When they arrived at a lake, a boat was already prepared. The three of them boarded the boat and sent the swimming gas itachi and the Pogamanla boat to move forward.

"This Leo Lu's hometown is in a kingdom. As the successor of Bird, it has always been carefully and carefully cared for by the foster family. One day, it will inherit the task of serving the royal family and protect it with the power of Bird. The country, and then pass on the waveguide to the next generation, this is its mission!" Chuangyi explained the origin of Leo Lu one by one on the boat.

Unexpectedly, this Leoru has such a big background, and it is actually a Pokémon inherited from the royal family. No wonder his aptitude is so amazing that he can master the wave missile trick in an unevolved period.

Chuang made an appointment with the people from the ranger headquarters early in the morning to meet somewhere, and then they would be able to escort Leo Lu back to the kingdom.

At this time, Leo Lu was staring blankly at the wood carving in his hand. Suddenly, a picture appeared in Tian Lin's mind. In front of a white and warm hut, an old grandfather gave Leo Lu a small wood carving. He must be the nurturer who was responsible for raising Riolu to grow up.

"This woodcarving was given to you by the grandfather, right?" Tian Lin got the information from Leo Lu's waveguide, "Don't worry, I swear, I will definitely send you back to the grandfather."

Leo Lu looked at Tian Lin and nodded, perhaps because he was also a waveguide messenger, Leo Lu had more trust in Tian Lin than Chuang Yi who saved it.

"Tianlin, we can't be careless, there are many people who covet Leoru. In addition to Hunter J's group, we learned that another group of people has already launched an operation. They not only hired J, but also sent a lot of their own. The subordinates are preparing to snatch Leoru! Leoru seems to be barely getting rid of them and fleeing on their own." Chuangyi looked solemn.

These are the things that Leoru experienced before meeting Tianlin, and it can be said that its fate is very tortuous.

"Leo Lu, I won't let any of them hurt you again~' ." Tian Lin comforted it with a smile, and then his expression suddenly became serious, "Swimming Qi Itachi, make a sonic boom towards the bottom of the water!"

The swimming Qi Itachi was ordered, and without hesitation, he swung his tail toward the bottom of the water and sent out four sonic booms.

"Want to hide in front of me, that's a fool's dream!" Tian Lin's waveguide had already sensed the chasing soldiers, it should be the few poachers just now, he judged that they should have reported the failure of the action due to the encounter with the top ranger. J.

J must have taken action to come over in person, so these people have no value to keep.

"Xiaoguang, Chuangyi, Leo Lu is temporarily handed over to you for protection, and I'll deal with the pursuit!" Tian Lin flashed his figure after saying that, and used teleportation to come to the shore, and soon saw an off-road vehicle is rushing towards him.

"It's actually that guy, damn it, don't slow down, run over!" The deputy leader recognized Tian Lin and shouted angrily, ready to hit Tian Lin directly.

"Oh, it's ruthless, as expected of J's capable generals, but it's a pity that he met me!" Tian Lin chuckled lightly.

I saw him stretch out his right hand, and a space-distorting spiral appeared at the front of the car.

The entire front of the car was being squeezed continuously, and the leader realized the crisis and shouted, "No, jump out of the car."

The poachers scrambled to jump out of the car, and the next moment, the whole off-road vehicle was twisted into a twist in front of them.

The deputy leader swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Tian Lin with lingering fears, "What kind of monster are you?"

Tian Lin didn't reply to his words, and he didn't think that he would combine super power and space law on a whim, to have such a powerful force. He always felt that if he continued to practice like this, sooner or later, he would become a humanoid super dream. .

Seeing that Tianlin didn't answer, the deputy leader stood up and roared, "Damn, you ruined our plan last time, I won't go around you this time, come on guys, if we don't solve him, we will stay here forever. Prison."

His words made his subordinates wake up immediately, indeed, now is not the time to be afraid, only fighting has a chance of survival.

For a time, the air was filled with a large group of giant stinger bees, large-billed sparrows, and cross-hatched bats.

These three types of Pokémon are really standard villains.

Tian Lin smiled slightly, "Do you want to struggle to the death, the crowd tactics are useless to me."

"By the way, the deputy leader of the J organization over there, you are wrong in saying that you will go to jail. I didn't want to arrest you, so don't worry about that."

Hearing Tian Lin's words, the poachers breathed a sigh of relief. They thought that Tian Lin was still a little bit afraid of their J organization, just wanted to sabotage their plan, but didn't want to offend J organization to the death.

"But I'm sorry, this time, I'll trouble you to die here once and see!"

But the next moment, Tian Lin's eyes were sharp and murderous, and anyone could see that he was not joking, he really planned to kill them all.

