"Yana, give instructions to the various branches of the Rockets. First, order the poachers to recruit more like-minded excellent trainers who are willing to join the Rockets. Second, select excellent trainers from various places for intensive training and form new ones. You will be in charge of leading the elite team of , and thirdly, don’t provoke that Tianlin for the time being. If you see him in the mission, it’s like seeing the Four Heavenly Kings. I allow you to give up the mission and not hold you accountable.

Sakagi gave orders in an orderly manner, while Yana wrote them down one by one, "Yes, I understand boss."

'Boom! '

Suddenly, the door of Sakagi's office was kicked open.

"Ah Yin, what's the matter with you?" Banmu asked helplessly. He didn't need to guess to know who was coming. Only a few people were qualified to enter his office. Apollo, Lance and the others didn't dare to kick the door. Only Ah Yin was the one who had the guts.

"I heard that you got the latest information from Tianlin, right? Give it to me!" Ah Yin said bluntly without any nonsense.

"It doesn't make sense for you to read his information. I can only tell you that you are far from his opponent now."

"Really, damn it!" Ah Yin didn't force it. Sakagi's words are enough. What he needs to know is Tianlin's current strength level. After more than a year of hard work, he has officially entered the heavenly king. Rank, his strength is even higher than the current Xiaozhi Xiaomao, who is worthy of the name of the second generation of the younger generation in the Kanto region, but he did not expect that he is still inferior to Tianlin, which made him a little unwilling. .

"I want to know, where is the next area that Tianlin is going to go to?" Ah Yin couldn't wait, and couldn't wait to find Tianlin to challenge.

"According to the information, it should be Shenao." Yana guessed, "But Ah Yin, I advise you to continue to practice at the headquarters. Now you are still not his opponent. In the year of your progress, this guy has It is also improving, and the magnitude is terrifying~' ."

"Yana is right, you should continue to stay. Take these three guys. When you have the same mind with them and can control them perfectly, I will allow you to join the Shenao Alliance."

Sakagi took out three high-level balls from the drawer and handed them over to Ah Yin. Inside were the precious Pokémon that the Rockets had managed to capture with the efforts of the entire team.

"After a year, I will give you a test. If the test result fails, you should continue to be honest. As for the badge, you don't have to worry, as long as you meet my approval, with the Rockets' It is not difficult for the forces to get a qualification badge to participate in the Shenao Alliance."

"Hmph, I understand, just wait, I will master them as soon as possible, Shenao League, they will definitely use them to defeat Tianlin." Ah Yin took the three high-level balls and turned away, in fact, he was very grateful to Sakagi, Because he knew what was inside, Sakagi once told him that it was originally specially prepared for him.

"Boss, you actually handed these three Pokémon to Ah Yin, are you sure he can control them?" Yana worried, knowing that the three Pokémon are not easy, if the trainer's level is not enough, it is very difficult She may be attacked by the Pokémon inside. She treats Ah Yin as her own younger brother, and naturally she doesn't want to see such a scene.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Originally, we wanted to use Tianlin as Ah Yin's stepping stone, but now, it's clearly a big mountain. Ah Yin can't surpass him without using stronger Pokémon. I'm worried that Ah Yin's aptitude and potential are higher than Apollo or even me, and I believe in my son."

"I hope so." Sakagi said so, Yana could only let go of her worries.

"Damn old man, I originally thought he was just a Pokémon doctor who didn't care about the world, but I didn't expect to cultivate such monsters in secret. I really underestimated him." How can Sakagi be true? Don't worry, but now he has no choice, he can only put his grievances on Tianlin's master.

"Hey, I'm afraid it's not one, but three. The other two stars in Zhenxin Town are not easy. Although Tianlin is too good to cover up their brilliance, their strength is probably not too weak compared to Young Master Ah Yin. A lot." Yana sighed, the league's talents are emerging one after another, she is really worried about the future of the Rockets.

Dividing line

On the other hand, in order to send Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng home, everyone came to Ashwood Town, the town closest to the port. The two brothers and sisters will take a boat from here to return to the Hoenn area this evening.

"Now everyone will finally say goodbye." After so many things, Xiaoyao has been able to accept the separation calmly. She believes that as long as everyone is still on the road of trainers, they will see each other soon.

"Huh?" At this time, Xiaosheng found a poster on the wall, "Look, there seems to be a Pokémon Glamour contest here today!"

Everyone looked over and saw that it was a gorgeous contest, but it was not an official contest, but an independent contest organized by this town. Even if you got a ribbon, it could not be used as a proof of participating in a large-scale celebration.

