There are many high-rise buildings in the city, one of which is 130 stories high, and visitors can rest at the observation deck on the top of the building and enjoy an unlimited amount of delicious cakes.There is a famous shopping street in the city, which claims to be able to buy everything at once.Not only that, but there is also a large park with a lake that provides a relaxing space away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Due to the density of high-rise buildings in the city, the "urban canyon effect" is produced, and strong gusts of wind are formed between the buildings from time to time.

Tianlin is very interested in this city, whether it is the shopping street that claims to be able to buy everything, or the urban canyon effect, since he has traveled, he should experience it all.

Chapter [*] Red Lightning

Before shopping, Tian Lin first came to the Pokémon Center to replace the Pokémon on his body, and after temporarily sending Wind Speed ​​Dog and Lizard King back to the Damu Research Institute, he replaced it with Gengar.

The battle tower is known to be a battle facility that is good at super power system, and Tian Lin must be prepared in advance of course.

As soon as Tianlin had finished everything, he was about to go out when several worried children rushed in. One of them was holding a mosquito coil tadpole that was incapacitated. It seemed that he was injured in the battle, but The problem is that the mosquito-repellent tadpole is still covered with all kinds of graffiti.

I don't know who has such a bad taste, and after defeating the opponent, he will be humiliated.

"Ah, that's it again, did the red lightning appear again?" As soon as Miss Joy saw the mosquito coil tadpole, she roughly guessed what happened.

"Yes, it challenged me, and I lost!" The boy's lost explanation explained what happened.

It turns out that recently, a mysterious Pokémon appeared in this city, wearing a bright red cloak and mask. It can speak human words and is powerful. Because of its extremely fast speed, it is nicknamed, Red Lightning.

It often appears suddenly without warning, and challenges trainers. Because it is too strong, no one is its opponent, and then it will scribble on the defeated Pokémon and humiliate it.

Fortunately, it was a measured shot, and the downed Pokémon were not seriously injured, so the trainers did not launch a large-scale encirclement and suppression campaign, allowing it to wreak havoc until now.

In a word, it is not highly harmful, but highly insulting.

"Oh, in this way, there is another interesting thing!" Tian Lin touched his chin and said with great interest, but he really wanted to meet the so-called red lightning.

After that, several more Pokémon were brought in, all of them were small Pokémon such as Melting Beasts, Fat Ding, Walking Grass, and Bobo. Each face was covered with graffiti, and it was obviously the red lightning. dry.

It seems that this red lightning is a bit bullying and afraid of hardship. It is no wonder that no one is its opponent by picking these little guys who have no elite strength.

Tianlin walked out of the Pokémon Center, but he wanted to find the red lightning, but the city was so big that he couldn't find it without clues, but it didn't matter, he couldn't find the red lightning, but he could let the red lightning come to find it. him.

"Come out, Ice Snow Dragon!"

At present, the weakest and smallest Pokémon on Tianlin's body is this Ice Snow Dragon, which must be able to attract red lightning, and because of the rarity of Ice and Snow Dragon, Tian Lin does not believe that the red lightning will not see the joy of hunting.

Tianlin wandered around with Bingxuelong, and first came to the street that claims to be able to buy everything. There are a lot of goods here, and the things that can be bought are indeed very rich.

But to say that buying everything is definitely an exaggeration, this is just a gimmick to attract customers, otherwise evolution keystone, super evolution stone, master ball, Z power bracelet, giant wristband and these treasures, can you buy them here too? To, this is obviously impossible.

Of course, Tianlin didn't have nothing at all. He bought a piece of ice-cold rock and let the ice dragon carry it, so that the ice and snow weather caused by the ice dragon can be further extended in the future, which is very useful in battle.

Tian Lin, who had just finished shopping, was about to leave the street when suddenly, a gaze locked on him.

"Is there something monitoring me? Could it be that red lightning!" Tian Lin said to himself, he was in a downtown area, no matter how arrogant the red lightning was, he couldn't appear here, so he was just monitoring him.

Tianlin smiled slightly, took the initiative to leave the downtown area, turned left and right, and came to a quiet alley with no one, "Red Lightning, the person who just peeped at me is you, are you still not coming out?"

As soon as Tian Lin's voice fell, he saw a red shadow descend from the sky and landed in front of Tian Lin.

"Hehe, it seems that I'm already a celebrity, that's right, I've been watching you just now, I'm Red Lightning, the Pokemon beside you, I've never seen it before, you dare to use it with me Decisive?" Red Lightning provoked, and sure enough, this guy is looking for small Pokémon to start.

"No problem, I'll accept your challenge, Ice Snow Dragon, let's go!" Tian Lin said indifferently, Ice Snow Dragon De Ling walked in front of the red lightning.

"It actually has the ability to change the weather. It seems that this Pokémon is not bad. The opponent is too weak recently, and I'm just getting bored!" Red Lightning said excitedly.

