"The tortoise in the woods, use the Flying Leaf Knife!~"

Xiao Mao's order can be said to be very decisive. He simply gave up all defenses and used all his strength on one blow. This unique trick of fighting for his life will bring the Pokémon into a near-death state after using it, but it will give the opponent and himself the moment. Equivalent physical-strength damage.

Except for the counter-injury of the brave bird's onslaught just now, the Muke eagle has basically not suffered much damage. Its physical strength is very sufficient, and this blow is enough to cause fatal damage to the big tail raccoon.

Even if the big tailed raccoon has enough physical strength to barely resist the next blow, it must be a candle in the wind. Xiaomao is very confident in Tianlin. There is no problem with the grass-type forest tortoise blocking the next surf. Can be left.

Moreover, he analyzed the speed lines of the three Pokémon present. The fastest one completed the attack first, the Muke Eagle, followed by the Big Tail Fox, and finally the slowest Forest Turtle.

This is the best for Tianlin and the others.

On the field, Muke Eagle first hit the big-tailed raccoon standing above the waves with his life, and he fell down while inflicting heavy damage on it, so this surf hit only one Pokémon of the forest turtle. .

With the durability of the forest tortoise and the resistance of the grass type, it survived perfectly. In the end, the big-tailed raccoon who had just used the ultimate move did not return to his senses, and the flying leaves came after the knife, using the little remaining stamina. Completely empty.

"The big tailed raccoon loses its ability to fight, and the victors are Tianlin and Xiaomao."

"Crack!" Tianlin Xiaomao gave a high five, expressing his tacit affirmation of each other. They didn't need to communicate at all during the whole game, and either one could quickly keep up with the other's movements.

"Ah, sure enough, Master and Xiao Mao are too strong, they lost so miserably!" Nana was a little disappointed because she lost.

At this time, a hand touched her head, and it was Tian Lin, "Nana, you performed well, the result is one thing, but you can still challenge me and Xiaomao alone without fear. This can be said to be quite difficult.”

"Yeah, Nana, it should be me who cares. If I hadn't dragged you down, you wouldn't necessarily lose to them." Xiaoguang also smiled and comforted.

"Well, thank you master, thank you sister Xiaoguang!" Nana is a young girl with vitality. As long as the two of them gave her a little encouragement, she immediately returned to her best state.

Next is the second game of the third round, Xiaogang Yanhua vs. Xiaozhi Shinji, Xiaogang once again explained what it means to be unable to carry, and Xiaozhi also won the lie-down victory again.

The match was decided in an instant, all because Shinji was too strong and Yanhua was too weak. At the beginning, Shinji's Heavenly King-level Tutai Tortoise destroyed Yanhua's elite-level scallion duck with a single shot.

Xiaogang wanted to launch a counterattack while the tortoise was stiff, but unfortunately his bad frogs were not strong enough to quickly defeat the durable and excellent tortoise. The finally recovered Tutai tortoise took away the bad frog again with a flying leaf storm.

In the audience, Xiaozhi's Muke bird did not hit a successful attack, and won the game so inexplicably.

"This game is really hard for Shinji. It seems that abandoning Little Flame Monkey makes him feel very uncomfortable." Tian Lin saw that Shinji was venting rather than playing a game.

But that's fine. After such a game, he should be able to recover, at least he can face Tianlin and Xiaomao with a normal attitude next time.

The morning game ended here. After the game, Yanhua thought that she was the drag on Xiaogang, which caused him to suffer a crushing defeat. In order to become a doubles partner worthy of Xiaogang, her Pokémon resumed and continued to set off. travel.

This made Xiaogang lost for a long time, and it was difficult to have a big sister who communicated with him.

Tian Lin looked at this guy and wanted to remind him, don't forget Miss Xiao Ji by Daming Lake, be careful of the Shura field.

After the noon break, the final showdown finally came, and the four of them stepped onto the battle stage.

"Three of the four finalists are from Zhenxin Town, which is really a strange place." Xiaoguang said with emotion.

"It's not so strange, it's better to say that it is rich in monsters." Xiaogang smiled. The three guys in front of him started on the same day. He saw the speed of progress between Tianlin and Xiaomao, which was simply astonishingly fast. With his help, Xiao Zhi was able to keep up with them steadily. Although Tian Lin could only keep abreast of him, for Xiao Mao, he was able to keep pace with them.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Now that these three guys are at full strength, they are all enough to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings, and if Shinji uses all his strength, he will not let it go. The four people on the field are actually all geniuses.

"That's great, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, Tianlin, Xiaozhi will give it to you this time, and I want to teach that Shinji a good lesson." Xiaomao had long been angry with Shinji, and this time he didn't plan to insist What tactic is to beat Shinji to death if he catches him.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you from Shinji." Tian Lin didn't refuse either. It just so happened that he hadn't played against Xiao Zhi for a long time. He was looking forward to it.

"The doubles tournament has finally reached its climax, and the one who will get the bell of appeasement, which side is it, then both sides will be in place, and the game will begin!"

...... 0

Mr. Shi Chang's voice fell, and the four trainers responded.