"'" Go, Huayan Monster, make a wave of evil! "

The strength gap between the peak of the king and those Pokémon that are not even at the gym level is vividly displayed by the blow of the flower rock monster.

After a series of explosions, a large piece of Pokémon was already lying on the ground.

On the other hand, Chuangyi and Xiaoguang, who continued to move forward with Leo Lu, ran into trouble. They were very unlucky and met J head-on.

"That girl!" J recognized Xiaoguang, she remembered that the girl should have traveled with Tian Lin, and looked around alertly, but she was relieved that she did not find Tian Lin's figure.

Although I don't know the reason, this girl seems to be acting separately from Tianlin. As long as Tianlin is not around, she doesn't care at all even if she faces a top ranger.

"Flying Dragon, use the destructive light of death!"

J intends to fight quickly, because she doesn't know when Tian Lin will suddenly appear, that person is her nemesis, and she has no confidence to escape in front of Tian Lin for the third time.

The powerful Destruction Death (taken by Zhao's) light smashed the boat into pieces, Chuangyi and Xiaoguang fell into the water, Xiaoguang relied on Bogaman to barely float, and Chuangyi immediately hunted a snorkeling weasel.

But the most important Leo Lu has completely lost its support. What's worse, its wood carving was washed away by the water, which is the most important thing to it, and now it is ignored and moved in the direction of the wood carving being washed away. Swim to Yun.

Xiaoguang and Chuangyi planned to follow immediately, but they were stopped by J. The Flying Dragon hit the rock wall with a destructive ray of death. Countless rubble fell, blocking the way of the two, while she was driving the Flying Dragon. , chasing after Leo Lu.

At this time, Tianlin's side has basically divided the winner and the loser. Now, except for the deputy leader and a bat that has been severely injured, all the other little brother's Pokémon have been knocked down.

As for why he kept his last Pokémon, it was entirely Tian Lin's intention. Some Pokémon's revenge had to be avenged by himself.

Chapter seven hundred and ninety sixth lore steel armored crow

"Why are you showing mercy to me?"

The deputy leader of the J organization was very puzzled. Just now, Tianlin was able to solve his last forked bat together, but suddenly he kept his hand and gave it up after beating it seriously.

"Be merciful? You seem to have misunderstood something, I just want you to die in its hands!" Tian Lin took out the Poke Ball, "Go get revenge, Blue Crow!"

The blue jay appeared opposite the poacher, and his eyes contained incomparable anger, especially the big man who was in the lead, who was the one who wounded its wings with a shotgun.

"It's that blue jay!" The deputy leader finally recognized the blue jay. There was a round scar on the flapping wings. There was no doubt that it was his masterpiece.

"That's right, blood debts are paid for by blood. You should bear the sins you committed in the first place, Blue Crows, use the brave birds to attack!"

"Damn, cross-shaped bat, we also use the brave bird to attack!"

At this moment, these poachers are still not going to give up. For them, nothing in this world is more important than their own lives.

Two blue brave birds collided in mid-air, a huge roar resounded through the valley, and the bat fell like a bird that lost its wings. If it was the 170th period of its heyday, maybe the blue jay would still be there. It's not its opponent, but it was already half paralyzed by the Huayan monster, and the blue jay came out to collect the disabled.

After dealing with the cross-hatched bat, the Blue Crow charged towards the deputy leader again regardless of the pain caused by the reaction force of the brave bird's onslaught.

Feeling the rising murderous aura, the deputy leader gave Tian Lin a desperate and unwilling look, and Tian Lin could read the meaning in his eyes.

Why, aren't you a decent person, why are you so slaughtered?

Tianlin doesn't think he is a villain, but he is by no means a bad person. He is very disdainful of such things as repaying grievances with virtue.


There was another huge explosion. The vice leader of the J organization, who had done many evils, finally died under the onslaught of Blue Jay's brave birds. I thought that Blue Jay was just a commodity in his hands. I'm afraid he never dreamed that he would die. in the hands of their own products.

Seeing that his enemy was finally dead, blue jay's eyes flowed with happy tears, and it neighed toward the sky, and then the whole body burst into light.

"Hehe, the knot of the heart is untied, will it transform once it is!" Tian Lin laughed, he knew that the blue crow was about to usher in a new life, and as the master, he was very happy for it.

The evolution of the blue jay is the steel armored crow. Compared with the appearance before evolution, the steel armored crow looks like an armor wrapped in a whole body, its feathers become hard, and the color distribution of the whole body becomes uniform. , the original blue became darker, the mimetic patterns around its eyes disappeared, and even its eyeballs could only be seen slightly, and the only fluffy part on its body was the feathers on its chest.

The steel armored crow with the steel system and the flying system can be called one of the strongest attribute combinations in the world.

