He and Xiaomao's opponents are also a man and a woman. The woman doesn't know each other, but only knows her name is Xiaoqi. The man, wearing a pair of glasses, has a wise light in his eyes. He is the teammate of the original Xiaoguang, Kaoping. , is also a very powerful character.

"The second game, start!"

Following the referee's order, the four of them threw the Poké Ball at the same time.

"Double King, come on stage."

"I'm going to ask you, Dong Shimiao."

"Go, my new sweetheart, the moat dragon."

"Prepare for battle, Queen Bee."

All the four Pokémon are the final evolution type, but I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, Xiao Mao would train his shield armor dragon to protect the city dragon, which is really not easy.

However, this did not surprise Tianlin. After all, the shield-armored dragon had gym-level strength when it was first resurrected. The level was very high. After Xiaomao's correct cultivation, it would be very easy to complete the evolution in a very short period of time. normal thing.

"Chengcheng Dragon, use the poison!" Xiao Mao preemptively attacked, and the relationship between the guardian dragon and him is indeed very good. The powerful double defense, coupled with the poisonous, invisible rocks and other tricks, is a good player in defensive counterattacks.

"Hehe, Dumb King, use a mysterious bodyguard!" Kaoping ordered with a flash of mirror light. The other party didn't seem to be an easy-going character, so he immediately set up a mysterious bodyguard formation, and under the green light, he burned his body. , paralysis, sleep, poisoning and other abnormal states will be completely isolated.

Chapter [*] Kaoping VS Tianlin Xiaomao

"Xiao Mao, it seems that your interference tactics have been seen through by the opponent, then let me try it out, Queen Bee, use the insect call!"

The powerful insect chirping resounded throughout the audience, and Tian Lin used the most difficult sonic trick to dodge.

"Double King, use it to defend!" It was another green barrier. Just now, it was a skill to defend against abnormal conditions. This time, it was a skill to isolate attacks.

Xiaomao and Tianlin's continuous attacks were easily resolved by Kaoping.

"Miss Xiaoqi, it's time for us to start a counterattack. Let's attack the two Pokémon on the opposite side at the same time." Kaoping wouldn't be passively beaten all the time. After defending, he would of course counterattack.

"Okay, Mr. Kaoping, Dong Shimiao, make a thunderbolt on Queen Bee!" Dong Shimiao is an evolution of Charming Miao. As a normal-type Pokémon, it can learn many moves of other attributes. Electric moves are a very correct order to deal with flying queen bees.

"Well, it's a good choice, then I can't fall behind, Duo Wang, make a wave of water on the moat dragon."

The counterattacks of the two were very strong, and they were all restrained moves.

"Oh, this person is not simple, is he the type of trainer who clearly distinguishes offense and defense?" Xiao Mao judged~.

"It seems so right, we can't be hit by the opposite trick, Queen Bee, make a defense-defense order."

"Dragon protecting the city, use the power of awakening!"

The voices of the two fell, and in an instant, countless bees gathered and gathered on the top of the queen bee's head, improving her double defense, and thus received the powerful thunder.

And the awakening power of the moat dragon is against the fluctuation of water. Its awakening power turned into leaves when it exploded. Obviously, this is the awakening power of the grass element. No wonder Xiaomao can use it so confidently. This provokes resistance to water-type moves.

"It seems that the other side won't be so easily defeated by us. In this case, Miss Xiaoqi, we will focus on attacking one first, and after solving one, the situation will become two-on-one, and the odds of winning will be greatly increased." Kaoping calmed down. analysis of the situation.

"Hi!" Xiaoqi, like Xiaoguang just now, obeyed his words.

Tian Lin saw that the key to the combination on the other side was Kaoping. As long as he was solved, the remaining one would not be a problem at all. Tian Lin and Xiao Mao looked at each other and nodded. The two had already calculated.

"City-protecting dragon, use primitive power against Dumb King."

"Queen Bee, issue an attack command."

"Do you want to focus on me, it's useless, Duo Wang, use it to defend!" Kaoping saw the two's plans at a glance, and opened the guard shield again, preparing to completely defend against the next two's tricks.

At this time, Tianlin and Xiaomao smiled lightly, and they were tricked by the opposite side. Considering ordinary people, facing the combination of Kaoping and Xiaoqi, the priority must be to solve Kaoping, but such a tactic, Kaoping will definitely be able to see see.

Therefore, the two did the opposite. Xiaomao's attack target was indeed Kaoping, but it was just a feint, just to let Kaoping open his shield this round, so that he couldn't support Xiaoqi.

The real target of the attack of the bee colony hovering above the queen bee is actually Dong Shimiao.

In an instant, Dong Shimiao was besieged by a swarm of bees. Because Xiaoqi lost Kaoping's support, she gradually became confused. Kaoping shouted, "Calm down and use thunder to break up the bee colony."

