"Tianlin, you're here too, Shinji is very strong, be careful in tomorrow's battle." Xiaogang urged.

Xiao Zhi blushed, he could already imagine the expression on Xiao Mao's face when he found out about this, it must be extremely ruthless ridicule, plus a personal attack that broke the heart, "No, I will definitely be in the league competition. You have to defeat Shinji, or you will never be able to raise your head in front of Xiao Mao in the future!"

A strong enemy is really the best medicine, and the only bit of loss that Xiaozhi has left is swept away after thinking of Xiaomao. Now all he thinks about is how to find it in the league competition - Shinji is ashamed.

"Tell me about the game, I know Xiaozhi lost, but it shouldn't be too bad, like the [*]-[*] Lake Wisdom tragedy?" Seeing Xiaozhi fully recovered, Tian Lin asked him what he was most interested in. game process.

"Hey, Tian Lin, how underestimated you are, how could I be beaten [*]-[*] so badly, and the final result was [*]-[*], and the last two Shinji were seriously injured, I lost without you Thinking so badly." Xiao Zhi was immediately dissatisfied.

"Well, as Xiao Zhi said, the strength of the two of them is not far apart, but it is obvious that Shinji has made better preparations, which is why Xiao Zhi failed." Xiao Gang described the battle.

In order to defeat Xiaozhi, Shinji completed the final evolution of Duck-billed Fire Beast and Kodora in just eight days, becoming Duck-billed Fire Beast and Boss Kodora. Easily solve Ash's two Pokémon.

At this time, Xiao Zhi showed the Pishen, and the Jedi counterattacked. With the super strength of the king, he defeated them one-on-two to restore the situation, but this was also in the calculation of Shinji. He saw that although the Pishen was strong, his physical strength was insufficient. After hitting two in a row, there was not much power left, so Shinji took this opportunity to use the Scorpio King with the dominant attributes to defeat Pishen in one fell swoop.

As soon as Pishen fell, the strength of the two sides suddenly lost the balance. Xiaozhi was obviously weaker than the other side, and began to retreat. Fortunately, Yongqi Itachi realized the freezing fist at the critical moment to solve the Scorpio King, and the little fire monkey was fighting with It evolved in the battle of the circle bears, and the fierce fire monkey with the fighting attribute turned defeat into victory.

But at the time, the only two Pokémon left by Ash were exhausted. In the end, they were defeated by Marla and Dazzler respectively, and Shinji won [*]-[*].

"Shinji is really good, even such a strong Xiaozhi has been defeated!" Xiaoguang couldn't help sighing after listening to the whole game.

However, Tian Lin noticed another point. Shinji didn't use his full strength. Neither his strongest Turtle Turtle nor Dragon King Scorpion appeared. Are they preparing for a battle with him?

At this time, Miss Joy pushed a few Pokémon out, "Mr. Xiaozhi, your Pokémon have been treated, don't worry, they are not seriously injured, they will recover after a day's rest. ."

"That's great!" Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the Pokémon who were wounded with bandages and apologized, "I'm sorry everyone, it's because of my lack of ability that I will cause you to lose and get injured."

"Pika!" Chief Pikachu called out to Xiaozhi. Although the language was not clear, Xiaozhi understood what it meant. It was telling Xiaozhi that they didn't care. If you lose, try again. win back.

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"Okay, the special training starts tomorrow. In the Shenao Alliance, we must defeat Shinji!" Xiao Zhi returned to his usual posture and said confidently.

"Very well, that's right, then I'm leaving too. Tomorrow it's my turn to play against Shinji. Hearing that his strength is so amazing, I have to be prepared." Tian Lin walked back alone after saying that. In the room, this time Xiaoguang didn't keep up. She knew that for the trainer, the night before the full-scale battle was very important. Tianlin needed to think about how to match and what tactics to use.

And all she can do is to cheer her up silently, "Come on, Tianlin, I believe you will win."


In the dark room, Tian Lin was sitting in front of the computer. On the computer screen were all of Shinji's main Pokémon. He was speculating on Shinji's lineup.

One thing is certain, with Tian Lin as his opponent, it is impossible for Shinji to use the Tutai Turtle and Dragon King Scorpion, so in order to fight against these two Heavenly King-level Pokémon, in addition to the mythical beasts and Huayan monsters, Tianlin has only Dark Night Demon, it must join the team.

"Then use the core formation of the Night Demon Society, and it should be no problem."

Tianlin quickly made a choice, and connected with Dr. Damu to replace the Pokémon on his body. All preparations were completed. Tianlin fell asleep at ease and took on the best state to fight, which is the respect for his opponent.

On the second day, on the shore of Lake Wisdom, Shinji and Tianlin stood on the left and right. In the center of the two was a big screen like the league competition. Lei Si did not know where he got it from. Xiaogang and the two also came to watch the battle.

After all, both of them will definitely be strong enemies that Ash will encounter in the league competition in the future, so it is always right to collect more information.

