"Great!" Musashi was even more excited than Kojiro. There were so many fruits that they could eat for a while.

After Miss Joy gave the award, her smiling face suddenly changed, and she looked behind her seriously and said, "The award ceremony is over. Next, we will focus on criticizing these two guys!"

I saw Tianlin and Xiaozhi bow their heads and stand behind Joey with shame on their faces.

"The Pokémon cross-country competition is a game that tests the tacit understanding between trainers and Pokémon, but the two of you actually fought so hard in the game that you almost razed the Moon Rock to the ground. This is a serious violation of the rules. Your competition All qualifications have been cancelled, and the results of the competition are rated as the first and second last in this competition, give me a good reflection!"

"Haha, aren't those two of the three Samsungs in Zhenxinzhen? I really didn't expect them to have today!" The three Samsungs in Zhenxinzhen are very famous in Kanto. Some people in the crowd recognized Xiaozhi and Tianlin, and immediately laughed.

Even Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng couldn't help but hid behind their backs and snickered. Zhenxin Town Samsung, the bottom two, this person is a big loss. It is said that some good people have posted this incident on the Internet, far away from Zhenxin. After hearing about it, Dr. Damu from the town called and scolded the two for three hours.

"Two idiots!" In the Carlos area, Xiao Mao, who was always paying attention to the movements of the two, put down the navigator in his hand and complained helplessly, but in the next moment, his expression became weird, and he shouted towards the Pokémon behind him. , "Sword monster with strong shield, water arrow turtle, Ibrahimovic moon, today I encountered something that made me feel good, so I temporarily stopped training, and I will eat dinner at night!"

Sure enough, it's a plastic friendship. Tucao returns to Tucao. Schadenfreude can't be less scarf.

Chapter [*]: Algae Jade Conference

In the evening, Tian Lin and his party were having dinner at the Pokémon Center after a day of competition, but there were still two people complaining from time to time at the dinner table.

"Cut, if it wasn't for Tian Lin's troubles, the winner this time must be me!"

"I've already released the water. If I use super powers and teleportation, it's a trivial matter to finish five chapters."

Xiao Zhi slapped the table, "What, what is this called water release, and if you use super powers, isn't that cheating?"

"Strange, the rules don't seem to say that superpowers are not allowed, it just says that you can't use powerful flying-type or super-power-type Pokémon support, there are no restrictions on the trainer himself!" Tian Lin teased while counting the rules.

Xiao Zhi couldn't refute it for a while. It was true. The rules restrict Pokémon, but not "Zero Four Zero" human beings. After all, there are so few superpowers in the world, and the organizers did not consider this aspect at all.

"Alright, alright, the game is over, don't fight anymore!" Xiaogang smoothed the game. Every time the two met, they had to fight each other. He was no stranger to it.

Tian Lin has a mature personality, while Xiao Zhi has a completely childish temper. This temper can come and go quickly. Under Xiao Gang's advice, the two make an appointment to have a showdown next time, and they will quickly throw away today's affairs. behind the head.

However, there are always those people who not only hold grudges, but also like to take hold of others and never let go. In the seat behind everyone, a man in green all over smiled sinisterly, "Hehe, Sanxing Zhenxin Town, Tianlin , this time, you will lose face twice in a row."

Two days later, in the early morning, the Zaoyu Gorgeous Competition finally opened, and the number of people gathered today was much larger than the day before.

"Go on, little Kirby!"

This time, Xiaoyao intends to let the little Kirby beast make his official debut. This is the first time it has participated in the competition, and the little Kirby beast is very excited.

Seeing the appearance of the little cabbage, little Ibrahimovic also ran to Xiaoyao eager to try, Xiaoyao picked it up, "Ibrahimovic, you have just been born not long ago, you need to practice more tricks, as long as you watch it today Okay."

"Xiaoyao, are you planning to use the little Kirby beast both times during the review?" Xiaozhi asked.

"No, I want to use the Jenny Turtle for the first review, and the little Kirby the second time." Xiaoyao stated his plan.

"How about you, Tianlin?"

"I also used a different Pokémon this time. There is a Pokémon that I have wanted to try for a long time. It may not work in battle, and the performance should be no problem!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Really, then I'll wait and see!" A sinister voice sounded behind everyone.

"Appeared!" Xiao Sheng suddenly shouted, the person who came was the man in green that night, and he was Mr. Harry.

"Hehehe, Tianlin, I've heard about you two days ago. The Pokemon cross-country competition not only violated the rules, but was also sentenced to the last place. What a shame!"

"Why, are you trying to interfere with me this time?" Tian Lin was calm and seemed very indifferent.

Harry waved his hand, "No no no, this time I will use my hidden trump card to knock you down head-on. Telling you this is just to tell you that your face will be thrown twice in a row, so be prepared."

"Oh, by the way, and Xiaoyao, you should also work hard. If we can meet, you can be considered a good appetizer before I defeat Tianlin." Harry twisted his waist and left, this time he He looked very confident, and he really did not intend to use any despicable means, which made Tian Lin even more apprehensive.

