"Very good, let's use thunder!" Shinji took advantage of the situation with all his strength, which was comparable to the thunder and lightning attack of the heavenly king, sending white smoke out of Raging Monkey Electric's body.

The Electric Shock Warcraft let go of the flaming monkey, and saw it fell to the ground with a thud.

"Have you lost your ability to fight?" Everyone looked at the field anxiously. The Flaming Monkey was the last Pokémon that Xiaozhi could fight. Once it fell, it meant that Xiaozhi was defeated.

The referee slowly raised the flag, intending to announce the result of the game.

At this time, Shinji mocked at the flaming monkey, "What's the matter, are you still only at this level?"

Just like the words of the year, this was the sentence that Shinji said to Little Flame Monkey the most. Compared with ridicule, today's Shinji is more motivated and hates iron.

The former Shinji may have been more ruthless, but he just went the wrong way, but after ten years of drinking ice, his blood is not cold, and now he has regained his original intention and completely changed.

Even if the flaming monkey is no longer his Pokémon, he hopes that the flaming monkey can play the blood of the fire-type Pokémon.

Because of this sentence, the unwillingness of the flame monkey was awakened, the son of flame woke up, and Ash was overjoyed, "Resurrection, flame monkey, let Shinji see you after becoming stronger!"

The flame of the blazing monkey rose into the sky, and the fierce fire broke out completely. The unprecedented soaring flame enveloped the entire venue, and the heat began to spread around.

Zhulan couldn't help but stand up, "This fierce fire, Heavenly King level, no, higher, rivals the champion!"

She didn't expect that a Pokémon that was only at the peak of the quasi-celestial king could soar to a level close to that of a champion with a burst of fire. Even if the increase was like a mega evolution, it would be dwarfed by this super fire.

What Xiao Zhi was waiting for was this moment, the flaw that the Flaming Monkey just revealed was given to Shinji on purpose, all to bring the Flaming Monkey's physical strength to the limit.

"Very good, Flaming Monkey, use the jet flame!"

The flame monkey once again used the jet flame, its power far surpassed the heat, the fire column even turned white, and the temperature was so high that it was impossible to look directly at it.

"Electric Warcraft, be careful, the opponent's flames have become stronger than before, use thunder!" Shinji was still very calm, he did not defend, because there was a precedent for defending being forcibly broken in the past, he judged that the current flames Monkeys can do it too.

Facts have proved that his choice was not wrong. The moment the Electric Shock Warcraft came into contact with the jet flame, it knew that the power of this attack even surpassed that of the Regilock from the Age of Gods.

The Electric Shock Warcraft couldn't match it at all. Fortunately, the thunder reduced a lot of the flame's strength, and it barely managed to carry it down. But then, the Flame Monkey suddenly jumped out of the flame and threw a punch that knocked it away.

Super Fire not only increases the flame, but also the speed and strength of the flame monkey are not small.

"The next blow is going to be a showdown!" Ash and Shinji shouted at the same time 0 ........

It's not that Shinji has no chance of winning. Although the flame monkey is powerful at the moment, it is on the verge of the limit. With just one blow, he can establish a victory. Xiaozhi also understands this, so he must fight quickly.

"Flame Monkey, Flaming Charge!"

"Electric shock monster, two-handed lightning fist!"

Both sides have come up with the means of pressing the bottom of the box, and the victory or defeat is in one fell swoop.

As the two sides collided, the tornado formed by flames and lightning whistled in the center of the field.

'Boom! '

An earth-shattering explosion shook the entire Suzuran Island. Even the Four Heavenly Kings would not be able to fight such a fierce confrontation. Who would have imagined that this was only one of the top eight matches of the Shenao Alliance.

In the quarterfinals, the other two passers-by even flinched when they saw such a scene. This was a joke. Even if they made it to the quarterfinals, how could they possibly win any of those two monsters.

Tianlin wanted to tell them that they were overthinking it, and that they had no chance to meet Shinji Xiaozhi at all, because their opponents were Ah Yin and Dakduo.

The smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated, and the Flaming Monkey and the Electric Shock Warcraft stared at each other closely. They were indeed old enemies, and even at this moment, it was still difficult to tell the winner.

However, the power was exhausted. Of the two Pokémon, the Electric Demon Beast couldn't bear the violent flames just now, and fell first.

Seeing this, the flaming monkey smiled relieved. In the end, 4.0 still won, but then the poison broke out, and it also fell down.

"Electric Warcraft, Flaming Monkey, lost the ability to fight, the winner of this game is Xiao Zhi!"

