Of course, Sanbee's magic leaf also successfully hit, but unfortunately this grass-type move does little damage to Sanbee.

"Very good, three bees, let's end it now and use the insect call!"

Insect Ming is a sound skill that is very difficult to escape, not to mention Sakura Treasure, whose evasion rate has dropped significantly, it was hit by three bees without any resistance, and gave Guo an instant kill.

"Come back, Sakura Treasure!" Cai Zong took back Cherry Blossom Treasure, her pretty face did not fluctuate in the slightest, that was the weakest Pokemon she tested the challenger, usually just to test the opponent's strength level.

Now, the real gym battle begins.

Chapter seven hundred and fortieth seven hundred generation gym battle

"Grass seedling turtle, it's time for you to go into battle."

The second Pokémon of the vegetable species is the Grass Turtle. Surprisingly, the strength of this Grass Turtle is actually a gym-level. You must know that Tianlin's forest tortoise also passed through Tianlin after the evolution was completed. After a period of supervision and training, I barely reached this stage.

It seems that this grass seedling turtle has a high level. It should be that the vegetable seed deliberately suppressed its evolution. Just such a grass seedling turtle can defeat a large number of challengers. If it evolves into a forest turtle, or even a soil turtle, That would be too difficult for a challenger.

"Come back, three bees!" Tian Lin temporarily took back the three bees, and to deal with the gym-level grass seedling turtle, he had to fight with a stronger Pokémon, "I'll ask you, Blue Crow!"

"Bluejay, use a peck attack!" At the beginning of the game, Bluejay launched a fierce attack.

"It's a good speed, but if you compare the speed, my child will not lose, the grass seedling turtle, avoid the attack!" The grass seedling turtle ran quickly on the grass, even leaving a trace of afterimage, this speed is indeed very fast amazing.

"Strange, is the grass seedling turtle so fast?" Xiaoguang in the audience was puzzled.She remembered that Tianlin never cultivated the speed of grass seedlings and turtles.

But there is one thing that Xiaoguang overlooked, that is, when Tianlin cultivated the grass seedling turtle, he was nurturing it in the future. How can the huge figure of the Tutai turtle support the high-speed movement, the defensive counterattack fort It's the best and only way to go.

But the vegetable species is different. Her seedling turtle is specially bred to test gym challengers. She never thought about evolution, so in order to make up for the lack of offense and defense caused by not evolving, she can only cultivate its speed, so that it can be in its original form. The strength is maximized~.

The peck attack was easily dodged by the grass seedling turtle, and the vegetable seed launched a counterattack, "The grass seedling turtle, use the flying leaf storm-!"

Unevolved Pokémon have another advantage over evolved Pokémon, that is, they can learn the ultimate evolutionary high-level skills at a lower level.

The power of the Flying Leaf Storm is amazing, and the sharp leaves are accompanied by a huge storm that swept the bluejay.

"Blue jay, use flying!"

After all, it's just a grass-type trick. It's impossible to defeat the blue jay with one blow. The blue jay fled the Flying Leaf Storm with its wings, reached an incomparably high altitude in one breath, and then swooped down at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, the scorching sun, which was originally beneficial to Grass-type Pokémon, had a counter-effect. The sun directly fell, and the Grass Turtle couldn't open its eyes to observe the movement of the blue jay in the sky, let alone dodge attacks.

"Grass seedling turtle, use the trick of shrinking its shell!" Vegetables had no choice but to resist. With the improved defense of the shrinking shell, the grass seedling turtle was finally not knocked down by a single blow.

"Very good, grass seedling turtle, let's use photosynthesis below!"

Choose to recover immediately after blocking the attack. Vegetable seeds are very smart, and the amount of recovery of photosynthesis under sunny days is greatly increased.

"Don't think about it, Blue Crow, make a provocation!" Tianlin ordered.

The blue jay suddenly raised its wings, like a human hooking a finger at a person, provoking the grass seedling turtle, and the grass seedling turtle was provoked all of a sudden. In this state, it can't use any recovery skills.

"Really, to actually use this method, then the grass seedling turtle, another flying leaf storm!"

"Blue jay, fly again!"

The provoked grass seedling turtle can only attack, and how could Tianlin be hit twice in a row? This time, before the flying leaf storm hit, the blue jay flew high and left the battlefield.

After escaping the Flying Leaf Storm, it immediately counterattacked. This time, it flew higher and fell faster than before. The powerful collision directly determined the outcome of the game.

"The Grass Turtle loses its fighting ability, and the Blue Crow wins!"

"It's hard work for you, the grass seedling turtle, come back and rest!" Vegetable seed wiped the sweat on her head. Tianlin's opponent was really putting a lot of pressure on her, and he really paid attention to attribute restraint, flying twice in a row. A type of Pokémon, she couldn't fight back.

