It turns out that the initial Pokémon that Kengo chose at the time was also Bogaman, and it has now evolved.

Bogaman ran forward and said hello to his senior, but was knocked to the ground by Prince Bo's wings.

"Wait, what is it doing?" Xiaoguang immediately became nervous.

Jian Wu quickly apologized, "Sorry, my Prince Bo is a bit arrogant, and he is not very close to other people except me."

"Most of the penguin Pokémon in the group of Pogaman are rude, especially Prince Po, who hates swarms." Tian Lin explained.

"Xiaoguang, because you used Bogaman at the celebration conference, I thought you were imitating me!" Jian Wu looked at Xiaoguang. When he watched the broadcast of the celebration conference, he saw that Xiaoguang also chose Pogaman thought she had a heart-to-heart with him, not to mention how happy he was.

"I won't do anything imitating!" Xiaoguang denied it mercilessly, hugged Bogaman and smiled, "There is a fateful encounter between me and Bogaman!"

"By the way, Jian Wu, since you made your debut earlier than me, have you ever received a ribbon medal?" Xiaoguang suddenly remembered the most important thing, she wanted to know how much this rival and childhood sweetheart surpassed her.

Chapter [*] Love rivalry?Jianwu VS Tianlin

Hearing Xiaoguang mentioning the ribbon medal, Jian Wu scratched his head embarrassedly, "Actually, I have only participated in one gorgeous competition so far, and the number of ribbon medals I have received so far is zero!"

"However, I didn't lose to you either. Just like when you celebrated the conference, I also lost to Xiao Wang on the final stage."

Jian Wu deliberately added that he would not easily admit defeat between rivals, even if the opponent was a girl he liked.

"So that's the way it is, so the first ribbon Xiaowang got was obtained by defeating you, and the second was obtained by defeating Xiaoguang. In this way, she will become your common enemy!" Tian Lin smiled.

"Xiaowang is really good, but we won't lose to her, right?"

"of course."

The two cheered each other up. The two of them, together with Xiao Wang and the bard Shang Zhi who appeared before, seemed that this large-scale celebration would be very lively.

Xiaoguang suddenly looked at Tianlin and said, "But it's okay, fortunately, Tianlin, you didn't participate, otherwise we would have nothing to look forward to."

"Jianwu, let me tell you, Tianlin is super powerful. He taught me a lot of gorgeous competition skills along the way. He is no worse than my mother, and his fighting strength is even more amazing. It was a three-to-zero effort to get the badge, it's so handsome!~"

Xiaoguang flaunted Tianlin's strength, which made Jianwu's expression, who was originally very happy to see Xiaoguang, instantly gloomy-.

Jian Wu stepped forward with jealousy and asked, "Xiaoguang, did you two start traveling together after the celebration city?"

"No, we've been together since the beginning!" Xiaoguang, a straight daughter, was really outspoken, but she didn't know how much this sentence hit Jianwu.

Jian Wu looked at Tian Lin with a bit of hostility at this time, no doubt, that is the look in his rival's eyes, "Mr. Tian Lin, I want to challenge you, since Xiaoguang said that your strength is so powerful, then I also want to see it. How high are you as a top coordination trainer?"

Tian Lin was very speechless. He didn't expect that he would become the jealous object of Xiaoguang's childhood sweetheart, but he would never refuse a challenge, and he could just take this opportunity to let Xiaoguang know Jianwu's strength before the Garden Conference. There is a general understanding.

After the two came to the Pokémon Center, there was a battle field, and in front of Kengo stood Prince Po, "The rules are one-on-one battles, right?"

"Okay, then please, kitty monster!"

Using the electricity system to deal with the water system, Tian Lin chose a very orthodox way of fighting.

"Let me experience the strength of the top coordination trainers in person, Prince Bo, use the peck drill!" Facing Tianlin, Jian Wu didn't dare to be careless at all. The peck drill is an upgraded version of the peck skill, and Prince Bo leaped into the air. While spinning, the sharp beak turned into a drill and rushed towards the kitten monster.

This momentum is several times stronger than Pogaman's peck, and its movements are neat and tidy, showing that Jianwu has also worked hard on this move.

"The kitten monster, use ice teeth!"

Tianlin asked the kitten monster to face its teeth with teeth. In terms of sharpness, the kitten monster's teeth would not lose to Prince Bo's beak.

The kitten monster saw the opportunity and bit Prince Bo's peck drill, forcing it to stop at once, and the chilling ice teeth gradually began to seal Prince Bo's mouth.

"Impossible, how can my Prince Bo's pecking power only be so little?" Jian Wu was puzzled for a while, until he saw Kitten Monster's fierce expression, and then he understood, "Damn, it's a threat, it lowered Prince Bo. attack power!"

