"In order to celebrate Xiaowang's victory at the Brussels Sprout Conference and his successful entry into the gorgeous large-scale celebration, let's eat dessert tonight until dawn!" She called the celebration party, and the feeling is dessert buffet.

"A celebration party or something, shouldn't it be a good drink? How can there be only dessert." Tian Lin complained.

"You can't drink under the age of [*], you are still children!" Xiaosong replied confidently, "Besides, desserts are sweet and delicious, if you eat too much, you will gain weight. I really want to make it a daily routine. The main food, but today is to celebrate Xiaowang's victory, it's nothing to eat more, come to Tianlin, cheers, no, desserts!"

"Yes!" Tian Lin reluctantly picked up the dessert and touched Xiaosong's side like clinking glasses, substituting dessert for wine, this kind of celebration is really unheard of.

Xiao Wang glanced at the two of them in surprise. It's been a day or two since his senior sister was out of tune. He was used to her for a long time, but he didn't expect Tian Lin to have such a side. I am willing to accompany my sister in law.

"Hee hee, in fact, Tian Lin is not that serious, and sometimes he is quite cute." Xiaoguang said with a smile.

"Well, forget it, ignore these two guys, let's get down to business, Xiaoguang, how are you doing recently, have you chosen the next gorgeous contest?" Xiaowang is also very concerned about Xiaoguang's situation.

"It feels good! My goal for the next game has been locked, which is the Onion Conference!" Xiaoguang replied.

Hearing that, Xiaowang was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but worry, "Shallow Contest, this is a gorgeous contest that requires the use of two Pokémon in both performances and battles. You don't have much experience in double performances, right?"

"I know this, I did fail in the last fate meeting, so I want to challenge it again. Isn't the large-scale celebration a two-person battle? I must get familiar with it as soon as possible, and Xiaowang, didn't you tell me before, if The goal is higher, can't you be comfortable with the status quo?"

Xiaoguang's fighting spirit this time is very good. After hearing her say this, Xiaowang also let go of unnecessary worries, "Very good, just to have this kind of momentum, then, let's meet again at the gorgeous large-scale celebration!"

The two good girlfriends made an agreement on this. Early the next morning, in order to prepare for the large-scale celebration, Xiaowang followed Xiaosong and returned to Chiefeng City. Head to Shallow Town and claim her last ribbon medal.

Shenao is an area with many forests, and this time, they once again walked deep in the forest.

There is no doubt that all kinds of adventures can always be encountered in the forest. For example, now, fireworks can be seen in broad daylight. 327

"Wow, what a beautiful firework, the moment it exploded in the air was especially spectacular!" Xiaoguang praised.

"That doesn't seem to be fireworks, but the ultimate trick of Dragon-type Pokémon, Meteor Cluster, let's go and see!" Tian Lin is still very interested in Meteor Cluster. As one of the best dragon-type tricks, he has long been interested in this trick. It has been coveted for a long time, but he has no teaching method yet.

The two ran in the direction of the meteor group, which was an open space.

In that open space, an old woman was teaching a unique trick of the Blue Bird Meteor Swarm on the Qixi Festival. The ground was full of potholes, and at a glance, it was known that the damage was caused by the power of the meteor swarm.

"Qixi Blue Bird, do it again!" said the old woman.

I saw that Qixi Blue Bird raised its head, and the dragon energy began to gather in its abdomen. Then, a light bomb was launched into the air, and after it exploded, it fell to the ground like a meteor shower. Department of the big trick.

At this time, Tianlin and Xiaoguang were just within the attack range of the meteor swarm. A bolide flew towards them. Tianlin took out the elf ball and said, "The round land shark, use the dragon claws!"

The dragon attacked the dragon, and the sharp claws of the round land shark broke the meteor. In fact, at this time, it was better to send the goblin-type Poker to resist, but Tianlin really wanted the round land shark to try the power of this move. .

Chapter [*]: Dragon Element’s Greatest Trick Meteor Group

The round land shark fell to the ground, and you could see that its arm was red. It seemed that although it blocked the attack of the meteor swarm just now, it still suffered some injuries on its hand. After all, it is also a dragon, and the meteor swarm is right. It hurts tremendously.

But at this time, the round land shark didn't want to care about his injured hand at all. Instead, he stared at the ground that was beaten beyond recognition.

