In comparison, Xiaoyao's little Kirby has just entered the gym class, so the gap is too big.

"Let's make a move first, little Kirby, and use Qi and fist."

Like a bear child, the little Kirby raised his fist and rushed towards the octopus bucket. Although his fighting spirit was strong, his fist way was too simple.

Harry didn't take this straight-line attack to heart at all, "You're too naive, Haruka, octopus barrel, jump up and use the entanglement."

The claws of the octopus barrel exerted force at the same time, leaping high, like a face-hugging bug, tightly entangling the body of the little Kirby. scores also began to plummet.

The little Kirby fell into a hard fight at the beginning, but Harry took the opportunity to launch a more violent attack, "Octopus barrel, fire the octopus barrel cannon."

The Octopus Barrel Cannon, as the name suggests, is the exclusive trick of the Octopus Barrel. It will spray ink on the opponent's face to attack. Its power is similar to that of the foam light, but it has the additional effect of reducing the opponent's hit rate.

At this moment, the octopus barrel is tightly entangled with the little Kirby beast, and this octopus barrel cannon is fired close to the face, hitting the key point and adding sniper characteristics, the damage to the little Kirby beast can be said to be extremely huge.

"Hit, what a beautiful octopus barrel cannon!" Lilian explained enthusiastically.

Seeing this, Tian Lin left the venue without looking back. In this battle, the outcome was already divided. Originally, Harry's trainer was not inferior to Xiaoyao, but he just spent too much effort elsewhere. , Now that Harry, who gave up his conspiracy and tricks, devoted himself to the battle, under the huge power gap of Pokémon, Tianlin did not think that Xiaoyao had a chance to turn defeat into victory.

And his expression is also a little dignified. Judging from the strength of the octopus bucket, Pippi is far from its opponent at present, but Tianlin can't replace other Pokemon now, so in order to increase the odds of winning, Tianlin Lin is going to do one thing now.

"Come out, Pippi~'!" Outside the stadium, Tianlin released Pippi, and then took out the top-quality moon stone presented by the patriarch of the Pippi clan. can advance.

Anyway, Pippi's basic skills and unique skills have been cultivated quite well. At this moment, evolution has no negative impact on its future. This is also the biggest factor that Tianlin can make up his mind.

"Pip!" Pippi understood what Tianlin meant, and stretched out his little hand to hold the top-grade moonstone, and the steady stream of evolutionary power poured into Pippi's body. Under the amazing light of evolution, Pippi's body grew up. More than twice, when the light dissipated, a very cute pixie was revealed.

Pikexi, Fairy Pokémon, Fairy type, Magical Defense, Introverted Personality (Adds Special Attack and Reduces Physical Attack), Height 1.5m, Weight 42kg, Excellent Qualification, Champion Potential (improved by the Best Evolution Stone), Current Strength Quasi-Uranus Elementary, with skills: Spotlight, Cosmic Power, Moonlight, Mist Field, Comet Fist, Singing, Commanding, Look at Me, Moon Power.

After the evolution was completed, Pikexi's strength also entered the quasi-king stage. In order to deal with the octopus barrel, Tianlin continued to use the permanent skill machine of jet flame and [*] volts for it, which greatly improved its attack surface.

"It's decided!" Suddenly, on the big screen at the entrance of the gorgeous competition venue, Miss Lilian announced the result of the competition loudly.

I saw the little Kirby beast fell to the ground with its eyes in a circle, and the octopus bucket was still in good spirits. It didn't take much effort in this battle, and it easily defeated the little Kirby beast.

It has to be said that this is a bit ironic. Harry used all means before, but he was no match for Xiaoyao, but this time he put everything down and chose an upright challenge, but won by an overwhelming advantage.

Xiaoyao is a little sad, this is the debut battle of the little Kirby, but he lost in the battle with Harry, a strong enemy, but his skills are not as good as others, this time Harry won her in a dignified manner, she did not right If Harry has any unwillingness or resentment, he can accept this result calmly. If he loses, he will continue to work hard and win it back next time.

"The Zaoyu Conference has finally entered the final stage. In order to compete for the Zaoyu Ribbon Medal, the two coordinating trainers who are about to fight are them."

Under the explanation of Miss Lilian, Tianlin and Harry came to the final stage of the battle, but Harry had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Tianlin, I must defeat you today, go, Octopus Bucket."

Octopus Barrel is on the field again, and the last game was just a warm-up for him.

"' "What's the matter, Tianlin, take out your Pipi, unfortunately, it won't be my opponent at all! "Harry is very confident. He has a general understanding of Pippi's strength through the battle just now. At most, it is similar to Xiaoyao's little Kabibeast, and it is far from the octopus bucket.

However, he did not expect that although Tianlin could not be replaced, he could evolve. The strength of the octopus barrel, Tianlin, had been completely discovered after systematic detection and the battle just now, and Pikexi's strength was not the same as this. When Harry didn't know anything, in terms of intelligence, Tianlin still had the upper hand.

