I saw that after all the shadow clones were damaged, Darkrai's real body was revealed, but when Regichkas crushed the real body with the crushing trick, he found that even the body was fake.

This is a stand-in trick. When Darkrai uses a shadow clone, he also uses a stand-in to replace the real body and the stand-in, in order to attract Regichkas's attention, that Darkrai's real body Where is it?

"Behind you, watch out, Regichkas!" Ash couldn't help shouting.

Regichkas turned back urgently, but unfortunately it was too late. A dark black hole hit him, which completely hypnotized it. Unexpectedly, it was going to sleep again just after waking up.

"Very good, next, use the nightmare trick!"

Gin's attack is terrifying and weird, and Nightmare is a move that can make a sleeping Pokémon lose a quarter of its stamina every time it attacks.

And Darkrai's characteristic, the nightmare occurs at the same time, can also reduce the opponent's physical strength by one-eighth.

That is to say, Regichkas's 293 stamina is decreasing by three-eighths, three-eighths, and after two attacks, it's only about a quarter left.

This is a fixed compulsory damage, and has nothing to do with the Pokémon’s offensive and defensive capabilities. Ah Yin is very smart. He knows that this is the only way to defeat Regichkas. There are many Clays, and even if he stands and lets him hit, it's probably hard to move.

"It should be almost, then go, Master Ball!"

Ah Yin actually took out the master ball to subdue the first-level gods, just like Tian Lin at the beginning, but it was not surprising. As the Rockets' young master, although the master ball is precious, it is not impossible to get one.

The Master Ball put Regichkas in. At this time, the remaining strength of Regichkas was not enough to resist the powerful suppressing force of the Master Ball. In the end, as the Master Ball became calmer, Ah Yin still successfully completed it. subdued.

"Hmph, Regichkas, I finally got it, hahaha!" A Yin couldn't help laughing uncontrollably after being subdued to a first-level god.

Shinji Ash's face was ugly, and they still didn't stop the Rockets' conspiracy in the end.

It doesn't matter here, there is only one Tianlin, because he doesn't think there is anything wrong with Ah Yin subduing Regichkas with his powerful strength.

Chapter [*]: The Galaxy Group is once again deflated and the Rockets enter the Shenao area

"Tianlin, you really are very different from others, not only in strength, but also in structure." Seeing that Tianlin was not angry because he subdued Regichkas, Ah Yin gave him a high look again.

Tianlin said indifferently, "It's nothing, after defeating the beast head-on with strength, and then using the master ball to subdue it, I have done such a thing, I can't just allow the state officials to set fire, and not allow the common people to light the lights, if I do this When I disdain you, that's the same as disdain for myself."

"But Ah Yin, I hope you can make good use of Regichkas. I'm very much looking forward to playing against you again. It's not the young master of the Rockets, it's just Ah Yin."

Ah Yin passed by Tianlin, stopped when he heard this, and showed a smile, "Don't worry, except for my strength, I haven't changed anything else, it's the Ah Yin you met at that time in Chengdu, I promise. You, Ah Yin will always be Ah Yin, your opponent!"

At the end of the mission, Team Rocket, J and others all withdrew. This time the opponent's lineup was too terrifying. In order not to cause more casualties, Tian Lin could only let them go.

On the other side of the gods, because of the timely return of the three gods, even if he played two, he could completely abuse Zhenxing and Suixing. In the end, in order to help Zhenxing retreat, Suixing sacrificed his queen, and was captured by the gods alive. Look, this time it is not that there is no gain at all, at least another pillar supporting the galaxy cluster collapsed.

Everyone returned to the devastated temple, and Xiao Zhi said with guilt, "I'm sorry, Mr. Kamidai, Miss Kamiko, we didn't protect Regichkas well."

"Haha, it's nothing, you don't have to worry about it, in fact, Regichkas has been sleeping for too long, and I also think that it is a pity that it has such a strong power that it is always on the sidelines, it should be like other divine beasts, Create your own prestige in the world." God said with a bold laugh.

"Well, I think so too. The only thing that worries me now is what kind of character the guy who subdued Regichkas, I hope he's not a villain~'." Miss Kamiko was still a little worried about A Yin 's character.

