A day later, everyone had left the City of Fate and walked towards the next gym, Curtain Town.

At this time they were preparing lunch in the forest.

Of course, the lunch was made by Xiaogang, while Tianlin and Xiaozhi practiced against each other.

"Little flame monkey, use the flame wheel."

"Forest turtle, after resisting the attack, use parasitic seeds!"

With the grass body to block the flame wheel and wearing the evolution stone, the durability of the forest turtle is further improved.

Its defensive counterattack is also getting smoother and smoother. The next moment after withstood the attack, it can immediately counterattack. After the parasitic seeds are planted on the little flame monkey, countless vines grow to bind it.

Taking advantage of this moment, Tianlin continued to launch a fierce attack, and the forest turtle smashed it with one blow and won the victory.

"The winner is decided, Xiao Zhi, I won." Tian Lin stepped forward.

"Che, next time I will definitely win you."

Facing his biggest rival, even if he can't win in reality, Xiaozhi never admits defeat, but unfortunately Xiaogang dismantles him in an instant, "Xiaozhi, since I know you and Tianlin's number one Since the beginning of the day, you have said this sentence dozens of times, but the result seems to have never changed."

Suddenly being told about the pain point, Xiaozhi's face flushed with anger, but he made Xiaogang and Xiaoguang laugh out loud.

The little flame monkey looked at everyone blankly. It had never experienced such a cheerful atmosphere. When it was in the Shinji team, it always felt serious and dull.

"Little Flame Monkey, don't be discouraged, it doesn't matter if you lose once, let's work together and we will definitely win against Tianlin next time." Xiao Zhi stepped forward and stroked its head to comfort him.

Little Flame Monkey was very surprised. It was no longer the 'useless guy'. It thought that it lost to the grass-type Pokémon it restrained, and it had to be scolded, but it was unexpected that Xiao Zhi not only did not scolding it, but being so gentle to it.

Then Xiaogang brought out a lot of Pokémon food, and everyone's Pokémon gathered together to enjoy the food, and each Pokémon had a smile on his face.

The little flame monkey is a little afraid to take a bite. Is it really good to eat so happily?

In the past, for it, eating was like completing a task, and after stepping up to eat, it was necessary to continue training.

Just when it was at a loss, Tianlin pushed the Pokémon food towards it a little, "Don't think about the past, eat happily, now you have to take care of your body first, before Shinji only cared about training you, but ignored it. It's not right for your physical development."

"Xiaogang's food is not only delicious, but also nutritionally balanced, so don't worry, you should eat it when you eat!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Little Flame Monkey, yours was made by me considering the dark injury caused by Shinji's overtraining in the past. It can supplement your nutrition very effectively. Please don't be polite." Xiaogang smiled.

Feeling the gentleness of everyone, the little flame monkey finally let go of his nature, started working with both hands, and ate delicious food with full appetite.

A monkey, it should be lively and a little mischievous, if it is too dull, it will only gradually lose its proper nature, and it will no longer be itself, how can it become stronger.

Tianlin looked at the little flame monkey and muttered to himself, "Be stronger, little guy, control your super fire and become the strongest fire-type Pokémon, and then in the league competition, let me defeat you. !"

Dividing line

After lunch, everyone continued on their way, and soon, they came to a small town, Tajisi Town.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's great, it's really the vegetable grower sister of Baidai Gym!"

Originally, they were going to continue their journey after a short rest at the Pokémon Center, but on the way, they found that many children were noisily gathering towards the park in the town.

The names I heard from the children turned out to be the gym trainer of Baidai Gym, Cai Zong, who also came to this town. Tianlin Xiaozhi has a forest badge, and they all know Miss Cai Zong.

When I followed the children to the park, I saw a familiar figure surrounded by the children.

Vegetable Seed beckoned to the children, "Children, how are you!"

"Good vegetable sister!!!"

"Well, straight to the point, is everyone very energetic?"

"Miss Vegetable Seed, long time no see!" Tian Lin led the crowd to greet him.

Vegetable Seed looked at several people and said in surprise, "Isn't this Xiaozhi and Tianlin, and Xiaoguang Xiaogang, how are you!"

"Miss Vegetable Seed, why did you come to this town?" Xiaoguang asked.

"To put it bluntly, in order to popularize Pokémon battles, we go to various places to hold demonstration matches."

Vegetable seeds are occasionally responsible for such things. After all, children are the future of the world, and it is their duty as a gym trainer to lead more children into the right path.