"Then, here we go, Piccolo!"

"Pie!" Pikexi jumped out of the Poké Ball and stepped onto the stage.

"Wow, I really didn't expect that Tianlin player actually evolved his original Pippi before the final stage. This is beyond everyone's expectations!" Lilian said, "In this way, the first two rounds Harry The data collected by the player is useless, how should he fight?"

"Damn Tianlin, who even played such a little trick, so what if it evolves, it's still not my octopus bucket's opponent, octopus bucket, using a sludge bomb towel."

Using poison-type tricks to deal with fairy-type Pokémon, Harry's choice is very correct.

"Pixie, use the Comet Fist!"

Pikexi's fists condensed silver-white light, blocking the attack of the sludge bomb with his fists.

"What?" Harry was shocked. Comet Fist was a steel-type trick, and Tian Lin used this trick for defense, completely immune to the attack of sludge bombs.

"Pikexi, it's time for us to fight back. Since it's a gorgeous competition, let's use a little more special skills and command!" Tianlin ordered.

Pikexi began to wag his fingers in place, this is a skill that does not know what will come up, the audience's eyes are focused on Pikexi, and their curiosity is aroused.

Chapter [*] Obtaining the Algae Jade Ribbon

"Skin, skin..."

Pikexi waggled his fingers and screamed cutely. Soon, his fingers glowed, and bursts of powder were scattered from his hands and covered the body of the octopus barrel.


There were a lot of question marks on everyone's head, because nothing happened. When they saw the powder, they thought it was a special trick such as paralysis powder or sleep powder, but the octopus barrel was neither damaged nor damaged. Not in an abnormal state.

Could it be that this is a waste skill?Even Tian Lin was a little confused, he wouldn't be so unlucky.

"Hahaha!" Harry suddenly hugged his stomach and laughed, "It's so funny, he actually used a skill that doesn't make any sense at all, and my stomach hurts from laughing."

"Crack! It seems that God is on my side this time, Octopus Bucket, this time with a big character explosion!" Harry snapped his fingers, which was his most common ordering method.

And this time, he gave up the poison-type skills, because he knew that he would definitely be countered by Tianlin with the comet fist, so he used the fire-type skills to restrain the steel-type.

"Damn, since that's the case, Pikexi, 040 volts!" Tian Lin can only choose other methods to resist at this time. The [*] volts solid [*] is not as powerful as the big character explosion, at least it can remove a large part of it. strength.

At this moment, an unexpected thing happened. I saw that the octopus barrel whose mouth began to gather flames suddenly exploded. Not only did the trick fail, but he was also injured.

"Unbelievable, what the hell happened?" Harry held his head in disbelief.

"This, is this?" Tian Lin thought about it for a while. It turned out that the commanding skill just now was not a waste move. "Great opportunity, Pikexi, [*] volts, full launch!"

Tian Lin changed his previous plans. This time, the [*] volts are not for defense, but a real attack. The Octopus Barrel, which was just injured by himself, is still in doubt and has not been reorganized. The lightning strikes across the sky.

After this inexplicable combo, the octopus barrel was severely injured, and Harry's score was cut by more than half.

"Haha, are you confused, do you want me to explain it to you?" Looking at Harry still a little puzzled, Tian Lin said generously.

"Whatever you want." Harry (aiea) was still stubborn, but he said it meant he still wanted to know what was wrong with him.

"The commanding skill just now is not a useless trick. Judging from the state of the octopus barrel just now, that trick should be a dust trick!"

"Dust?" Harry hadn't heard of this trick.

"It's normal that you don't know, because it is the exclusive trick of Caifendie in the Carlos region, and it is almost impossible to see in the Kanto and Hoenn regions. The surface of the Pokémon hit by this trick does not change at all, but when it uses the fire-type trick When the time comes, these dusts will be detonated, causing the reverse effect of failing to use the ultimate trick and being injured." Tian Lin explained.

"It's such an inexplicable trick!" Harry gritted his teeth, this move was too unpopular, except for trainers who cultivate colorful pink butterflies, or researchers with huge knowledge reserves such as Tianlin and Dr. Damu, otherwise who would know what. "Damn, there's no way out, Octopus Bucket, use sleep to restore your stamina first!"

"Mr. Harry, you won't get it, Picci, Mist Field!"

Before the Octopus Bucket went to sleep, Pikexi first set up the misty field, all Pokémon could not enter the abnormal state, so the Octopus Bucket could not sleep, Harry's recovery method was declared bankrupt before it began.

Once again, Harry's score started to drop drastically, and it was almost bottoming out now.

"It's really amazing, Mr. Harry was completely suppressed by Brother Tianlin!" Xiaoyao clenched his fists and easily knocked her down. Harry was in Tianlin's hands but had no strength to fight back. This gap is really too big. big.

"Damn, I won't give up, octopus barrel, another big character explosion!" At this time, the dust has been detonated, and he can use the fire-type trick with confidence.

