"Ice and Snow!"

At this time, with the roar of Ice Snow Dragon, its body radiated light, and it defeated the giant pincer mantis twice in a row. It seems that its experience value has reached the limit.

The ice and snow dragon, which was originally petite, suddenly became huge and turned into a giant ice and snow dragon.

The Ice Giant Dragon is a dark blue long-necked dragon Pokémon, with light blue ice crystal patterns from the lower part of the neck to the abdomen, and two aurora-shaped flesh fins with a gradient of yellow and white from the head to the neck, and there are parts on the head. White markings, the ice dragon has diamond-shaped gem-like protrusions on its head and body, which looks extremely gorgeous.

Ice 08 Snow Dragon, tundra Pokémon, rock type plus ice type, special snowfall, restrained personality (add special attack and reduce physical attack), height 3.2m, weight 230kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength Quasi Tianwangchu Rank, with skills: Blizzard, Electromagnetic Wave, Primal Force, Mirror Reflection, Aurora Curtain, Force of Nature, Freeze Drying, [*] Volts.

"Have you evolved into an ice and snow dragon? Very good. Continue to use your original power!" Tian Lin shouted excitedly.

After the ice and snow dragon evolved, the original power was several times stronger than before, and in a short while, all the fires were extinguished.

Liu Nai ran forward anxiously, checked the body of the giant pincer mantis, and found that there was no trace of secondary damage by the flame except for the smoke just now, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, she knew it was thanks to Tianlin's timely Rescue, "Hmph, uncle, even if you win this time, I will keep my promise to promise you."

She was actually quite grateful to Tianlin for his help, but she couldn't express her words of thanks like this, so she could only use her promise as a way of repaying.

"Haha, that's good, Miss Runa, are you happy with the battle just now?" Tian Lin asked suddenly.

"Happy!" Runa blurted out, and instantly, she understood the real intention of Tianlin's promise to fight her again. It was to make her feel the charm of the battle. She had been challenging weak Pokémon to ensure victory. , so there is no stimulation at all.

After the battle with Tian Lin this time, she found out that an upright battle is much more interesting than a prank.

"Thank you, eldest brother, I know I was wrong, and I won't play pranks again in the future!" Liu Nai said with sincere gratitude, this time she even changed her name, no longer an uncle, and Tian Lin finally became a teenager again.

"Very good, Miss, if you can think so, Mrs. and Mrs. will be very happy to know." The old housekeeper wiped away his tears, his face filled with relief.

While everyone was enjoying themselves, Miss Junsha suddenly stood up and said solemnly. "Okay, now that the battle is over, it's time for me to do my routine, Miss Runa, although you can correct your mistakes now, that doesn't mean the mistakes you made before are gone, I will inform your parents and educate you about criticism. of."

"It's over!" Liu Nai said in despair, forgetting that there is still this stubble. Miss Junsha is notorious for having to be punished. She has caused so many things, I am afraid that she will be double-played by her parents in the future.

In the end, Miss Junsha pressed the unlovable Runa to the Jiantian Building to complain. For this, Tianlin was helpless. After all, if he made a mistake, should he still be punished?

"Mr. Tianlin, thank you very much. I dare you to ask if you are challenging the battle development area. Coming here means that you have already hit the battle tower, right?" The butler did not leave directly, but asked Tianlin. road.

"Yes, Mr. Butler."

"In that case, in return, I can send the company's car to take you to the Quartz Plateau. From there, you can reach the battle tower in less than half a day!"

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient!" Tian Lin did not refuse. Since the other party is kind, it would be good to save some time.

On the same day, Tianlin got into the luxury car sent by Jiantian Building and set off towards the Quartz Plateau.

Sitting in the car, he used the navigator to look up the latest information, especially the information related to the gorgeous competition. Now he has four ribbon medals in his hand, and he is only one short of one to participate in the large-scale celebration.