"'" looks like a lot of fun, I'm going to participate! "As a coordinating trainer, there is no reason to miss seeing the competition. Anyway, there is still one day left before she leaves, and she wants to draw a perfect end to her trip to Kanto.

"Then I will participate too!"

To everyone's surprise, Xiao Zhi actually planned to participate in this conference.

"This is not an official competition, so you shouldn't need a Gorgeous Tournament Pass. Seeing Tianlin Xiaoyao and your outstanding performance on stage, I've wanted to give it a try!"

Tian Lin is not going to participate. This time, it was the two who put an end to their journey, so he didn't join in the fun.

This conference does not require any proof, just fill in a registration form.

However, the rules (of money) are the same as the ordinary gorgeous contests in Kanto. The gorgeous performances and gorgeous battles allow different Pokémon to be used, and only the top two can enter the second round.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao had already thought about it.

Ash's performance decides Pikachu, and the battle is the Lizard King.

On the other side, Xiaoyao started Ibrahimovic, and the second trial chose Lizhuang Chicken.

They quickly filled out the registration form and the Pokémon to be used, and the two came to the waiting area. Because it was only a private conference, there were not many players participating, and they were all amateur players, just to join in the fun.

There is only one examiner this time, and that is the local Miss Joy Yuan.

"Everyone is welcome to participate in this conference. The coordinating trainer who wins the competition will be awarded this ash wood ribbon medal. Please work hard."

With Miss Joy's speech, the Ashwood Convention finally officially started.

Chapter eight hundred and eighty seventh, the certificate of friendship is divided into two medals

"The first is the first review, and the stage of competition for gorgeous tricks is about to begin."

A man stood in the position of the host, after all, it was only an amateur competition, and Miss Lilian, the emcee for the gorgeous competition, could not be invited.

"Then there is now the first contestant to take the stage, Magi Hoenn, Miss Xiaoyao."

"She has twice entered the top eight at the gorgeous large-scale festivals in Hoenn and Kanto. She is a very strong contestant!"

Xiaoyao stepped on the stage amid cheers, and received a burst of enthusiastic applause from the audience. At this moment, she is no longer the cute girl she used to be, but a dancer who is well-known in Kanto and Fengyuan. The competition in such a small place has ushered in. Of course, everyone will express their excitement for such an excellent coordinator to participate in the competition.

After getting so many applause and cheers, Xiaoyao suddenly became excited and waved around, "How can I say it, this feeling is really good."

"Going, Ibrahimovic, get on the stage!"

The first review she used was Ibrahimovic. Although this child was just born, his aptitude was not weak. He had achieved good results in large-scale celebrations, so he had no problem dealing with such small competitions.

"Ibrahimovic, use digging!"

Little Ibrahimovic dug one big hole after another in the ground, turning the entire performance stage into 080 potholes.

So far, it has been very unremarkable. The point is to see how Xiaoyao will use these holes next, which has aroused the expectations of the audience. As long as Xiaoyao can perfectly respond to everyone's expectations, he can get high scores.

"Ibrahimovic, use the shadow ball!"

I saw shadow balls emerge from the hole, forming a circle in the air.

At the last hole, Ibrahimovic jumped out of the hole with the shadow ball, and then threw the shadow ball to the center accurately, and the shadow balls in the sky exploded immediately, forming a splendid effect like fireworks in the sky.

"It's amazing, it's a veritable gorgeous firework!"

Xiaoyao got a high score close to a full mark at the beginning, but after her, the performance of these amateur players was really unsatisfactory. , but because the action was too big, the fire ring was shaken away. What's more interesting is that the sleeping powder of Stinky Flower actually hypnotized Miss Joy who was a judge.

It's really a game of chickens pecking at each other.

Until finally, it was Xiao Zhi's turn to appear.

"The next (aiea) is the last contestant, one of the three stars in the true new town that we are proud of in Kanto, will star Xiaozhi, he has played very good results in major leagues, and recently he has also dominated the battle development. District, in terms of battle strength, I guess he is the strongest among the contestants this year, but I don't know what kind of gorgeous performance he will bring us?"

Xiaozhi is also a trainer with a lot of halo. With his appearance, he received no less applause and cheers than Xiaoyao.

"Okay, Pikachu, let everyone and Tian Lin see that our tacit understanding can also be applied in the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, let's make a flash!"

Pikachu turned into a yellow flash on the field at the beginning, and the powerful strength of the king level quickly made people unable to see its figure.

"What a beautiful movement, what an astonishing speed, as expected of a strong player who has won the runner-up in the league competition." Joy suddenly said with a bright eye.

"Pikachu, just use [*] volts like this!"

Pikachu condensed the electric light while running, and finally formed an electric circle of golden city on the field.

"Use the iron tail!"

