But the problem is that they don't understand this game at all. Both sides are brainstorming, and the form on the field is changing inexplicably. They can't learn anything from it at all, unless there are also data flow trainers. For example, Xinwu in Chengdu, if he is here, may be able to comprehend something from it.

It is a pity that there are too few data flow trainers in this world. After all, to learn this kind of tactics, one must have a very deep understanding of all Pokémon, and the other must have extremely powerful computing power. The threshold is too high, so it cannot be popularized. .

It's no wonder that Wusong is the first king of Shenao, but his popularity is not comparable to that of Aliu and Daye. After all, his tactics are too high-end. As an audience, every time I watch him win inexplicably. , when he was his opponent, it was as if he had completely figured it out. Every move was within his expectations. This kind of feeling was really annoying.

In contrast, Daye's rampant and bloody style of play is more interesting and popular.

After the battle, the crowd gradually dispersed. After today, Tianlin must have gained a great reputation on Shenao's side. After all, he defeated Mr. Wu Song, the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings!

The three returned to the Pokémon Center. At this time, the egg that Tian Lin was holding suddenly vibrated violently. It seemed that it was due to the influence of the battle between the two champion-level super-type Pokémon, which accelerated its growth.

"Tianlin, it seems that the Pokémon in your egg is a super energy type. The collision between the bronze bell and Latias' mental power just affected it." Wu Song judged that he is a super energy expert. , even if the egg has not hatched, he can already feel a weak mental force, thus judging the attributes of the Pokémon.

"It's not too late, go find Miss Joy!" Tian Lin hurriedly rushed into the center.

When Miss Joy saw the shaking egg, she immediately understood the current situation. She took the egg into the incubation room without hesitation, and prepared hot water and other preparations.

Everyone stood in front of the egg, quietly waiting for the birth of a new life.

Finally, the shaking stopped, the light radiated to the extreme, and the round egg turned into a petite humanoid Pokémon with a small green head and a cute white body.

"Wow, so cute, what is this!" Xiaoguang was instantly attracted.

"This is Laluras, a super-type Pokémon. It looks very healthy. Tianlin, your luck is really good!" Wu Song introduced.

"Drawing!" Lalu Lasi opened his eyes and saw Tianlin at first sight. He was slowly wiping his body with a hot towel to prevent the newborn from catching a cold.


Tian Lin wiped it very gently, and Lalu Lasi closed her eyes comfortably.

"It seems that Lalulas likes Tianlin very much." Xiaoguang smiled.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be another Lalu drawing. I have cultivated Shanaido, and I still have a lot of experience in how to take care of it."

Laluras, male, mood Pokémon, super power type plus fairy type, characteristic synchronization, cheerful personality (acceleration minus special attack), height 0.4m, weight 6.6kg, top qualification, champion potential, current strength novice-level intermediate , has skills: mind power, shadow clone, cry, shadow sneak attack.

Tianlin checked the system information, and it seems that he will not have two Shanaido. The gender, characteristics, personality, and genetic moves of this Lalu Lasi are completely different from the one he used before. This is one at all. A typical Elleido template, so the breeding direction will be very different.

Presumably in the future, Shanaido will be very happy to know that she has another brother.

Newly-born Pokémon will be extremely dependent on their masters. After Laluras rested for a while, she opened her arms to Tianlin, begging for a hug like a child.

"Lalu Lasi, please give me more advice in the future." Tian Lin hugged La Lu Lasi, because he was just born, it didn't know how to speak, so he could only lean his little head on Tian Lin to show his attachment.

Chapter seven hundred and forty-five, the museum of the city of EMI

"Tianlin, and Miss Xiaoguang, I'm leaving, and I have a very strong opponent to face. I have to go back and get ready." The end of the battle with Tianlin also witnessed the birth of a new life Afterwards, Wu Song offered his farewell.

Tianlin remembered that it was not long before the Tianwang Championship, not only in the Shenao region, but also in Kanto, because Nazi was about to challenge Sheba at about this time, so Wu Song's object of challenge was undoubtedly God. Austria's strongest trainer, Zhulan.

"Mr. Wu Song, with her as an opponent, your data flow may not play a big role. If you want to increase your winning rate, I suggest you think of some tricks."

Wu Song looked at Tian Lin. He was not surprised that Tian Lin knew who his opponent was. It is normal for a data stream trainer to have this analytical ability, but it is his suggestion that he really needs to consider it and simply use the data stream. The self is definitely not a Zhulan opponent, the only way to win the weak is to win by surprise.

"Thank you for your suggestion, Tianlin, I had a great time fighting with you today. By the way, I'll give you a thank you gift before leaving. Please accept it." Wu Song took out a CD from his arms and handed it to him. In front of Tianlin.

"Mr. Wu Song, is this?"

"I can see that your Laluras is male, and with that character, you should want to breed it into Elleido, right?"

"But that's hard work. Eluledo is a Pokémon that is good at physical attacks. For this, you have to cultivate Laluras' physical attack power from an early age, but before it fully evolves, it can't be at all. Naturally learning any super power-type attacking moves, which means that your early training will be useless, and the battle will be very hard."

