"Hehe, three!"

Just when Tian Lin was complacent, a strange laughter suddenly came from the side, "I didn't expect that Tian Lin, who is the top coordination trainer and the leader of the three stars in Jiazhen New Town, would actually deceive his apprentice, it really makes me Eye-opening, Tianlin, where is your face?"

"Then what, the reason I did this was just to hope that Nana wouldn't be too arrogant. This is just fulfilling her duty as a master, and there is absolutely no idea of ​​being beaten up by the apprentice and making her face fat!"

"It's all said!" Xiaoguang said helplessly.

Tian Lin was also a little reluctant to say something because he was suddenly touched by the pain point. There was no way. First, he was surpassed by Nana, and then he was mocked by Xiaoguang. His image as a top trainer disappeared in an instant.

"No, I have to hurry up. If I go on like this, I won't have the face to meet the folks in Zhenxin Town." Tian Lin made up his mind and accelerated the trip. They had only three days to get to Yuanzhi Town, they just two Arrived early.

Garden Town!

Known as a colorful flower town, it is famous for its rich honey and ubiquitous fragrant flowers. Before Tianlin and Xiaoguang entered the town, they could already smell the fragrance of flowers along with the breeze. , his eyes are directly covered by flowers all over the city.

"It's really a beautiful town. It's really appropriate to hold a Pokémon Glamour contest here." Tian Lin said with emotion.

"You two, this is the first time for you to come to this garden town?" Just as the two of them were watching the poster of the upcoming gorgeous contest, an old woman walked up to them.

"Yes, we have just arrived here, this town is so beautiful!" Xiaoguang seems to like it very much. If she can get her first ribbon medal here, she will be happier than this. .

"Actually, this town wasn't full of lush flowers and trees like this when it first started!" The old woman showed a look of nostalgia and gratitude, and told the legend here.

"In this garden town, there is an ancient legend. I heard that the previous generation was a very barren hill. Later, because it seemed too deserted, everyone started to plant some flowers and trees, but somehow, all of them were planted. Not alive."

"Until one day, a woman stood on the top of the hill and expressed her thank you to the land. Suddenly, all the flowers began to bloom, and all the trees were sturdy. It's an incredible story, isn't it?"

"Well, a very beautiful and wonderful story, thank you for telling us a new understanding of this town." Tian Lin said gratefully.

After listening to this story, he thought of a kind of Pokemon, that is the legendary phantom beast. Thanks to Pokemon Xiemi, only its power can make the flowers bloom. The so-called 'Goddess' legend should be from derived from it.

I heard that in the north of this town, there is a garden of flowers. Tianlin plans to put the forest turtle and the three bees there for a few days and have a good time. The grass-type 110 and insect-type Pokémon are my favorite. Such is the environment.

Saying goodbye to this enthusiastic old woman, Xiaoguang noticed that there was a poster next to the poster of the gorgeous competition, "Look Tianlin, there is a poster for the announcement of the opening of Baofen Classroom!"

"Baofen, is it the same thing as the energy cube in the Fengyuan area?" Tianlin asked.

"Yeah, the so-called Baofen is a snack specially made for Pokémon after cooking and conditioning the tree fruit. Because I used to help my mother make it together, I am very good at making Baofen!" Xiaoguang proudly raised In the beginning, it was rare to encounter her strengths, so how could she not show off in front of Tianlin.

"And Baofen is not only healthy and delicious, but also can adjust the physical state of Pokémon, or increase their fur color and luster!"

"Tianlin, it's still early anyway, let's go to the Baofen classroom together, shall we!" Xiaoguang looked at Tianlin expectantly and pleaded.

"Alright, it sounds interesting, I happen to be very good at making energy cubes, and I want to see what's the difference between this Baofen and the energy cubes. If it's good, I'll try to learn how to make them for forest turtles. !"

Tianlin agreed with Xiaoguang's suggestion, and the two came to a very beautiful flower field together according to the address on the poster.

Chapter [*] Learning Baofen Production

"Good afternoon, is anyone here?" Tianlin and Xiaoguang shouted loudly as they stepped into a house in the middle of the flower field.

At this time, a Rose Reed was taking care of the flowers in the flower field. It seemed to be frightened by the voices of the two, and hid in the flowers and did not dare to come out.

Seeing this, Xiaoguang hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, did we scare you too loudly?"

"Rose!" Rose Raido raised her head timidly, still looking at the two of them with some fear.

This Rose Raido is really different from Xiao Shun's one back then. Xiao Shun's Rose Raido is extremely confident, while the one in front of her is extremely inferior.

However, that does not mean that this guy is weak. According to the information obtained by the system, this Rose Raido has the power of a quasi-king level, but unfortunately, with its cowardly personality, no matter how strong it is, it cannot exert its strength.

"Hello, are you two coming to participate in the Baofen classroom class?" At this moment, a beautiful big sister walked out of the room.

The two nodded at her, and after getting a positive answer, she smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, I kept the two of you waiting for a long time. My name is Xiaolei, and I'm the teacher in charge of teaching."

"Then invite the two of you to come in first!"