"This time, we held the Zaoyu Conference in Zaoyu Town on Vanilla Island. Everyone came here with all their hard work and came from afar to support our activities. I, Lilian, would like to express my gratitude. Then, the competition is about to start. Kemeng shines brightly, and who will win the Zaoyu Ribbon Medal?" Miss Lilian's speech was still so enthusiastic, successfully rendering the atmosphere of the venue.

"Jenny Turtle is going to play, go on stage!" This time Xiaoyao's number was No. [*], and he was the first to go on stage.

"Using high-speed rotation, coupled with the bubble trick!"

The jenny turtle spit out bubbles while spinning. The bubbles fluttered gorgeously, showing a spiral upward. It should be Xiaoyao's inspiration from the fusion of Hills' flame and water.

The ending action is the frozen light that the Jenny Turtle can now control freely. The bubbles are scattered, and the entire venue is covered with water vapor. Under the rapid cooling of the frozen light, a gorgeous icicle is formed on the stage, creating a Ice World 0 ........

Very beautiful performance, Xiaoyao finally scored 29.5 points, a fairly high score.

The one who appeared next is Harry. Unlike the gorgeous performance just now, the atmosphere began to change as soon as he appeared.

He still used Alidos to perform. First, he used spider silk to cover the entire venue, and then Alidos' big spider climbed to the center of the spider web and fell from the stage like a bungee jump.

The ending action is an extremely terrifying grimace. The shock of this scene has reached its peak. Most people in the audience seem to be frightened. Even Mr. Suki Sa, who is a judge, said that when I liked this sentence, his tone was also trembling. of.

Harry has indeed brought the characteristics of Alidos to the extreme. His score is 29.4 points, only 0.1 points lower than Xiaoyao. Of course, it is not that his performance is not as good as Xiaoyao. It is just that people who like beautiful are better than people who appreciate horror. A little more.

The next game was all rookie chickens pecking at each other. The high score was twenty-five or six, and the low was only twenty-three or four. Compared with the first two, the gap was not that big.

"Okay, here is the performance of the last contestant, Tianlin contestant!"

Tian Lin walked slowly onto the stage, and Mr. Conkenstein showed a look of anticipation, "Tian Lin, who has just entered the coordinator trainer class in 4.0 but has won many battles, doesn't know what kind of things he will bring us this time. Performance."

"Humph!" Miss Joy suddenly snorted coldly and said, "I don't know what his strength is, but he is very reckless. The day before yesterday, he almost destroyed a famous scenic spot in our Vanilla Island."

Since it is a gorgeous contest in Zaoyu Town, Miss Joy is naturally local. She still remembers the hatred the day before yesterday. Even though she had criticized Tianlin for a long time, she still seemed a little pissed.

Tian Lin subconsciously broke out in a cold sweat. Sure enough, all girls hold revenge, even for Miss Joy, who is usually extremely gentle. Under Miss Joy's cold gaze, Tian Lin took it out of his arms tremblingly. Poké Ball.

Chapter [*] Weather Pokémon

"Go and show your charm, floating bubbles." Tian Lin's Pokémon exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Isn't that a floating bubble, Tian Lin can actually use it?" Xiao Zhi was surprised. He knew this floating bubble. It was when Tian Lin took out the monster thief Benai at the Fengyuan Weather Research Institute. As a thank you, someone from the institute gave it to him.

But because its strength, aptitude, and potential are not very high, Tianlin left it at home to accompany his sister Jun Shalan. He didn't expect that Tianlin would take it to participate in the gorgeous competition.

In fact, this is Tian Lin's temporary return from his sister yesterday. After all, the floating bubble is also his Pokémon. Even if the combat power is not strong, there should be a stage for its performance, otherwise it will be too unfair for it. .

Moreover, Tianlin had long thought about the way to perform the floating bubble, and told it to practice hard before leaving Zhenxin Town, but due to its low aptitude, it has not been successfully completed until today.

"First, float the bubbles to make 08 hail, 100%!"

Tianlin issued an order, but everyone had some doubts, what does 100% mean, I saw that the hail gradually started to fall in the venue, and under the influence of the cloudy and sunny characteristics of the floating bubble, it became a snowy type. attribute ice.

"The next step is to ask for rain, 50%, and then to let the sun go, 25%." Tian Lin gave two instructions again, and in front of everyone, an amazing scene happened.

"This, this is?" Mr. Conkenstein stared at the venue dumbfounded.

I saw that the venue was cut into three parts, one part was snowy, one part was rainy, and the last part was sunny. The three types of weather could actually exist on the venue at the same time.

"It turns out that the previous 100%, 50%, and 25% refer to how much force is used when making a unique move." Conkenstein gradually understood.

Originally, there can only be one weather, and the weather used by the back hand will cover the previous one, but after Tianlin made the floating bubble use all his strength to make hail, he only used half of the power to ask for rain, which caused the latter. The hand weather cannot cover the situation of the previous weather in an instant, thus forming a picture of the coexistence of two weathers, and so on.

