.

"Hehe, you even opened a way for me. It's okay, I'll find a way to get out again. Doctor, Miss Junsha, Mr. Rhodes, the matter has been solved perfectly, let's go too!"

Tian Lin used his super power to float himself and the three of them, and followed the passage of Vulcan Moth and returned to the outside of the ruins.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Vio, my super power can only take three people at most, you can find a way yourself!"

Tian Lin doesn't have a good impression of Vio's human-faced beast-hearted thing. It doesn't matter if he is dead or alive in 4.0, but there are so many members of the Plasma Corps here. They can't die if they die. .

"Mr. Rhodes, then we are going back to Feiyun City, you should take care." Tianlin bid farewell, Rhodes still has to wait for Vio and the others to come out, and he can't leave for a while.

"Well, goodbye by fate, although you are very good to Pokémon, but I still advise you, don't take them out to fight, if possible, it's better to set them free, that's the real love for them ." Rhodes began to persuade the Tang monk to recite the scriptures again.

Hearing these words, Tian Lin's head was about to explode, but he knew that Rhodes was just an overly kind guy who was brainwashed.

After finally listening to Rhode's lecture, Tian Lin fled from here as if flying. Facing Rhode, it was even more terrifying than facing Sakagi.

Chapter [*]: Back to Pokkis in Feiyun City

The helicopter landed in Feiyun City, and calm has indeed recovered.

Tianlin first came to Central Park, where not a single centipede could be seen. Pokémon's perception is far more sensitive than that of humans. When the meteorite disappeared at night, they knew that the disaster was over, and they all returned to themselves at this moment. home.

"Tianlin, thank you very much this time. I didn't expect that the Rockets team Sakagi would take action in person. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to win him at all." Yewshan said with lingering fears, she had never seen such a powerful character as Sakagi before. Even the United Champion Adek seems to be slightly inferior.

"It's a pity that he stole half of the meteorite at night. As long as he cultivates a fire-type Pokémon with all his heart, there may be a master-level Pokémon that will be our enemy in the future." Tian Lin is most worried about this. , how rare is the opportunity to comprehend the law.

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