After that, the iron tail hit the flying electric circle, and the electric circle kept colliding and moving on the field, which was simply magical.

Pikachu painted the gourd, and shot two electric circles again. The three electric circles collided back and forth, and finally turned into a shining light and disappeared on the field.

"If Miss Xiaoyao's is a beautiful firework, then Xiaozhi's is a happy firework, which is really outstanding." Xiaozhi is not inferior to Xiaoyao, and Miss Joy also gave the highest evaluation.

"Well, this guy Xiaozhi is actually very talented in gorgeous performances." Tian Lin praised slightly.

Needless to say, the final result, the two who entered the final stage were Xiaoyao and Xiaozhi.

The competition was held in the afternoon, and there was a break in the middle. Because he knew Xiaozhi's strength, Xiaoyao specially asked Tianlin to be the pre-match sparring partner of the strong chicken. Unexpectedly, during the training process, the strong chicken actually evolved into a Flame Chicken, in this way, the gap in strength between the two was suddenly narrowed.

Flame Chicken and Lizard King are both Pokémon obtained by Xiaoyao and Xiaozhi around the same time. Now, after so long of experience, they have finally evolved into their final form. In terms of strength, Xiaozhi is better than Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao's side has the upper hand. Attribute advantage, it can be said that this is an evenly matched battle.

The time soon came to the afternoon. Amid the cheers, Xiaoyao Xiaozhi threw out the Poké Ball, and the Flaming Chicken and Lizard King went to the battle stage after some handsome somersaults.

"Xiaozhi, let's fight a battle without regrets, Flaming Chicken, use the soaring fist."

"Come on, Xiaoyao, Lizard King, Blade Leaf!"

As soon as it came up, it was the collision of the two sides' best tricks, and the strength was equal.

"Not bad, Xiaoyao, Lizard King, then use the seed machine gun!"

"Flame Chicken, block the Seed Machine Gun with a vortex of flame."

The flame vortex of the flaming chicken not only destroyed the seed machine gun, but also almost hit the lizard king. Fortunately, the lizard king had a lot of fighting experience, and it was able to dodge. Then the lizard king stepped forward and slapped, and the flaming chicken had already made a defensive action. , the crossed hands completely blocked the impact of the Lizard King.

"Sister, she has become really strong." Xiaosheng looked at Xiaoyao who was evenly matched with Xiaozhi on the field, and his heart was full of emotion and envy. He also hoped that one day he could be like this with Xiaoyao. Zhi and even Tianlin started a decisive battle.

"There will be a chance, Xiaosheng, when you become a trainer, whether it's me or Xiaozhi, will be very happy to be your opponent." Tian Lin patted Xiaosheng on the shoulder and smiled.

"Well, thank you, Brother Tianlin!"

The battle on the field is still going on. No matter in terms of strength or score, the two are on the same level. In the end, with the two characteristics of fierce fire and luxuriant eruption, the fire-type trick Overheating vs. the grass-type trick Sunshine Flame, This decisive battle came to an end with a powerful collision of unique moves.

"I can't believe that the remaining points for both sides are exactly the same. According to the regulations of the conference, contestants Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao won the championship at the same time." Miss Joy announced.

"It's great for two people to win at the same time!"

This is the best ending, with no regrets on either side.

And there is only one ribbon medal. In the end, Ash ordered the Lizard King to divide it into two, and the two of them each took half as proof of their friendship along the way.

Chapter [*]: Everyone is separated, goodbye Xiaomao

For trainers, each gym badge or ribbon medal is an extremely important thing. The small badge contains all the memories of the trainer and his Pokémon working together.

Therefore, although Xiaozhi Xiaoyao only got half of the badge this time, they will treasure it with heart, which symbolizes the friendship that they have traveled through the two regions together.

After the game, Xiaogang used all the materials at hand to prepare the most hearty dinner. This was the last dinner they enjoyed together. After tomorrow, everyone will go their separate ways.

"Okay, let's start quickly, Xiaoyao Xiaosheng, your boat is about to leave!" When Xiaogang served the last dish, Tianlin immediately called everyone to start quickly.

"Wait a minute, I have something I want to say before that." Xiaoyao said suddenly, looking at her expression, Tian Lin could probably guess what she wanted to say.

"I've been thinking about it a while ago, and I decided to go to challenge the gorgeous competition in the Chengdu area by myself!" Xiaoyao has already made up her mind to walk alone. She wants to grow, which is an essential experience.

Xiao Shun, Harry, Sazhi and others have all decided to rush to Chengdu one after another. I believe that they will meet again there. Besides, without Tian Lin's trouble, their collision will surely become more exciting.

The only problem is Xiaoyao's little tail, Xiaosheng.

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