Now she is calm and confident, completely different from the icy look she had when she first saw her. She reveals an indescribable charm all over her body. Just by looking at her, you can feel her strength.

"Who is this?" The only person Matsumoto Hiroshi didn't know here was Canon.

"Her human form is called Canon." Tian Lin replied.

"Human form?" Matsumoto Hiroyeh showed a hint of doubt. Could it be that this girl is not a human being, and the only Pokémon that can be transformed into human beings are divine beasts other than the Variety Monster and Zoroark.

Tianlin nodded to Canon, and Canon changed back to Latias directly in the office, because Matsumoto Hiroye was the grandfather of Sundae, and Tianlin had nothing to hide from him.

"Latias, it's amazing!" Matsumoto Hiroye sighed, originally he thought his granddaughter was good enough among the younger generation, but among the four, she was the worst one, Lati It goes without saying that Yas is a divine beast. Since Nazi dares to challenge Sheba, she must have surpassed the Heavenly King level, and Tianlin's strength is almost approaching his wife's sister.

If it is true that people gather in groups and things are divided into groups, if his granddaughter is a genius, these are the out-and-out monsters in front of him.

Chapter five hundred and eighty third sundae determination

Tian Lin and Na Zi came to the Pokémon Academy very rarely. As the hosts, Sundae took them around the campus. The last time Tian Lin came and went in a hurry, he didn't have time to appreciate this famous Kanto nobleman. College.

Looking at it carefully today, it is really worthy of the word 'noble'. Not only is the environment extremely beautiful, but also various facilities are also complete. The equipment for cultivating Pokémon is very complete. Water, ice, grass, rocks, etc. for battle There are also venues.

At this time, the academy is in class time. Some are taking Pokemon training courses, and some are taking combat training courses. This is an academy specializing in Pokemon battles. There are no fancy things like gorgeous competition classes. Here The dream of all the trainers, the smaller one is to become a gym trainer or win a championship in the future, the bigger one is the throne of heaven or even the throne of champion.

Of course, there are those who are as ambitious as Tian Lin and covet the highest Pokémon master.

When I came to the front of a class, I found that there were neither lectures nor battle training here, and everyone in a class was actually watching TV.

"Sundae, do you still have recreational activities during class hours in your academy?" Tian Lin asked.

"Of course not," Sundae rolled his eyes and explained, "I'm watching the latest current affairs. As a trainer, I can't keep working behind closed doors. Information is very important. What they did, what achievements they got, and their battle videos, we all need to understand and learn, like many of your alliance battle pictures, we have made a collection for them to watch from time to time!"

"So it is." Tian Lin said clearly, and then he noticed that what was playing on the big screen was not something that was not nutritious, but a battle between some top trainers.

"The following is a news broadcast for everyone." Suddenly, the battle scene was all over, and the news was broadcast. "According to the latest news provided by interested people, Dara, the head of the battle factory in our newly established battle development area in Kanto, sent a team during the battle. The legendary Pokémon Frozen Bird!"

"Frozen Bird!!!"

Hearing this news, the entire class immediately boiled over. That is a divine beast. The newly established Xiaoxiao Battle Development Zone actually has such a Pokémon.

"Who spread this news?" Nazi wondered, not many people knew that Dara used Frozen Bird, except for Xiao Zhi and his party, but they probably wouldn't spread this kind of news. right.

"Who else can you forget about a fat blue man who wants to make the battle zone bigger and stronger." Tian Lin said with a smile, the person who was interested in the news anchor must be Yahida, and only He would have thought of advertising with frozen birds.

"In addition, a person with a heart also revealed that Mr. Dara used Frozen Bird twice, but unexpectedly, both battles ushered in defeat, and the one who defeated Frozen Bird was Samsung in Zhenxin Town. Xiaozhi of the fire-breathing dragon and Tianlin who controls the giant golden monster." The anchor said more shocking news.

At this time, the big screen was cut into two parts, one half was the picture of the pitcher tearing the frozen bird on the old spray earth, and the other half was the scene of the giant golden monster's endless silver light covering the frozen bird.

Unexpectedly, this guy Yachida has released such information. He wants to tell people that there are divine beasts in the battle zone, and the divine beasts are not invincible. Xiaozhi and Tianlin are the best examples.