"Electric shock monster, prepare to come out to fight."

"Little Flame Monkey, it's up to you."

"Go, my honey, fangtooth shark."

"Please, Swimming Qi Itachi."

Four Pokémon compete on the same stage, this is the final battle.

"Xiao Mao, you guy, you have even subdued the Fang Lu Shark." Tian Lin looked at the Pokémon sent by Xiao Mao and said in surprise, this is the God of God. Once it evolves into the fierce bite Lu Shark, its strength It is also an outstanding existence among the major quasi-gods.

"Hehe, if it wasn't to teach that Shinji, I would have used it as my secret weapon. Good luck to you. Today, I will let you see how powerful it is in advance." full of confidence.

"The fangtooth land shark, I remember that it is a dragon-type and ground-type Pokémon." Since he has seen Zhulan's fierce bite of the land shark, Xiao Zhi has a slight impression of it, "Shinji, this attribute is too much for us. Too bad, it can restrain the electric shock monster and the little flame monkey at the same time."

"However, if Tianlin's swimming gas is it, your electric shock monster should be able to deal with it. I will first come to entangle Xiao Mao, you take the opportunity to defeat Tianlin, and then we will fight two against one, how about victory in one breath." Xiaozhi said very much. Rare analysis of the situation, and his tactics are actually very correct, this is indeed the only plan for them to win.

However, Shinji was dismissive, "There's no need for that, I'll knock them all down." Jin.

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-three wins the bell of appeasement

"What a big tone, Shinji, let me see where your confidence is, Fang Lu Shark, make a dragon wave!" Xiao Mao was once again provoked by Shinji.

He actually said that he and Tian Lin would be dealt with alone, even if the Four Heavenly Kings came, he would not dare to say such words.

"Little Flame Monkey, use a jet of flame!" At this moment, a jet of flame offset the dragon's fluctuation, "Xiao Mao, your opponent is me."

Although Shinji doesn't want to carry out Ash's tactics, Ash is also a very stubborn guy, and before Shinji, he chose his opponent first.

"Hey, you bastard." Shinji glanced at Xiao Zhi who was robbing his opponent in dissatisfaction, but didn't say anything, it was just right, he had long wanted to fight Tian Lin again, "Electric shock monster, to swim Qi Itachi Use thunder!"

"Swimming Qi, rush over!"

In the face of the thunder of the electric shock monster, Tianlin actually ordered "One Five Zero" swimming Qi Itachi to rush directly in the direction of thunder and lightning, which made many people very puzzled, because this was completely courting death.

But just when Yong Qi Itachi was about to be hit by lightning, Yong Qi Itachi suddenly jumped up, and with the help of the deviated orbit, the thunder passed beside it.

"To be able to flash thunder at such a close distance, you have mastered a superb skill." Xiao Mao praised.

In fact, this was not invented by Tianlin, the real founder was Xiaoguang, but Tianlin took it and used it, but he has no time to explain to Xiaomao now, this is a great opportunity to attack, "Swimming Qi, Itachi, Make the waves of the water!"

Due to the just forward rush, the swimming gas Itachi has come to the front of the electric shock monster. This is a wave of water fluctuations close to the face, and the damage is amazing.

On the other hand, the little flame monkey was also knocked away by the fangtooth land shark with a dragon claw. After all, regardless of strength or attributes, it is at a great disadvantage. If it can hold on for a while, Xiaozhi is already capable.

Seeing that both of his side were at a disadvantage, Ash said angrily, "Shinji, the opponents this time are of a completely different level from the previous ones. If we fight each other, we are definitely not their opponents."

"So what?" Shinji retorted loudly.

"You, I don't care about you, in short, since I participated in the competition, I must win, Little Flame Monkey, use a jet of flame on the swimming Qi Itachi."

"Hmph, the electric shock monster, used a thunderbolt on the swimming gas itachi."

The two quarreled again, but this time they agreed on their actions. The two of them now think that they should solve Tianlin's swimming Qi first.

"Tianlin, leave the electricity system to me." Xiaomao planned to step forward to help Tianlin.

At this time, Tianlin stretched out a hand to stop him, and smiled confidently, "No, Xiao Mao, you are ready to attack with all your strength, and leave all the defense to me this time."

"Swimming Qi Itachi, use the Return Fist shield!"

Swimming Qi Itachi suddenly jumped up, spinning and spraying water guns, weaving a big net that swept the entire battlefield.

This is the advanced level of Xiaoguang's turning technique. Tianlin always wanted to teach her, but he must know it before teaching others, so when Tianlin left Xiaoguang, he secretly practiced this trick. It worked.

Not only that, Tianlin also incorporated the pure water technique into Yunqi Weasel's anti-fist shield. Electricity is insulated by pure water, and fire is extinguished by water flow. Now, with this trick alone, Yongqi Weasel can defend against electric shocks at the same time. The double attack of the monster and the little flame monkey.

"It's so strong, Tianlin has created a powerful technique again, and it's still based on my foundation." Xiaoguang's eyes suddenly lit up. As the founder, she could naturally see that Tianlin's anti-fist shield was her turning technique. Enhanced Edition.

