"No, don't blame him, thanks to him, I finally remembered it." Leiqiao slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ha Kelong in front of him, "It turns out that the people who saved my life at that time were you and This hakron! Why didn't you mention this to me at all?"

"I just love this lake very much!" The grandmother answered her question, but Tian Lin understood what she meant. She hoped that nothing unfortunate would happen in this lake.

"That, Chairman, are you alright, should we continue to dismantle this lake?" The staff of the Bridge of Tears quickly helped him and asked.

Tears Bridge shook his head, "It's unnecessary, my life was saved twice by that mother-in-law and Ha Kelong, my savior lives in this lake, how can I destroy this place, Leisure Paradise The plan is officially cancelled!"

"That's great, thank you, Mr. Leiqiao!" Chaowu said excitedly, so she could finally feel at ease.


At this time, Huckron shouted, and the water-type Pokémon who had left the lake heard its call and returned to the lake one after another. It is indeed a quasi-god. For ordinary Pokémon, its status is very high.

With the return of water-type Pokémon, it won't be long before this lake can regain its former glory.

"Hakelong, I don't know what happened to my fast dragon. By the way, there are still a few eggs!" Tian Lin suddenly missed his fast dragon. Those eggs should have hatched, anyway, now In the Kanto region, he was going to go to the Dragon Valley on the way to challenge the development zone to meet his fast dragon and its family.

The matter was completely resolved, Tianlin bid farewell to Chaowu and Leiqiao and others.

However, before he could go far, he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind, "'" Mr. Tianlin, please wait a moment! "

"Miss Asagiri, is there anything else?" Tian Lin asked.

It was Chaowu who came, and she was panting, apparently running all the way to chase Tianlin.

"Mr. Tianlin, thank you very much for helping us. In order to repay you, I have something for you, please accept this!" Chaowu opened her palm, and she was holding a crystal clear stone.

"Is this, the stone of water?" Tian Lin asked.

"Yes, maybe because there are many water-type Pokémon in our lake, sometimes our family will pick up water stones on the shore. My grandma has a water Eevee, which evolved from water stones. Some of the quality is not very good, but there are rare ones that are very good, and this one is the best and only one that my grandma picked up in her life (good), a top-grade water stone!"

"Excellent! I'm afraid I can't bear this heavy gift!" Tian Lin declined. He just helped to fight a battle, and he got a top evolution stone for nothing, which made him a little embarrassed.

"You're welcome. I'm not a Pokémon trainer. This stone is useless in my hands. Besides, you saved my most cherished lake. Compared with this great grace, this water stone is really insignificant."

Seeing Chaowu's resolute attitude, Tianlin was no longer polite, and immediately took the water stone and said, "Okay, then I will accept it. I hope your lake will return to its former glory as soon as possible."

"Thank you, then I'll say goodbye." Chaowu came and went in a hurry, and went back after giving gifts. This flamboyant personality is a very cheerful girl. She must be able to surpass the fishing resort in her hands. The heyday of the past! .

Chapter [*]: The Shion Assembly Dispels the Darkness

The town of Ziyuan, where the Pokémon Glamour Contest is held.

After more than a day of traveling, Tian Lin finally arrived at this somewhat gloomy town.

Perhaps it is because of the awakening of the three powers in his body, the super power, the power of the waveguide, and the power of the evergreen.

However, it's just that the yin is heavy, but there is no resentment. It seems that this is only because this town is a cemetery after Pokémon's death. In fact, it is not dangerous, but it will make outsiders feel a little uncomfortable.

It was late at night when Tian Lin came to this town. He planned to go to the Pokémon Center to rest for the night. When he passed an alley, he heard a complaining female voice inside, "Really, this town It sucks, why am I here to participate in the Gorgeous Contest?"

Curiously, he looked into the alley. Due to the darkness, he couldn't see the woman's face. He could only see that her hair was being pulled by something.

Tian Lin focused his superpowers on his eyes, only to find that the girl was surrounded by a ghost and a ghost. They were hidden and invisible to ordinary people. It was no wonder that the 013 girl was so frightened. I thought it was a ghost.

"Xiao Duo, go and help her."