On the surface, the two seem to be tied, but don't forget, Xiao Zhi also has a fire-breathing dragon, even if the fire-breathing dragon is no different from being incapacitated, he can only hide in the ball and cannot come out, but in fact, it He didn't really lose his fighting ability, so Ash just won [*]-[*].

And even if it doesn't count the fire-breathing dragon, the Electric Shock Monster fell before the Flaming Monkey. According to the rules of the alliance, Ash still wins.

"You played well, come back and rest, Dengeki Monster!" Shinji didn't regret his defeat, on the contrary, he was very happy. This was his best game so far.

Chapter [*]: The second battle of rivals Tianlin VS Xiaomao

The first match was over, and after noon, it was Xiaomao's battle against Tianlin.

While the others were preparing to celebrate Ash, they both stayed in their rooms to prepare.

But at this time, Xiao Zhi disappeared.

Ah Thun, who couldn't find Xiao Zhi for a long time, was very depressed, "Really, where did Xiao Zhi go to? It's rare that I want to tell him that this is a good game, congratulations to him for winning, he must be fined! "

"It's really pitiful to be fined if you win!" Zhulan suddenly appeared, which surprised Ah Thun.

"If you are looking for Xiao Zhi, he will go after Shinji."

Zhulan explained Xiaozhi's whereabouts to them. The defeated Shinji planned to leave Suzuran Island, but Xiaozhi chased after him without hesitation.

"Are you going, stop watching Tianlin's game?" Xiaozhi asked.

"I lost the game, and it's pointless to stay here. I plan to go to Chifeng City and challenge Mr. Koujiro 08 again!" Although Shinji lost, he was happier than ever, because in the In the battle with Ash, he finally found the power that only he can show.

Seeing that his determination had been made, Xiao Zhi said with a relieved smile, "That's it, come on!"

"Well, Xiaozhi, you are too. In the next battle, you may encounter a stronger opponent than me, Tianlin, Xiaomao, Dakduo, you can fight as much as you like!" Shinji has fully recognized it. Xiao Zhi, for Xiao Zhi, is a completely different enemy from Xiao Mao.

The bond between the two of them will not end there.

Shinji, Ash, they will one day win the Champions League, and at that time, the unprecedented battle of rivals will begin again.

Of course, they were not the only rivals like this. After lunch, two gates in the contestants' village were pushed open, and Tianlin Xiaomao passed by and walked to the competition venue without saying a word.

"The second game of the Shenao League semi-finals, Tianlin vs. Xiaomao, one of them is a disciple of Dr. Damu, and the other is a grandson of Dr. Damu. It can be said that they are in the same vein. I don't know what they will bring us. What kind of game?"

As the commentator's voice fell, the two walked out of the player passages on both sides of the field.

"It's finally about to start!" In Zhenxin Town, almost all the townspeople gathered at the Damu Research Institute today. Among the three proud geniuses of Zhenxin Town, two of them had a civil war, no matter the outcome. No matter what, there must be one who will fall in the top eight. For them, it is really a pity.

"Tianlin, I won't lose to you." Xiaomao clenched his fists. This is his last league competition, and his opponent is his biggest imaginary enemy. Today, he is bound to show [*]% of his strength. .

But he seemed to be too nervous.

"Because I attached too much importance to this battle, did I lose the composure of the past? This is not good." Tian Lin frowned, and quickly thought of a good solution, and said to Xiao Mao, "Xiao Mao, just explained Mr. Did you hear our introduction?"

"I heard, what do you mean?" Xiaomao expressed his confusion at the question raised by Tianlin.

"Call it uncle!" Tian Lin teased.

"You TM..., beat him up for me, go, Hu Di!" Xiao Mao suddenly forgot his nervousness, he was irritated, and it was a question of generation. In theory, Tian Lin was indeed a generation older than him. But it was absolutely impossible for him to admit it.

"Is this right? Go, Giant Claw Mantis!" Tian Lin expressed that he was very satisfied with Xiao Mao's attitude at the moment. Although he did not respect his elders, at least he was no longer so nervous.

The first Pokémon from both sides came on stage, Hu Di vs. Giant Claw Mantis. These two were Pokémon that the two of them had already captured in the Kanto region. Now they have extraordinary strength. has reached a high level.

Since Tianlin promised that the doctor would not show mercy, he will definitely keep his promise.

"Why does Hu Di wear a pair of glasses? It's not myopia, right, I'm dying of laughter!" In the audience, someone found that Hu Di actually wore a pair of orange glasses, and laughed.