There are two recent glamour contests, both near Quartz Plateau, one is Liudaomu Town, the time is a week later, and the other is actually tomorrow, in Hollywood, where the Rockets' Meow Meow met its first love Madonna's place.

Originally Hollywood has been abandoned for a long time, but in recent years, with the birth of new trends and the birth of Pokémon movies, there has gradually become prosperous again.

The so-called Pokémon movies are movies with Pokémon as the protagonist and no human beings in the play. This series of movies has been well-received as soon as it was screened. Not long before the Quartz Conference I attended, this guy didn't train to make any movies, so it's no wonder that the conference lost so badly.

"Mr. Driver, please turn the direction a little bit and take me to Hollywood?" 047 Tianlin asked.

"Of course!" Hollywood is very close to the Quartz Plateau, and the driver did not refuse.

Not long after, Tianlin got off the bus in the bustling Hollywood street. After thanking the driver, he went straight to the competition venue marked on the navigator's map to sign up.

As expected of the gorgeous competition venue in Hollywood, the movie resort, this is the most luxurious venue Tianlin has ever seen except for large-scale celebrations. It is really appropriate to use the medal here as his last ribbon medal.

In the hall of the venue, a beautiful lady was registering the information of the contestants. Tian Lin stepped forward and said, "Hello, I want to participate in the gorgeous competition here, please help me to register."

The young lady at work raised her head when she heard the words, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She is really a handsome brother and said enthusiastically, "Of course there is no problem, but our gorgeous competition here is at the r2 level. Can you meet the requirements?"

R2 level, that is, a special conference that requires at least 2 ribbons to participate in. The longevity conference that Tianlin saw in Fengyuan was only R1 level. It seems that the quality of the players in this conference will be quite high.

Note: In addition to the two mythical beasts, Dream and Latias, the Pokémon on Tianlin now are Pikexi, Snow Dragon, Gengar, Shanaido and Huck Dragon.The battle development area changes faster and more, so I am afraid that readers will be confused.

Chapter [*] Hollywood Gorgeous Contest

"I'm fine, please take a look at this beautiful sister!" Tian Lin opened the ribbon medal collection box and showed four gorgeous ribbon medals.

"Little brother's mouth is really sweet, okay, let me see." The staff lady was beaming with joy when Tian Lin said it, and couldn't help but want to tease this little brother, but she still remembered the business and looked at the medal box "Wow, brother, you are amazing. You have collected four ribbon medals. You are the second person who signed up for this conference to collect four medals. Most of the rest are two medals, and all three medals. Very few."

one left?

The staff member meant that in addition to Tian Lin, there was another person who collected four medals. Tian Lin asked curiously, "Beautiful sister, who is the other one besides me?"

"What's the benefit of telling you me?" The staff sister asked with a sly look.

Tian Lin raised her chin with her index finger and smiled, "After this competition is over, why don't I take my sister to travel all over Hollywood, I heard that there are several new Pokemon movies to be released recently, the most famous one is Would you like to watch 'Detective Pikachu' together?"

"Okay, since my brother is so sincere, then I'll tell you that the other person is..."

"It's me!" Before Miss Sister finished speaking, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Tian Lin. "Tianlin, you don't need to ask, the remaining four medalists are me!"

"Xiao Shun!" Tian Lin turned back and saw Xiao Shun's eyes staring at him.

He seems to have aroused the fighting spirit because of Tian Lin's arrival. In fact, Tian Lin should have guessed that there are not many coordination trainers who can get four ribbon medals so early, and Xiao Shun is undoubtedly the best among them.

"My little sister, I'm sorry, it seems that our Hollywood appointment is over, bye!" Tian Lin smiled and waved his hand. Since Xiao Shun jumped out by himself, he didn't need to sacrifice his color to get information.

"What's the matter~'!" The young lady was very dissatisfied, staring at Xiao Shun with resentful eyes, it was this guy, and he was almost able to get this handsome little brother by himself!