Tian Lin was silent, he knew that Wu Song was right, but for the future, even if Lalulas would be weak in the early stage, he could only insist on gritting his teeth.

"But don't worry about it now, this problem will be solved. This is a one-time move record numbered TR69, mind hammer ~' ." Wu Song said with a smile.

"What, Mind Hammer?" Tian Lin was overjoyed, it was actually this, a super power attack move, and this thing can indeed be used by Lalu Lasi, so that its path will be much smoother.

He solemnly took the move record, "Mr. Wu Song, thank you very much, and hope to have the opportunity to fight with you next time."

"Then, goodbye." Wu Song turned and left gracefully after speaking. He was really a very tolerant Four Heavenly Kings.

As a super power user, he is far superior to that Kazuki in Chengdu.

Dividing line

After parting with Wu Song, Tian Lin and Xiaoguang continued on their way, and it didn't take long for them to finally arrive at EMI City.

Baidai City, an ancient city located in the central and western parts of the Shenao region, is full of ancient atmosphere and all kinds of myths and legends.

There is a huge historical museum in the east of the city of EMI. There are two statues of legendary Pokémon at the entrance of the museum, which are the gods believed in the Shenao region, Palkia, the god of space, and Dialga, the god of time. .

I heard that a very cherished treasure was recently obtained in this museum, the legendary treasure, the Vajra Jade Soul.

According to legend, the Jade Soul belongs to Dialga Luca's companion, and Dialga used it to enhance his power when he was fighting.

It is rare to come here, Tianlin and Xiaoguang are not in a hurry to challenge the gym, but come to visit the museum. They also want to see the Vajra Jade Soul.

In the original book, the whole museum was messed up because of Team Rocket's troubles, but Tian Lin came early this time, and Xiao Zhi and his party didn't know where they got lost. Of course, Team Rocket who had been following Xiao Zhi didn't know where to relax .

Therefore, the museum is open to the outside world today. Tianlin brought Xiaoguang into the museum. In the center of the hall, there was a model of the building.

"Tianlin, look, what a beautiful tower, what is this?" Xiaoguang asked curiously.

"Xiaoguang, you, as a Shenao person, you don't even know about the Tower of Time and Space." Tian Lin shook his head helplessly, "This is a work completed by the famous Shenao architect, Gao Di, a hundred years ago. Taking into account the characteristics of the two divine beasts of time and space, the spire of the Tower of Time is carved with horns, corresponding to the diamonds of Dialga. The spire of the Tower of the Sky is a round carving, corresponding to the pearls of Palkia, this But it is called the highest masterpiece of the gods."

"Wow, it sounds amazing. He can actually design buildings based on our legendary Pokémon. This guy named Gaudi is really a genius." Xiaoguang said with emotion.

Tianlin smiled indisputably. This Gaudí is not something that can be explained by mere genius. As early as a hundred years ago, he predicted that when two existences that are absolutely impossible to meet meet in the gap between time and space At that time, the anger began to spread, and the two sides began an earth-shattering battle. For this reason, he specially built this tower to deal with future disasters.

As far as Tianlin knows, the Tower of Time and Space is actually a musical instrument, and it is the largest musical instrument in the world. When the Tower of Time and Space began to play the tune of Orazion, which was rumored to be able to quell the great anger, no matter how angry will disappear, and the disaster will be lifted with it.

For such an amazing person, Tian Lin also admires him from the bottom of his heart.

After watching the Tower of Time and Space, they did not forget the business of coming here today, that is to take a look at the Vajra Jade Soul, which is the most important purpose.

The display stand where the King Kong Jade Soul is placed is in a room in the center of the museum, and there are special personnel guarding it around. It is indeed amazing that the original Rocket Team can steal it under such strict guards.

"'" Is that the Vajra Jade Soul? It looks very ordinary, doesn't it? "Xiaoguang felt nothing interesting when he saw the Vajra Jade Soul, it was not as shocking as the Tower of Time and Space.

 (Get Zhao) The Diamond Jade Soul is a diamond-shaped gem. From the outside, ordinary people can't feel the powerful power it contains. People who come here to visit are just out of curiosity.

But this time, Tian Lin's eyes met with the Jade Jade Soul, and the power of time in the Jade Jade Soul actually began to pull his soul, allowing him to see a picture that he didn't know how many thousands of years ago.

In the picture, the sky and the earth are pitch black, as if the world is destroyed, but it is not completely dark. In contrast to the darkness, there is also a golden light, and the one emitting golden light is actually the legendary god of creation, Arceus. .

The owner of the Jade Soul, Dialga, was standing behind Arceus with another god Palkia at this time, fighting against the darkness.

In the end, with the angry shout of Arceus, the three Pokémon rushed into the darkness together, and an earth-shattering battle began.

Chapter [*] The initial myth of Shenao

In the museum of EMI City, many people have gathered. They all came to visit this Vajra Jade Soul, but what they saw was completely different from what Tianlin saw.

