As long as Hudi is durable, a single blow is enough to decide the winner.

"Hudi is incapacitated, Banquilas wins ~'!"

With the judgment of the referee, Tianlin won the first victory, which is the real advantage.

Xiaomao calmly took back Hu Di, Tianlin did catch him by surprise, but it didn't make him shake, "Since you have shown your quasi-god, then I'm not polite, go, bite Lu Shark fiercely! "

Different from Tianlin Xiaozhi, Xiaomao's Round Land Shark is a Pokémon that he has captured since he first came to Shenao, so he has enough time to nurture it. What is even more surprising is that it already has the first-level Tianwang level. Strength.

In just one year, even Tian Lin dare not say that he will be able to do it.

"I'm surprised, Tian Lin, actually I didn't expect that when I was concentrating on my cultivation on Linglan Island, Lu Shark, who had only the peak strength of the quasi-day king, would suddenly be infected with the Poké virus, and I took advantage of this virus. , helped it complete its breakthrough!" Xiao Mao laughed.

It turned out to be the reason for the Poké virus, but it was actually infected and made a breakthrough before the conference. I have to say that Xiao Mao's luck is really good.

"Interesting, then let me take a look at your strength in biting the land shark, Banquilas, use a rock blade!"

Banjilas's best trick, the rock blade, and countless sharp blades quickly flew towards Banjilas.

"You just said that the infuriating bullets my Hu Di used were RP bullets, but why is your rock sharp blade not an RP blade?" Xiao Mao chuckled lightly.

The body of the fierce bite land shark was looming under the sandstorm, perfectly dodging all the sharp rock blades.

"Quicksand hell!"

Then, Bite Land Shark used the quicksand hell trick, which plunged Banquilas into quicksand and restricted its replacement.

"So that's the case, is it because of the sandy nature of the fierce bite land shark, which in turn took advantage of my sandstorm weather!"

"That's right, you're not the only one who knows how to use characteristics such as bite land sharks, sword dance!" This is Xiao Mao's real intention, to limit the replacement of Banquilas with quicksand hell, and prevent Tianlin from sending attributes The restrained Pokémon has increased the evasion rate of the Bite Land Shark due to the sandstorm, so that the Bite Land Shark can be strengthened with peace of mind.

"It's very useful, Xiaomao, but this quicksand hell is a double-edged sword!" Tianlin had already known how to break the game, how could he let Xiaomao finish strengthening and push the team back, "Banji Russ, use a malicious pursuit trick!"

Banquilas did not care about the erosion of the quicksand on his body, and suddenly climbed out of the quicksand, which was another heavy blow, not only successfully knocking it off, but also directly interrupting the sword dance. The power was astonishing.

"It's actually a malicious pursuit, too bad!" Xiao Mao is not as calm as before. Although this move does not have a high hit rate like the RP blade, it is not very powerful. It's nothing to be afraid of at all, but he set the quicksand hell, this situation is completely different.

Malicious pursuit, this trick will double the power of the trick as long as the Pokémon is damaged before the attack.

It can be said that the quicksand hell is now providing small damage to Banquilas every moment. Therefore, during this period of time, every malicious pursuit it has used is extremely powerful.

"'" Banquilas, don't let the opponent strengthen, continue to use malicious pursuit! "

With Tianlin's order, Banquilas launched a continuous onslaught. In this regard, Xiaomao can only choose to hide, because once he is bumped again, it will be miserable to bite the land shark, even if it is successfully strengthened, there is no physical strength to fight. What's the point.

Soon, the sandstorm weather and the quicksand hell gradually ceased, the Bite Land Shark lost its astonishing evasion rate, and Banquilas also lost the power of malicious pursuit.

At this time, Xiaomao boldly continued to choose a sword dance.

But at this time, Tian Lin no longer attacked, but made Banquilas choose a dragon dance.

"Is it all enhancement? Let's see if your enhancement can exceed this. Bite Lu Shark, mega evolution!" Xiaomao was well prepared, and even found the mega stone of Bite Lu Shark. It seems that he is accurate to himself. God is still quite trusting, and gave it the mega position in this competition. (Good Zhao's Dust)

"Wow, it's a mega evolution, which is rare. It's worthy of being a semi-final. Such a high-end thing has already appeared!" The audience was boiling, after all, this is not Carlos, and mega is rare in Shenao.

I saw that the body of the super bite land shark was taller and larger than before evolution, and the head and shoulders became thinner.Five pairs of white bone spurs grew on both sides of his abdomen, and a pair of red spikes grew on his knees.Because of the excess energy, the hands and wings of the Super Bite Land Shark melted and turned into a huge sickle shape.

Just by looking at it, you can see how amazing its attack power is.

This is indeed the case. Except for the divine beast, the physical attack power of Super Bite Land Shark can be ranked second among all Pokémon, and Super Heracross can surpass it.