What a powerful skill, Round Land Shark is completely moved. As a Dragon-type Pokémon, there is no one who doesn't want to master a top-notch big move like Meteor Swarm.

"Who are you two, don't you know that this place is forbidden to enter?" At this time, the old woman who taught Qixi Blue Bird noticed the two of them and came over, "This is the training for the Dragon-type Pokémon Meteor Group. It's easy to accidentally get hurt by this trick if you enter rashly."

Hearing this, Xiaoguang hurriedly apologized, "Sorry old lady, we came from the forest and we didn't see the sign prohibiting entry. The meteor group just now was too attractive, so we couldn't help coming here!"

"That's it, then forget it, the old body is Granny Long, young man, is this round land shark yours? The dragon element in its body is very powerful, and it can break through the meteor group with a single dragon claw, which is really good. !" Granny Long is the one who likes Dragon-type Pokémon the most, and she naturally appreciates it greatly when she sees the Tianlin Round Land Shark.

"In the forest you just came to, there was originally a round land shark. It has excellent potential and is very rare. I followed a destined person a few days ago, but in my opinion, you are not inferior to that at all. child."

Tian Lin nodded and smiled, "Thank you for your compliment! I believe that my Pokémon is the best."

Tianlin naturally knew what happened to the Yuanlu Shark that the old woman said. It should be the amazing little guy in the original book, Xiaozhi.

In this way, Samsung, who came to Zhenxin Town in the Shenao area, actually obtained all Shenao quasi-gods. I have to say that this is also a kind of fate.

At this time, Yuan Lusha ignored the conversation between the two and walked to an open space on his own, imitating the movements of the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival.

The pale yellow light began to flow from the abdomen and gradually converged on the mouth of the round land shark, and a light ball quietly emerged.

The old woman's eyes lit up, "Oh, does this child also want to learn Meteor Group, let's not say whether it can be successful or not, but this action is very standard, and the dragon energy can be considered to be barely condensed successfully, really good qualifications~' ."

The dragon-type energy of the round land shark gathered more and more, and finally, when the critical point was reached, the meteor group was launched towards the sky.

'flutter! ' With a bang, the meteor group exploded at the highest point.

It's a pity that it didn't turn into countless bolides and fell from the sky like the Blue Birds on the Qixi Festival, but only three, slowly falling down.

"Well, three ah, I remember that Xiao Zhi only had one at the beginning, which is already good." Tian Lin thought silently, he was quite satisfied with the result, but the direction of the meteor group falling...

Tianlin shed a cold sweat, and the three meteor swarms were flying towards them, and everyone quickly avoided, but for some reason, the meteor swarm was like a tracker, only staring at Xiaoguang's wave Garman, they chased where Bogaman hid. In the end, all three bolides fell on Bogaman. Fortunately, the meteor swarm of the round land shark was not very powerful at this time, otherwise Bogaman might have to seriously injured.

"Boga Boga!!!" The disgraced Bogaman climbed up with difficulty, ran to the round land shark and complained with tears in his eyes. He looked a little pitiful. Sure enough, the whole world was targeting Boga. Man.

Obviously it is no longer Ash's round land shark, and Pogaman still cannot avoid the bad luck of being attacked by the meteor swarm.

"Oh, oh, I failed, but in the absence of guidance, it is not bad to be able to release three meteors as soon as you come up, but the method of accumulating strength just now is a little wrong, you just gathered strength with your mouth, right? ?" Granny Long walked to the round land shark and squatted down, gently stroking its abdomen, "This is the place to accumulate strength, you have to gather all the strength here, and after gathering a little, transfer it to the Mouth firing, come, try again and see."

After hearing the words, Yuanlu Shark nodded and used the meteor swarm a little farther away from the crowd. After professional guidance, it really became a little different. This time there are more than a dozen bolides. Although it is not complete, if All hit the enemy, can also cause a lot of damage.

Just pity Pogaman, this time it was locked by more than a dozen bolides at the same time, and it was desperate.

"Please, Porkby!"

Naturally, Tianlin would not let Bogaman suffer such a tragedy, so he sent Porkby to stand in front of him and bear all the bolides for him. Porkby is a fairy-type Pokémon, and it is completely suitable for dragon-type tricks. Immune, this shock has no effect on it.