"Don't worry, Ah Yin is a real trainer. I believe that even if he is in a place like the Rockets, he will not change!" Tianlin still chooses to trust Ah Yin, and he is also quite confident about Ah Yin's current strength. Interested, looking at the sky and saying, "Next time, see you at the league competition. When you completely control Regichkas, we will have a happy showdown. At that time, the winner will still be me."

The feeling between the rivals, Ah Yin, who was playing the master ball on the helicopter, seemed to hear something, and turned back to look in the direction of the ruins, "Wait for me, Tian Lin, I will win by then."

-Dividing line

At the headquarters of the Galaxy Group, although Ah Yin has already returned to Kanto, Apollo and Lance still have some things to do here. They met Chiri, the leader of the Galaxy Group, and J happened to be here too.

"Team Rocket, you guys are too despicable. On the surface, we asked us to capture Regichkas, but in fact, we were hiding in the dark and reap the benefits." As soon as he came up, Chiri denounced the two of them.

"That can't blame us, you are so useless, think about it carefully, if we don't do it, will Regichkas succeed in the end, not only your trusted subordinates, but also this hired J, They will all die in the hands of Tianlin!" Lance said disdainfully.

"Damn!" Zhenxing looked angry, but didn't say anything, because he knew that what Lance said was the truth.

"Forget it, but in any case, if we hadn't liberated Regichkas, you wouldn't be able to capture it so smoothly, even our old star was captured by the Alliance, and we paid such a huge price. , From this point of view, the transaction should be considered complete, should the Vajra Jade Soul and the White Jade Soul be handed over to us as promised?" Chi Ri said angrily while suppressing his heart.

"It's not that simple, Mr. Chiri, it's just to release Regichkas, we Rockets can easily do it ourselves, and we want to exchange for two orbs with this merit, don't you think it's too beautiful? , As for that Suixing, she was caught because she was too weak, and it has nothing to do with our Rockets, we don't like the idea of ​​who is weak and who is justified." Apollo had already thought of new conditions and was ready to continue blackmailing A galaxy cluster.

"I know, what more, say it!" Chi Ri seemed to be used to eating deflated in front of the Rockets, not only was he not angry, but he had such an expression on his face as expected.

"The Galaxy Group has withdrawn from all the underground forces in the eastern part of Tianguan Mountain. In the future, our Rocket Team will develop on its own!" Apollo said decisively.

"What, you want to be beautiful!" Zhen Xing shouted angrily, "I want to exchange half of Shenao with one orb. Do you think there is such a thing worthwhile?"

"It's not up to you whether it's worth it, it depends on Mr. Chiri, and please make a decision early!" Apollo didn't bother to look at this little character, just waiting for Chiri's answer.

"Okay, within seven days, we will withdraw all the forces in the eastern region. At that time, you can no longer go back on your regrets. The two orbs must be handed over to us, otherwise, the Galaxy Group will never die with you!" Chi Ri resisted his anger, viciously threatened.

But Apollo didn't take this threat to heart at all, "'" That's of course, seven days later, two orbs were offered with both hands, saying goodbye, oh yes, Mr. Chiri, I have a word to convey to our boss To you, we, the Rockets, are very happy with the cooperation on this trip to Shenao, and hope to have such an opportunity next time. "

Hearing this, the faces of Chi Ri, Zhen Xing and the others are as ugly as eating shit, of course you are happy, the two mythical beasts, Bai Da Klei and Regichkas, as well as half a god, Rocket The team is bound to increase in strength in a short period of time.

On the other hand, in their galaxy group, Iron Island lost a group of stars, and Chiefeng City lost its old star, and now the power has been greatly reduced, and it has reached the point where it hurts.

At this time, J came out to make up for it again, "Have you finished talking about your affairs, then it's up to me, what about my reward, I don't care who you get (promised) Regichkas, it's agreed in advance One cent of money cannot be less than the people.”

Lance turned back and pointed at Chiri, "Don't look for us, we didn't hire you, he is your employer, hahaha..."

Amidst wanton laughter, Team Rocket left the Galaxy Group base in high spirits.

Chi Ri only knew today, what is seeking skin with a tiger, that is, knowing that the other party is constantly using him, but he has to accept the other party's use obediently. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the Rockets still kept their promises. Seven days later, when the Galaxy Group withdrew all the forces in the eastern part of Shenao and was taken over by the Rockets, soon, a Rocket soldier came to the Galaxy Group headquarters with a box.

