As an apprentice, every time Nana sees Tianlin, the first thing she does is show him the results of her travels during this period of time. For her, Tianlin's approval is more important than anything else.

But the question is, five, is this number too exaggerated? Sure enough, the disciple of the church starved the master to death, and Nana's efficiency has far surpassed that of Tianlin. This stupid disciple, is it dead?

"Five! Nana, you are amazing." Xiao Zhi was also very shocked, knowing that he and Tian Lin still only have two.

"Hehe, I worked very hard to catch up with the master." Nana was a little embarrassed, but her shyness was completely mocking in Tian Lin's view, mocking her master for being overtaken by his apprentice.

Last time Tianlin lied to Nana that he had three, but this time, he couldn't say it anyway. He couldn't say that he had six, and Xiaozhi was still beside him. This Hanhan would definitely break him down in minutes.

"That, Nana, in fact, my number of badges is the same as last time. I've been busy with other things recently!" Tian Lin could only avoid the number and say.

"Hey, master, haven't you challenged the gym recently?"

"Yeah, the master is not like you traveling alone. I have companions. Xiaoguang is also a rookie trainer, taking her to different places to experience various people and things, and helping her learn more battle knowledge. My companion has to do it, so I don't have time to challenge the gym, it's reasonable!" Tian Lin Tian shamelessly forced an explanation.

Xiaoguang immediately showed contempt, this guy disappeared for so many days for no reason, and only came back yesterday, he taught himself a ghost, if he really 147 was always by his side, maybe she wouldn't lose so badly at the Fate Conference .

But Nana was convinced of this, "It turns out that this is the case, as expected of a master, it seems that I am still immature, and I only care about myself."

"This kind of spirit of sacrificing myself for my companions, I have to learn more. If I also have companions in the future, I must help her grow like a master!" Nana vowed.

Seeing her appearance, Tian Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and finally managed to fool him.

"Hehe, for me, why didn't I know that you loved me so much, that you left me for so many days and didn't know where to go." Xiaoguang quietly came to Tianlin's side and whispered resentfully.

"Sorry, Xiaoguang, there really was something very important before, I swear, this is the only time!" Tian Lin hurriedly apologized.

Xiaoguang turned his head arrogantly, "Hmph, trust you once, you have to do what you say!"

"Don't worry, I will never lie to you."

Everyone waited in the stadium for a while, more and more contestants gradually gathered, and the audience was already full of people.

Then, a middle-aged man with a pot belly walked over to the host stage. He is the chief of the city of fate and the host of the game.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty fifth grouping their respective partners

"Everyone, let's fight!" The chief shi stood under the big screen in the center of the arena and shouted loudly.

For a time, the audience burst into cheers, and Xiao Zhi and the others were full of enthusiasm, and they couldn't wait to start the battle as soon as possible.

"For the trainers who have gathered for the doubles battle, on behalf of the city of Yuanzhi, I welcome everyone here. I am the mayor of the city of Yuanzhi and the host of the conference."

"As you all know, the City of Fate is known as a place where souls come into contact with each other, and the Doubles Tournament is just like that name. Encounters, and traditional large-scale battle festivities held in contact with each other.”

"It will be three days from today, so please build up your fighting spirit for the fierce battle."

After some impassioned speeches, the uncle finally talked about the main topic, that is, the rules of the doubles competition. When registering the competition numbers, everyone got their own number cards, such as Tianlin being the eighth and Xiaozhi being the tenth. Number five and so on.

After a while, the big screen will be randomly matched, and the two people whose numbers are next to each other will become a group.

"If only I could have a team with the master!" Nana hoped, but soon she thought of something else, "No, I can't play with the master if I have a team, forget it, then whatever!"

Soon, the game schedule appeared on the big screen, which showed the number of each participant. From this, there were [*] trainers participating in this competition, that is, a total of [*] pairs for three days. There are four rounds in total.

"Now, the card numbers you got have been displayed here one by one. Please go and find the trainer that you are paired with. That person is your battle partner for the past three days."

After Mr. Shi finished speaking, the trainers dispersed quickly and found their partner as soon as possible, so that they could get more time to understand the Pokémon used by the opponent, and then discuss the next tactics. It can be said that the game has started from this moment. .

Tianlin's number is No. [*], and the one next to him is No. [*]. He held a sign, "Where is the No. [*], I'm No. [*]~'!"

Searched for a while, but no response.

On the other side, Nana quickly rushed to the side of Xiaoguang. On the big screen, her No. 11 and No. 28 of Xiaoguang happened to be together, "Yeah, Mistress, I'm in a group with you!"