"Ignorant people, don't come out and show off. You don't even know about glasses. Those are items that can increase the special attack power of Pokemon!" There are also people who know how to do it. Hu Di's special attack is already terrible, Xiao Mao still Bringing this kind of thing to it, you can imagine how amazing the output ability of this Hudi will be.

"Do you pay attention to glasses, then Xiaomao, do you want to attack strongly, or use that tactic!" Tian Lin understands the shortcomings of paying attention to glasses. Although this thing can improve special attack, once you wear it, you can only use it repeatedly. One move, and it can't be changed at all.

As a result, some powerful trainers have invented other uses for spectacles.

At the beginning of the game, Tianlin and Xiaomao decided the tactics at the first time, and issued orders at the same time.

"Hu Di, perform a trick!"

"Come back, giant pincer mantis, please, Reib!"

Two puzzling instructions, Hu Di with glasses did not attack, but Tian Lin, who had an advantage in attributes, chose to escape.

"These two stinky boys, one is better than the other, this is the method at the beginning of the competition, just like the two old foxes!" Dr. Damu said with a wry smile.

Others can't understand, can he still not know, Xiaomao's methods are very poisonous, the purpose of letting Hu Di wear glasses is not to strengthen himself, but to replace the glasses on the opponent's 370 attacker, so as to completely destroy it. Drop a powerful physical output from the opponent.

Tianlin is even better. From the beginning, he discovered Xiaomao's purpose, replaced the Pokémon, and replaced the glasses with other Pokémon. A Pokémon that pays attention to glasses.

"What?" Xiao Mao was shocked when he saw that the glasses were worn on the hands of Rebu, who shouldn't be wearing them.

Rebu is equipped with glasses, but it is a very useful combination. The key is that this is given to the other party by himself.

"Thank you for your gift, Xiaomao, I like it very much, Reib, use Volt to replace it!"

At this moment, a guerrilla special attacker with amazing speed and powerful special attack appeared. With the replacement of volts, Rebu can avoid the side effects of paying attention to glasses, because as long as the Pokémon is replaced, the side effects of glasses will be reset.

"Damn, Hu Di, use your mental strength!" Xiao Mao also ordered to fight back, and he wanted to leave Reib here on the spot.

It's a pity that Reib's speed was even faster than Hu Di. He shot first, and after hitting Hu Di with Volt, he immediately returned to Tianlin's Poké Ball.

"Banquilas, please next!"

The Pokémon that was exchanged was Banquilas, with the attribute of evil, and the mental force did not harm it at all.

Chapter [*] Super bites the land shark

"It's amazing, the pace is completely controlled by Tianlin." Xiaoguang said with admiration when he saw Tianlin's wonderful performance.

At this time, Xiaogang shook his head, "No, although Tianlin seems to have an advantage, he doesn't have much substantial advantage, and because of the continuous replacement, he has already exposed half of the team."

"Is it really good to expose your strength like this, Tianlin!" Xiaomao smiled slightly, obviously he, as Xiaogang judged, would not be shaken by such a disadvantage.

"Hu Di, infuriating bomb!"

In order to deal with evil-type Pokémon, Xiao Mao's Hu Di has already prepared fighting skills.

"RP bombs, the hit rate of this move is not very good, Banquilas, use mud throwing!"

Throwing mud is a ground-based skill with very little power. Of course, the purpose of Tianlin's order to use this move is not an attack, but its additional effect, which reduces the hit rate of the attacker.

I saw Bankiras grabbing a clod and smashing it on Hu Di's eyes. Since he couldn't see the direction clearly, and the hit rate of RP shells was not very good, Bankiras just stood there, watching helplessly. He watched the infuriating bullet pass by it.

"So if you don't have enough character, don't use this kind of unsatisfactory trick, Banquilas, roar loudly!" Tian Lin continued to chase, and the evil skills roared loudly. In addition to the attack, the other additional effect is to reduce the opponent's [*] Special attack.

"Hey, you're using this method again!" Xiao Mao was very upset. In the sandstorm weather, the special defense of Banquilas had been greatly improved. Now that Hu Di is seriously injured and hit so many debuffs, he can't beat it at all. Bangjilas was moved, and in desperation, Xiao Mao had to take out the Poke Ball, "Come back first, Hu Di!".

Little did he know that his action was right in Tianlin's arms, "Do you want to run, Xiaomao, I won't let you succeed, Banquilas, make a chase!"

"What?" Xiao Mao was startled, knowing that the chase was a move that Zhuan Ke replaced.

But when the red light of the Poké Ball hit Hu Di, Banquilas quickly stepped forward and knocked it away with a heavy blow. Chasing was not only an evil-type skill, but also doubled the power of the Pokémon being replaced.

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