Tianlin looked at her a little bit, she was an ordinary girl, she didn't have the aura of a strong man, and she didn't carry any malice. Thinking about it, it should have nothing to do with the iron claw lobster, so he said, "It doesn't matter, the strength of the iron claw lobster is not bad. , but it still doesn't hurt me."

"That's great!" The girl breathed a sigh of relief. "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Asagiri. I'm the owner of this fishing resort. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Resort? Excuse me for saying "zero-one-three", I feel that this place is really not in line with the rumored fishing resort!" Tian Lin said bluntly, "Excuse me, what happened, and it has something to do with the iron claw lobster. ?"

Hearing the words, Asagiri replied with a bit of disappointment, "Yes, it was indeed a famous fishing resort a year ago, and this lake is said to be inhabited by a hakron, attracting a large number of fishing enthusiasts, but one day, A large real estate group, Tears Bridge Properties, came here, and they wanted to destroy the lake and build a leisure park here."

"Of course I refused without hesitation, not only because I wanted to keep my boat rental hut, but also because I really love this lake, but after that, iron claw lobsters from nowhere appeared and harassed the place again and again. The fishermen and wild Pokémon from here, as time goes by, fewer and fewer people come, and the place gradually becomes deserted.”

"Hehe, this is really good reasoning." Tian Lin folded his arms and judged calmly, "I just failed to capture that iron claw lobster because it is a Pokémon that already has an owner, so it suddenly appeared here. , it should be sent by its owner to make trouble, combined with what you said earlier about the Bridge of Tears industry, it must be sent by them."

"Well, I think so too. Sir, I have seen your strength just now. I want to ask you to help drive away that iron claw lobster. I will definitely thank you sincerely." Chaowu sincerely asked. Said, she really wanted to restore this place to its original state, and she finally hoped to appear today, and she had to seize it no matter what.

"Okay, I agreed. I am very vengeful. The iron claw lobster attacked me for no reason. I have to avenge it, and if such a good fishing resort is abandoned like this, I think it would be a pity."

"Thank you, thank you very much!" Hearing Tianlin's answer, Chaowu looked very excited and bowed again and again.

"Really, what are you arguing about? I can't sleep." Suddenly the door of the house behind the two opened, and an old grandmother walked out.

"This is my grandma." Asagiri immediately introduced.

"Grandma, this gentleman is a very good trainer. I'm asking him to help knock down the iron claw lobster, and he has already agreed. Our fishing grounds are saved!"

"Is it up to him to defeat the iron claw lobster?" The old man glanced at Tian Lin, "So, if it is him, there is no problem. The first genius of the famous Guandong, Mr. Tian Lin is willing to help our small fishing farm. I am so grateful, old lady."

Obviously, this old grandmother recognized Tianlin's identity at a glance, and her eyes were sharper than her granddaughter's.

"No need to say thank you, grandma, meddling with other things is the style of the trainer from our real new town." Tian Lin said with a smile.

Later, in order to search for the iron-clawed lobster, Tianlin and Chaowu got on a speedboat and patrolled the boat. They were not aimless. Tianlin had a multi-functional navigator cooperation system, and it was not easy to find the trace of the iron-clawed lobster. Disaster,

"It seems that this iron claw lobster is really making a lot of trouble. There are almost no other Pokémon in this lake, everyone has moved away!"

Seeing that the navigator couldn't detect a single Pokémon, Tian Lin sighed, "Even if the iron claw lobster is successfully driven away, if there are no Pokémon in the lake, it will be very difficult for this place to return to its original state."

"It doesn't matter, the development of this place from an ordinary small lake into a fishing resort was also through the unremitting efforts of my grandparents. As long as the iron claw lobster can be driven away, I will rely on my own efforts for the rest. If I want to recover , I am not afraid that it will take a long time, but I am afraid that no one will want to do it." Asagiri is very determined.  …

Tian Lin glanced at the girl in surprise. He didn't expect that she would have such an awareness. For the things she cherished, even if she had little hope, she would not give up easily. It was worth Tian Lin's willingness to help her.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

Suddenly, the navigator began to scream, this was a Pokémon search, and to Tian Lin's surprise, there were actually two signals, one of which was the quasi-king-level iron claw lobster just now.