Xiaolei led the two into the classroom. Rose Reidor quickly prepared all the ingredients needed to make Baofen, while Xiaolei began to explain the steps to make Baofen for them.

The production process of this Baofen is indeed much more complicated than that of energy cubes, but it has to be said that both its taste and nutrition are better than energy cubes. Therefore, Pokémon in the Shenao area like this kind of food very much.

Of course, the energy cube also has the advantages that Baofen does not have, that is, it is simple to make, can make a lot of spares in one go, small in size, and easy to store. If you keep Pokémon such as Kirby, the energy cube is still more suitable than Baofen.

"The first step in making Baofen is to put the tree fruit cut into small pieces into a pot, then heat it up, and stir them well. With the different stirring methods, Baofen will also produce various differences. The taste~'!"

Under the guidance of Xiaolei, the two started the first step. Xiaoguang was really skilled. She also set a timer with a Pokemon to ensure the time for stirring and heating.

Because if the heating time is too long, it will burn, and if it is too short, it will melt unevenly.

This is Xiaoguang's experience in helping Caizi make Baofen for many years.

But what is even more surprising is Tianlin, who is obviously making Baofen for the first time, but his stirring strength and efficiency are just right.

"Tianlin, you look very skilled. Are you usually very good at cooking?" Xiaolei asked in surprise.

"Yeah, Tianlin's dishes are the best, even better than my mother's!" Xiaoguang praised.

"If you have an older sister who doesn't know how to do housework at all, you can also develop skills like mine. You know, in order to avoid those poisons that my sister makes that can cause stomach perforation when I eat it, I have been a child since I was a child. Good cooking skills!" Tian Lin recalled when he was just adopted by Jun Shalan.

At that time, he even thought that it was better to find food in the garbage outside than to eat the 'food' made by his sister.

Fortunately, he later studied cooking skills and quickly conquered Jun Shalan's stomach. Since then, he has arranged the work of cooking at home, and thus passed the dark years safely.

"Ah!" Jun Shalan, who was on duty in Zhenxin Town, sneezed suddenly, "Is someone thinking of me? Haha, it must be my lovely brother!"

Under the guidance of Miss Xiaolei, Tianlin and Xiaoguang completed the work step by step, and finally, the fragrant Baofen was freshly released.

"Okay, then it's time to try it!" Xiaolei looked at the Baofen in their hands, Xiaoguang was pink, while Tianlin's side was blue.

They all look very good, the surface is smooth and smooth, and the fruity fragrance is strong. Xiaolei commented that both of them are qualified.

Tianlin's Baofen has been handed over to its Pokémon. He has always made Pokémon food during his travels. He has long known the tastes that his partner likes, whether it is a forest turtle, Or a cat monster, they all eat very happily.

But there was a problem with Xiaoguang. The Baofen she made was obviously very good, but after tasting them, Pogaman cried out unpalatably, which made her very puzzled. At home, she often made Charming Meow. Such a Baofen, it is very happy to eat every time, right?

Just when Xiaoguang was lost, Tianlin had a guess. He picked up her Baofen and handed a piece to his kitten monster. The kitten monster bit it down, showing a very happy expression, which was very similar to that of Bo Fen just now. Garman they behave completely differently.

"Miss Xiaoguang, can you show me your recipe?" Xiaolei also seemed to have guessed the problem. She took the recipe from Xiaoguang, and the more she looked, the more excited she became.

"'" This, what an exquisite recipe," Xiaolei couldn't help but marveled, she admitted that even her, it was difficult to prepare such an excellent recipe, the choice of tree fruit, the temperature of the flame, the stirring time , are all accurate to the limit. "Miss Xiaoguang, did you develop this formula yourself? "

Xiaoguang shook his head, "No, it was made by my mother, she is a top coordination trainer, but I don't understand, the kittens are obviously very happy to eat strangely, why do they find it annoying? "

"That's because this recipe is made for cat Pokémon." Xiaolei explained, pointing to the temperature of the recipe, "Look, in this recipe, the temperature is set very low during stirring, and the cat tongue Most of my Pokémon like to eat cold, but this is contrary to many other Pokémon, so Pogaman can't adapt to them."

 (Get) "So that's the case, different Pokémon have different tastes." Xiaoguang understood.

Afterwards, with the help of Xiaolei, after repeated adjustments, she finally made the Baofen that Bogaman and Pachiritz liked the taste.

Xiaolei also gained something today. She obtained a precious formula from a top coordination trainer. Although it is only for cat Pokémon, it can also be a great inspiration for her. Out of gratitude, Xiaolei also donated some of the recipes she prepared to Xiaoguang.

These are very important help for Xiaoguang. In order to become an excellent coordination trainer, she must learn to make Baofen suitable for different tastes of Pokémon, just like Tianlin learned to make energy cubes , which is the responsibility of the trainer.

If you eat Xiaoguang's carefully crafted Baofen, you will have absolutely no problem in the next Garden Town Gorgeous Competition.

Chapter [*] Xiaoguang's childhood sweetheart Jianwu

A few more days have passed, these few days, Xiaoguang has carefully crafted Pokémon for Pogaman and the others every day, and now her Pokémon are in the best condition, and she has a good chance of winning the Garden Town Gorgeous Competition. A bit higher.

