-Dividing line

In a valley, a group of people in black clothes were waiting there early, and the middle-aged man in a suit was the leader.

J's subordinates also arrived soon. The man in the suit saw that it wasn't J who was here, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you here as a little bastard, and J, shouldn't she come to meet me in person for such a big business?"

"Our boss has something important to do right now. What's more, what's really important should be Leo Lu, right? I've already brought it."

The little minion handed Leo Lu to the man in the suit.

The man in the suit checked it out, and it was indeed the Leo Lu that he wanted.

In fact, J's aircraft is in the sky at this time. Her aircraft has an invisible function and is secretly monitoring the transaction. When the transaction is completed, she also quickly gets the news that the money has arrived.

With a satisfied smile, he was about to bring his little brother back. At this time, the other minions who were in charge of monitoring the surroundings finally discovered Tian Lin and others who were about to arrive.

"Are you here? Fortunately, I'm on guard. Anyway, the money is in hand, let's retreat!" J immediately gave up and ordered to flee. Poor guy, he didn't know that he had been abandoned by his boss, and he was still there. Silly waiting for someone to support him.

The huge aircraft whizzed past the heads of several people, and Tian Lin recognized it at once, "That is, J's aircraft, the transaction has been completed, how can the action be so fast?"

"Tianlin, don't worry about J now, the important thing is to save Leo Lu!" Chuangyi shouted.

"Damn, this guy is so lucky!" Tian Lin said angrily, he could only choose to give up, if he went after J now, then the other side would definitely take Leo Lu, and he still knew the priorities.

Arriving at the valley, the man in the suit and the others were about to load Leo Lu into the car and take it away, when Chuang Yi jumped out suddenly with Duduli, "Duduli, make a random attack!"

The three heads of Duduli pecked at the group of men in suits, and the man in the suit could not help but let go of Leo Lu, while Tian Lin used his super power to control Leo Lu, and slowly flew into his hands.

Tian Lin glanced at J's subordinates who were still here, and said disdainfully, "Hehe, I thought I was a step behind, it turned out that this guy J asked his younger brother to participate in the transaction, and I didn't show up, no wonder one You can evacuate in time when you see me coming, this guy is really good!"

"But this time, she lost a lot of subordinates, even the most powerful second-in-command, it's not worth the loss, haha!"

Looking at Tian Lin, who was gloating at the misfortune, the man in the suit became angry, "Damn, so that's the case, what Pokemon Hunter J is just a useless waste, sent a subordinate over and ran away by himself, this after-sales service is too bad. "

"If that's the case, then I'll do it myself. Leo Lu, who can use wave missiles, is destined to be mine. Go, Boscodora!"

The strength of the man in the suit is not weak. He actually has a heavyweight Pokémon like Boscodora, and his strength is not lower than that of the quasi-king. At the same time, his subordinates have also sent Pokémon.

What surprised Tianlin was obviously to deal with Riolu, but most of these guys used rock-type Pokémon.

Rumbling Stone, Rumbling Rock, One-Horned Rhinoceros, and even the Quasi-God Banquilas, etc. Although they are all very powerful, this attribute is too unfavorable.

"Tianlin, the opponent is very strong, we can't be careless!" Chuangyi reminded.

Then he patrolled around, to deal with the rock-type Pokémon, Duduli was too disadvantageous, and he had to hunt other things again.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Soon, he saw a ground-based big-jawed ant beside the rock wall, "It's you, the hunting starts, Patnaji!"

After completing the hunt with ease, the big jaw ant lent its power to Chuangyi.

"Then I can't lose, let's go swimming Qi Itachi, Steel Armor Crow!"

"And me, please, Bogaman!"

Xiaoguang and Tianlin followed by sending Pokémon, either water or steel, in short, they were all Pokémon with superior attributes.

The battle was about to break out, and the opposite Long Longyan took the lead in launching the offensive, and a powerful destructive death light hit them.

The Steel Armored Crow stood in front of the Pokémon, blocking attacks with its steel body, and the general type of trick was nothing to it.

...... 0

"Very good, Steel Armor Crow, use steel wings, swim Qi Itachi, use water gun!"

"Pogaman, foam rays."

"Big jaw ant, quicksand hell!"

The three ordered at the same time, and a melee started again.

Although the opposite Pokémon is of high level, its attribute disadvantage is too great. First, it was trapped in the sand by the quicksand hell of the big jaw ant and could not move.