"Then Prince Bo, use the metal claws!" Prince Bo flapped his wings and slapped the cat monsters, but the metal claws were a steel-type trick, and it didn't do much damage to the electric-type cat monsters. The cat monsters just stepped back a few times. After a few steps, he stabilized his body, and there was no serious problem at all.

"Prince Bo, continue to attack and use the water cannon this time." Jian Wu tried to use the impact of his big trick to break away the ice block on Prince Bo's mouth. With the surging water cannon, its mouth finally broke free. bound.

"The kitten monster, use the charge."

At this time, the cat monster began to charge, and increased its special defense in one breath, thereby resisting the impact of the water cannon.

"Then use the electric light!"

After charging, of course, it is an electrical skill. At this time, the power of the electric light is greatly increased, which is comparable to a volt attack.

"Prince Bo, use the metal claws to block it!" Jian Wu ordered. This is a defense method he is very good at. He relies on the metal claws that steel his arms, and then uses the powerful defense of the steel system to reach most of the attacks.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

It's a pity that Jianwu failed this time. In the face of such a tyrannical current, Prince Bo was knocked out without holding on for a second, and his body was surrounded by lightning.

Since Jian Wu chose to use attacking tricks as his defense, he must have been affected by intimidation. How could the metal claws whose strength was greatly reduced could resist the charged electric tricks.

The situation has been completely controlled by Tian Lin. From the first time Tian Lin saw this Prince Bo, he had already seen that when Jian Wu cultivated it, it was a dual-sword route of cultivating both animal attack and special attack.

It's a pity that now, on the physical attack side, Prince Bo's strength has been greatly reduced due to being intimidated, and on the special attack side, the special defense has also been improved due to the charging of the kitten monster, which also cannot have a big effect.

. . 0

"Too passive, all my attacks were actually dissolved by this person!" Jian Wu let out a cold sweat, this time Tian Lin didn't use any gorgeous fighting skills, what he showed was the level of his experienced trainers.

Sure enough, the level of Tianlin's trainer is much higher than that of his coordinator. At least in the face of Tianlin like this, Jianwu basically has no power to fight back.

"Kitty Monster, charge again!"

The kitten monster charged up again, and it was obvious that Tian Lin planned to decide the winner in the next blow.

"Prince Bo, use the water cannon!" Jian Wu didn't intend to give up, even if the odds were slim, he didn't want to lose face in front of Xiaoguang, at least he had to fight to the end.

Just facing the cat monster with two levels of special defense, it was still unable to win with one blow. After the cat monster resisted the water cannon, it rushed towards Prince Bo with electric light.

There was a burst of thunder on the field.

"Prince Bo lost his ability to fight, and the cat monster won. The winner of this game is Tianlin!" Xiaoguang announced the result of the game as the referee.

Jian Wu calmly took back Prince Bo and lost to Tian Lin in the battle. He was not surprised at all. After all, the difference in the level of trainers was too great. Almost from the beginning of the game, he fell into the pace of Tian Lin. Every skill of his has been dismantled by Tian Lin, and he can't see any hope of reversal.

Jian Wu realized that it was too early for him to challenge Tian Lin at this time, and he was still far behind!towel.

Chapter [*]: Gorgeous Stage Rainbow Pogaman

The next day, finally came the start day of the gorgeous competition.

"The scattered flowers, the blooming flowers, the flowers in my dreams, the scattered petals, all the guests who came to the scene, the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, the Garden Conference, now officially begins!"

"This time, in this colorful flower town, Garden Town! Together with the flowers on the stage, we will hold it for you!"

Against the backdrop of countless flowers, Miss Bai'an looked elegant and beautiful, which made the atmosphere of the whole venue warm.

While waiting, Xiaoguang changed into a fancy dress and carefully adjusted his hairstyle. She was beautiful and cute, like a princess. Jian Wu, who was dressed as a knight, was stunned.

Seeing him like that, Xiaoguang couldn't help teasing, "What's the matter? Oh, I see, you were moved after seeing my dress, right?"

This sentence directly made Jianwu's "one-one-zero" blushed, "How could such a thing happen!"

"Oh, I'm shy again, obviously it's a good fit, isn't it?" Xiaoguang is quite confident in his own charm.

"Then, let's start the first review immediately. The stage where a single Pokémon will perform the ultimate trick. Let's start with high fighting spirit!" Miss Bai'an's voice fell, as the curtain on the stage opened. , Xiaoguang was the first to step onto the stage.

"Pogaman, the charm is here!"

The original book Xiaoguang used Pachi Liz at this time, but Tianlin suggested that she should use Bogaman or curling ears. Pachi Liz's rein time is too short, and she is inexperienced on the stage of gorgeous performances, I am afraid that there will be problems, and Wouldn't it be better for the Electric-type Pachiritz to keep the flamboyant battle against Kengo's Prince Bo?

"Let's get started, Bogaman, first use the tidal spin!"

