After some struggle, the space-time gods calmed down. They were completely controlled by the red chains and became Chiri's puppets.

"Finally, my plan can finally be completed. Tianlin and Zhulan, you have caused trouble for my Galaxy Group many times, and you have also arrested all three of my most capable subordinates. Today, it is almost time to solve you!" Out of revenge, Chi Ri intends to completely resolve the grievance with Tianlin before opening a new world, "Dialga, Time Roars, Palkia, Yakong cuts off!"

As soon as it came up, it was the biggest trick of the gods of space and time. Chi Ri didn't hide the idea of ​​​​putting Tianlin and others to death.

But Tian Lin didn't show any panic at this time, and smiled lightly, "It's really sad, what's the point of creating a world without a heart, the gods of the lake, please lend me your power, and Xiao Meng, Shi La Bye, you too."

The three second-level gods and the two phantom beasts whose strength was infinitely close to the first-level gods jointly opened their protective shields, completely defending against the attacks of the space-time gods.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to have such a strong power, but the strength of the second-level gods and phantom beasts is like ants compared to the first-level gods, let's see how long you can last!" Chi Ri said fiercely.

Tianlin stepped forward and said, "Chiri, you said that because the gods of the lake bestowed the human mind, I do not object to this point of the battle, but the struggle is not necessarily a bad thing, the reason why human beings keep making progress, It is because of the existence of healthy competition.”

"I have the best evidence in my hand, and that's it!"

After speaking, Tian Lin took out a Poke Ball from his hand, and it was not an ordinary Poke Ball, but a Master Ball. "Ancient human beings don't have such a thing. This is a treasure that human beings complete as their wisdom grows with competition. It has the power to control a first-level god!"

"What's the point of you taking this thing out now?" Chi Ri asked angrily. For some reason, looking at Tian Lin's smile, he always felt very uneasy.

"Do you want to know the meaning, then I'll show it to you!" With that said, Tianlin actually pointed the master ball at Palkia and shouted, "Come back, Palkia!"

The master ball released a red light, and directly retracted Palkia. The red chain that bound Palkia fell to the ground and made a tinkling sound. mockery.

"This, how is this possible? Palkia is actually a Pokémon you subdued?" Chi Ri dared not believe it. It took him a lifetime to summon Palkia, but he was so easily defeated by Tianlin. It was taken back, how could he accept it.

"Yeah, I subdued it when I was in Baiyang Town, but because it has an important role in stabilizing the space, I never thought of taking it with me, but no matter when it is, it is My partner has never changed."

"It's normal for Pokémon to return to your trainer, right?"

Tian Lin's words made Chi Ri's face very ugly. He knew that his dream had been shattered, and it was still in such a dramatic way.

Space begins to expand, time begins to flow, and a new universe will be born. Both are indispensable. Without Palkia, everything is meaningless, unless they can snatch Palkia back from Tianlin.

But is this possible?

"Come out, Palkia!" Tianlin released Palkia again, without the red chain control, it has completely returned to normal, even if Chiri still controls Dialga, these two mythical beasts are at most half a catty. A tie.

As for the comparison of the rest of the strengths of the two sides, Xiao Zhi alone was able to clean up all the members of the Galaxy Group except Chi Ri, not to mention the stronger Tian Lin and Shenao's biggest boss, Zhu Lan.

"Chiri, let's capture it!" Zhulan walked to Tianlin's side and stared at Chiri, exuding the aura of a top-level trainer, like a battle-hardened Valkyrie.

Chi Ri is indeed very strong, and any of the four heavenly kings of Shenao is far from his opponent, but Zhulan is different, even if she looks at the world, she is also a top-ranking figure. Never been afraid of anyone.

"Miss Zhulan, I'll leave this to you, I'll save Dialga!" Tian Lin smiled and left the battlefield to Zhulan. Facing the boss of Shenao's biggest evil organization, she Shenao champion shot, reasonable.

And Tianlin came to Dialga Luca, looking at Dialga Luca being controlled by the red chain, he didn't plan to fight it openly, after all, the purpose now is to save it, not to subdue it.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Xiaomeng, Shirabi, and Aknorm, Yuxie, and Emrido, please concentrate all your mental power and limit Dialga's actions!"

The five little guys nodded, as if a five-pointed star surrounded Dialga, they were all supernatural beasts with amazing mental power. When five of them used their mental strength at the same time, even if they were as strong as emperors. Ya Luka couldn't move for a while.

"Very good, Palkia, use Archon to cut off the red chain of attack!"

Palkia's powerful space law power exploded. Although the red chain contains the power to restrain the gods of space and time, its material is not very hard. Under Palkia's attack, it instantly turned into powder. .

... ...

Dialga was also successfully liberated.

The two first-level gods flew to Tianlin in unison, expressing their gratitude to him.

Tianlin nodded to them, and they each opened the door of space and returned to their place.

"No, you can't leave!" Chi Ri looked at this scene in despair. Has his life's hard work gone to waste?