"Okay, Dong Shimiao, use the thunder again!"

The raging thunder and lightning scattered the bee colony, but the attack just now also injured Dong Shimiao.

"Double King, use your spirit to strengthen your thoughts."

"Xiao Mao, change hands, Queen Bee, Insect Ming!" Seeing that Kaoping started to fight back, Tian Lin and Xiao Mao immediately switched places. After all, the Queen Bee of the Insect was much more beneficial to the Dumb King of the super power system.

"You don't need to remind me, Hucheng Long, use the iron head on Dong Shimiao." Xiao Mao has rich fighting experience, and he was ready to exchange opponents long before Tian Lin reminded him.

"Dong Shimiao, destroy the light." This time Xiaoqi didn't hesitate any more, and she launched a counterattack, and it was a general-type big move.

"Oops, Xiaoqi, you can't use this trick!" Kao Ping was shocked and stopped immediately. Although the destruction of the death light is strong, it depends on who is using it. At least this trick doesn't hurt the city dragon at all. Itching, the most important thing is that after using this move, you will fall into a state of rigidity. With the level of those two trainers, it is impossible to miss such a great opportunity.

It's a pity that he reminded it a little too late. The destructive death light had already been launched, and the light hit the iron head of the moat dragon, and the two sides were evenly divided.

"This time we have won, Mo Chenglong, make the ultimate impact on Dong Shimiao with all your strength!"

"Dai Duo Wang, use strong mental thoughts on the guardian dragon."

The ultimate impact is not inferior to the super big move that destroys the death light. Once Dong Shimiao is hit, he will definitely lose, and at this time, Dong Shimiao, who is stiff at this time, absolutely cannot escape.

It was naturally impossible for Kaoping to watch this happen, so he immediately issued an order, Dumb Wang gently raised his fingers to control the body of the city-protecting dragon, so that it could not get close to Dong Shimiao.

"Hehe, Mr. Kaoping, I'm sorry, you've been tricked again." Xiao Mao laughed softly, the fact that his opponent would use his superpowers to limit the actions of the moat dragon was as early as he and Tian Lin expected.

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Therefore, this time, the city-protecting dragon is still feigning attack, and Dong Shimiao was actually left to the queen bee to harvest.

"Queen Bee, use a deadly needle." Tianlin's voice came. Hearing this order, Kaoping immediately realized that the situation was not good, but at this time he was completely powerless to stop it.

As a result, the thorns of the queen bee successfully hit Dong Shimiao's back, knocking it out completely with one blow.

After that, the aura of the queen bee began to skyrocket, and the thing that Kopin was most worried about happened. The deadly needle stab was a unique trick. Once the Pokémon borrowed this trick to defeat the opponent, the attack would be greatly improved. At this time, the queen bee's attack power even On the third order, it is 2.5 times the usual.

...... 0

"I lost!" Kaoping sighed helplessly, the opponent's two Pokémon were almost unscathed at this time, and the Queen Bee's strength increased greatly. With one enemy against two, no matter how powerful he is Possibly a rival of the two.

In the end, Dumb King also fell under an attack command from Queen Bee, and the battle was decided.

"Mr. Kaoping, I'm sorry, it's me who dragged you down." Xiaoqi apologized to Kaoping again and again.

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to worry about it. The opponent's strength is indeed better than ours. It's okay to lose. It's okay to challenge after re-training." This Kaoping looked gloomy, but he was actually very gentle. He didn't blame Xiaoqi at all, but instead comforted her.

"Your name is Kaoping, right? You're very good. I look forward to our next fight." After the game, Tianlin and Xiaomao took the initiative to find him. In this game, when his teammates couldn't carry him, he was simply in the game. It is quite rare to be able to fight against them to such an extent.

"Okay, Zhenxinzhen Samsung is well-deserved. This time I am convinced that I lost, but I have collected a lot of information from you today. In the Shenao League competition, I will definitely develop a victory formula that can defeat you." Kaoping pushed up his glasses and said with a serious expression.

It turned out that he was also a contestant of the Shenao Alliance, which would be better for Tianlin Xiaomao. At that time, both of them wanted to fight him one-on-one and decide the winner again in a fair and just manner.

Ps: I apologize to all readers. There is a mistake in the previous article. When conquering the dream demon, the synchronization feature cannot synchronize the sleep state. I only discovered it during the battle today. I am sorry to the readers. wrong towel.

Chapter [*]: The determination of the tyrannical Pishen Kaoping

Chapter [*] The past of Shinji's Spartans training little flame monkeys

"Hey, don't meddle in your own business, I don't need your cover!" Seeing that Xiaozhi had dealt with the opponent who originally belonged to Little Flame Monkey, Shinji suddenly became angry.