Xiao Shun pretended not to see it, turned around and walked out of the venue with Tian Lin.

"Tianlin, you are really busy, or the girlfriend who traveled with you before is not here, so you can let go of yourself all of a sudden."

"Tsk tsk! I can't help it. I couldn't hold back for a while, and I picked it up. This Hollywood is really well-deserved. Any lady at the counter is so beautiful. It's a pity you came out too early, I only picked up half of it!" Tian Lin smashed it With his mouth open, he looked unfulfilled.

Xiao Shun looked at Tian Lin with contempt, why he didn't see it before, this guy has the potential to be a scumbag. "Forget it, I don't want to worry about your private life, but I didn't expect you to participate in the Hollywood Glamour Contest."

"Isn't it the r2 level? The trainers who participated in the conference are only of high level. This is just right. You can exercise yourself well before the big celebration." Tian Lin said indifferently.

Xiao Shun shook his head, "It's not that simple. This time, the rules are based on the rules of a large-scale celebration. Whether it's an exhibition match or a battle match, you need to use two Pokémon. ,no problem?"

"Double performance!" Tian Lin smiled slightly, "You can rest assured, there is no problem, combined with the characteristics of Hollywood, I have a very good idea, I will definitely pass the exhibition competition, then we will see you on the final stage."

"Okay, see you on the final stage!" Seeing that Tianlin was full of confidence, Xiao Shun stopped talking. After the two agreed to meet on the final stage, they went back to rest.

On the morning of the second day, the Hollywood Gorgeous Contest finally officially started.

"Welcome everyone to participate in this Hollywood Gorgeous Contest, a fiery, cool and lovely celebration for the Pokémon coordinator trainers. This contest is at the r2 level, so the participants are all coordinators with very good results, I believe they will definitely Bring us the most gorgeous performance." Lilian explained enthusiastically.

"The winning coordination trainer will get the Hollywood Ribbon Medal. In addition, this competition adopts the rules of large-scale celebrations. Both the exhibition competition and the battle competition will adopt double performances. Then, please bring your most proud partners. Come on!"

The first one to appear on the stage was Xiao Shun. The Pokémon he used were Rose Raido and Rain Wing Moth, both of whom were his strong veterans with rich experience in gorgeous competitions.

And Xiao Shun's current strength is completely different from the original. The theme of his performance this time is the petal snowstorm, which perfectly combines the two tricks of the flower dance and the snowstorm. In front of all the audience, he showed that it was winter, but a hundred flowers bloomed. sense of contrast.

Xiao Shun's final score was 29.7 points, a fairly high score, and Tian Lin felt that he didn't do his best at all. It seemed that he wanted to retain some of his strength to be a blockbuster in large-scale celebrations.

Next, several coordinators will appear one after another, and basically none of them are lower than 28 points, which is worthy of the r2 level, but although the level of this conference is very high, there are not many contestants. It should be said that Tianlin participated the least. There are only 14 contestants, after all, not everyone can get more than 2 ribbon medals.

Tianlin's entry number is 7, and soon, it will be his turn to play.

"'" The last ribbon medal, I must get it, go, Huckron, Shanaido! "Tian Lin threw out two Poke Ball spoons at the same time.

With the appearance of Huckron and Shanaido, both Pokémon flashed a little bit of light.

"My God, it's actually a double flashing Pokémon!" The audience at the table widened their eyes. It is very rare for ordinary people to have a flashing Pokémon. Two, just based on this, Tian Lin can get a good score.

Tianlin opened his arms towards the auditorium, "Everyone, welcome to Hollywood, today, my Shanaido and Ha Kelong are the stars who will perform for everyone!"

The audience immediately burst into applause of anticipation. Whether it is Shanaido or Hackeron, they are very rare Pokémon. On this basis, the word "star" is added, and the two are well-deserved.