What was in the box were those two precious jades. Chi Ri checked it and found that they were indeed genuine. He was relieved. After all the twists and turns, the two precious gems finally fell into his hands.

Chapter [*]: The Oath Combination Skills Meet Mr. Handsome Guy

In Chifeng City, with the successive retreat of the Galaxy Group, the Rockets and the J organization, peace has been restored here.

Everyone said goodbye to Mr. Kamidai and left one after another. Because he was worried about the comeback of the evil organization, Kamidai decided to stay here to protect the ruins for a while, while Shinji and Xiaozhi rushed to Wisdom Lake first because they had to prepare for a full-scale battle in a few days.

As for Tianlin and Xiaoguang, they were not in such a hurry. In order to cope with the subsequent games, they decided to stay in Chiefeng City and have a good rest. This city of ice and snow is really beautiful, and Xiaoguang likes it very much. Besides, Xiaowang is still there. The two can learn from each other's strengths and make progress through joint training.

"Cauliflower monkey, use the seed machine gun, Pogaman, to make foam rays!"

Xiaoguang came up with a new fusion trick, mixing the seed machine gun with the foam light, the grass-type energy and the water-type energy revolving with each other, but without interfering with each other. Fusion of grass.

"The manatee, stand in the front, Charming Meow, after the manatee resists the attack, use the shadow claws to counterattack immediately!" Xiao Wang gave an order confidently, as if he was confident.

"Smart!" Tian Lin couldn't help but exclaim, he could clearly see Xiao Wang's thoughts.

That is to resist the strong and face the weak, as the name suggests, resist the strong attack and face the weak attack.

Although this combination trick is good, there is a big problem 293, that is, the strength gap between Pogaman and the cauliflower monkey. The newly born cauliflower monkey only has the strength of the novice, and the opponent can completely ignore its attack and only choose to resist Pogaman's attack will do.

Xiaowang, this manatee beast has the characteristic of diverting water. It is not only harmless when attacked by the water element, but also restores its stamina. In this way, even if the grass-type trick with quadruple restraint hits it, due to the level difference, the damage is not much. It was also helped by Bogaman to make up for it, and Xiaoguang's attack was meaningless at all.

Then, Charming Meow jumped out from behind the manatee, jumped over and waved his claws, hitting two Pokémon respectively, which hit Pogaman hard at once, and the Cauliflower Monkey fell directly to the ground.

"So far, Xiaowang wins this game." Tian Lin declared that this is just training, and there is no need to fight to the end. In fact, the outcome of this situation is also obvious.

"Xiao Wangwang won, Xiao Wangwang is awesome!" Xiaosong rejoiced.

"Hey, come back Cauliflower Monkey!" Xiaoguang retracted the Cauliflower Monkey, "This kid, it's really too early for him to go out to fight!"

"Maybe, but there is no way (aiea), although I can lend it a learning device so that it can improve its level even if it does not participate in the battle, but it is impossible to accumulate actual combat experience, and it will be released in the gorgeous competition in the future. Competition, actual combat ability is very important." Tian Lin comforted.

"Compared to this, how about changing the usage of Cauliflower Monkey in the early stage? You have just seen that the power of Cauliflower Monkey's ultimate move is limited due to the level limit, so if you encounter a doubles battle, it is better to let How does it help Bogaman?"

"Tian Lin is right, and I think so too." Xiao Wang came over and agreed.

"Assistant, but, what should I do?"

"Have you forgotten, that's a gift from the 'Okay' and 'Okay' brothers!" Tian Lin laughed. He really didn't remember the names of those two guys, but he was impressed by their catchphrase.

"Okay, okay? It sounds familiar." Xiaoguang tilted his head and thought for a while, "Ah, I remember it, it's Brother Yuzaki Yutake. The gift they gave me is the practice method of the vowed skill."

Xiaoguang took out a practice book from his bag, and said with a puzzled face, "But, didn't you say that this vow technique can only be learned and used by the three imperial families in each region?"