"Don't call me Mistress, I'm just Tianlin's travel companion now!" Xiaoguang said with a blushing face, this carefree girl has always been so out of tune.

"Haha, I've heard this many times before!" Nana said with a smile. Nazi once said the same thing, but in the end, she didn't accept the title obediently.

"Ah, it's a beautiful big sister!" Xiaogang also found his partner, a beautiful young lady who uses a long-winged gull. Xiaogang feels that today is really his lucky day to be able to form a team with such a beautiful big sister.

It's a pity that the young lady said 'I'm not interested in sibling love'.All of a sudden, Xiaogang was knocked down from heaven to hell, and the whole person sat on the ground in gray.

"It's great, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang have both found their partner, where is my partner?" Xiaozhi was still looking around, and Pikachu held his No. [*] sign to investigate everywhere.

"Is that you, number [*]?" At this moment, a familiar and helpless voice entered his ears.

"Shinji!" Xiaozhi looked back and saw that it was his opponent, Shinji. The two have very different personalities. Although they are both very strong, if you want to cooperate, let's forget it. .

"Is Shinji also coming to the competition, but who is not a good match, but becomes Xiaozhi's partner." Xiaogang also thought of this, and was slightly worried.

"Xiaozhi and Shinji, it's interesting." Tian Lin smiled maliciously. The two of them are together, it's fun to think about, he really wants to fight with them, but the question is, who is his partner? , "Number thirty-two, are you there?"

"Stupid Tianlin, stop howling, I'm here!" Another familiar voice, Tianlin turned his head, it was actually Xiao Mao.

"I really didn't expect that it is rare to participate in a conference, and to be able to form a team with you, Xiao Mao!" Tian Lin smiled, it seems that he has got the strongest partner. "Since your teammate is you, we will work together to win the championship this time."

"Of course." Xiao Mao responded to Tian Lin with a confident smile.

"No way, Dixing and Zhixing in the three-star town of Zhenxin Town have become a combination. Now it's troublesome." Xiaogang shed a cold sweat. As the person who accompanied Xiaozhi all the way, he knew Tianlin and Xiaomao well. The strength of the two is terrible, and they have grown up together since childhood, I am afraid that their cooperation is unparalleled.

"'" The only people who can compete with these two here..." Xiaogang looked to the side, where Xiaozhi and Shinji were, and only their strength was strong enough to fight against Tianlin and Xiaomao.

But looking at the fact that these two guys were about to quarrel if they disagreed, the hope of victory was zero.

Half an hour later, the pairing time was over, and Chang Shi stood on the host platform again.

"It seems that everyone has already found their partners. The secret of doubles battles is how to connect the trainers and Pokémons who meet here, and establish a partnership. In addition, The two people who stand on the top will give you this item that can improve the spiritual connection between Pokémon and trainers."

What Uncle Shi took out in his hands were two delicate bells, and when they were shaken slightly, there was a light and pleasant sound, which made people feel more comfortable and cohesive.

"This is the soothing bell!" The uncle introduced (get Zhao) said.

"Good thing, Tianlin, I'm going to fix this treasure, don't hold me back!" Xiao Mao showed a very interested look, the bell of appeasement can quickly increase the intimacy between Pokémon and trainers , is a very useful prop.

"Who are you talking to, Xiaomao, tell you, even if the four mountains of the Four Heavenly Kings stand in front of me, I can help you push it down, but it's you, it's better not to think about winning!" With the ability to escape, Tianlin has never lost anyone, and he is not showing weakness at the moment.

The first game of the day was in the afternoon, when the trainers dispersed and had a battle meeting with their teammates.

Even if it was Tianlin and Xiaomao, no matter how confident they were, they would not be careless, and they discussed various countermeasures just like ordinary people.

It's just Shinji and Xiaozhi, who are training Pokémon on their own. It's harder than winning the Four Heavenly Kings to get them to live in peace.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-six doubles battle begins Nana's strength

After the noon time, the competition of this competition began immediately. Xiaoguang and Nana, who were grouped into the first group, first stood on the battlefield.

Their opponents are a strong man and a petite girl, a combination of beauty and the beast.

"Let's start the first game. There is no time limit. Each trainer can use only one Pokémon, which cannot be replaced. The team whose Pokémon are all incapacitated will be the loser, and the winning team will enter. second round."

Uncle Shi Chang announced the start of the game.