Besides, this young lady doesn't like to stay in the gym all day, or most gym trainers in the Shenao area are very unprofessional, and they are very happy to accept this kind of task.

"By the way, you guys are here at the right time, let's have a match with me, a doubles battle." Cai Seed suddenly had a flash of inspiration, if we want to popularize the battle, wouldn't there be two excellent trainers in front of us, they are the real people who are famous in Kanto. Newtown Samsung.

For the challenge, Tianlin and Xiaozhi are of course willing to accept it, but since it is a doubles match, it must be two-on-two. Vegetables need a teammate. She asked Xiaoguang and Xiaogang and learned that they do not have grass-type treasures. Can dream in the body, a little disappointed.

For her, since she wants to cooperate, it is best to work with Grass-type Pokémon.

Chapter [*]: Desert Naia and Drain Fist

Seeing the tangle of vegetable seeds, Tianlin turned around and shouted at a bush, "Do you want a grass-type Pokémon, Kojiro, come out and help!"

"This, Tianlin boss found us?" Kojiro asked in surprise.

"These powerful little devils are getting more and more powerful. Now it's hard for us to just follow them." Musashi and Miaomiao were distressed.

In fact, there was one thing they thought wrong. It wasn't that Tianlin was getting more and more powerful now. As early as when he challenged the Fengyuan area, as long as they approached, he could always perceive the waveguides of several people, but Tianlin was too lazy to pay attention to them. .

It just so happens that the vegetable seeds need teammates, so let Kojiro, who is good at grass-type Pokémon, be a strong man.

"If it doesn't come out, I'll let Pikachu's [*] volts come over." Tian Lin's voice came again, and the invisible trio finally walked out honestly.

"Boss Tianlin, you always find us so easily, our style as villains is gone!" Kojiro said helplessly.

"You've been beaten all day long, do you deserve to talk about style?" Xiaoguang complained silently.

Under Tianlin's suggestion, Kojiro temporarily formed a pair with Caizi to fight against Xiaozhi and Tianlin.

Not long ago, Tian Lin had just collaborated with Xiao Mao once, and now he is collaborating with Xiao Zhi again. He still feels very interested.

The four of them stood on both sides and sent out Pokémon. Xiaozhi and Tianlin were the little flame monkey and blue jay, while the vegetable seed and Xiaojiro were the grass turtle and desert Naiya respectively. In terms of attributes, Tianlin Xiaozhi Complete the opponent here.

As the referee, Xiaogang was about to announce the start of the game, but the vegetables rushed up and hugged Kojiro's Desert Naia, "Ah, it was the last Desert Naia, I've always wanted to see you!"

"This color, this gloss, so cute, mu...ma! You are the best!"

When Xiao Zhi challenged the Patho Gym before, Team Rocket came out to make trouble. At that time, Cai Zong saw Naia in the desert for the first time, and it was like love at first sight. He also asked Kojiro to exchange Pokémon. is strictly refused.

"What are you doing? Let me go~'." Kojiro snatched Naia Desert, "The game is about to start, what are you pretending to be familiar with?"

"Hey, do you want the child to be raised with me?" Vegetable Seed asked very cheekily.

She only asked for an exchange last time, but this time she asked for it directly, Kojiro said angrily, "What, your skin is even thicker than before, and it's thicker!"

"Hey, hurry up and compete, we are very busy." Musashi suddenly urged, and the children on the side were also anxious to watch the game, so the vegetables had to temporarily put aside their coveting of Desert Naia and concentrate on re-investment in the game.

"Then, our side will attack first, little flame monkey, use the jet flame!"

"Blue jay, use the wind."

As soon as it came up, it was a combination trick. The fire borrowed the wind, and the wind helped the fire. The power of this flame was amazing.

"Wow, straight to the point, such a powerful flame, as expected of you Tianlin and Xiaozhi!" Cai Zi didn't panic, "Grass seedling turtle, jump up to avoid it."

The grass seedling tortoise planted in vegetables is different from ordinary ones, and it is very fast. Following her order, the grass seedling turtle that was standing there disappeared instantly.

But Naia in the desert is not so lucky, its speed is not enough to dodge this attack, but Kojiro is also a grass-type expert, and he has long been prepared for dealing with fire-type Pokémon, "Desert Naia, use a sandstorm! "

Starting from the center of Desert Naia, a strong sandstorm blew up. The flying sand blocked most of the flames, and the remaining power was easily evaded by Desert Naia. This sandstorm was not only used by it as a defense, but also triggered its characteristics. , Sand Hidden, Dodge rate increases in sandstorm weather.