"How dare you pay attention to other things when you fight with me, Mr. Chi Ri, you are too underestimated!" Zhu Lan said with a chilly face, "Bite Lu Shark fiercely and split tiles!"

As expected of the trump card of Zhulan, the powerful monster at the top of the championship, the attack speed of the fierce biting land shark was so fast that it was invisible. Watt hit it and buried it in the ground.

This red sun ace, known as the 'Dragon Slayer', was defeated without a chance to counterattack, and it was simply powerless to fight back.

Chiri actually had other Pokémon, but now he was disheartened, so he put down his arms and gave up continuing to resist.

At the same time, Xiaozhi Xiaoguang and the others also joined forces to defeat Venus Pluto and others. With the efforts of several people, the entire galaxy group completely collapsed.

The huge crisis that would have engulfed Shenao was easily solved by them without anyone knowing.

Chapter [*]: The Disintegration of the Galaxy Cluster

"Miss Zhulan, I'll leave the rest to you!"

Arriving outside the Pillar of Spears, Tian Lin took up the role of the hand-shaker. Although he was a high-level investigator, his status was still much worse than that of the league champion. It was better to leave the important matter of escorting the leader of the evil organization to her.

Zhulan didn't care, "No problem, there are all witnesses and material evidences in this incident, even if Chi Ri has a good reputation in society, it is useless, leave this trivial matter to me, otherwise I feel that I am busy with everything. I can't help, I just came to play soy sauce!"

"That's not the case, wasn't Chi Ri just defeated by you?" Tian Lin glanced at Chi Ri with a blank eye. At this moment, he was like a fool, letting the coming Miss Junsha put him on the ground. police car.

It can also be understood that Tianlin's ambition that has persisted for a lifetime is so easily shattered, and it is difficult for a "three, two, three" person to accept.

Seeing that his boss no longer resisted, the three officials of Saturn, Venus, Pluto were finally captured. In this regard, Shenao's largest evil organization, the Galaxy Group, completely collapsed.

After a while, Dr. Yamanashi, Dr. Kaizilan, and Xiaomo also came to Tianguan Mountain.

Dr. mustard got back the two stolen orbs, and all the research results of the Galaxy Group became the trophies of the alliance. Dr. Yamanashi couldn't help but sighed. He didn't expect to give them a chance to solve the myths and mysteries. It came from the galaxy. group.

"Xiao Mao, you did a good job this time, and you took care of all the stars. You must know that Xiao Zhi was defeated by him before, and he was arrested!" Tian Lin stepped forward and smiled.

Xiao Mao suddenly became proud when he heard it, "Don't compare this young master with that idiot Xiao Zhi. Although Zhen Xing's strength is indeed very strong, he is still a lot worse than this young master."

"Who are you calling an idiot? I lost for a reason. I only brought Pikachu as an ace. If the fire-breathing dragon was there, I would never lose to him!" Xiao Zhi was very unconvinced. He was outnumbered. It is not the strength of the defeat that is lost.

"Losing is losing, how can there be so many excuses!" Xiaomao doesn't care about so much, anyway, the final result is that Xiaozhi lost to Zhenxing, and Zhenxing lost to him, rounding up, Xiaozhi lost to him, It made him more happy than being in the limelight.

Seeing the three of them arguing, Zhulan walked over with a smile, "You three are all excellent trainers, I really envy Du, there are people who have successors in Kanto, as the champion of Shenao, I want to thank you, thanks to you. , the Shenno region was preserved!"

Tian Lin didn't dare to take credit alone, he shook his head and said, "No, Miss Zhulan, it's because of everyone's joint efforts. If you want to thank us, why don't you have a fight with us and give us some pointers!"

"Okay, the Shenao League is about to open. If you can win the championship, I will be happy to fight him with all my strength!" Zhulan said with a smile, "But, be careful, we Shenao also have this year's There are several excellent trainers, besides Shinji, there is also a person whose strength surpasses the Four Heavenly Kings, you have to pass his level first."

"Beyond the Four Heavenly Kings!" Zhenxinzhen Samsung was surprised at the same time, such a person would actually come to the conference, but they were not afraid at all, but even more excited.

"Hehe, is it interesting? In this case, I will go to retreat and practice for a while, and I will never lose to that genius genius!" Xiao Mao's fighting spirit was ignited, and he had already taken eight A badge, originally thinking of walking around in Shenao to pass the time, but now it seems that he can't allow him to continue to relax.

"Xiaozhi, we can't lose either, hurry up and get the last badge!" Tian Lin was also excited, and everyone parted ways at the top of Tianguan Mountain, the highest mountain in Shenao, and moved on towards their dreams.

Zhulan looked at Tianlin's back and smiled charmingly, "Tianlin, I am waiting for you, if it were you, I believe that even that person is not your opponent, and I am looking forward to fighting you!"

The matter of the Galaxy Group is finally over. Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, and Tianlin have contributed a lot to the destruction of the Galaxy Group. After thinking about it, the rewards of the Shenao Alliance will be sent to the three people's homes.

