"Preemptive strike, Lucario, use the bone stick to fight!"

0 ......................

Lucario conjured two huge bones and hit Regis Qilu heavily, and hit him five times in a row. This is a ground-based skill and can also cause effective damage to it.

"Oh, what a fast attack efficiency, it seems that the strength of this Lucario is still higher than that of the fire-breathing dragon." God's generation was really surprised this time. Are all the monsters coming out of Zhenxin Town? Tianlin is also Even if it doesn't matter, now even Xiao Zhi can take out two high-level Pokémon in a row. When will it start, the Tianwang-level that symbolizes the real power of the alliance is so worthless.

"We have to solve the speed of this road Kalio first, Regis Qilu, use the lock!"

Regis Qilu locked on Lucario again, and then he used the electromagnetic cannon. It wanted to use the paralysis effect to limit Lucario's mobility. It used to beat Ash's coal like this before. turtle's.

But this time, Lucario is not as easy to deal with as the coal turtle. I saw that Lucario first jumped to avoid the attack of the electromagnetic cannon, but due to the lock, the electromagnetic cannon seemed to have eyes. It flew towards Lucario's back again.

"Lucario, use the wave missile!" Ash ordered.

Lucario didn't turn his head, but stretched his hand directly behind his back, and a wave of missiles shot out, which just neutralized the electromagnetic gun.

It uses the power of the waveguide superbly, even if you don't need to look at it, you can know all the movements of the entire venue.

Chapter [*] Xiaozhi dominates

On the field, in terms of strength, Regis Qilu must be stronger, but the situation seems to be firmly in Lucario's hands.

In fact, Lucario's strength in his heyday was no worse than Regis Qilu, but he has not fully recovered, but his championship-level battle experience is still there, which is enough for him to complete the leapfrog challenge.

In the next battle, as long as the gods use the lock, Lucario will take out the wave missile. As a must-hit skill, this is a unique trick with its own locking effect. No matter what angle the electromagnetic gun attacks at, the wave missile can Exact positives offset it.

"Locked tactics, broken again?"

The generation of gods was a little stunned. After Tianlin, someone broke his proud tactic.

"Mr. Koujiro, I won't lose to the same tactic "Zero Seven Seven" three times in a row, Lucario, use a booster punch!"

Lucario exploded with astonishing speed and punched Regis Quirrell in the center of his body with a punch. This move was not very powerful. Regis Quirrell stabilized his body after taking a few steps back.

Lucario's aura has risen a bit, the additional effect of the punch has been enhanced, and the physical attack power has risen by one rank.

"From the beginning, it seems that Regis Qilu's movements are not very coordinated. What's going on? Is the generation of gods releasing water?" Yachida asked a little puzzled. He always felt that the generation of gods did not exert all his strength this time.

"You are wrong, Mr. Yahida. It's not that the gods don't want to use all their strength, but they can't use all their strength. How serious do you think Regislu's injury is now." Tian Lin replied.

The reason why Regis Quill can't exert his full strength now is all because the fire-breathing dragon's last blow overheated. The power of overheating under the fierce fire was too great. Regis Quill, who was hit from the front, was severely injured at the beginning. What happened next? Fight with all your might.

"Mr. Kamidai, my Pokémon one-on-one is indeed not the opponent of your three divine pillars, but when they combine their powers into one, they can defeat all powerful enemies." A challenge from a challenger, where is the power that only you can show?

At this moment, Xiao Zhi has already answered it.

"Lucario, the winner will be decided in one breath, use a close-up punch!"

Lucario's physical attack power has increased greatly after the enhanced fist, and of course Ash will not let this power go unnoticed.

"Regis Quirrell, use an iron head!" The Age of God would not sit still, and the silver-white energy condensed on Regis Quill's head charged towards Lucario.

The Iron Head is a unique move that has a chance to make the opponent cower, but it has no effect on Lucario's psychic characteristic, which means that it is a duel of pure power.

The champion-level Regis Quill clearly had the upper hand, and even if Lucario had increased his strength once, he gradually became invincible.

"Lucario, you are the hero of the waveguide, as a comrade-in-arms of the hero Aaron, this time, please lend me your power too!"

"Master Aaron, please rest assured, I won't lose again, drink!" Because Ash mentioned Aaron, Lucario finally broke out. At that moment, Aaron and Xiaozhi seemed to appear behind him at the same time. The figure of wisdom.

The trinity of them exploded with incredible power.

Regis Qilu was blown away by this huge force, and even knocked the wall behind him into an incomparably huge crater.

"Regis Quirrell!" Kamidai hurriedly stepped forward to check, and found that Regis Quirrell had completely collapsed, and he took out the Poké Ball and put it back.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Age of God immediately understood the result of the game, "Regis Qilu lost his ability to fight, Lucario wins!"