"Super... Bite Lu Shark?" Unlike the spectators in the auditorium, Zhu Lan on the summit stage frowned at this moment, as if she had no confidence in Super Bite Lu Shark.

Chapter [-] Bangjilas finished the abuse, super fiercely bites Lu shark Tianlin is amazingly powerful

"Haha, super biting Lu Shark, the momentum is really extraordinary!" Tian Lin smiled, but his smile contained a lightness that was difficult for others to find.

He originally thought that Banquilas would need at least two dragon dances to gain the upper hand. He was already prepared for an earthquake, but he didn't expect the situation to turn out like this.

Now, one dragon dance is enough.

"Bite the land shark fiercely and use the sword dance again!"


The two trainers issued orders one after another. Tian Lin's was obviously aimed at Xiao Mao. After some provocation by Banquilas, he failed to strengthen the second time by biting Lu Shark.

"Can't you strengthen it, then I'll attack, bite the land shark, earthquake!" After all, the bite of the land shark successfully succeeded in a sword dance, and its attack power at this moment is quite terrifying.

However, Banquilas is not an ordinary Pokémon. Its defense is enough to sustain an attack. For Tianlin, that is enough.

"Banquilas, use a fraudulent attack!"

Before the earthquake had fully unfolded, Banquilas quickly stepped forward, and a fraudulent attack hit the land shark's chest. The damage of this attack was quite astonishing, because the power of fraud is not based on his own attack power, but on his own. It is the attack power of the opponent. At this moment, how strong the attack power of the fierce bite land shark is, its damage is as heavy as 370.

The quasi-god is a quasi-god after all, Bite Lu Shark forcibly endured the pain, and finally resorted to an earthquake trick. The strong vibration shook the entire venue. Banquilas endured the earthquake with unpleasantness, and looked at the super strong man with lingering fears. Bite the land shark, worthy of being the quasi-god with the strongest physical attack, this is it, and it is estimated that it is difficult to resist the earthquake if it is replaced by other Pokémon.

"Hey, haven't you fallen yet? The name of the quasi-god of Banquilas is not a cover, but one more attack is enough to bite the land shark fiercely and use the dragon's claws!" Xiaomao said to himself.

"Banquilas, avoid it and kick it down!"

Surprisingly, Banquilas' monster-like figure is far more agile than Liebite Land Shark. I saw it turn sideways, dodging the attack, and then kicked Liebite Land Shark's ankle with one foot. fell to the ground.

"Then use a stampede!"

Banjilas was arrogant and stepped directly on the back of Liebiting Lu Shark. Who is Xiaomao, you're not rough skin? Banjilas doesn't slap his feet when he steps on it. .

But it doesn't really matter whether it is, anyway, the super-evolutionary fierce bite land shark has the power of sand.

"Bite Lu Shark fiercely, stand up quickly!" Xiao Mao roared.

"Don't even think about it, Banjilas, use a sleeping trick!" Tianlin put on another magical operation. Banjilas actually used the bite land shark directly as a sleeping pad, and pressed it on it and began to recover his strength.

This time, it is more difficult to bite the land shark. After all, the weight of Banquilas is also more than 200kg. Tianlin is close to 250kg because of good breeding. On the other hand, the super bite land shark is only less than 100kg. Not on a tonnage.

"Oops, if it goes on like this, Banquilas will not be able to get back to full strength and bite the land shark!" Xiao Mao suddenly became anxious when he saw that he was completely at a disadvantage. "By the way, use the quicksand hell again."

Xiaomao's aura appeared, and then the quicksand hell formed a landslide. The sleeping Banquilas finally slid off the Liebite Lu Shark, and then the Liebite Lu Shark jumped out of the quicksand hell. "Hmph, Tianlin, go to sleep rashly, see how you fight back, bite Lu Shark fiercely, and use another earthquake!"

"Banquilas, use sleep talk!"

Dream Talk is a skill that can only be used when you are asleep. It randomly uses a skill that a Pokémon can know, and Tian Lin was lucky, and Banquilas used a trick to throw mud.

The dirt hit the eyes of Liebite Lu Shark, and Liebite Lu Shark couldn't see the direction immediately. He stepped on one foot at will. The huge shock wave did not hit Banquilas, but hit the auditorium. The entire audience staggered.

"What are you doing, see your opponent clearly and then use the trick!" The audience suddenly howled in dissatisfaction.

At this time, Banquilas woke up from his sleep, and after sleeping, its physical strength has obviously completely recovered to its best state.

"Hey, have you noticed that you originally thought that after the super-evolution of the Bite Land Shark, it would be very strong to defeat Banquilas, but now it is being suppressed and beaten, but this is not the case before the evolution." Finally, someone I sensed something was wrong. In this game, the turning point was the super evolution.

Tian Lin, who had five keen senses, heard the whispers in the audience, smiled and said, "Has someone finally discovered it, Xiao Mao, I will teach you a battle rule right now, which is the importance of the speed line!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Zhulan sighed, she had already anticipated the current situation.