"Go, Bogaman!" At this moment, Xiaoguang no longer felt the frustration caused by the loss of the gorgeous contest, and threw the Poke Ball in high spirits.

Nana next to her gleamed with wisdom and confidence, "I'm coming, big steel snake!"

Nana was using a big steel snake. It seemed that she had succeeded in subduing this powerful guy after the last goodbye.

As for their opponents, the man was using a gas bomb, and the girl was a flying mantis. The levels of the two did not seem to be too high.

"Flying mantis and gas bombs, Shi Niang, you can let go of the attack. I know these two Pokémon very well. Please leave all the support and defense to me!" The aura of her, which made Xiaoguang feel that at this moment, 147 was fighting side by side with her, as if it was Tianlin himself.

The full sense of security made her nodded subconsciously, "Okay! Bogaman, use the bubble light!"

Seeing that Xiaoguang took the lead in attacking, not to be outdone, he immediately launched a counterattack.

"Flying Mantis, use the whirlwind knife!"

"Gas bomb, use sludge bomb."

The two commands were issued at the same time, and the whirlwind knife met the foam light, and the power was equal to each other, canceling each other out.The sludge bomb flew towards Bogaman without hindrance.

"Big steel snake, help Bogaman to block the attack and then use the rock avalanche trick!"

The giant snake-shaped body of the big steel snake protected Bogaman in circles, and the sludge bomb hit it with no effect at all. After all, it is a steel-type Pokémon and is completely immune to poison.

Then, they all attacked the rock collapse, and countless huge rocks fell from the sky, hitting the two Pokémon on the opposite side at the same time.

The gas bullet was not lightly injured when it was hit by the rock, and the Flying Mantis was beaten and lost its fighting ability. After all, the rock-based trick is four times restraint for it.

"Damn, since this is the case, then we have to (aiea) solve one first." The strong man's eyes locked on Xiaoguang, and the persimmon was about to pinch softly, "Gas bomb, use [*] volts on Bogaman."

"Pogaman, be careful!" Xiaoguang shouted anxiously, this is an electric move, and it is too threatening to Bogaman.

"Master, don't worry, big steel snake, protect Bogaman!"

Still the same as before, the big steel snake's body completely protected Bogaman, and it endured [*] volts for it. die.

"It's amazing!" Xiaoguang couldn't help sighing.

"Teacher, take advantage of this time to block the gas bomb's movement with Bogaman's tidal vortex trick!"

"Ah, yes! Bogaman, use the tide whirlpool." Xiaoguang can be said to be obedient to the current Nana, and she can't tell who they are.

Bogaman's huge vortex trapped the gas bomb with one blow, and in the current, the gas bomb could not move freely at all.

"Okay, big steel snake, solve it and use the iron tail!",

The powerful iron tail of the big steel snake fell from the sky, and the vortex was scattered with one blow, and the gas bomb in the vortex fell to the ground and completely fainted.

"The winner is an overwhelming victory. Miss Nana and Miss Xiaoguang successfully passed the first round of the competition!" Mr. Shi looked at the two girls with admiration and made a judgment. He didn't expect to see the first match. To such an excellent trainer, especially that Nana, whether it is tactical formulation or attack timing, he has almost no leaks.

"It's amazing, has Nana grown to this level?"

Seeing Nana's strength, even Xiaozhi Xiaogang and others couldn't help but be a little surprised, and Shinji also showed a very rare expression of approval, "It's really powerful, much better than a guy who only knows rampage, Tianlin, she is your apprentice ?"

"Yeah, how is it, it's not bad, Shinji, even you, if you are too careless, you may lose to her." Tian Lin said proudly.

"Hmph, although she is indeed very strong, it's too early to say that she will win against me. I won't be slack with anyone." Shinji chuckled dismissively and turned away.

"Hey, Shinji, the one you're talking about only knows who is rampaging, tell me clearly." Xiaozhi heard Shinji's voice, which was clearly referring to Sang scolding Huai.

"Do you want me to report your ID number directly?" Shinji didn't turn his head, just replied indifferently, not taking Xiao Zhi seriously at all.

It happens that these two guys are partners who are about to play together, which makes people worry about their future.

"Okay, Tianlin, now we don't have time to worry about this idiot, Xiaozhi, it's up to us." Xiaomao stood up and walked towards the battlefield. He and Tianlin are the second match, and it will start soon. .

In the aisle, they happened to meet Xiaoguang and Nana who were leaving. Tianlin praised Nana and gave Xiaoguang a high five before stepping onto the battlefield.

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