Moreover, this trick is strong and gorgeous, and can be used in the gorgeous competition. She has made up her mind that Tianlin must teach her after the competition.

"It's amazing, Tianlin. Then I can't be left behind, Fang Lu Shark, make a double chop!" With Xiaomao's combat experience, although he was also surprised by this move, he would never let it go. With a great opportunity to attack, the Fanged Land Shark rushed forward at the fastest speed, and the fins on its arms waved towards the Electric Shock Monster and the Little Flame Monkey at the same time.One move knocks them to the ground.

In the previous game, with their extraordinary strength, Satoshi and Shinji, who were still unfavorable even without cooperation, were completely at a disadvantage at this moment, because their opponents, regardless of cooperation or personal strength, must be superior to them. .

At this moment, the battle situation took another turn for the better. The severely injured Electric Shock Monster slowly stood up, and a dazzling white light was emitted from its whole body.

"Did it start from here!" Shinji Kazuki, the electric shock monster has begun to evolve. He originally participated in the conference to train the little flame monkey, but at this time, he ushered in an unexpected joy 0 ........

The electric shock monster evolved into the electric shock beast, which suddenly made Shinji's confidence soar, "The electric shock beast, use the thunder on the swimming gas itachi!"

At this time, the thunder of the electric shock beast has more than doubled its strength.

But it doesn't matter, this is a two-player cooperative match. Fang Fang Lu shark stood in front of the swimming gas itachi and took the thunder with its body. It is a ground system, no matter how strong the lightning of the electric shock beast is, it is useless to it.

"It seems that this fangtooth land shark must be dealt with first, otherwise the electric trick will not be able to be released." Shinji thought, "Electric shock beast, use the smashing tile on the fangtooth land shark!"

Shinji changed the target, and Ash immediately stepped forward to support him. He understood that the Little Flame Monkey was not strong enough. To win this game, he had to rely on the Electric Shock Beast.

"Hmph, Shinji, it seems that the evolution of the electric shock monster has given you a lot of inexplicable confidence. Let me bring you back to reality, Fang Lu Shark, use dragon claws!" Xiao Mao ordered with a smile.

The fangtooth land shark rushed forward alone, fighting one against the other. After a collision, it remained motionless. On the other hand, the Electric Shock Beast and the Little Flame Monkey were shaken back by its enormous power.

"What?" Shinji and Xiaozhi had no idea that the fang-toothed land shark's strength was so strong.

Just when they were stunned, Tian Lin suddenly ordered, "Swimming Qi Itachi, use the water gun!" 4.0

Swimming Qi Itachi suddenly jumped up from the back of the fangtooth land shark, and shot the extremely fast water gun at the little flame monkey, directly hitting it and losing its ability to fight.

Then, the Swimming Qi Itachi, who succeeded in a single blow, wrapped the water flow all over and continued to charge towards the Electric Shock Beast. At the same time, the Fanged Land Shark was also wrapped in a layer of dragon-shaped Qi, making a dragon dive to block the Electric Shock Beast's dodging route.

Faced with the front and back attack, the Electric Shock Beast had no hope of reversing, and in the end it could only helplessly follow in the footsteps of the Little Flame Monkey.

"Electric Shock Beast, Little Flame Monkey lost its ability to fight, the winners are Tian Lin and Xiao Mao!"

After three consecutive days of fierce battles, Tianlin and Xiaomao finally defeated all the powerful enemies and got their wish to win the doubles championship.

After the game, Mr. Shi Chang also handed over the soothing bell to them at the award ceremony.

Chapter [-] The change of the little flame monkey meets the vegetable seeds again

After the grand doubles battle, everyone returned to the Pokémon Center.

Shinji was very unwilling to lose this time, because even if his electric shock monster evolved, it was far from Xiao Mao's opponent, and he also lost the little flame monkey this time, which made him very dissatisfied, and he is now eager to conquer new ones. Fire-type Pokémon, so once the Electric Shock Beast recovered, he didn't leave without a moment's rest.

Xiaomao and Nana also embarked on their respective journeys again. Their progress is now faster than Tianlin and others. Xiaomao now has three badges, while Nana has an astonishing five. With their efficiency, they can collect all of them. Eight badges shouldn't take too long.

As for Xiaozhi and Tianlin, who only have two badges, they chose to travel together temporarily. The reason is very simple. Xiaozhi was fascinated by the anti-fist shield that Tianlin used in the previous game, and he insisted on teaching him. .

They had helped take care of Xiaoguang when Tianlin was away before, and Tianlin was not easy to refuse, so he had to nod in agreement. It is conceivable that when traveling with this lost king, Tianlin was worried that when Nana collected all eight badges, He didn't even have half of it in his hands, and his face as a master was disgraceful.

Now Tianlin has only one idea, to teach Xiaozhi the anti-fist shield as soon as possible, and he happened to teach him together with Xiaoguang, and then he just found a reason to call 08 Xiaozhi and go, and it is not good to get along with Xiaoguang, a cute girl alone. Oh, absolutely can't let this stuff in.

-Dividing line

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