"I didn't expect it to actually exist in this lake! Then it's just a matter of time before it can recover to its heyday." Looking at another signal source, Tian Lin said lightly.

"Mr. Tianlin, I saw the iron claw lobster, let's chase after it."

Among the water plants, the figure of the iron-clawed lobster was wandering there, as if he wanted to go ashore, Chaowu hurriedly drove the speedboat to catch up.

After the iron claw lobster landed, he saw a middle-aged man with a bald head waiting there. When he saw it coming, he was very happy, "You are here, iron claw lobster, I have prepared a wealth of Pokémon food for you, Eat more!"

"It's been really hard for you during this time. If it wasn't for your help, this fishing place wouldn't have been abolished so smoothly!"

It seems that this bald man is the owner of this iron claw lobster, and it is he who sent the iron claw lobster to make trouble in the lake.

"That is, Mr. Leiqiao, chairman of Leiqiao Industry!"

4.0 Tianlin and Chaowu went ashore and hid behind a bush to observe. Chaowu recognized the true identity of the person on the opposite side at a glance. As they guessed, it was the guys from the Tears Bridge Industry who were making trouble.

"Chairman, the design drawing of the leisure park has been completed, and construction can be started at any time!"

Two tears bridge industry employees are reporting the situation.

Tears Bridge was very happy to hear the news, "Haha, great, since the design has been completed and all the Pokémon in the lake have been driven away, then the next step is the last step, it's almost time to demolish the unsightly rental boat hut. already."

"Don't even think about it!" Hearing this, Chaowu couldn't hold back any longer, and rushed out, "Sure enough, you raised this iron claw lobster, you are too despicable, tell you, stop dreaming, no matter what. Whenever, I will insist on protecting this fishing ground to the end.”.

Chapter five hundred and ninety-ninth Xiaoduo rolling iron claw lobster

"It turned out to be Miss Chaowu." Although it was seen through, the bridge of tears did not show a trace of nervousness, but looked at Tianlin next to him, "Why, is this the helper you invited? It doesn't look very good. "

He is a big businessman and has power and power. How could he be afraid of a fishing farm in the area? If he didn't take into account his reputation, he would not have directly demolished it. Instead, he sent iron claw lobsters to make trouble.

"Mr. Tears Bridge, because others don't agree to move out, it's too despicable for you to use Pokémon to destroy it!" Asagiri now confirms the truth of everything and looks very angry.

"Don't talk nonsense, this guy is going to make trouble himself, I just feed it some food." Leiqiao shamelessly cleared his relationship, in fact, as long as he refused to admit it The iron claw lobster was sent by him, and Tian Lin really couldn't do anything about it for a while.

"If that's the case, we're going to shoot this iron claw lobster now, so it shouldn't have anything to do with you." Tian Lin stepped forward and said, since the other party refuses to admit it, he will do his best to solve the problem directly. Iron claw lobster.

"How can I do that, the iron claw lobster is my Pokémon, even if I want 08 education, I will come, but ah, it is very naughty, maybe if I say it today, it will still make trouble tomorrow, then, it will still be Miss Asagiri please take care of me!"

Outright threats, Leiqiao's current statement is like a parent teaching a bear child. He told others that he had scolded him, but the bear child couldn't do anything if he didn't listen to him.

"It's really troublesome, Tears Bridge, since that's the case, why don't you have a one-on-one duel if you break the point, and if I win, you'll give it to me!" Tian Lin wrote the gauntlet.

"There's really no way. Well, it's okay to agree to fight, but I have two conditions. First, if I win, the lake and the boat rental cabin must be handled by me." This is his real purpose.