But these things don't need them to care. Their main goal now is to continue to collect badges and participate in alliance competitions. After leaving Tianguan Mountain, Tianlin and Xiaoguang walked towards the east. The gorgeous competition that Xiaoguang is going to participate in is there. direction,

On the way, they passed by Kojiro's villa. Because Tianlin and Kojiro had an excellent relationship, the two were well entertained by the old man of the villa and rested comfortably in the big villa for a night. of was swept away 0 ........

The next day, Xiaoguang received a call, and the two decided to slightly change the next itinerary.

Not far from here, there is a town of Brussels Sprouts, and there is also a gorgeous competition being held there. Xiaowang participated in this competition in order to win the fifth ribbon medal. As a rival, Xiaoguang thinks. She wants to witness Xiaowang's success, so she wants to watch the game anyway.

Unfortunately, because they were too tired from the previous day, they accidentally overslept. By the time they arrived at the competition venue, Xiaowang was already playing the final stage with his opponent.

"Tianlin, it's because you didn't wake me up early, the game is about to end!" Xiaoguang pouted and said aggrieved.

"There's no way. If you want to blame it, you can blame the Galaxy Group. They wasted too much time on me." Tian Lin said with a shy smile.

"Shh! You two, watch the game quietly, now is the exciting time!" At this time, a girl on the side interrupted the two of them, she was Miss Xiaosong, the gym trainer of Qifeng gymnasium, "Go on Ah, Xiao Wangwang, show your aura!"

This guy calls people to be quiet, but he is louder than anyone else.

On the battlefield, the competition has already heated up. Xiao Wang is using her ace 4.0 Charm Meow, while her opponent is a girl named Rebecca, who is actually using a pot.

"Huhu, this is a Pokémon with top defense, how does Xiaowang plan to fight?" Tian Lin asked with interest.

"Charming Meow, use a crazy trick!"

"Puhu, use the shrink shell!"

Charming Miao stretched out her claws and scratched frantically towards the pot, but the outer shell of the pot was too hard, and with the further strengthening of the shell-shrinking trick, it was really as hard as a diamond, and Charming Miao couldn't move it at all.

Rebecca smiled. She was very confident in her own defense. As long as the opponent's attack ended, it was time for her to fight back. But she made a mistake. This time Xiaowang didn't plan to let herself The attack had the slightest stagnation.

Chapter [*] Xiaowang won the fifth ribbon medal

Looking at the charm of the crazy attack, Rebecca sneered secretly, "Hmph, keep attacking, when your offensive stops, it's time to decide the outcome!"

"Charming meow, crazy scratching, electric shock wave, continuous attack!"

Xiaowang constantly alternates physical attacks and special attacks, and his offensive is so fierce that people see the blood boil, thinking that it is not a gorgeous competition, but an alliance competition.

"Wait, why doesn't she stop?" At this moment, Rebecca finally started to panic, Xiaowang and Charming Meow were just as tireless, you must know that such an attack would also be a huge drain on Charming Meow. .

Not only her, but the audience also didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Wang's actions, it seemed so reckless.

Of course, there are also those who fully understand and support, such as Tianlin and Xiaosong, a gym trainer.

"Well done, just like this Xiao Wangwang, show your momentum!"

Of course Xiaosong can understand Xiaowang's purpose, and she also understands the weakness of Huhu. Although this Huhu can prevent high bursts, as a price, its physical strength is also sadly low. Under such continuous attacks, Just a little bit of grinding will almost wear it out.

"Very good, use Shadow Claws!"

Xiaowang saw the opportunity 08, so Charming Meow used the shadow claw to hit the pot into the air.

"Now, take the last blow and use the Iron Tail!"

At the moment when the time was about to end, Charming Meow's last iron tail knocked the pot from mid-air to the ground. The powerful impact generated by the fall exhausted the last stamina of the pot, although Rebecca's score now accounts for the Excellent, but it doesn't make sense anymore. Gorgeous battles are also battles. As long as you completely knock down your opponent, you can also win.

"Huhu has lost the ability to fight, Miss Xiaowang is technically KO, congratulations to Miss Xiaowang for getting the Brussels Sprout Ribbon Medal!" Miss Bai'an pronounced the verdict, and Xiaowang finally got her fifth medal.

"Everyone, it's been a long wait." After receiving the medal, Xiao Wang hurriedly came to the crowd, "Thank you for coming to help me cheer!"

"Congratulations, Xiaowang, the next is a large-scale celebration!" Xiaoguang was sincerely happy for Xiaowang.

"Thank you for your usual care..." Xiao Wang was about to thank a few people when he was interrupted by Xiao Siong.

"Forget this kind of old-fashioned greetings, in order to celebrate Xiao Wangwang's victory and the right to participate in the large-scale celebration, we have to celebrate today!" Xiaosong pulled Xiaoguang and Xiaowang and smiled, "I have already prepared for you. What a celebratory party, it's going to be a total party tonight!"

--Dividing line

Everyone came to the place Xiaosong had decided.

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