"Then, Tianlin vs. Shinji, a six-to-six full-scale battle, both sides can change Pokémon at will during the battle. When one side's Pokémon is all incapacitated, the game is over. Now, please take out both sides at the same time. Pokémon!" Lei Si, as the referee, announced the start of the game.

By the lake of wisdom, the atmosphere of the battle was instantly ignited.

Chapter [*] Comprehensive battle against Tianlin VS Shinji

"Very well, let's go, Tutai Turtle."

"Get ready to fight, Dragon King Scorpion!"

The two sides threw the Poke Ball at the same time. Tian Lin was a Tutai turtle, but Shinji took out one of his strongest trump cards, the Dragon King Scorpion of the Heavenly King level.

"Dragon King Scorpion?" Tian Lin was a little surprised, showing the trump card at the beginning is not the style of Shinji, but after thinking about it, he guessed the purpose of Shinji, "I understand your plan, Shinji, then Tutai Turtle, Use an earthquake!"

The Tutai Turtle stepped on the ground, and the entire Lake of Wisdom shook. The Dragon King Scorpion has very few weaknesses. There is only one weakness, and the only one is the ground attribute. Facing the great trick of the ground system, even it is the king level. Absolutely uncomfortable.

Shinji gritted his teeth, Tian Lin's first Tutai Turtle was something he didn't expect, but in any case, he had to implement the "[*]" tactics he had thought of. After the Dragon King Scorpion survived the earthquake, he immediately ordered, "Using Poisonous diamonds."

Shinji's goal is really to spread the poisonous diamond, so that Tianlin's subsequent Pokémon will be poisoned.

"Come back, Dragon King Scorpion." The goal was achieved, and Shinji took back the Dragon King Scorpion. With his character, he would not let Pokémon with unfavorable attributes stay on the field. This is different from Tianlin. Relying on the powerful strength of the Dragon King Scorpion to fight hard.

"Iron Ninja, get ready to fight!"

Shinji replaced Iron Ninja, known as one of the fastest Pokémon.

"Is the iron-faced ninja to win with speed, then come back, Tutai turtle!"

Seeing Tian Lin's actions, Xiao Zhi and the others were amazed, "Wait, didn't the Dragon King Scorpion sprinkle poisonous lings, Tian Lin's Pokémon will be poisoned when replaced."

"Don't underestimate Tianlin, he won't easily let Shinji's plan succeed." At this moment, it is Shinji's brother Lei Si who believes in Tianlin the most. He knows Tianlin's strength well, "Let me see what you will do. Handle it, Tianlin!"

"Go, Queen Bee!"

Using insects to control insects, Tianlin also took out insect-type Pokemon, and also has the attributes of flying type at the same time, that is to say, immune to poisonous diamonds.

"Hey, is it a guy who can fly, then I'll hit it to the ground! Iron-faced ninja, use Yanhui!"

The attributes of the two sides are exactly the same, and Shinji is completely true, and in terms of speed, the Iron Mask Ninja does not know how much faster than the Queen Bee.

"Queen Bee, use defensive orders!"

The iron-faced ninja's innate speed is too fast, coupled with Shinji's excellent cultivation, it is impossible to catch up with the queen bee, so what Tianlin has to do is to overcome the high speed with high defense.

I saw that the queen bee summoned countless small bees, forming a large net to block in front of her, and the iron-faced ninja's attack hit the net, unable to break through the bee colony at all.

It seems that although it is fast, its attack power is slightly insufficient.

"You strengthen the defense, then the iron-faced ninja, use the sword dance."

"Don't think about it, Queen Bee, Power Gem!"

How could Tianlin see the strengthening of Shinji's freedom, and immediately turned from defense to attack, releasing countless power gems. When Shinji saw this, he decisively gave up the sword dance. This was a rock-type move. Can't stop.

"Iron Ninja, avoid it!"

With the speed of the Iron Ninja, it is not difficult to avoid this attack as long as it is not in the state of the sword dance.

"Then next, use the attack command!" Tian Lin's attack continued, and he knew the essence of guerrilla in this game.

If the enemy attacks himself, he will defend, if the enemy strengthens, he will attack, and if the enemy flees, he will continue to pursue and pursue, and he has to force the iron-faced ninja to have no way to retreat.

The speed of the Iron Faced Ninja, which is usually proud of, seems like a decoration at this moment, because its speed is much higher than that of the Queen Bee, no matter how much it is added, the competition field is so big, how much of its speed advantage can be used ?

And as the queen bee uses command skills for many times, the entire field has been covered with little bees in a short period of time. Under the control of the queen bee, the little bees guard all corners of the field, no matter where the iron-faced ninja moves at its astonishing speed. , are still vulnerable to attack.

"No way, the Iron Masked Ninja is completely overwhelmed, and Shinji must be replaced!" Seeing the more and more injuries of the Iron Masked Ninja, Lei Si worried.