"What do you mean by that? Don't forget, we are partners in doubles battles." Xiao Zhi said without showing any weakness.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, the most angry at the moment was the platypus fire beast's trainer, "Damn, you two, quarreling there on your own, do you look down on me, platypus fire beast, One more puff."

Because there are no teammates now, the platypus fire beast's smoke is more unscrupulous. This time the range is larger than before. It seems that the platypus fire beast has used its full strength this time.

"Pikachu, use the Volt attack."

"Little flame monkey, dig a hole in the ground."

On the other hand, Ash and Shinji didn't cooperate at all, they just gave their own orders.

As the horned rhinoceros was knocked down, all the electric tricks were released. Pikachu wrapped the lightning and broke through the smoke, while the little fire 08 flame monkey sneaked into the ground and moved forward.

In the end, while barely resisting Volt's attack, the duck-billed fire beast was attacked by the little flame monkey in the chin and fell beside the horned rhinoceros.

"The platypus and the rhinoceros lost their ability to fight. The winner of this game is Ash and Shinji."

The two won the victory smoothly, but this is really not a qualified doubles match. It can be said that they won after each shot at will. It only showed the strong personal strength of the two, and the tacit understanding was completely invisible.

The first day of battles is now over. In the evening, the trainers who passed the first round gathered at the Pokémon Center to discuss how to deal with the second round.

"Nana, I found that you seem to know all the Pokémon like the back of your hand. Can you teach me everything in your mind? I think it will be very helpful for the Gorgeous Competition." Xiaoguang asked Nana. road.

"Okay, Miss Xiaoguang, take a look at this." Nana took out the notebook that Tianlin gave her and handed it to Xiaoguang. Under the strong request of Xiaoguang's blushing face, Nana finally changed her words temporarily. Called Mistress.

"This is a book about Pokémon?" Xiaoguang took the information and turned a few pages, surprised, "Wow, it's so detailed, it's much more detailed than what's in the illustrated book, even the Pokémon race distribution, it is recommended to cultivate the direction These are all, Nana, where did you buy this book, introduce it to me!"

"This is not bought, this is the only book in the world, it was handwritten by my master stroke by stroke, thanks to this book, I was able to win the championship at the Quartz Conference, although I have read all the knowledge in it It's over, but I still take it with me when I travel, like my talisman." Nana held the notebook and seemed to cherish it very much.

"I didn't expect Tianlin to do such a thing, no wonder you are so strong, so you inherited everything from him!" Xiaoguang glanced at Tianlin who was discussing tactics with Xiaomao not far away, this guy is too gentle Well, he is really a good teacher for teaching his disciples so much.

The people on this side were happily discussing tactics, while on the other side, Ash and Shinji seemed to be arguing again.

Originally, the two of them were training their own Pokémon, but later Xiaozhi discovered that Shinji's side was not training at all, but abuse.

He actually let four Pokémon besiege one of the little flame monkeys, and he came up with all the big tricks, the Tutai Turtle's Destruction Death Light, the Dark Crow's Shadow Ball, the Electric Shock Monster's Thunder, and the Circle Bear's Qi He bomb.

The four great tricks hit the little flame monkey at the same time, and it was bruised all over in one fell swoop.

Xiaozhi questioned why Shinji treated the little flame monkey like this, and why only the little flame monkey had to undergo such Spartan special training.

And Shinji's answer is that to bring out all the potential of the little flame monkey, the only way is to push it to the limit and improve its concentration as much as possible.

After that, Shinji ignored Ash and started more rigorous training. Until the little flame monkey was knocked out by a high-altitude attack from the dark crow, he didn't want to take it to the Pokémon center for treatment, but to let the electric shock monster Wake it up with a thunder trick.

At this point, Shinji's behavior has touched Ash's bottom line, and he can't watch it anymore, so Pikachu fights the thunder and saves the little flame monkey.

"Shinji, stop me, the little flame monkey has reached its limit, and I'm going to send it to the Pokémon Center." Xiao Zhi picked up the little flame monkey and said angrily.

"Whatever you want!" Shinji replied lightly.

In fact, no matter whether Shinji will object or not, Xiaozhi will not care, the ten Kentaros that he has made up his mind will not be able to pull back.

When Xiao Zhi ran into the Pokémon Center with Little Flame Monkey in his arms, Tianlin and Xiao Mao had already formulated the tactics for the next two days of competition, and were about to go back to rest, but when they saw Little Flame Monkey so injured, they Can't just sit idly by.

Because it was the first day of the doubles battle, a large number of Pokémon were injured, and Miss Joy was completely overwhelmed. Xiaogang was already helping her. Lin and Xiao Mao help the little flame monkey heal.

They are all Pokémon researchers, and how to take care of injured Pokémon is a required course for researchers.

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