"Haha, you don't know this, right? The cauliflower monkey is one of the three monkeys in the Hezhong area. Those three monkeys have the same attributes as the Yusanjia. They happen to be grass, fire, and water, and their hidden characteristics are also correspondingly lush, Fierce fire, torrent, and, they can learn many exclusive skills that only Yu Sanjia can master, so in the Hezhong area, these three monkeys have always been called Zhenyu Sanjia!" Xiaosong explained, worthy of being a gymnasium The owner of the museum is also a teacher, and his knowledge is really wide.

"So, can the cauliflower monkey learn the vow of grass!" Xiaoguang was suddenly pleasantly surprised. Her Bogaman had already practiced the vow of water. As long as there is another attribute of another kind, she can use a combination of skills. .

"Of course!" Tian Lin affirmed.

After getting the confirmed answer, Xiaoguang couldn't wait, and instructed the cauliflower monkey to start learning the vow of grass according to the method recorded in the notebook.

Although this cauliflower monkey's aptitude is not to say the best, it's not too bad. It took 3 days, and it was barely able to make a trick. After 7 days, it was basically mastered, and it could be released four or five times in a battle. Not a problem.

On the same day, Xiaoguang did an experiment. When Bogaman's Water Pledge and Cauliflower Monkey's Grass Pledge were combined, it was a powerful combination technique. The attribute was Grass, and the additional effect Wetland was very overbearing. The speed of Kemeng was reduced to a quarter in this wetland.

Xiaoguang was overjoyed to get such a powerful trick, but unfortunately they didn't have time to show it in front of Xiaowang. After so long in Chiefeng City, there were only three days left before the full-scale battle between Tianlin and Shinji. They also have to rush to Wisdom Lake as soon as possible.

It is the fastest to take the car from Qifeng City Railway Station. After a night’s rest, Tianlin and Xiaoguang said goodbye to Xiaowang and Xiaosong, and hurry up.

On the train, Tianlin and Xiaoguang also met an unremarkable uncle, but the brown trench coat reminded Tianlin of someone he had heard of.

After a chat, Tian Lin showed the identity certificate of the high-ranking investigator of the Pokémon Alliance. The other party saw this and no longer concealed his identity. He was an international policeman, codenamed Handsome Guy.

The duties of the International Police and the Investigator are similar, the difference is that the Investigator is only responsible for Pokémon-related incidents, while the International Police is responsible for more, related to people, related to Pokémon, large and small They have to ask.

This time, this handsome gentleman was assigned to investigate the local evil organization, the Galaxy Group.

In fact, this encounter on the train was not a coincidence, but the handsome guy knew that Tianlin had dealt with the Galaxy Group a lot of times and came to him for help.

In this regard, Tianlin can of course help, and he knows everything. After obtaining Tianlin's information, the handsome guy also speculates that the ultimate purpose of the Galaxy Group may be related to the space-time gods, and he plans to go to Tianguan Mountain to investigate.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Handsome, Tianlin finally came to another legendary place in Chifeng City, the lakeside of Wisdom Lake.

Chapter [*] Xiaozhi defeated Tianlin and the battle of Shinji began

Coming to Lake Wisdom, this is the ninth day after the appointment. I want to come to the end of the battle between Xiaozhi and Shinji. In order to know the result, the two came to the Pokemon Center.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Shinji walking out, and the moment he saw Tianlin, his fighting spirit rose, "You're here, I'm ready to fight with you, and I'll compete with you tomorrow! "

"Looking at your self-confidence, you won the battle with Xiao Zhi?" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"of course."

Shinji's calm performance can't help but make Tianlin suspect that the Lake of Wisdom tragedy like the original was released yesterday, and Xiaozhi was defeated by Shinji [*]-[*].

If you think about it, it shouldn't be. Ash is much stronger than the original. Even if he only uses Shenao's Pokémon, he will definitely not lose so badly.

The two stepped into the Pokémon Center. At this time, Xiaozhi and others were standing at the door of the treatment room and waiting anxiously. Although Xiaozhi was a little lost, he was not completely lost like the original book, which proved Tianlin's conjecture. Although Xiaozhi lost, it should be a very fierce battle, not so much so that he can't fight back.

Seeing this, Tian Lin felt relieved, stepped forward and joked, "Xiao Zhi, I heard that you lost the match against Shinji yesterday. If Xiao Mao knew about this, he would probably become your favorite for the next ten years. An indelible black spot."

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