Then the foam light and the water gun were emitted at the same time. Under the restraint of four times, Rumble Rock and Rumble Stone fell to the ground on the spot. Only Banquilas barely survived by virtue of its excellent durability, but when it tried its best to escape from the quicksand, it came face to face. What came is the steel wings of the steel armored crow.

When all the younger brothers were beaten, Tian Lin suddenly understood that although these guys' Pokémon were strong, they were not cultivated by themselves, but bought from nowhere, so they could not play these powerful Pokémon at all. The power of dreams.

The same is true on the other side. The man in the suit stepped forward to arrest Leoru who had just been liberated, but he would not use the power of Boscodora at all.

Although the physical defense of this Boscotola is strong, the special defense is very general, and it is four times weaker in fighting.

Unfortunately, Leo Lu's wave missile is a rare special type of fighting style, and it has a certain effect.

In just two battles, the outcome was already decided. As expected of Leo Lu, who was cultivated by the kingdom, his strength was truly outstanding.

Tian Lin walked up to the man in the suit, who had lost his way, and said, "Poor guy, that's it, I'm going to arrest you now as an alliance investigator, so let's catch you!" Jin.

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-eight of the arrival of Michael

After the battle, Miss Junsha and Hyuga also came to help soon. All the poachers were successfully arrested, and J's subordinates were all taken into prison under the guidance of Tianlin.

"Tianlin, Xiaoguang, thanks to your help, I can successfully complete the task, thank you!" Chuangyi said with sincere gratitude.

"As expected of Tianlin, it's really reliable!" Hyuga also agreed, and their organization of forest rangers has been helped many times by Tianlin.

"You're welcome, then Leo Lu, we are going to part here. In the future, you have to inherit your identity as a waveguide hero!" Tian Lin waved his hand indifferently to deal with the evil organization, because he was the investigator. , and this time he took this opportunity to resolve the knot of the steel armored crow, and it is not that there is nothing to gain.

"Hmm!" Leo Lu nodded his head "[*]", Tianlin's help to it, it will never forget it for a lifetime.

Later, with the help of Hinata and Soichi, Leo Lu successfully returned to the grandfather of the breeding house, where he will continue to receive training until the day he evolves into Lucario, and assumes the defense as a bird hero. duties of the kingdom.

-Dividing line

After saying goodbye to Leo Lu and the ranger, Tian Lin and Xiaoguang continued their journey. Today, Xiaoguang came to a Pokémon center to search for the latest information about the gorgeous contest.

On the TV screen in the center, Shenao's most popular TV variety show 'Shenao NOW' is playing, and the host is Miss Yuka.

"Dear audience, our Shenao place finally waited for this wonderful and elegant master of the gorgeous contest, Mr. Michaeli to come!"

"Speaking of Mikuri-sama, he started as a gym trainer at the Hoenn local Liuli gymnasium, and climbed all the way up, eventually becoming a super genius of the local champion master."

"And his enterprising spirit has never stopped, and in the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, he also won the throne of the top coordination trainer very quickly!"

"Up to now, he and his partner Minas have established the unshakable status of the Master of the Gorgeous Competition!"

"The object that the Pokémon coordination trainers are looking forward to, this time it is a special trip to the local area for the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, the Mikori Cup, which is based on its name!"

A very important message was playing on the TV. It turned out that the Mikkori Cup, the Pokémon Glamour Contest, was about to be held, and it was not far from the Lizhi Lake.

"Who is the most gorgeous person dancing in the Shenao place? I'm waiting at Lizhi Lake!" At the end of the show, Michelle showed up very well.

It seems that because Tianlin resolved Hoenn's lava team and ocean team, this guy has more time, and he still has time to come to the scene in advance.

"It's incredible, Lord Mikri is coming!" Xiaoguang stood up excitedly. For coordinator trainers, Mikri was the most revered figure in their hearts.

Those who can be called the top coordination trainers in the world can say more or less, such as Tian Lin, Xiaoguang's mother Caizi, Liuli Gym Master Adam, Fengyuan Grand Celebration Champion Robert, Yuanzhi Gym The owner of the museum, Melissa, etc., all have this name.

But when it comes to the highest title of Master of the Gorgeous Competition, only Michael is qualified to have it.

Xiaoguang, who heard the news, ran out of the center excitedly. She wanted to tell Tianlin the good news. At this time, Tianlin was doing his daily homework, that is, training Pokémon.