With these two lessons from the past, there will definitely be many trainers who hope to use the beast to become famous to challenge the battle zone. In this way, his wish will be fulfilled.

Compared with the previous news, this one is even more unbelievable. Someone stood up directly, "What, ordinary Pokémon can actually defeat divine beasts?"

"It's fake, if it was done by a certain regional champion, how could it be possible for two teenagers who are just the same age as us?"

"Why is it impossible?" Sundae opened the door of the classroom and walked in, pointing to the half of the screen with the giant gold monster, "This scene happened in front of me not long ago, and the one who used this flashing giant gold monster is mine. Boyfriend Tianlin."

"Really, Sundae-senpai, can ordinary Pokémon really defeat divine beasts?" After hearing Sundae's words, many people showed their hopeful eyes. .

"Of course, the beasts are powerful, but as long as our Pokémon are nurtured in the most correct way, they can still defeat them. Everyone, were you afraid when you traveled on your first day?" Sundae asked the crowd. meaningfully asked.


Everyone pondered for a while. The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. At that time, they seemed to be really not afraid of anything. They wanted to go to the top with their Pokémon, but they experienced more and more and learned more and more. After more and more, they gradually understood the gap between themselves and the champions of heaven. Instead, they became timid and gradually wiped out their initial dreams. Now after watching these two games, the passion in their hearts seems to be ignited again.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"That's right, these two games let me see the road ahead. Even if it's an ordinary Pokémon, as long as you work hard, you can become stronger or even surpass the divine beast."

"Well, I have to work harder, not to mention catching up with a genius like Samsung in the real new town, at least I will be stronger than myself now!"

The students seemed encouraged and in high spirits, as if they were back in the mood when they set out on the trip.

0 0 ......

Tianlin watched this scene with a smile, the sundae had really matured a lot, and she also knew how to use her battle with Xiaozhi to motivate the juniors and juniors. She is a qualified chief student.

In fact, this is not to inspire herself, when Tianlin's giant gold monster showed his strength, she also made a determination.

In the evening, Tianlin did not choose to stay in the college, but prepared to hurry to the next town. Under the sunset, a group of people bid farewell to the sundae.

In order to leave time for Tianlin and Sundae, Nazi said goodbye and pulled Canon to leave early.

"Sundae, I'm leaving." Tian Lin said goodbye.

"Be careful on the road, by the way, Tianlin, I have decided, I will graduate from the academy as the chief student." Sundae said suddenly.

"Why, are you leaving the academy?"

Sundae shook his head, "It's not to leave the academy, but to retreat and do asceticism to break through the heavenly king level as soon as possible. Our academy has a privilege. The chief graduate can get the same right to challenge the four heavenly kings as the gym owner. I want to be with Nazi. Like my sister, challenge them."

It seems that the strength of Tianlin and Nazi has stimulated her, and she desperately wants to become stronger.

"Actually, you don't need to be in such a hurry, but I don't object to your decision, come on!" Tian Lin kissed Sundae's forehead lightly, expressing his support.

The sundae was a little shy, but he boldly tapped Tianlin's face, "Thank you for your support, this is a return gift!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, Tian Lin hugged the sundae gently, and under the setting sun, the shadows of the boys and girls were stretched and intertwined together.

Chapter five hundred and eighty fourth wind speed dog

After saying goodbye to the sundae, Tianlin and his party are now trying to cross a forest in order to go to the golden city.

I just didn't expect that there is actually a cake shop in the silent forest. Logically speaking, there should be no business in such a place, but on the contrary, there are long queues here.

Originally, Tian Lin, who was just passing by here, was curious and lined up with Na Zi. Anyway, he was not in a hurry. The business of the cake shop in the forest was still so good, but he wanted to eat it to see how delicious it was.

At this moment, in front of the team, a familiar voice of a man and a woman sounded, it was Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao.

"Why is there such a long queue to eat a cake!" Xiao Zhi seemed a little impatient.

Xiaoyao, on the other hand, was a little excited, "Don't worry about it, according to this food map report, the cake here is..." "[*]"

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a barking sound, and when she looked up, a handsome wind-speed dog was running towards him.