Hearing this, Tian Lin showed a helpless expression, what opponent is too weak, you are bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, so let's look for the little guy to challenge it. If Tian Lin is not walking by Ice Snow Dragon, but a giant gold monster, would you dare to come over?

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Okay, I'll shoot first, destroy the dead light!" The red lightning jumped up, raised the big pliers on both arms, and emitted orange light.

"Ice Snow Dragon, aurora curtain!"

Tianlin ordered Frozen Dragon to put down an aurora curtain. This trick can only be used in icy weather. For a period of time, the damage of special moves and physical moves received by our Pokémon is halved.

Coupled with the rock attribute of Ice Snow Dragon itself, the power of destroying Death Light has become only a quarter. Even if this move was originally strong, it would be difficult to cause any damage to Ice Snow Dragon at this moment.

"However, Ice Snow Dragon, counterattacked, Blizzard!"

0 ......  

An incomparably powerful blizzard surged out. This move was sure to hit in the hail weather. Due to the reaction force of destroying the death light, the red lightning could not move at this time, and the whole body was covered with ice and snow.

At this time, the red robe on its body was frozen into ice cubes and then shattered into pieces of ice that fell to the ground, revealing the true face of red lightning. It turned out to be a giant pincer mantis, and the reason why it can speak, It's because of the instrument tied around its neck.

"Oh, it's a small camera and a loudspeaker. It seems that this giant mantis is not wild. Someone is controlling it behind the scenes. The person who has been talking is also the guy behind the scenes!" Tian Lin asked.

"Yes, so what? I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Today, I will admit my fault and leave!" The person behind the loudspeaker saw that the identity of the giant pincer mantis had been discovered. Features, it's better to be prepared to slip first.

"Want to leave, it's too late, I'll take this giant pincer mantis to Miss Junsha, and see if the guy behind the scenes will come out, Ice Snow Dragon, use the original power!"

When the giant pincer mantis was about to escape, Frozen Dragon summoned a large number of rocks, completely blocking its way, and the additional effect of the original power was activated, and the full ability of Frozen Dragon was increased by one rank.

"Looks like I'm lucky, then Ice Snow Dragon, another blizzard."

Due to the increased special attack, the ice dragon triggered a stronger snowstorm than before, and instantly, the giant pincer mantis was frozen into an ice towel.

Chapter [*] The Force of Nature

"Caught the red lightning, the guy behind the scenes, if you want to save your Pokémon, come to the police station!" Tian Lin finished speaking with a crushed speaker, but he didn't have time to wait for the other party to reply.

He took the giant pincer mantis to find Miss Junsha. After explaining his identity as a senior investigator, Tianlin informed that the red lightning that had been making troubles everywhere was actually this giant pincer mantis.

After explaining the capture process to Miss Junsha, Miss Junsha saluted, "That's it, thank you for your assistance. The red lightning has caused us a lot of trouble recently."

"It's nothing, but this guy is not a wild Pokémon, but a trainer. That's the culprit. I think its trainer will come to pick it up soon." Tian Lin judged.

As soon as he finished speaking, an angry loli sounded from the door of the police station, "Hey, you bastard, give me back my giant mantis "Zero Four Seven"!"

It was a loli in a red dress. At first glance, it was a rich lady. An old housekeeper followed her, looking at Tian Lin apologetically.

"Aren't you, the little princess of the Jiantian Building, Miss Luna?" Junsha said in surprise. The Jiantian Building is the 130-story building in Jiantian City, and the whole building belongs to this little Lolita's house. , the veritable richest man in Jiantian City.

Listening to what she meant, the red lightning that made trouble everywhere was actually sent by her.

"Miss Jiantian, can I ask why you did this? If there is no reason, even you, our police station will not give up." Junsha asked seriously.

"What a fuss, it's just a little prank!" Liu Nai didn't take Jun Sha to heart at all, and turned to look at Tian Lin, "Hey, uncle, your strength is not bad, come to my house, I can come out Hire you at a high price as my practice object!"

"Uncle?" Tian Lin couldn't accept it, was he so old, but when he saw the sly look in the girl's eyes, he knew that the other party called it on purpose, to express his dissatisfaction with the giant pincer mantis.

In fact, the giant pincer mantis didn't cause a big disaster. Even if it was caught, it would just find its owner first, and then educate the two together. This girl doesn't need to worry at all.However, the little girl's unmistakable attitude directly angered the grumpy Miss Junsha.

"It's just a small prank, do you know how much trouble your actions have caused everyone?"

Seeing Junsha getting angry, the housekeeper could only helplessly say with a smile, "Miss Junsha, Mr. Tianlin, I'm really sorry, our eldest lady has caused you such a big trouble, and when the old lady comes back, she will definitely educate her. "

"Enough! Grandpa butler, you are so long-winded, father and mother are not at all..." Miss Runa interrupted the old housekeeper with a scolding, turned around and shouted to Tianlin: "Hey, the uncle standing over there, If you have the ability, let go of my giant pincer mantis and fight again. If you win, I promise not to do such things again in the future, but if I win, let me take the giant pincer mantis away, and in the future Don't mind your own business!"