At this time, what he saw was an unparalleled battle. In the sky, Arceus led Palkia and Dialga against the huge darkness. Below, three mushroom-like Pokémon were using them The super power guards the earth, it is the three holy mushrooms of the gods of the lake.

Watching this battle, Tian Lin unconsciously began to mutter to himself.

"In the beginning, there were only chaos and fluctuations. From the center, the first thing was born, and the first thing created two clones, time began to rotate, space began to expand and extend, and then, it was born from itself. three lives."

"Two avatars prayed, and the thing called the thing was born. The three lives prayed, and the thing called the heart was born. The world was created from this, and the first thing fell asleep."

"Hey, is Tianlin talking about the original myth of our Shenao area?" Xiaoguang heard the voice and looked at Tianlin, but the state of Tianlin at this time was obviously wrong. Guang 127 always felt that what he saw was deeper and farther.

Moreover, the original myth ended when the first thing fell asleep, but Tian Lin's words did not end because of this, and he continued to speak.

"After the world was created, various gods came into being. Ho-oh, the god of life and death, Lugia, the god of ocean currents, Groud, the god of the earth, Kyogre, the god of the ocean, and the god of the sky. Liekong sits, symbolizing the ideal god Zekrom, representing the real god Reshiram, as well as the god of life Xerneas, the god of destruction Ifeltar, the god of order Zygard, etc."

"Under the control of the major gods, the world tends to be stable, people and Pokémon live happily, until one day, a huge darkness covers the whole world, the gods are defeated one after another, and the first thing wakes up in a long sleep, in order to protect The world fights against darkness, but still loses, until..."

"Tianlin, Tianlin, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that Tianlin was in a wrong state, Xiaoguang shook his body anxiously. Under Xiaoguang's shout, he finally stopped telling the myth and gradually came to his senses.

"Xiaoguang, I'm sorry, did I (aiea) do something strange just now?"

"Yeah, I whispered a lot of inexplicable things. It was just the initial myth of our Shenao. I also heard it from my mother, but what is behind you? Is there a follow-up to this myth?" Xiaoguang wondered, if there was a follow-up, how could she, a native of Shenao, not even know about it.

"No, I was just talking to myself, okay, since the Vajra Jade Soul is over, let's go to the Baidai Gym to challenge." Tianlin took Xiaoguang's hand and left the museum immediately.

The world that the Vajra Jade Soul took him into just now was too terrifying, and the final scene stopped abruptly. He didn't even know what was behind the 'until' in the myth he told.

When all the gods were defeated, what kind of existence was there to turn the tide? He wanted to know, but he was afraid of knowing. He always felt that after he knew, the days of happy travel would disappear.

But that's not what he needs to consider now. Now the world is guarded by gods. What he has to do is to keep making himself stronger. If one day he can step into the master state, maybe that day, he will explore The continuation of this myth.

Because only a master-level trainer can interfere in the war of the gods.

When Xiaoguang saw that Tianlin was back to normal, she stopped exploring. After all, she was not very interested in myths and legends.

The two soon came to the gym in EMI City. This is a grass-type gym. The gym is full of greenery, which is very suitable for grass-type Pokémon to live and fight.

"Is anyone here? Miss Cai Zong, I'm here to challenge the gym!" Tian Lin shouted as soon as he entered the door.

"Let's get it straight, I'm here." The vegetable came out from the inside, "Tianlin Xiaoguang, I've been waiting for you for a long time, by the way, did you find the terrible sweetness with Miss Yami last time?"

"I found it. Thanks to her, we also got a little bit. It's really a good thing. When you make Baofen a little bit, the sweetness of Baofen will become extremely high." Xiaoguang said of his feelings Interested things were immediately talked about.

But what she said was right. They did gain a lot. Under the terrible and sweet feeding these days, the level of the three bees has improved a lot, and it will be the main force against this EMI Gym today.

"Really, it sounds really good, then it's not too late, Tianlin, let's start our game, come with me!" Cai Zian is a very straightforward girl, and she didn't talk much, and brought the two directly to the battle. site.

The referee was already waiting there. Like the Iron and Steel Gym, Baidai Gym was a three-on-three battle. As a gym trainer, Cai Zong took out his Pokémon first.

"Okay, straight to the point, my number one is Sakura Treasure."

"Then the three bees, let's go to battle!" Tianlin took out the three bees as soon as he came up, the insect type plus the flying type, it is an excellent weapon against the grass type, such a big attribute advantage, Tianlin will of course not let it go.

"Three bees, use the wind!"

The three bees flapped their wings, blowing a strong whirlwind. Unfortunately, Tianlin's luck seems to be very bad today. That is the weather. It's really good. There is no need for Pokémon to change the weather. In this weather, the speed of Sakura Treasure with the Chlorophyll trait is doubled.

Relying on this, Sakura Treasure easily avoided the attack range of the wind.

"Sakura Treasure, use the magic leaf!"

"Three bees, making a sweet aroma."

While Sakura Treasure began to fight back, Tian Lin also launched further actions.

Sweet aroma is a move that reduces the opponent's evasion rate, and because of the terrible and sweet feeding these days, the sweet smell emitted by the three bees is particularly amazing. Grass field.

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