"'" Pogar! "The rescued Pogaman hugged Porkby's slender leg. If it wasn't for him to save him, he would have died. At this moment, he is his eldest sister.

The black-bellied little Porkby spread out his palms, and glanced at Pogaman with disdain, his face full of the expression of the useless man.

Seeing Bogaman's unpromising appearance, Xiaoguang felt a little ashamed, so he could only look at his own treasure with a wry smile, and then came up to thank Pokeby.

Tianlin walked over to his mother-in-law and said gratefully, "Mother-in-law Long, thank you for teaching my round land shark to learn meteor swarms."

Granny Long shook her head, "I haven't learned it yet, Yuan Lu Sha has just mastered the basic skills of Meteor Group. If I want to use it fully, I have to practice hard for at least a few more months. This child (well, Zhao) is extremely qualified. Gao, the next days are left to you, as a trainer, you must take the responsibility of teaching..."

This mother-in-law likes dragon-type Pokémon, and it is rare to see such an outstanding round land shark, so she also tirelessly warns Tian Lin.

Tianlin is not someone who doesn't know what's good or bad, he knows that this mother-in-law is for his good, and after listening to her, he solemnly agrees, "Don't worry, mother-in-law, I promise, within a month. Let the round land shark completely master the meteor group, if you have time, please watch its performance when the Shenao League competition opens, you will never be disappointed."

"Well, good boy!" Looking at Tian Lin who answered sincerely, the mother-in-law nodded with satisfaction.

Satisfied with the practice method of Meteor Group, Tianlin Xiaoguang did not choose to stay longer because he had to hurry, and left after saying goodbye to Granny Long.

Chapter [*] The psychological shadow of the positive and negative electric beats

After a lot of things, Tian Lin and Xiaoguang traveled for a few days and finally came to Shallow Onion Town. Tomorrow is the Shallow Onion Conference of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest.

"Okay, everyone should cheer up and practice today. For the last ribbon medal, we can't be careless!" Xiaoguang looked at the six Pokémon in front of him, plus two at home. , Unconsciously, her team has become very strong.

Now, these Pokémon are her greatest confidence, follow Tian Lin's previous teaching, go to the competition with an attitude of enjoying the game, and work together with the Pokémon.

But Xiaoguang still had a demon that he had yet to overcome. When he came to the competition venue and saw a pair of cute little guys, Xiaoguang suddenly felt agitated, and his whole body stiffened. "It, they are?"

"Don't...don't! Hate it, hate it!!" Xiaoguang sat on the ground all of a sudden, as if he had seen something terrible, so frightened that he lost his mind.

Tianlin followed Xiaoguang's gaze, and it was clearly just a positive electric pat and a negative electric pat. It was quite an ordinary Pokemon 327, and it was considered very cute.It frightened her like this.

At this time, hearing Xiaoguang's familiar voice, the trainer of the positive and negative electric pats turned around. It turned out to be the coordinating trainer who had a relationship in Mutong Town, Ulala, she I saw Tianlin at a glance, and ran over excitedly, "Lord Tianlin, I didn't expect to see you here again, I'm really honored!"

Seeing her enthusiastic appearance, Tian Lin almost forgot that this guy seemed to be his own fangirl.

For his fans, Tian Lin has always been very fond of him, and replied with a smile, "Ulala, long time no see, do you look good!"

"Well, it's all thanks to Lord Tianlin!" Ulala blushed and said shyly. When the girl saw her idol, she seemed to be in this attitude.

However, she also noticed Xiaoguang who was acting strangely, "Isn't this Xiaoguang who won by luck, what's the matter with you? Do you also want to participate in the Onion Conference? Let me ask you, how many ribbon medals have you got now? ?"

After asking several questions in a row, Ulala looked down on Xiaoguang on the surface, but in fact, she was very concerned about this rival.

"I got four now!" Xiaoguang's last ribbon medal happened to be the one she won by defeating Ulala before. Unfortunately, after getting the fourth medal, she has been defeated repeatedly for a period of time, and she has not yet received it. Fifth.