"Okay, I accepted your challenge, come with me!" Tianlin returned the giant pincer mantis to Luna and took her to the empty grass behind the police station.

The housekeeper did not stop him, thinking silently in his heart, "Miss, don't say come again, even if you come back ten times, you are not his opponent. He is the trainer known as the youngest king, Tian Lin!"

Obviously, he recognized Tianlin long ago. In his opinion, this is a good opportunity to let his eldest lady stop being naughty.

Tianlin and Luna were standing on the battlefield, and the Pokémon used by both sides were still the same, Giant Claw Mantis and Ice Snow Dragon.

"Uncle, I must win you this time, Giant Claw Mantis, use alloy claws!" After the battle just now, Runa has completely figured out the attributes of the ice dragon, the rock type plus the ice type, so the steel possessed by the giant mantis The Department occupies an absolute advantage, which is the confidence of this girl's confident challenge to Tianlin again.

"Ice Snow Dragon, the aurora curtain!" Tian Lin was still the same, first opened the aurora curtain for defense.

With the help of the aurora curtain, the Frozen Dragon, which protected most of the power of the alloy claws, did not lose its fighting ability with a single blow.

"Uncle, you can't win if you only hide from you, Giant Claw Mantis, one more alloy claws!"

"Ice Snow Dragon, Blizzard!"

The icy blizzard blocked the attack of the giant pincer mantis, but Tian Lin knew that it could only stop it for a while, after all, the attribute disadvantage of Frozen Dragon was too great.

"Uncle, let's see how long you can last, the giant pincer mantis, attack the lawn with a destructive light of death!" The girl's attack was far more ruthless than others imagined. On the lawn, a huge explosion sounded, the lawn was burning, and the ice dragon stood in the center of a fire ring, completely unable to move 0 ........

Runa's idea is very clear. Since the snowstorm will definitely hit the snow dragon under the snow, she will hold on until the end of the snow. In this way, not only will the coverage of the blizzard be weakened, but the aurora curtain will disappear over time. Before that, she only needs to limit the snow dragon. action can be.

The ice dragon in the flames can't move an inch. After all, it also has the attributes of ice, and the blizzard can't break through such a big fire.

As time passed, the hail weather disappeared and the aurora curtain shattered. This was a good time for the giant mantis to attack, but Runa still did not act.

Tianlin saw Liu Nai's concerns and smiled: "Your idea is good, but this way, your giant pincer mantis can't attack my ice snow dragon, don't forget, the giant pincer mantis is four times weaker. "

"Uncle, don't worry, just wait and see!" Runa seemed very confident. Just as she finished speaking, suddenly, a strong wind blew in the city. This was the urban canyon effect.

This is what Runa is waiting for, "Okay, giant mantis, fly with this gust of wind!"

The giant pincer mantis spread its wings and glide to the top of the ice dragon with the wind. If it was unable to break through the sea of ​​fire head-on, the top without flames was indeed the best place to attack.

"It's over, giant mantis, use alloy claws!"

4.0 "I didn't expect a little girl to be so powerful, even taking into account the natural environment." Tian Lin praised, "However, while the sea of ​​fire you created limited the actions of Ice Dragon, it also gave it an excellent counter-attack. "

"Ice Snow Dragon, use the power of nature!" Tian Lin ordered.

The power of nature is a trick, which is to use another trick according to the different terrain or site type, and in the flames, the power of nature becomes the trick, that is, smoke!

The fire-type ultimate move puffed out smoke from the Ice Snow Dragon, and the temperature on the field suddenly rose.

"Oops!" Runa said anxiously, but unfortunately she was too late for any orders now. The giant mantis couldn't fly by itself, and it was falling at the moment, and it couldn't take any tricks it wanted.

Runa could only watch helplessly as the giant pincer mantis plunged into the fire.

Under the quadruple restraint, the giant mantis was knocked down again without any suspense.

Chapter [*]: The Snow Dragon Arrives in Hollywood

"The giant pincer mantis lost its ability to fight, and the ice dragon won, so the winner of this game is Mr. Tianlin!" The old butler announced the result of the game as the referee.

"Well done, Ice Snow Dragon, now use your original power to put out the flames!"

Due to the smoke just now, the burning fire became bigger, and the giant pincer mantis fainted in the flames. It is very dangerous to not save it.

Primordial Power is a rock-type move, and it has no problem at all in extinguishing fires.

I saw that the rocks turned into pieces of energy kept covering the flames, but unfortunately, the fire was too big, and the Ice Snow Dragon could not completely solve it for a while. After all, it is not a water-type Pokémon.

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