Now, she can only take out her trump card, "In the end, it's you, straight up, Roseredo!"

A gym-level high-level Rose Reidor, this strength is much better than that of the Blue Crow.

"Blue Crow, blow a tailwind!" In order to make up for the gap in strength, Tianlin asked Blue Crow to use a tailwind to double his speed. As long as he firmly occupies the advantage of the speed line, he can at least get the right to shoot, and he won't fight back at all. He was directly knocked down by his opponent without any strength.

"Roseredo, sludge bomb!"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

In addition to the grass type, Roseredo also has the poison type attribute. With this attribute, it can deal with flying Pokémon.

Countless powerful poison bombs were released from the red and blue flowers on Rose Reidor's arm. The attack speed was extremely fast, and the Blue Crow was caught off guard and fell down after being hit by a single blow.

The huge gap in strength actually killed the Blue Crow with one blow. Fortunately, at the last moment, the Blue Crow successfully blew a tailwind before landing, which gave Tianlin some advantages in the next battle.

When Tianlin saw this, he took out the Poké Ball, "Come back, Blue Crow, you did a good job. Now you can rest well."

"Three bees, please do it again!"

"Huh?" The vegetable seeds leaked a hint of doubt, "The strength of the three bees is weaker than that of the blue jay, it can't be my opponent of Rose Redo, why don't you take out your third one while the tail wind is not over. The strongest Pokémon?"


"There's no need for that, my three bees will end this gym battle." Tian Lin's words revealed full trust in his Pokémon, "three bees, use the wind!"

Due to the existence of the downwind, the three bees moved very fast, and when their wings flapped lightly, a strong whirlwind blew up. Rose Reiduo suffered the damage caused by the wind pressure. .

"Strange, why is the wind of these three bees stronger than when they just dealt with Sakura Treasure?" Cai Zhong said in surprise, "Is it just hiding its strength, or is it constantly getting stronger during the battle?"

"What the hell, let me prove it myself, Rose Raido, use the weather ball!"

The weather ball is a unique trick whose attributes will change depending on the weather. In today's bright sunshine, this trick is an amazingly powerful fire-type trick.

The raging fire completely surrounded the three bees. Xiaoguang looked very anxious here. She didn't understand why Tianlin didn't take back the three bees.

"Come on, Sanbee, just at this time, break through your own limits!" Tianlin insisted on his own idea, still did not choose to withdraw, just silently cheered for Sanbee.

At this moment, a burst of white light spread through the flames, and the three bees finally ushered in the moment of transformation.

Chapter [*]: Forest Badge Bamboo Orchid VS Wu Song

"This is?"

Seeds looked at the white light and realized that something was wrong. The three bees actually started to evolve at this time.

The flame was gradually completely swallowed by the light, and the huge body shook the remaining fire away. The majestic queen-like figure was exactly the same queen bee that Tianlin had seen in the Amber City.

Queen Bee, Female, Hive Pokémon, Insect-type plus Flying-type, characteristic oppressive, frank personality (balanced personality), height 1.5m, weight 40kg, excellent qualifications, potential of the king level, current strength gym-level high-level, Possesses the skills Wind, Sweet Scent, Insects, Cleave, Attack Command, Defense Command, Recovery Command, Power Gem, Deadly Needle, Swallow Return.

"It's really good, as expected, evolution is qualitative change, very good, Queen Bee, the wind blows again!"

The queen bee blew a whirlwind again. This time, the wind "One Thirty Zero" was several times stronger than before. Even Rose Raido could no longer be as calm as before, and her body kept retreating.

"Roseredo, don't admit defeat, use the weather ball!"

"Queen Bee, use the power gem on the weather ball."

Rose Reidor repeated the old trick and used the weather ball again, but this time, its attack was useless, because the power gem belongs to the rock-type skill. Completely dismantled.

"Queen Bee, attack command!"

The queen bee summoned countless little bees and rushed towards Rose Reeddo. Under the bite of countless insects, Rose Reed gradually became scarred.

"Roseredo, shake these bees away and make a leaf storm!"

In order to counterattack the opponent, Rose Reidor swept away all the insects with the grass-type ultimate move, Flying Leaf Storm, and the leaves rushed towards the queen bee unabated.

"Heh!" Tianlin smiled, and did not order to dodge or defend. He saw Queen Bee standing proudly under the flying leaf storm. Even if she was attacked, she did not move at all.

The grass-type trick is really painless for it.

After releasing the ultimate move, Rose Raido knelt on the ground and gasped for breath. While being continuously attacked, he continued to use the ultimate ultimate move. Coupled with the side effect of Feiye Storm reducing its ability, its physical strength was already on the verge of its limit.