"Are you here, the interactive performance that Tian Lin is good at!" Xiao Shun said, after so long, he had already figured out all the performance forms that Tian Lin was good at.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was already heated up, Tianlin struck while the iron was hot, "Come on, Ha Kelong, make water fluctuations, [*] volts and jet flames!"

Tianlin unexpectedly issued three orders in one breath, and Hak Long ordered to make moves in rapid succession, and the three attributes of water, lightning, and flame instantly spread across the audience.

Chapter [*]: Final Stage vs Xiao Shun

"Wow, Tianlin player perfectly demonstrated the characteristics of dragon-type Pokémon from the very beginning. The solemn dragon-type Pokémon can master all kinds of powers, but I think Tianlin player's performance will never be so simple. , what will he do next?" Lilian helped Tianlin, and under her hype, the atmosphere became even hotter.

"Since Miss Lilian is curious, then I'll show it sooner, Shanaido, control the flow of water, lightning and flames at the same time!"

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Shanaido used his mental strength to control the three forces, and in an instant, the three forces turned into the shadows of three beautiful women.

"Next, let's dance!"

Tian Lin snapped his fingers, and the three shadows danced at the same time. The woman made of water was dancing a gentle and elegant court dance, the woman made of lightning was dancing wild and heroic street dance, and the woman made of fire was dancing. Women are sexy and enchanting jazz dance.

The audience in the entire venue was fascinated, and even the three judges were amazed.

"It's really brilliant, it's like three beautiful female stars, this is the most suitable performance in Hollywood!" Conkenstein commented.

"I really like this!" Even Mr. Sugisa's catchphrase has become a higher level.

"It's over, Shanaido, thank you for watching, Huckron. Use the tornado!"

050 Shanaido controlled the three female figures and bowed slightly to the audience, while Ha Kelong ended the action with a heroic tornado, which wrapped the three female figures at the same time, and then dissipated into nothingness.

"It's so beautiful, how wonderful it would be if those three women were real!" The audience seemed to be still unsatisfied, wanting to see the three beautiful women again.

"Haha, if you still want to watch it, please support me in the future." Tian Lin smiled.

"The above is Tianlin's performance. His final score actually reached an astonishing 30 points. This is our first full score today!"

Tian Lin walked out of the venue with a light smile. This was his first full score since he participated in the Gorgeous Competition, and he was in a pretty good mood.

Compared with him, the next few contestants seemed to be mediocre. One of them even wanted to imitate Tianlin's interactive performance. Unfortunately, when he greeted the audience, the audience was completely silent. No one paid any attention to him, leaving him standing awkwardly on the field alone.

"Hmph, grandstanding!" Xiao Shun said disdainfully.

Tianlin's interactive performance seems simple and easy to use, but not everyone can do it (aiea), and the user must have a certain reputation.

Only if a big man like Tianlin who is already known in Kanto uses this method, can it resonate with the audience. Otherwise, if you are a nobody, who is willing to pay attention to you!

This will only have the opposite effect, becoming a clown who is ridiculed.

And the guy who tried to imitate Tian Lin also got the lowest score in the game without any suspense, and he didn't even get 25 points. The shy man fled the venue directly.

Due to the small number of participants, only two people can enter the second review this time. There is no doubt that it is Tianlin and Xiaoshu with the highest score. They completed their agreement and met on the final stage.

"Okay, the gorgeous and turbulent gorgeous match is finally about to start. Whether it's Tianlin player or Xiaoshu player, they are the top players who have already won four ribbon medals, and they can get the last ribbon medal today. , who will it be?" Miss Lilian was about to announce the start of the final showdown.

"Tianlin, this day has finally come. I've been waiting for a long time. Today, I must completely defeat you." Xiao Shun took out two Poke Balls with awe, "Go, my partner, Desert Dragonfly, Rain Winged moth."

"Xiao Shun, you seem to be too hot-blooded, and you are very different from the usual you, but come on, I want to use them, go to battle, ice dragon, Pikexi!"

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