"Great, Xiao Zhi won!" At this moment, everyone was extremely excited, Xiao Zhi finally defeated a god pillar with his own strength, which is something that many challengers can't do.

"As expected of my son!" Hanako's eyes were full of pride. Although she was not a trainer, she didn't know the status of the gods and his three gods in the trainer circle, but just by looking at her eyes, she knew the thunder just now. How powerful is Gisquillus, such a powerful Pokémon, lost at the hands of her son.

"Young man, after two defeats, your growth is even more amazing than I imagined, it really excites me, I want to see again, can you give me a bigger surprise, go, Regais !"

The last of the Gods is Regais, the Ice God Pillar. Because he has just conquered it, it is the weakest God Pillar in his hand. In addition, Lucario has a great attribute advantage, and Ash's odds of winning are very high. .. ......

"Come back, Lucario!" At this moment, Ash suddenly took back Lucario.

"Hey, why? Lucario clearly has an advantage." Xiao Sheng asked inexplicably.

"I can understand that although Lucario won just now, but after all, it took too much physical strength, and after using close punches, his double defense dropped greatly. At this time, Xiao Zhi let it rest for a while as the finale. It is indeed very important. The right choice." Yashida analyzed.

Dr. Damu, Xiaogang, and Tianlin glanced at him and shook their heads one after another. If Xiaozhi can think of so much, he will be a ghost. He has always been reckless, I am afraid that he just wants Pikachu to play and perform.

"It's up to you in the end, Pikachu!"

Sure enough, Xiao Zhi thought so. He didn't think about anything that would make Lucario the finale. In terms of understanding of Xiao Zhi, there are really few people who can match these three people. After all, one is an elder who has grown up. One is the rival who grew up together, and the other is the travel companion who has been with us for the longest time.

This battle has not changed much from the original. After Pikachu first tested it with several hundred thousand volts at the beginning, he found that Regais' special defense had really reached the point of being unstoppable, so he immediately changed his method and attacked with iron tails and volts. The trick is to attack it.

At the end of the battle, Pikachu's characteristic of being strong when it is strong broke out. With the power of the first-level king, he just hit the volt attack to 4.0, and the power of the high-level king of the king was just used. , is really terrifying.

And this blow also completely established the victory for Xiaozhi.

"Regais lost his ability to fight, so the winner of this game is Ash from Zhenxin Town!"

"Great, I finally won, against the pyramid!"

Ash jumped up excitedly, while Yachida was relieved and helpless, "Oh, I didn't expect to be defeated by two people in a row against the pyramid."

Outside the pyramid, the Age of God handed the symbol of valor to Ash.

"Congratulations, Xiaozhi, Tianlin, now that you have obtained all the symbols, you have officially entered the palace of the Battle Development Zone. I sincerely invite you two to join me on the path of the pioneering brain.".

Chapter [*]: Famous Guandong Reactions

Under the setting sun, Yachida invited two promising trainers.

There are indeed many benefits to joining the Battle Frontier. Although the reputation is not as loud as the league competition now, with the high-level battles here, it will be a matter of time before the fame will move. Moreover, the Battle Frontier has now been fully recognized by the alliance. Excellent pioneering brains and Like the gym owner, he has the right to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings once a year, so even if the two join, it will not affect their dreams.

Just when the two were hesitating, Jun Shalan and Hanako stepped forward respectively, patted their brother or son on the shoulder, and said with a gentle smile, "Tianlin (Xiaozhi), it doesn't matter, no matter what you decide. , I will support you, don't hesitate to express your thoughts."

The two looked at each other and nodded. Tian Lin stepped forward and said to Yahida, "Sorry, Mr. Yahida, Xiaozhi and I don't want to settle down so early, we also hope to go to more places to take risks, Moreover, our wish is to meet more different people and do more different Pokémon battles."

"Yes, I think, this may be the best choice for your personality." Dr. Damu said aside.

"Really, that's a pity." Yahida was slightly disappointed, "However, since you have entered the 08th hall, this alternate place will always be there, and I will be waiting for you at any time."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Yahida, thank you for inviting us to the development zone, so that we can play so many good battles and get so many good memories." Tian Lin is sincerely grateful.

"Maybe one day, when I don't plan to continue participating in the league competition, I will give priority to the battle development area."

"Okay, then I will build you a facility that can move like the pyramids of the Age of God. His is a fortress in the sky. Why don't you choose a cruise ship at sea, how about a battle ferry?" Yahda Hearing Tian Lin's words, I felt very happy and made a joke unconsciously.

But to tell the truth, the battle against the ferry is indeed very good. At that time, I will travel around the world with my sister Jun Shalan, Sundae, and Nazi on a big boat. Isn't it very romantic.

"Then, two powerful young men, I have to say goodbye too. If there is a chance in the future, let's have a good showdown!"