"It's amazing, as expected of Brother Tianlin!" Xiaosheng admired him immensely. What the Floating Bubble does seems simple, but in fact, it is necessary to perfectly control such a force that is more than one point, no less than one point. I don't know how to go through it. of hard work.

"You did a good job, floating bubbles, it seems that you are working hard!" Tian Lin praised with a smile, "Okay, then, then, let's walk around the venue."

Floating bubbles constantly pierced around the venue. Its characteristics were affected by the weather, and it was constantly occurring. Sometimes it looked like an ice-type snow cloud, sometimes it looked like a water-type rain, and sometimes it looked like a fire-type sun.

The characteristics of the Weather Pokémon are brought into full play by Tian Lin.

"It's almost over, the last action, use the sandstorm with all your strength!"

The floating bubbles changed the weather again. This time, it was a sandstorm. Because it was full force, the three kinds of weather disappeared at the same time, leaving only sand and dust.

The yin qi might not have the appearance of a sandstorm, and the floating bubbles returned to their original state.

clap clap clap!

Mr. Conkenstein applauded, "It's amazing, it's worthy of being the weather Pokémon floating bubbles, and the mastery of the weather is really superb."

"Ah, I like this one!"

"Hmph, the trainer is not that good, but the Pokémon is not bad!"

All three judges gave positive comments. Even if Joey still complains about Tianlin, he will not avenge his personal revenge publicly.

In the end, Tian Lin got a high score of 29.9 points, and the difference of 0.1 points is a perfect score. The 0.1 point was not deducted by Joey, but Mr. Conkenstein. He found one thing, and that is the intimacy between the floating bubble and Tianlin. The speed is not too high, and the trainer's command and Pokémon actions show a little lack of tacit understanding. He judges that this Pokémon should not be often carried by Tian Lin.

Tian Lin has to admit that his eyes are like torches. Indeed, the floating bubbles are basically raised by Jun Shalan. This is the first time Tian Lin has used it. There is inevitably a little lack of understanding. I didn't expect this. He has discovered all the small flaws, and he deserves to be the highest judge of the gorgeous competition.

"Okay, this is the end of the first review. Those who got high scores and successfully entered the second review are the eight lucky ones above." Lilian pointed to the big screen.

Tianlin, Xiaoyao and Harry passed the top three smoothly.

"It's great, Brother Tianlin and elder sister occupy the first and second place respectively!" Xiao Sheng said excitedly.

"Yeah, but this will cause Mr. Harry's resentment again." Xiao Gang thought of Harry's small eyes and said helplessly.

As he expected, Harry was unhappily provoking the two of them in the lounge.

"Hmph, you two, don't you have a good set, this is worth being defeated by me."

"Hee hee!" Xiaoyao was very happy because of the high score this time, but he didn't mind Harry's provocation, "I suddenly started looking forward to the second review, let's cheer for each other!"

I just didn't expect Xiaoyao's calm attitude to make Harry even more angry, "Harry, I am very angry, what is that calm attitude, I will use my most treasured Pokémon to make you cry."

"The most treasured Pokémon! I'm very interested, Harry, your strength is not weak, maybe if you give up your conspiracy and tricks and turn to a head-on challenge, you can send 040 to a completely different level. I look forward to yours. Fight." Tian Lin was a little relieved by Harry's slight change, it seems that what he said to him at the last conference had a little effect.

The second review started soon. The three did not meet in the first round, and they all played very smoothly. The Pokémon used by Tian Lin for the second time was Pippi, which easily solved the opponent's heroic power with the power of the moon.

And Xiaoyao is also the king of mosquito coils and frogs who relied on the sunshine flame of the little Kirby beast to kill his opponent. As for Harry, his hidden Pokémon was finally exposed in the second round of review. It turned out to be an octopus bucket, I have to say Very much to his taste.

In the second round, Tianlin's opponent was slightly stronger, and with Pippi's strength, he couldn't easily ko, but Tianlin used Pippi's cuteness and its various gorgeous moves to deduct the opponent's at the last minute. Score wins.

In the next game, Harry and Xiaoyao, the old rivals met again.

"Xiaoyao, this stage is perfect for defeating you, go ahead, my newest taste, octopus bucket!"

"I won't lose to you, little Kirby, get on the stage."

With the Pokémon on both sides in place, Tian Lin felt that Xiaoyao would be difficult to deal with in this battle, because that octopus barrel was so much stronger than her little Kirby beast.

Chapter [*] Xiaoyao defeats Pippi and evolves

Octopus Bucket, Jet Pokémon, Water Element, Special Sniper, Introverted Personality (Increase Special Attack and Reduce Physical Attack), Height 1.2m, Weight 29.8kg, Excellent Qualification, Champion-level Potential, Current Strength Quasi-Tianwang Intermediate Level, Possess Skill: Octopus Barrel Cannon, Sleep, Twist, Sludge Bomb, Big Character Explosion.

The strength of this octopus bucket is actually as high as the intermediate level of the quasi-king, and it is almost catching up with Harry's ace Mongonaia. No wonder he said that this is a Pokémon that he has treasured for a long time. It seems that he has been secretly cultivating it until It just came out today.

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