"That's really a coincidence. I also have four. I don't know who can get the fifth one. Tell you, in front of Lord Tianlin, I will not lose to you a second time." One of the reasons why she likes to compete with Xiaoguang and is jealous of her being able to travel with Tianlin is more because she has always been dissatisfied with Xiaoguang's strength, and she doesn't feel that she is worse than Xiaoguang at all.

Of course, this is indeed a fact. In Tianlin's view, Ulala's strength is indeed on a par with Xiaoguang, and she is qualified to compete with her.

"No problem, everyone practiced hard for today's game!" Speaking of which, Xiaoguang seemed to have forgotten his fear and replied with high fighting spirit.

"Really, but this time we must be more powerful, because I have a trump card specially prepared for the double performance, come on, small positive and small negative beats!"

Ulala called her partner, but as soon as the two cute little guys came over, Xiaoguang, who finally recovered, was so frightened that he fell to the ground again, shouting, "No, no, don't come near me! "

Tianlin squatted down and gave Xiaoguang a head slap, and said softly, "Xiaoguang, what's the matter with you, aren't they cute?"

"No, no, no, in short, positive electric pat and negative electric pat is no good!" Xiaoguang, like a willful little girl (aiea), sternly rejected these two Pokémon.

"You're very rude, if you keep saying that you can't do it like this, their hearts will be hurt!" Ulala said with akimbo dissatisfied. Anyone who hears other people belittle their Pokémon will not be able to stand it. Lin Du felt that Xiaoguang's behavior was a bit excessive.

"I'm sorry!" Xiaoguang also knew that there was something wrong with his behavior, and apologized in a low voice.

Because of Tianlin's presence, Ulala didn't play Xiaoguang like in the original book. She snorted and left with her partner. Tianlin helped Xiaoguang to the Pokémon Center and made a cup of hot milk for her. Be mindful.

"Xiaoguang, these positive and negative electric pats seem to be your psychological shadows, can you tell me?"

"Well, well, if it's Tianlin, I'm willing to say it!" Xiaoguang held the hot milk and recalled what happened when he was a child.

At that time, Xiaoguang was still in kindergarten. Together with her good friends, Jian Wu and Tang Hong, she became the chief of Pokémon. work, feeding them Pokémon food, and cleaning things like that.

At that time, Xiaoguang was not afraid of them, and even liked them very much. Once, Xiaoguang was chasing two little guys to hug them, but she was ignorant at that time, and it was very uncomfortable to hold two Pokémon forcibly. When Ke Meng encounters such a situation, she will subconsciously discharge the electric person.

At that time, the two Pokémon were still children, and the electricity was very weak. Although it did not harm Xiaoguang's body, it made her hair stand up. Not only that, but it also sparkled with crackles.

At this time, Jian Wu's words became the key to causing Xiaoguang's psychological shadow, "That head is so exaggerated, don't call Xiaoguang in the future, you will be called 'Two Lights' from today!"

Jianwu's words caused the children to burst into laughter, and Xiaoguang was embarrassed as she hugged her sparkling hair. Since the scene of the death of this company, she became extremely afraid of getting close to the positive and negative electric paddlers.

Hearing this, Tian Lin always felt that the culprit was not the two Pokémon, but the guy Jian Wu. Sure enough, childhood sweethearts can sometimes be equated with mortal enemies. After all, he knows too many secrets, and he can't wait to cut the grass.

"Xiaoguang, your psychological quality is not good. Speaking of being electrocuted, Xiaozhi, who just debuted, was electrocuted by Pikachu every three minutes, and one hundred thousand volts every five minutes. Compared with him, you are completely a pediatrician." Tian Lin smiled and comforted, "Besides, don't you think this is a good opportunity, psychological shadows are used to overcome, and you can go further by crossing it!"

"Well, yes, maybe this is indeed a good opportunity, no problem, I will definitely defeat Ulala!" Xiaoguang showed his consciousness, this time to defeat Ulala and the two Paipai, while crossing the shadow, Get your fifth ribbon medal.

Chapter [*] The respective performances of the Onion Conference

"To all the guests who came to the scene, I'm sorry to keep you all waiting for a long time. Today's Pokémon Gorgeous Contest is held in this city where the morning dew is shining, Shallow Onion Town!"

"This is a two-person performance conference that has not been held for a long time. It is a wonderful performance born from the cooperation of two Pokémon partners. Please enjoy the audience!"

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