The new move that Bogaman learned not long ago can be said to be a water-based version of the flame vortex, which can continue to stay on the field for four or five rounds after performing a unique move, constantly inflicting damage to the enemy.

This time, Bogaman used this trick in his performance, and the usage was different from ordinary battles. Bogaman put the power of the tidal whirl into the sky.

"Very good, then here is the stunt we prepared this time, Bogaman, let's show everyone, use the rainbow foam light!"

Pogaman sprayed foam light against the tidal whirlpool. This light really amazed the eyes of all the audience. Miss Bai An exclaimed, "Oh my God, the foam light sprayed by Bogaman is actually colorful, I still love it. It's the first time I've seen such a wonderful trick."

The foam light penetrated into the tidal vortex, and also dyed the tidal vortex, turning it into a rainbow-colored tidal vortex, followed by the last step, "Pogaman, jump into the tidal vortex and use the patience trick while spinning!"

Rotation, in the original book, Xiaoguang created a technique to help Xiaozhi when Xiaozhi challenged the steel gymnasium, but this time, it was taught to her by Tianlin, and the rotation was used to greatly defuse the enemy's attack. .

Patience is a skill that doubles the counterattack after absorbing an attack. When these two moves are combined, the final result is that Bogaman who jumped into the tidal vortex absorbs all the power of the tidal vortex and the foam light into his body with minimal damage.

The colorful light was also sucked into Pogaman's body, and for a time, the whole body of Pogaman exuded a rainbow-like light.

"Very good, it's done perfectly, this is Rainbow Pogaman!" Xiaoguang said in surprise, her previous hard training was not in vain, but she didn't expect to finish it so beautifully for the first time in the official competition.

"Oh, Rainbow Pogaman, it's amazing, it's the first time I've seen such a heartwarming performance!" commented Mr. Conkenstein.

"I like this!"

"Rainbow-colored Pogaman is so cute!"

Both Mr. Sukisa and Miss Joey also gave very high evaluations. In the end, Xiaoguang scored 29.8 points. If it wasn't for the fact that Pogaman's level was not very high at this time and could not show the strength of cultivation, I am afraid that Xiaoguang could get full marks. , but this score, there is no doubt that the basic can be determined to advance to the next round.

"I didn't expect Xiaoguang to be so powerful. Is it because of that person?" Jian Wu's face was heavy. As a man, he didn't want to lose to the girl he liked, and he also realized that Xiaoguang's current strength and audience The Tianlin can never get rid of the relationship.

Jian Wu has regarded Tian Lin as his biggest imaginary enemy, not only because of his status as a top coordination trainer, but also as his most worthy rival in love.

The trainer who came on next was Tiantian Musashi Lina. The Rice Spoon Snake appeared in a dark fog, and the horror and weirdness of the snake-like Pokémon appeared at once.

And snakes are best at surprise attacks and hunting. Musashi ordered the rice spoon snake to bind himself with a binding trick, and the bloody mouth with fangs was also firmly buckled on top of Musashi's head.  … .

Musashi put his whole body together and expressed the excellent hunting ability of the rice spoon snake.

"Miss Musashi Rina has made a strange move again!" Xiaoguang said with a cold sweat.

Jian Wu stared at the big screen with a dignified expression, "This is not a strange move, Xiaoguang, look carefully, that eldest sister uses herself as a hunting target, and it reflects not only the powerful ability of the rice spoon snake, but also the trainer's concern for her treasure. Pokémon's trust and Pokémon's bond with trainers are also perfectly displayed."

Regarding the bond between the Pokémon and the trainer, even Tian Lin does not think that he can definitely beat the Rockets. Whether it is Musashi or Kojiro, they all treat their Pokémon sincerely. The tacit understanding between them is also impeccable.

In the end, Musashi scored 29.3, and the performance style of the whole body was very popular.

After Musashi's performance, Kengo in the waiting area said seriously to Xiaoguang, "Xiaoguang, I will surprise you more than the one who used the rice spoon snake, so please look forward to it!"

Jian Wu stepped onto the stage, "Go, Hu Di!"

I didn't expect Jianwu to have such a powerful Pokémon as Hu Di. After the debut, Hu Di posed and turned the spoon in his hand. The performance of super-power Pokémon is very beneficial. They can rely on the power to show their unique skills more amazing.

 4.0 "Using the wall of light!" Hu Di's eyes shone with light, and the golden light wall surrounded it. Then, Hu Di used a shadow ball in the light wall, shattering the light wall from the inside, and the moment of the explosion, it exploded again. Using teleportation from it to the center of the stage, it really has the temperament of a super-type Pokémon.

Finally, the power of awakening, countless energy light balls began to circle around Hudi.

As expected of a super-type Pokémon, the strength and flamboyance of the ultimate move are of course not to mention, and it also allows people to experience a magic-like performance.

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