"Good chance, Queen Bee, win the victory in one fell swoop, and use Yan Hui!"

Naturally, Tian Lin would not miss this great opportunity. Queen Bee locked Rose Raido in one fell swoop and rushed straight towards it. Yan Hui was a must-have skill. Rose Raido had no way to dodge, and at this time it was also Unable to fight back with strength, in the end, I could only watch myself being knocked out by the queen bee.

At this time, the wind all over the field began to weaken, the time for the downwind came, and the end was just right.

The referee stepped forward to check Roseredo's condition and made a final judgment after confirming that she had completely fainted, "Roseredo lost his ability to fight, and the queen bee won, so the winner of this game is the challenger. Contestant Tianlin!"

"Well done, Queen Bee, it seems that the terrible sweetness is really helpful to your growth. In such a short period of time, it can actually bring you such a big growth!" Tian Lin walked to the Queen Bee and smiled. said.

"Tianlin, the teamwork between you and the Pokémon is very good." Vegetables also came over, looking at the interaction between Tianlin and Queen Bee, showing appreciation, "So straightforward, this is Proof of victory at Patho Gym, Forest Badge."

"Thank you very much, Miss Vegetable Seed!" Tian Lin took the badge that looked like three trees, and finally, he also got the second one, but it wasn't enough, like Komo Shinji's speed should not lose to him , Nana has already obtained at least three, and he will have to hurry up later.

Dividing line

After getting the badge, Tianlin and Xiaoguang left the city of EMI. The next stop is the city of fate. There, Tianlin not only has to get the third badge, but Xiaoguang also has to challenge the gorgeous competition of the city of fate.

At this time, the two of them were leisurely riding forward on the bicycle road.

"Miss Melissa, the Gym Master in the City of Fate, is said to be a master at the ghost type. The only ones who can deal with this are the evil type, and the ghost type itself, but now I don't have any Pokémon with these two attributes. Existence, how to fight?" Tian Lin muttered to himself while riding a bicycle, while thinking about his strategy.

"Fate City Gorgeous Competition, I can finally play against Xiaowang again. This time I must defeat her and win my second ribbon medal." Xiaoguang also thought expectantly.

With their longing for the city of fate, the two speeded up their riding speed, crossed the bicycle path quickly, and then took a boat to the natural park. When they got here, they had to stop and rest for a while.  … ....

Because today, they not only met acquaintances, Xiaozhi Xiaogang, and Shinji, but more importantly, a wonderful battle is being played here, the first of the four gods of Shenao, the super-power king Wusong VS Shenao The strongest champion, Miss Zhulan.

This is Shenao's best battle. Miss Zhulan's strength is really overwhelming. Even if Wu Song's data flow tactics are fully activated, she is still pressed and beaten by her throughout the whole process, but because of Tian Lin's suggestion, in this game In the middle of the game, it made a strange move, he let his bronze bell learn the ultimate impact trick, and then when fighting against Zhulan's strongest bite Lu shark, he let the bronze bell use the seal trick.

Seal, when the opponent has the same move as himself, it becomes a unique move that only the opponent cannot use. Zhu Lan Lie bites Lu Shark's strongest skill, and it is blocked as soon as it comes up.

Moreover, Wu Song seemed to let the bronze bell take the characteristic capsule. When he fought against Tianlin Latias, Tianlin remembered that the bronze bell was still heat-resistant, but today it has become a floating characteristic.

This is to deal with the ground-based trick that bites the land shark fiercely.

The strongest trick can't be used, and the restraint trick is immune. Since Biting Lu Shark's debut, Zhulan has never encountered such a passive situation. This time, even she frowned. beyond her expectations.

Although Bite Land Shark also has a fire-spraying move, its special attack is far less than 4.0 transitive attack, and the fire element is not its main element, so the power of the ultimate move cannot be multiplied. Threats are not deadly.

The trick space was successfully opened after the bronze bell withstood a jet of flame. Wu Song wanted to do a feat that no one in Shenao had ever done in this space, and that was to defeat the beautiful woman in front of him. Shenao was the best. Strong presence, Miss Zhulan.

All the spectators watched this game with excitement. Everyone hoped to learn something from such a high-level battle, especially Shinji. He was staring at the big screen. The strongest is always his unchanging dream.

The Four Heavenly Kings and the Champion are the hardest iron walls on the road to the strongest. He wants to break through them. For this, he needs to know them well enough to clench his fists. It's him! .

Chapter [*]: Champion Bamboo Orchid debuts

"My God, the champion master Zhulan was actually suppressed. This is something that hasn't happened in many years?" The host was also very amazed that Wu Song could actually have such strength.

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