Fighting ghosts with ghosts is also common sense in the Pokémon world. I saw Duo Longqi flashing and appearing in front of Gui Si and Gui Stone. This is a sneak attack trick, but Xiao Duo didn't really attack that. The two Pokémon just scare them away, because it can see that Ghost and Ghost Stone are just playing pranks and don't really want to hurt the girl.

"Are you okay?" Tian Lin stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, thank you for saving me!"

The woman stood up. At this moment, due to his super powers, Tian Lin's eyes were still clear even in the dark, and he finally saw the woman's appearance clearly. The orange coat, short skirt, fiery red hair, and a beautiful face were just that. This image made him somewhat familiar.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, hello, my name is Saori, I'm a coordination trainer, I came to this town specifically to participate in the Shion Conference that will open here tomorrow, I just finished training treasure in the park. Kai Meng planned to take the path back to the Pokemon Center, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing, it's really annoying, (aiea) Thanks to you, thank you again!"

It turned out to be her, no wonder Tian Lin was a little familiar, the champion of the gorgeous large-scale celebration in the Kanto region of the original book, and the person who abused Xiaoyao in the semi-finals.

"You don't need to say thank you, don't blame those ghosts just now, they just rarely see a girl as beautiful as you, and they just want to play with you!" Tian Lin waved his hand and smiled.

She was a little embarrassed to hear Tianlin praise her for her good looks. As for how Tianlin could see her face clearly in such a dark alley, she subconsciously ignored it.

Because the two were on the same road, Tian Lin became a flower protector once, and returned to the Pokémon Center with Sazhi. After setting the room, they went back to their rooms to rest.

It's just that Tianlin didn't expect such a master to participate in the Ziyuan Conference. It seems that Tianlin is very careless in tomorrow's competition.

Dividing line

"It's starting, the Pokémon family and the coordinating trainer will play the remix of love and dreams together, the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, today we are here, Ziyuan Town, for you!"

"Everyone, be sure to follow in my Lilian's footsteps!"

Speaking of detonating the atmosphere of the scene, Lilian is really much stronger than her sister Vivian, but with a few words, the audience at the scene became enthusiastic.

"Then, please come to the stage for the coordinating trainers who participated in the Ziyuan Conference!" This is the pre-stage of each gorgeous competition, and all the trainers participating in the conference will appear together.

Tianlin and Shazhi are also among them.

"It turns out that you are also the coordinator and trainer who participated in the Ziyuan Conference. Please give me some advice today. Even if you helped me yesterday, I will not be merciful." Saori took the initiative to chat.

"This is the same for me, please do your best!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Then, the first review is finally about to begin, and the first one to come on stage is..." Lilian deliberately swayed everyone's appetite. Under the curiosity of everyone, Tian Lin slowly walked onto the stage.

"That's right, it's Tianlin player. He is today's No. 1 player. He is strong. He has already won two ribbon medals. I wonder what kind of performance he will bring us?"

In the lounge, Shazhi dragged his chin and thoughtfully, "I didn't expect my savior to be him, this is really a ruthless character!"

Hearing Tianlin's name, Shazhi had obviously heard of him.

"Feng speed dog, go!"

Tianlin originally subdued this wind speed dog for the gorgeous competition, and today is its debut.

"Everyone, it's dark, please close your eyes!" Tian Lin snapped his fingers, and all the lights in the venue went out again. This is still his best way of performing, interactive performance.

"Using ghost fire!"

In the dark, the wind speed dog released countless blue ghost fires. Ziyuan Town was originally a town with a lot of yin, but now it looks more and more gloomy under the background of the dark night and the ghost fire. This is obviously a fire-type skill, but it makes the audience present. The whole body is suddenly cold, and the heart is cold.

"This is really terrifying, the ghosts in the dark, the Tianlin player has taken into account the geographical environment of Ziyuan Town." Mr. Conkenstein commented.

"I, I still like it!" Sugi Sa shivered a little.

As for a timid girl like Joey, she didn't dare to open her eyes at all.

"There needs to be a ray of light in the dark night, Wind Speed ​​Dog, use the morning light!" Tian Lin continued to order, and Feng Speed ​​Dog suddenly flashed an amazing light, and the darkness was instantly dispelled.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, which exudes a holy light, is worthy of its Legendary Pokémon classification.