At the end of the battle, the generation of gods is also leaving, and the battle pyramid slowly lifts into the air. I don’t know when the next trainer who can break through this strongest level will appear?

"Then let's go too, Tianlin, Xiaozhi, hurry back to Zhenxin Town, Xiaomao is also preparing to come back from the Carlos area."

"Tianlin, elder sister will go first, go home early, elder sister will cook the best food for you."

Dr. Damu, Jun Shalan, Hanako and others also took the first step back to Zhenxin Town in Yaxida's car. After a while, Tianlin and Xiaozhi were the only ones left in Fennel Valley.

The journey against the development zone is over, what they have to do next is to return to Zhenxin Town, and the second is to send Xiaoyao Xiaosheng and their siblings home.

"Okay, let's go too, and finish the last part of the journey in the development area together." Tian Lin called the group with a smile, and the group ran away from the Fennel Valley together.

Dividing line

A few days later, the news of Tianlin and Xiaozhi dominating the development zone has spread throughout Kanto, and Xiaomao is also famous for winning the Carlos League championship and defeating Paqila, one of the four kings. The name resounded in the Kanto region once again.

In the Kanto Pokémon Academy, Sundae is preparing her graduation thesis and exams, but she is also always paying attention to Tianlin's information.

"It's really worthy of being Tianlin. He broke through the battle development zone in such a short period of time, and Xiaozhi Xiaomao is not too much to give up. Well, I will continue to work hard to break through the heavenly king level as soon as possible."

In the Golden Gym, Nazi is retreating with her super-type Pokémon, and now that the Quartz Conference is over, the day she will challenge Sheba is coming.

"Tianlin, you have to keep moving forward, and I will catch up soon."

The friends of several people are happy for their achievements, but there are also some who are worried about it, such as the largest evil organization in the Kanto region, the Rockets.

Sakagi looked at Tianlin's latest information with an ugly face. His original purpose was to hope that Tianlin could become a stepping stone for his son Ah Yin, so every once in a while, he would let his subordinates collect Tianlin's latest information and then The report came up, but now it seems that this is a stepping stone, it is clearly a big mountain blocking Ah Yin's progress.

In fact, although he admitted that Tianlin is indeed a rare genius, he did not take it seriously. After all, the strength gap between Tianlin, who had just entered the Heavenly King during the Chengdu League period, and the peak of the champion was still very large. According to his estimation, Even with Tianlin's talent, it is impossible to catch up to his level without four or five years.

And today, looking at the latest information submitted by Yana, he almost shocked his big teeth.

"Lee Kongzai, Suijun? He actually subdued such a terrifying Pokémon."

"Boss, Lie Kongzai may not be subdued. In large-scale celebrations, it seems that Lie Kongzai was only summoned by him, and after the end he returned to the universe. I wonder if he can only temporarily borrow Lie Kong like the ancient people of meteors. The power to sit!" Yana speculated.

"Well, it is indeed possible, I think the same as you!" Sakagi nodded. According to the information collected by their Rockets, it is impossible for a first-level god with a priesthood to be completely subdued, which would lead to a natural loss of control. Back then The phenomenon of the Orange Islands is the best proof.

In this way, although they are afraid of Tianlin, they don't need to be too afraid. After all, the power of a first-level god is something that people can borrow if they want.

Unfortunately, there is one thing they don't know. If there is still one person in this world who can freely conquer the first-level gods and still maintain the balance of nature, it must be Tianlin, the ruler of 080, the super ancient times. exist.

"Boss, even so, we still can't underestimate this person, his current strength is too amazing." Yana's expression did not relax.

"Although Lie Kongzai should only be able to borrow power, Suicune and Latias were actually subdued by him, and according to the information, the strength of these two has reached the champion level, powerful and terrifying, and According to the situation of his battle with Dara Frozen Bird, the shining giant gold monster that he had in the Kanto period, its strength is probably not inferior to the high-ranking champion."

The more Yana looked at Tianlin's information, the more cold sweat broke out. When he first saw Tianlin, he was only a newcomer with good strength. Now the strong ones are almost reaching the top. This is something that human beings can have. Progress rate?

"Yana, according to your estimate, what will be the outcome of the Rocket Team's fourth general and him?" Sakagi asked.

"Lamda can't hold a face-to-face, Lance and I can hold on for a while, but there is no doubt that we will lose. Only Apollo can confront him head-on, and the outcome will be four or six, Apollo four, Tianlin six."

"That is to say, except for me, there is almost no one in the entire Rocket team to be his opponent, right?" Sakagi's face became completely gloomy.

The league has produced such a genius, it is too unfavorable for the Rockets. He didn't plan to use the evil power that Shadow gave him so soon, but now for the Rockets' development, I am afraid that it is not necessary.

Chapter eight hundred and eighty-sixth is about to leave the assembly of ash wood

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