Chaowu hesitated for a while, thinking that her grandmother was so optimistic about Tianlin just now, she was willing to try to believe it and see, "Okay, I promise you this condition, let's take this opportunity to make a complete decision, Tianlin, please! "

"Then, the second condition is that the Pokémon you play is not allowed to be the Wind Speed ​​Dog!" Leiqiao said with a grin, in fact, he has been monitoring here, Tian Lin has just used Wind Speed ​​Dog to win the Iron Claw Lobster, he has already longed. know.

Leiqiao was also a very good trainer when he was young. You can tell by the strength of this iron claw lobster, but since he founded Leiqiao Industrial Company, he has not paid attention to the trainer class for a long time, so he does not pay attention to it at all. Knowing Tianlin, in his opinion, it is not easy for Tianlin to cultivate such a powerful wind speed dog at his age. He subconsciously thought that it was Tianlin's trump card.

"Okay, I don't need it, I promise." Tian Lin shrugged and said indifferently, he didn't know what Leiqiao thought, but would he care?

Tian Lin felt that the Bridge of Tears was really ignorant. He also had a Latias on him. I wonder if the other party wanted to try it?

"Chairman, I can't agree, this person is..." On the contrary, his employees seemed to recognize Tianlin, but unfortunately, he was interrupted by the bridge of tears before he finished speaking.

"Shut up, this is the opportunity I've been waiting for for a long time. Tomorrow, I can finally say goodbye to this nasty lake!" Leiqiao seemed a little excited and couldn't listen at all. It seemed that he had some grudge with this lake.

But Tian Lin was not interested in his story, so he walked aside and said, "Don't waste time, start now!"

"Hmph, can't wait to find a fight, go, Iron Claw Lobster!" Leiqiao is very confident, as long as the opponent doesn't use the wind speed dog whose strength surpasses Iron Claw Lobster, he doesn't think he will lose.

"It's really underestimated, I thought my ace was the wind speed dog, so please, Xiao Duo!" Tian Lin didn't bother to bully this bald head with Shanaido or Latias, and dealt with a quasi-day king who was just a beginner. Iron claw lobster, a little more is enough.

Xiaoduo didn't care about the iron claw lobster on the opposite side, and glanced at the lake next to him, he felt that there seemed to be his kin there.

"Iron claw lobster, hit it with a crab claws hammer!"

Because of Xiaoduo's ignorance, the iron claw lobster looked a little angry. This crab claw hammer looks imposing, but unfortunately a passerby's Pokémon does not have the aura of a protagonist or a supporting role or even a villain, and its momentum cannot be turned into strength.

"Xiaoduo, one hundred thousand volts!"

The iron claw lobster was beaten back by [*] volts before it could get close.

"What, that guy can actually have an electric trick!"

"Chairman, I just checked the information. It is Duolongqi from the Galar region, a dragon-type Pokemon, so it can learn all kinds of unique tricks. In addition, it also has ghost-type attributes." The subordinates quickly checked the information and reported it to the bridge of tears.

"Is it a ghost, I understand, then the iron claw lobster makes a wave of evil!"

"Xiao Duo, this time, use the wave of the dragon!" Tian Lin uses wave to face wave, and sometimes it can produce very good results when attacking tricks for defense.

Now the opponent's attack can't be close to Duolongqi at all.

"Strange light!"

At this time, after the two ultimate moves collided and exploded, while the other party was out of sight, Tian Lin immediately seized the opportunity to use his interference skills, and a dark shadow suddenly flew out from behind the dust.

In an instant, the iron claw lobster was hit by a shadow and fell into a state of confusion.

"What's the matter with you, Iron Claw Lobster, cheer me up and use a secret attack!" Leiqiao kept giving instructions, but unfortunately the Iron Claw Lobster in the chaos couldn't hear it at all.

"It's over, Little Duo, one hundred thousand volts!"

Another thunder and lightning struck, and the iron-clawed lobster in the chaos didn't know how to dodge, and was hit by a straight 013, and it seemed that it could no longer fight.

"Great, I won!" Chaowu cheered, although she had confidence in Tianlin, but after all, she was betting on her most precious lake, so she couldn't help but be a little worried.