"It's over, use hot air!"

Finally, the wind speed dog finished with hot wind.

"It's so warm!" the audience enjoyed.

"It turns out that, at the beginning, with the characteristics of Ziyuan Town, darkness and ghost fires brought the gloomy characteristics to the extreme. Just when everyone was most afraid, the twists and turns, using the morning light to dispel the darkness, made people suddenly bright, and finally warmed with hot wind. The cold heart of every audience member, the contrast is amazing."

"Yeah, I really like this!"

Several judges have made good comments. In the end, Tianlin scored as high as 29.7 points, which is the highest score he has obtained since he participated in the Gorgeous Competition.

With Tian Lin's end, Lilian walked back to the center of the stage, "The above is the performance of Tian Lin. He made a good start for this Ziyuan Conference, so please invite the next contestant to appear!".

Chapter [*] Tianlin vs Saori Shion Ribbon Medal

Time gradually passed, and the first round of review and performance of the Ziyuan Conference had entered the second half. After Tianlin, there were no outstanding coordination trainers on the stage.

Everyone's performance was mediocre, scoring around 24-27 points.

"The following is the contestant No. 48. The last performer, Miss Saori, will appear."

Finally, it was Shazhi's turn. In the introduction, she currently has three ribbon medals in her hand, one more than Tianlin. She is a powerful coordination trainer, not much worse than the original Robert.

The Pokémon used in the yarn weaving performance is Ba Da Butu. She uses the two powder tricks of paralysis powder and poison powder to control all the powder with her mental strength, and builds a huge Ba Da made of powder behind her. Butterfly shadow, very shocking.

And her score is the same as Tianlin's, 29.7 points, and the two are tied for first place.

"Sure enough, it is a powerful character!" Tian Lin praised sincerely.

There were four trainers who were able to enter the second round of review at the Ziyuan Conference. In addition to the two of them, there were also two passers-by who were lucky. Unfortunately, the gap between them was too great.

In the second round of review, Shazhi deducted the opponent's points in just two minutes and won, while Tianlin was more direct.

"This is the final stage of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest Shion Conference. The two finalists are Tianlin and Saori. The five-minute, one-on-one gorgeous battle will begin now.-"

As Lilian's voice fell, the two threw out the Poke Ball at the same time.

"Shell beast, gorgeous debut!"

"Please, wind speed dog!"

Tianlin is still using the wind speed dog, and Sazhi has switched to the water-type shell beast since the gorgeous battle. Obviously, this is what she replaced it specifically to deal with Tianlin's wind speed dog.

"Then I'll be rude to attack first, Wind Speed ​​Dog, and use Crazy Volt!"

"Fixing method!"

The speed of the beast is slow, and it is impossible to avoid the attack of the wind speed dog, so Shazhi is very decisive, and he would rather choose to forcibly withstand a power-type skill, but also use the immobilization method to block the opponent's moves.

Although the speed of the beast is very slow, the durability is first-class, and she is confident that she will not be killed by one blow.

Crazy Volt made a successful hit, and the Silly Beast also sealed this trick with the immobilization method, and the scores of both sides dropped at the same time.

"It's time to fight back, Beast, use the water cannon!"

"Wind speed dog, jump up and avoid!"

The attack speed of this water cannon is not bad, but with the ability of the wind speed dog, it is not difficult to avoid it. At this moment, Saori suddenly ordered, "It's now, the shell beast, use the water prison!"

Water prison?This is obviously not a Pokémon trick, it should be a skill created by Saori.

But I saw that the water cannon spewed out by the shell beast was controlled by its strong mental will, forming a water cage that trapped the wind speed dog.

"Wow, the wind speed dog is locked by the water cage, this is Miss Saori's trick!" Lilian explained enthusiastically.

However, this move seems to be powerful, but in fact it does not do much damage to the wind speed dog. The strong point of the water cannon is the huge impact force. Now this water prison has no such power at all, but the fire element wind speed dog is very difficult in the water prison. It's comfortable, but if you really want to talk about the damage, it's actually not much.

Tian Lin guessed that Miss Shazhi must have a backer.

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