Obviously, Shinji also took this into consideration, and he quickly made a decision, "Iron Masked Ninja, make a quick turn back."

"Do you want to escape, then I'll do what you want!" Tian Lin waved his hand, and the queen bee signaled that she actually dispersed the bee colony that surrounded it, and took the initiative to give up a path.  … .

"Oops!" Although Tian Lin's purpose was unknown, it was obvious that he must have been calculated again.

The iron-faced ninja turned into an afterimage, hit the queen bee at a very fast speed, and then turned into a red light, ready to return to the pokeball.

At this time, Tian Lin's purpose was revealed, "Queen Bee, right now, use the chase!"

I saw that the speed of the queen bee suddenly increased sharply, and she actually caught up with the red light that the iron-faced ninja turned into, and then punched the iron-faced ninja back to its original shape and fell to the ground.

On the big screen, the avatar of the Iron Faced Ninja dimmed, and it had lost its ability to fight.

Shinji took back the iron-faced ninja and said, "It's a trick, it turned out to be a chase!"

Chasing this trick, once the opponent who escaped back to the Poké Ball is targeted, it will become a preemptive move, the priority is more than double that of Divine Speed, and the power is doubled.

With the small body of the iron-faced ninja, how can he handle this trick.

"Prepare for battle, platypus!"

Compared with the Duck-billed Fire Beast during the first battle with the Age of Gods, the final evolution of the Duck-billed Flame Beast has improved a lot, and its strength must have also made great progress.

The thick high temperature emanating from his body made it impossible for the bees on the field to get close.

"Is it the characteristics of the flame body, can't fight close combat, Queen Bee, use the power gem!"

The queen bee makes all the bees retreat from the battlefield, and then starts to gather several power gems 4.0 around.

"The platypus, spray flame!"

Shinji chose to fight with jet flames. Tian Lin originally thought that he was trying to counteract the attack of the power gems. After all, although this is a rock-type skill, it is a special attack skill after all. Those are not real rocks, but only light groups with rock-type energy. , as long as it collides with stronger energy, even if the attributes are unfavorable, it can be scattered.

But this time, Tian Lin obviously underestimated Shinji's determination. He was not thinking of offsetting, but planned to exchange tricks.

The platypus flaming beast spurted out flames, deliberately diverting a little angle. In the end, the two unique moves did not collide, but passed through each other like parallel lines.

'boom! '

Both of the two unique moves successfully hit the opponent, and a strong storm was set off on the field.

The 2th chapter comprehensive battle against Tianlin VS Shinji ([*])

'thump! '

Before the smoke cleared, he only heard the sound of something falling to the ground. Lei Si did not need to think about it, so he dimmed the image of the queen bee. .

The result was not unexpected. When the queen bee showed her figure, her eyes were already circled.

It is worthy of the existence of the armored bird that can instantly kill Ah Thun in the original book. The attack power is really amazing. Shinji also confirmed that the duck-billed beast can kill the queen bee in seconds, so he will choose to exchange his unique skills even if he is injured.

Tian Lin took back the queen bee without saying a word, and began to think about the next countermeasures. To deal with the platypus, it is naturally the best water-type Pokémon that is proficient in special attacks. It is easy to get burned in close combat with physical attacks. Unfortunately, this time Tianlin was not ready.

Ground-type Tutai Turtles can also do it, but it is also Grass-type, and it is also restrained by the duck-billed beast. physical strength.

"By the way, poisoning, I can use these 08 poisonous diamonds in turn!" Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Tian Lin's mind, "Okay, let's go, Elleido!"

Tianlin sent Ailu Leiduo, who was a physical attacker. When he stepped into the battlefield, he was attacked by a poisonous ling and fell into a poisoned state. Tianlin smiled confidently when he saw this, and said: "Very good. , In this way, you can have a close combat with the platypus."

"By the way, what Tian Lin is worried about is the flame body characteristics of the platypus. Once the attack-type Pokémon is burned, it will be all over, but now that Eludor has been poisoned, it will naturally not trigger the burn again. Next, Tian Lin only needs to fight quickly..." Lei Si immediately judged Tian Lin's plan.

And what he can think about, Tian Lin can naturally also think about it, and immediately took out the evolution keystone without hesitation, "Elluiduo, mega evolution!"

Under the connection of the light, Super Elleido appeared, and the battle resumed, "Elluiduo, use a close fist!"

"The platypus, use the smoke screen!" Shinji knew very well that the physical attack of the platypus couldn't be compared with that of Super Elleido, and there was no chance of winning in melee combat.

After spewing a smoke screen, the platypus quickly retreated, trying to fight at a distance with Eludor.

"Eludor, sword dance!" Tianlin ordered, but saw Eludor spinning at a high speed in the smoke screen, and while the attack power increased, he also used the storm formed by the sword dance to blow away the smoke screen.

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