"Speed ​​line?" Xiao Mao was surprised.Finally fully realized.

Logically speaking, the speed of biting land sharks is much higher than that of Banquilas. Even if Banquilas goes through a dragon dance, it may not be able to close the gap.

But from the very beginning, Banquilas was the first to provoke, first to deceive, first to kick, first to sleep, and first to throw mud. It can be said that on the speed line, it firmly suppressed the super bite land shark, thus making it No matter how strong the attack power is, it cannot be used.

"Xiao Mao, it seems that you don't know that the flaw of the Super Biting Lu Shark is that when its attack power is greatly increased, its speed drops, but it has not been able to learn the very crucial dragon dance, so sometimes , you can't do super evolution blindly." Tian Lin said seriously, this is his uncle's education to his nephew, "Banquilas, use a rock blade!"

Countless sharp rock blades flew out, completely hitting the Super Bite Land Shark. After a dragon dance, Banquilas was now faster than the Super Bite Land Shark, and how could the other side deal with it.

"Lie...Bite the land shark loses its ability to fight, and Banquilas wins!"

Even the referee was surprised before he raised the flag. Without him, Tianlin is really terrible. It was the first time he saw someone who could make a super-evolutionary quasi-god look like this. Banquilas won without injury. The strength gap is too big.

And this gap is not in Pokémon, it is purely the gap between trainers.

"This, this is Tian Lin's real strength?" Xiao Zhi was amazed. He could fully feel how serious Xiao Mao was today, but even Xiao Mao, who was so serious, could not fight back against Tian Lin. force.

In the Damu Research Institute of Zhenxin Town, Dr. Damu watched the video and grabbed the edge of the sofa tightly. The reason why Tianlin showed such strength was because of his request, "I don't know if Xiaomao can overcome such pressure, God. Lin's strength is stronger than I originally estimated."

Tianlin is his apprentice and Xiaomao is his grandson. He loves them equally, but now, Xiaomao must face the oppression brought by Tianlin, so that he can go further by giving up travel and concentrating on cultivation, otherwise, That can only prove that his experience in the past few years is not enough, and he is far from being qualified as a gym trainer.

At this moment, as a grandfather, he can only cheer for his grandson silently.

Chapter [-] The Importance of Speed ​​Lines

"Feng speed dog, please next!"

Xiaomao's right-hand man again, one of the veterans, the wind speed dog finally appeared.

The wind speed dog is stronger than the previous two, and it has reached the level of the middle-level king. It seems that Xiaomao's team this time is the king of all members, so it means that Xiaomao can be regarded as an official in terms of Pokémon strength. Step into the king level.

The rest is himself. In this game, how far he can fight under Tianlin's oppression is the proof of his strength.

"Wind-speed dog? Using fire-type Pokémon in front of Banquilas, are you trying to use its intimidation to reduce the attack power of the old class? No, it should not only be that, maybe it will do that trick!" In an instant, he has almost understood all the information of the wind speed dog. He does not need to rely on the system to probe, or in other words, in the alliance competition, he almost never uses the system to probe the enemy's information, which violates fairness-equity the rules.

But even if there is no system, the knowledge of Pokémon he has is enough for him to use it for a lifetime.

"Feng speed dog, use close fists!"

"Banquilas, use a stand-in!"

It was ordered at the same time, this wind speed dog really can fight close-quarters fist, exactly as he expected, Tian Lin is doing an experiment, if it is what he thinks, then the winner this time is still him, but if not , then he can only choose to replace.

He was quite satisfied with the results of the experiment. Bangjilas first put on a stand-in, and then the stand-in was knocked out under the quadruple restraint fighting skills of Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Exactly as Tian Lin expected, after the Dragon Dance, the speed of Banquilas not only surpassed the Super Bite Lu Shark, but also surpassed the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

The wind speed dog sounds fast, but it is actually because it can learn the super-speed pre-emptive skill of super speed, and its own speed race is not much more than the super bite land shark.

It's easy for the wind speed dog to attack first, that is, to use super speed, but super speed is only a general skill, and for Banquilas, the damage is minimal.

"Sure enough, you can only use melee punches, come on, wind speed dog!"

"Banquilas, stand-in!"

"Close fist."


On one side, there is Xiao Mao, who is crazy about killing Banjilas, and on the other, Banjilas, who is constantly using a stand-in to avoid the fate of instant killing. The choice of both sides can be described as desperate.

"Tianlin, the number of substitutes has reached the limit, let's see how you dodge the next blow, the last blow, close fist!" The reason why Xiao Mao used his close fist so fiercely was to weaken Banquilas. The stamina of the substitute will consume a quarter of its stamina each time, so even if it is full of stamina, it can only be used up to three times.

Tian Lin smiled and said, "Who said I was going to hide, Banquilas, make an earthquake!"

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