"Swimming gas itachi, anti-fist shield!"

"Lucky cat, try to break through this shield and see, increase your power and use crazy volts."

"Polygon, make a triple attack on Kirulian."

"Chirulian, I will let you evolve into Elleido in a short time. You have to further increase your physical attack power and use the Mind Hammer!"

"Steel Armor Crow, how far you can fight against Heavenly King-level Pokémon after you have evolved to your final form, let me see, and use a brave bird to attack the Huayan monster."

Tianlin is in control of all his Pokémon in an orderly manner, and Xiaoguang just saw this scene when he came, and couldn't help feeling, "Tianlin is really amazing, the spin I created was actually evolved by him. At this level, no matter what kind of battle, he can win, and he and his Pokémon are always getting stronger!"

"Okay, I can't lose to him either. I must show my skills in this Michaelis Cup."

Seeing Tianlin who is so strong but still working so hard, Xiaoguang put aside the haze of losing twice in a row in the gorgeous competition and threw himself into training 0  …

Just when they were training in full swing, Yujia, the host of Shenao NOW, suddenly came over, "Hi, long time no see Tianlin, Xiaoguang, have you seen Mr. Michaeli, the master of the gorgeous competition, around here? "

"What, Michael is here?" Tian Lin was surprised. He had been training here and didn't know about the Michaelis Cup.

"Yeah, this is his picture. He's very handsome, right? As long as he's a coordinator trainer, he wants to meet a superstar!" Yujia carried Mikri's photo with her, and it was obvious that she belonged to Mikri too. Avid fans.

"Speaking of Mikri-sama, he toured Kanto, Chengdu, Hoenn and other places, regularly holding Pokémon Gorgeous Contests named Mikri Cups. With a medal, it will be counted as an official ribbon medal in gorgeous competitions in various regions!"

Yujia chatted excitedly. Tianlin knew a lot about the Mikuri Cup. The reason why Xiaoyao was able to participate in the gorgeous and large-scale celebration was really thanks to Mikri's blessing.

At that time, it was Tian Lin who begged for her favor. For this reason, since he knew that Michael was nearby, it was reasonable that Tian Lin should go over and thank him.

When it comes to finding people, Tian Lin is very good at it. As long as he uses the 4.0 waveguide, Mikri is an ordinary human. Even if his strength is strong, the waveguide will not be strong, but his Pokémon Differently, Tianlin can perceive the power of its waveguide at once with a Pokémon with champion-level strength.

After searching with my eyes closed, there was an amazing Pokémon playing by the lake, far exceeding Tianlin's Huayan Monster.

Not to mention that the Huayan Monster has not regained its strength, even if it really returns to its heyday, I am afraid it is far behind that Pokémon. There is no doubt that it can appear here, and it is so powerful, it must be Mi Keli The best partner, Minas, is undoubtedly.

Tianlin immediately rushed towards the lake with Xiaoguang, and saw a young man with green hair and white robe sitting on a stone with a leisurely appearance. Michaeli.

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-ninth the return of Xiaoyao

"Wow, it's really Mikuri-sama!"

Xiaoguang's eyes lit up, as if a groupie saw their idol.

Tianlin's gaze swept to the side of Minas, who looked elegant and beautiful, and possessed the mighty strength of a high-ranking champion.

Although Mi Keli was slightly inferior to Zhu Lan, he was also one of the top trainers in the world.

Hearing someone talking, Mikri opened his eyes from his contemplation and gave a gentle smile, "Hi, how are you!"

"Mr. Michaely, hello for the first time, I'm Tian Lin, and I'm here to express my gratitude to you for helping my friend in the first place." Tian Lin stepped forward to express his gratitude.

Mi Keli was slightly stunned, "So you are Tian Lin. What do you want to thank for letting me add that Miss Xiaoyao to the Mi Keli Cup entry list?"


"That's not necessary at all, it's just a hands-on effort. In fact, it's me who should really express my gratitude. The guy in Dawu has been digging rocks outside, and I'm committed to cultivating the new generation of coordination trainers. As a champion, it's my responsibility. We were ignored."

"If it weren't for you, Hoenn would have been turned upside down by Team Lava and Team Ocean 08, so of course I wouldn't be stingy with the little things I can do."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Xiaoguang was shocked that Tianlin had already had an intersection with a big man like Michaeli.

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