"Desert Naia, fight back and use missile needles!"

Desert Naia fired missile needles at the two Pokémon at the same time. Of course, Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi would not be easily attacked. disappeared on the field.

"Ah, your desert Naia moves are awesome. Whether it's dodging or firing missile needles, it's so charming." Seeing an excellent grass-type Pokémon is like Xiaogang seeing a beautiful big boy. Like a sister, she is completely in a state of nympho.

"What is charming, my missile needle was clearly avoided, and now is not the time to say this, pay attention to the sudden attack of the little ghost and the boss of Tianlin." Kojiro reminded.

Now that the two Pokémon on Tianlin's side have disappeared, Kojiro and Cai Zhong must be vigilant to avoid the attack.

"Caught, the grass seedling turtle, and send a flying leaf storm to the sky!" Vegetable Seed's ears heard the sound of the blue jay flapping its wings, and gave an order very quickly.

And Kojiro also found the soil that started to loosen in front of him, "'" Desert Naia, and used his spiked arms to the front! "

The trick of the four started a head-on collision. Feixiang met the Feiye Storm. As a result, the two sides were not divided. On the other side, the spiked arms were digging a hole. fly.

"Is the spiked arm just now very good, Kojiro, you have also become stronger, so little flame monkey, this time use the flame wheel!" Even the enemy who has always been, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but admire.

"It's such a strong force, could it be this kid!" Cai Zi suddenly thought of something, "Xiaojiro, try to order Desert Naia to use a sucking punch to see, twist his arm inward and swipe it out, this is better than a spiked arm. You need a powerful move, and it belongs to the fighting type, so even if you encounter fire-type skills, you are not afraid!"

"Suddenly asking me to do this kind of thing, can it be done?" Kojiro hesitated, but when he saw the flame wheel that was about to approach, he immediately made up his mind, "Desert Naia, use a sucking fist, twist the inside of the arm and swipe it out Li Hao) go!"

"Desert!" Desert Naia, following Kojiro's instructions, focused energy on her arm, a green spiral energy wrapped around it, punched the flame wheel of the little flame monkey, and the little flame monkey was knocked away again. No doubt, this is a real sucking punch.

"Oh my God, it did it." Kojiro couldn't believe it. Desert Naia could actually absorb punches.

"That child really..." Seeing this scene, Cai Seed confirmed the extraordinaryness of Naia in the desert.

"Miss Vegetable Seed, now is not the time for you to be distracted, Blue Crow, attack!" Suddenly, Tian Lin's loud shout woke her up from her thoughts, and Blue Crow once again used the flying trick fire.

"Damn it!" Vegetable seed felt bad for a while, because her mind was all on Naia in the desert, and she didn't notice the blue jay's movements. lost the ability to fight.

Chapter [*]: The Temporary Separation of Kojiro and Desert Naia

Because of the carelessness of the vegetable seeds, Tian Lin was caught off guard, because the great situation formed by Naia in the desert just successfully used the sucking punch was turned over all of a sudden.

"Desert Naia, use the sucking punch on the little flame monkey again!" Seeing this, Kojiro was ready to immediately deal with the opponent's one to save the situation.

Desert Naia raised her fist again and rushed towards the little flame monkey, but this time, the power it finally gathered disappeared in the moment it was about to attack the little flame monkey.

The best opportunity to attack suddenly turned into the worst situation, and Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, "Good opportunity, little flame monkey, use the jet flame!"

An ultra-close-range jet of flames completely established the victory.

"The winner is decided, and the winners are Xiaozhi and Tianlin." Xiaogang decided.

After taking back the Pokémon, Tian Lin walked towards Kojiro, "It's a pity Kojiro, if the last sucking punch can be successfully shot, maybe you guys have a chance to win."

"Yeah, but why did it fail in the end? It was a great success the first time." Kojiro picked up Desert Naia and said puzzledly.

"Desert, desert!"

Desert Naia kept screaming, Miao Miao started to translate, "It said that the first time was just a coincidence, meow!"

"No, it has a very amazing talent." Cai Zhong immediately retorted, "It's just because it has not completely mastered it yet, and has not grasped the essentials of drawing punches, so it will not be able to do it the second time, it lacks Yes, it is the cultivation of an excellent trainer."

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