"Pogaman, Foam Ray, Curly Ears, Freeze Ray, Patch Liz, Discharge!"

Before the start of the competition, Xiaoguang was still working hard to train her Pokémon, and what she is currently practicing is none other than the colorful tricks that Professor Tianlin gave her.

This was originally created by Xiao Shun, but after in-depth research by Tian Lin, a near-champion-level trainer, he has long surpassed the developer Xiao Shun. Next, we will look at the third inheritor, Xiao Guang. Can this gorgeous technique be carried forward.

I saw that whether it was Pogaman's foam or curling-eared ice light on the training ground, there was a touch of colorful and gorgeous colors. Electric discharge is a wide-ranging skill, and it is difficult to master this skill, and Xiaoguang does not insist on it. , just requires that Patch Liz be able to master his own electricity more proficiently.

After all morning's training, several Pokémon ran to Xiaoguang's feet to look at her, especially Pachiritz, a snack foodie. Ever since he tasted the delicious Baofen made by Xiaoguang, he couldn't stop staring at her. His big cute eyes looked at Xiaoguang expectantly.

Xiaoguang also understands what it means. Seeing how hard he trains, the reward he deserves is 110. "Come on, Patch Liz, this is your favorite flavor, as well as Pogaman and Rolls. Ears, you have them too!"

Seeing her Pokémon happily eating the Pofen she made, Xiaoguang felt extremely happy.

After lunch, a few Pokémon had to do some post-dinner exercise, and the colorful light appeared again.

"Two lights?"

At this moment, a young boy's voice came, and Xiaoguang, who heard this voice, reacted greatly, and suddenly jumped up, "Could it be that you will call me two lights?"

Soon, a reddish-brown-haired boy appeared in front of Xiaoguang, "Hey, long time no see, Liangguang, I saw bursts of gorgeous light here when I was walking, I came over out of curiosity to take a look, I didn't expect It's you!"

"Hey, Liangguang, the technique just now is really beautiful. Could it be that you created it yourself?"

"It really is Jianwu!" Xiaoguang looked frantically at the young man in front of him, and when he heard the nickname of 'Two Lights', Xiaoguang was angry, "I already said, don't call me two Light!"

"Also, that technique was not created by me (aiea), but taught me by Tianlin."

It seems that this teenager should be Xiaoguang's former friend. The nickname 'two lights' made her care so much. It should be caused by Xiaoguang's embarrassment when he was a child.

"Tian Lin, this name, is it the Tian Lin who is the new top coordination trainer?" Jian Wu thought for a while and finally remembered.

As expected of being a childhood sweetheart, this way of remembering others is actually exactly the same. For Tianlin, coordinating trainer is just a part-time job, and his main job is an ordinary Pokémon trainer, but these two guys only remember That irrelevant part-time job.

"Hello, I'm Tianlin, please give me more advice!"

After everyone introduced themselves to each other, they came to the Pokémon Center to sit and chat, Xiaoguang introduced, "Jianwu came out of the same place as me, he left Futaba Town a few days earlier than me for a trip, we started from kindergarten. We grew up together and played together often!"

It turned out that they were childhood sweethearts, the two seemed to have a pretty good relationship, and from the way Jian Wu looked at Xiaoguang, he probably liked her somewhat, but it seemed that Xiaoguang just regarded him as an ordinary playmate.

Afterwards, Jianwu talked about a lot of embarrassing things about Xiaoguang's past, such as combing himself into a little flame monkey's hairstyle, and ruining the whole stage with a sneeze at the kindergarten results presentation, etc. Sure enough, childhood sweethearts are enemies for life, whoever told them to understand My biggest black history.

"Pfft!" Tian Lin couldn't help it for a while, and forced a smile.

Xiaoguang was originally irritated by Jianwu. Hearing this voice, he looked at Tianlin like a dominatrix, "Tianlin, you were holding back your laughter, right?"

"No, I have been professionally trained, no matter how funny it is, I won't laugh." Tian Lin covered his mouth and forbeared, "However, I can't help it anymore, haha..."

"Damn!" Xiaoguang couldn't bear it any longer when he heard Tianlin's laughter, and stood up and kept slapping the table, "If you think I'm still a child, I'd be very wrong. At this garden conference, I'll show you how mature I am now."

"Okay, I'll wait, don't look at me like this, I'm also a coordinating trainer, let's compete at the Yuanzhi Conference!" Jian Wu asked.

"You are also a coordinator trainer?" Xiaoguang was slightly surprised. She originally thought that a guy like Jianwu should be a Pokémon trainer.

"Yeah, didn't you watch my debut match on TV?" Jian Wu blamed her. As a childhood sweetheart, she didn't care too much about herself.

"I'm sorry, I don't know." Xiaoguang quickly apologized, "By the way, which one is your initial Pokémon?"

"Let's see!" Jian Wu stood up and threw the Poke Ball, "Come out, my buddy!"

What came out of his Poké Ball was a penguin that was bigger than Pogaman. It was the evolution of Pogaman, Prince Bo.

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