"Pikexi, use the spotlight trick!"

It seems that he was afraid that the attack of the octopus barrel would fail. Tianlin actually took the initiative to let Pikexi shine the spotlight on himself. This was also a skill used against the enemy. Under the spotlight, Pikexi appeared more and more beautiful. , but this trick is completely useless in singles, and Harry seems to be laughing at Tian Lin again.

"The winner is decided, the winner of this match is Tianlin!" Suddenly, Miss Lilian announced the result of the match first.

"What, my octopus barrel is not incapacitated, and time is not over?" Harry said angrily.

"But, Mr. Harry, your score is gone." Lillian said helplessly, pointing to the big screen.

Harry heard the words, only to find that his score on the big screen was completely gone, and a little bit of it was originally reserved, because Tianlin's overly beautiful spotlight trick was immediately cleared.

Tianlin has used the rules of the gorgeous contest, and the gorgeous battle is not just a battle, as long as you can show the charm of Pokémon, you can score points.

Tian Lin got his wish and got the fourth ribbon medal.

Harry left angrily. He didn't think he lost in strength this time, but because of bad luck. If it weren't for that inexplicable dust trick, he wouldn't be so passive in the back.

"Eat more, little Kirby, and Pikexi, you've worked really hard today." Outside the gorgeous competition venue, Xiaogang took out his own special Pokemon food to reward the two treasures who had worked hard today. can dream.

"It's a pity elder sister, but the little Kabimon has been working hard to the end." Xiao Sheng comforted Xiao Yao who was defeated.

"Well, it doesn't matter, it's nothing to lose once, I will work hard towards the next gorgeous competition." Xiaoyao is also a senior coordination trainer now, and a defeat will not cause any blow to her.

"It's a good Xiaoyao, you should have such courage!" At this moment, Miss Lilian came over, "If you want to make up for today's regrets, just go here, two days later, there will be a gorgeous competition nearby. Let Ye Dao hold it."

Miss Lilian took out a poster and handed it to Xiaoyao, which marked the information of the latest gorgeous contest.

"Really, that's great! I will participate, I will definitely participate." Xiaoyao said excitedly.

Afterwards, Miss Lilian also gave Xiaoyao an invitation letter like a challenge letter, with a rose on it. There was no signature on the letter, but she would do such a thing. Everyone guessed that it was only the one who hadn't seen in a long time. Instantly.

After having a new goal, Xiaoyao cheered up, and ready to go to Rangye Island with a radiant face, it seems that she is determined to win the next ribbon medal.

Chapter [*] The Battle Palace takes the whole island as the battlefield

"Brother Tianlin, are you really not going to the Rang Ye Conference?"

In the evening, at the port of Vanilla Island, because Tianlin decided to act separately from them, Xiaoyao Xiaosheng asked with some reluctance.

"No, my number of ribbon medals has reached four, and there is still a long way to go before the large-scale celebration. I am not in a hurry, but it is a challenge to the development zone. I have to hurry up." Tian Lin replied.

In fact, Tianlin's refusal also took into account Xiaoyao, a stupid girl. After all, if he went to compete with her for the ribbon medal, she would not be planning to participate in the large-scale celebration.

"Alright then, Brother Tianlin, let's fight again at a large-scale celebration."

"Yeah!" Tian Lin nodded and went in the opposite direction with the group. He boarded the ship heading for Metal Island.

Metal Island is located in the southwest waters of the Kanto region, in the middle of Binu Town and Red Lotus Island.

In fact, Binu Town is next to Zhenxin Town, but Zhenxin Town has no port. Unless you use a large water-type Pokémon, it is not convenient to return between the two towns.

"What a humble island!"

Early the next morning, Tian Lin, who landed on the metal island, couldn't help feeling emotional. This island is clearly called the metal island, but in fact there is no high-tech city at all, not even a small town, except for the location of the battle palace. There is a Pokémon Center in the center of the island.

The beautiful natural scenery is perfectly restored here, and the battle facilities are set up here. It can be seen that this pioneering brain should be a person who loves nature.

Tianlin walked into the Pokémon Center. The center here is not big, and it looks similar to the size of an ordinary town. Next to it is a wooden building, which is used for the accommodation of trainers who come to challenge the battle palace. However, it is still very simple, and it is definitely not comparable to that of a big city.

"Yo, Tian Lin, you're finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time! Where's Xiao Zhi, didn't I come with you?" Tian Lin came in, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mr. Yahida, you really arrived early, long time no see!" Tianlin greeted him and explained to Yahida that Xiaoyao needed to take a detour to challenge Ye General Assembly.

Yahida nodded, letting Ye Dao not be far from here, so Xiao Zhi will be there soon, so that's fine, he is not in a hurry for a day or two.

"Since you're here, prepare to challenge Mr. Yukang today, come with me, and I'll introduce you!" Yahida said and prepared to take Tianlin to the battle palace.

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