"Well, Xiao Duo's latest trick is not only extremely powerful, but also very fast. It looks like it should be about to evolve!" Tian Lin felt his chin and thought, this quasi-god is really hard to cultivate. It has only evolved once in nearly two regions, and even Tianlin is a little anxious.

"How could it be, how could I possibly lose!" Leiqiao fell to his knees, looking in disbelief.

"Chairman, your opponent is a Heavenly King-level trainer. It's normal that you are not an opponent. Don't be sad." An employee came over and comforted.

"What, Heavenly King, why didn't you say it earlier!" I didn't expect Leiqiao to suddenly become angry. He was a trainer who gave up his training journey halfway and switched to business. How could he be a Heavenly King's opponent.

"That, I meant to say it, but I was interrupted by you just now!" The employee seemed a little aggrieved.

Leiqiao remembered that this person was indeed stopping him just now, but he couldn't listen, and it was not easy to get angry at him now. He could only hit the ground angrily and roared at the same time, "Damn, This nasty lake, why stop me from demolishing this nasty lake?".

Chapter [*] Farewell to the Fishing Resort

"Well, Mr. Tears Bridge, may I ask why you hate this lake so much?"

Although the matter has been resolved, Chaowu is still a little worried, worried that the Leiqiao industry will make a comeback after Tianlin leaves. To truly relieve the worries, the key lies in Leiqiao's body.

"Hmph, this lake is an extremely evil place. When I was fishing here before, a huge fish was hooked, but I was dragged into the lake by the fish, and when I fell into the water, I was entangled in the fishing line. He ended up in a coma in the water."

Leiqiao told his previous stories, and the whole person seemed to have some lingering fears, "When I woke up, I didn't know what was going on, and people were already on the shore, it was a miracle, but I will never forget that time. The fear of this dangerous lake, it is best to fill it up and build it into a leisure park."

"Haha, it's ridiculous, how can there be so many miracles in the world, even if there are, do you think you can easily meet them?" Tian Lin suddenly burst out laughing.

"Damn, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Haha!" Tian Lin smiled dangerously, and then suddenly shot, using his super power to control the bridge of tears to float up.

"Chairman!" The subordinates of Leiqiao quickly wanted to come to the rescue, Tian Lin's eyes flashed with blue light, and he used petrochemical power to set them in place.

"Damn, what are you trying to do, do you know who I am?" Leiqiao couldn't control his body at all, and could only yell angrily.

"It's nothing, since you said it was a miracle, I just want you to feel it again!" Tian Lin waved his arm and threw the Bridge of Tears directly into the lake.

The bridge of tears gradually sank, and the despair of the year seemed to come to him again.

At this moment, a blue slender figure swam out from the bottom of the lake, and Chaowu's grandmother also jumped into the water, one person and one Pokémon, dragging Leiqiao's body up quickly.

"This familiar feeling, is it also ~' back then!" Leiqiao finally remembered that the reason why he was saved back then was not a miracle at all, but someone saved him.

On the other side, Chaowu on the shore was anxious, "Mr. Tianlin, why are you so impulsive, so the people from the Leiqiao Industry will not let you go, or you should run quickly, I will go down to save Mr. Leiqiao, you Don't worry, if he gets angry afterwards, I will accompany him with this lake, and I will never let him trouble you."

Saying that, Chao Wu was about to jump into the water. This girl was quite righteous, but she actually planned to help Tian Lin fight the crime. Tian Lin took her arm and stopped her, "Don't worry, the bald head will be fine. , look, isn't this coming up?"

Following the direction Tianlin pointed, Chaowu was surprised to see that his grandmother, together with a Hackron, rescued the Bridge of Tears.She originally thought that the existence of Harkron in this lake was just a legend, but she didn't expect it to actually exist.

The breath that Tianlin had just detected on the navigator and that Xiaoduo sensed before the battle was exactly this Huck Dragon.

"Really, you brat, you're too stupid to throw people into the water. You don't have the calmness of a Heavenly King-level trainer at all!" Grandma Chaowu came ashore and immediately taught Tianlin a lesson.

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