Steel Armored Crow, Crow Pokémon, flight type plus steel type, characteristic mirror armor, stubborn character (additional attack and deduction special attack), height 2.5m, weight 88kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength quasi-king mid-level, Possess skills: Steel Wing, Drilling, Tailwind, Provocation, Bash, Bluff, Brave Bird Onslaught, Iron Wall.

"Not bad!" Tian Lin nodded and looked at the remaining group of scoundrels, "Then, do you still want to continue to resist? If you are willing to take it easy, you can stop killing people while I am in a good mood today."

Steel Armor Crow's eyes locked on them tightly. Although its killing intent has dissipated because of the revenge, it still doesn't like these bastards. It just waits for them to say something to refute or make any resistance. Action, it will relentlessly shoot again.

However, the current group of minions have been killed by the deputy leader, and they have been defeated by Tian Lin, and they have fallen to the ground, "Sir, I... We are willing to accept the punishment, we will never dare to resist, and we will Please be merciful, my lord."

They know what it means to be caught, and that is jail time, but it's better than dying. In their hearts, life is more important than freedom.

"Very good, then you can sleep here for a while, and soon, you will atone for the first half of your life in prison, the flower rock monster, using hypnotism!"

Tianlin doesn't have time to look at this group of people now, so he can only let them get a good night's sleep, and then let Junsha come and take them away. He still needs to find Xiaoguang and them. J to solve it together.

Looking at all the poachers who fell, Tianlin shouted at Steel Armor Crow, "Okay, let's go, Steel Armor Crow!"

The fully evolved Steel Armored Crow already has the ability to fly manned, which brings great convenience to Tianlin.

At this time, Xiaoguang and Chuangyi managed to climb from the water to the shore, but they have lost the trace of Leo Lu and J.

Chuangyi realized that Leo Lu was only afraid that he was more fortunate and less fortunate, and he could not be J's opponent alone.

As he was worried, at this time, although Leo Lu got back the wood carving, he was also turned into stone and lay quietly in J's aircraft.

At this moment, J is communicating with the buyer. That is the team leader who tried to take Leo Lu, a vulgar man in a suit.

"As expected of J, I didn't expect your work performance to be so steady and solid. It was the right decision to sign with you!"

"Then pay the remuneration as agreed!" J said.

"Of course no problem, we will meet at the agreed place, and when we receive Leo Lu, the money will be credited to your account!" The man in the suit smiled.

"Okay, I'll go to the appointed place to meet you right away." J hung up the phone and looked at the subordinate beside him, "Where's the deputy chief, is there any news from him yet?"

"No, the communicator of the deputy leader may have been damaged, and he has been unable to contact him."

Hearing this, J frowned. She had a bad premonition in her heart. She just saw Xiaoguang, and she knew that Tianlin must be around here. If her deputy leader bumped into him, I'm afraid it won't end well.

"To be on the safe side, I can't go to this transaction in person. Anyway, as long as I hand over the things and the money is in place!" J quickly came up with a strategy, and she chose to hand Leo Lu to one of her subordinates and let him Drive to the agreed place to trade, while she hides in the dark and waits for the change.

Tianlin, who was riding in the steel armored crow, quickly found Xiaoguang and Chuangyi. After successfully meeting, they explained what happened to each other. Leo Lu had been taken away by J, and he came a step late.

Just at this time, the communication from Hyuga came, and their mission also failed. Originally, Hyuga was dispatched to assist Miss Junsha to capture J's client, but they did not expect that the Pokémon of that group were quite powerful, and they were accidentally caught. They ran away.

The results on both sides were not very good, but Chuangyi, a top ranger, was still calm, and he knew that the end of the road was not yet reached.

There is one last way to reverse the disadvantage, and that is to find the trading location between J and the client, so that they can wipe out the other side in one go and make a comeback.

Chapter seven hundred and ninety seventh big melee to solve the poaching group

"But, how should we find it?" Xiaoguang questioned.

Although Chuangyi's method is very accurate, the premise of everything is to find a trading point. Now there is no clue at all, and I don't know where to start.

"Leave this to me!" Tian Lin smiled confidently.

He stepped forward, spread his waveguide in all directions as much as possible, and further strengthened his power with the help of the system's ability.

Leo Lu, who was on a truck, sensed Tianlin's waveguide. It was only petrified, but it was not dead. This petrified light could limit its activities, but it couldn't limit its thoughts, and it couldn't stop the mysterious and mysterious waveguide. Power.

The clever Leo Lu immediately radiated his own waveguide, echoing Tian Lin Yao.

Tianlin suddenly opened his eyes, "I found it, there, come with me!"

In order to speed up the trip, Chuangyi hunted three Duduli, and Tianlin took the lead. This time, he must make the buyer and the seller more than worth the loss.

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