"That's it, Wind Speed ​​Dog!" Tian Lin was surprised that such a powerful Pokémon would suddenly appear in front of the crowd.He could see that the wind speed dog was clearly a wild Pokémon.

The wind speed dog jumped, and the graceful and majestic figure immediately caught the eyes of Tianlin and Xiaoyao.

"I want it!" The two said very tacitly, which also made them discover each other.

"Hey, Tianlin, why are you here?" Xiaozhi asked, didn't they set out a week earlier than Tianlin, why were they caught up in a blink of an eye?

"Also, with the speed of your five days and three days of getting lost, is it strange for me to catch up with you?" Tian Lin asked rhetorically.

The three of them were a little embarrassed, but Xiaoyao raised his head, "Brother Tianlin, you just said that you want to get that wind speed dog, right, that's what I want to subdue, I just queued up in front of you, so it's me See it first."

Tianlin stretched out his index finger and swayed left and right, "no, no, no, have you heard that as people get older, they will become presbyopia, and see things in the distance more clearly than near things, I I am older than you and see farther than you, so it is me who sees first."

"Aren't you just one or two years older than me? Don't tell me that you have presbyopia at this age!" Xiaoyao pointed at Tianlin and said angrily, is he clearly arguing.

"I'm sorry, but one year older is also a big deal, and this time I've given it up!"

Seeing the two quarreling like children, Xiaozhi Xiaogang and Nazi and the others shed a cold sweat in unison. They are indeed top Pokémon trainers. When they see their favorite Pokémon, they are shameless. His zeal was simply shameless.

"Wait a minute!" Just as the two were arguing, another familiar voice seemed to be chasing the wind speed dog.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Xiao Shun, the desert dragonfly that was following him behind him.

"Desert dragonfly, use jet flame!"

The desert dragonfly spewed out a flame of flames at the wind speed dog, but the wind speed dog seemed to have a very high fighting literacy. It avoided the desert dragonfly's attack with a single jump, and then turned its head and a hot wind forced the desert dragonfly back.

Not only that, after it repelled the desert dragonfly, its four legs were like the wind, and it disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.That is a skill that the Wind Speed ​​Dog clan is very good at, divine speed.

Whether it is the first system or the power, it is far beyond the flash of lightning, a very powerful skill.

"Oops!" Xiao Shun said angrily, and the chance to win that he finally found was just missed.

"Xiao Shun, why did you come to the Kanto region?" Xiao Yao stepped forward and asked.

"Yeah, what a surprise. Tian Lin is normal here. After all, he is a native of Kanto, but he didn't expect to meet you here." Xiao Shun said that he didn't care, but his happy expression had already changed his mind. Completely betrayed.

"Xiao Shun, you also came here with the goal of a gorgeous and large-scale festival in the Kanto region?" Xiao Gang looked at Xiao Shun and asked.

"Of course, my goal is only to win!" Xiao Shun was the same as before, tugging, but confident, he said, he also opened his ribbon medal collection box, and there was a ribbon lying in it. It is different from Fengyuan, but it is more similar to Tianlin's.

"Ah, is that the ribbon medal from the Kanto region?" Xiaoyao said with envy, "I hate it, I don't even have one yet!"

"You're still the same. I've already guessed this. In order to win the gorgeous competition in the Kanto region, I must conquer that beautiful and handsome wind speed dog." Desire to win 0 ........

"It's not that simple, Xiao Shun, whether it's the wind speed dog or the champion of this magnificent large-scale celebration, it's all mine." Tian Lin stepped forward and opened his medal box, which was the same as Xiao Shun's. , with a ribbon medal.

"Tianlin, you actually already got one." Xiaoyao was completely shocked. Although Tianlin is a top trainer, he is still a rookie in the coordinating trainer class. Get ahead of yourself.

"Damn, I won't lose to you, this wind speed dog is mine." In order to catch up with the two, Xiaoyao also made up his mind.

"Hmph, whatever you want, then it's up to you!" Xiao Shun didn't care about the competition between Xiaoyao and Tianlin at all, "Let's go, Desert Dragonfly, continue to chase the wind speed dog."

"Nazi, wait for me here, I'll be back soon!" Tian Lin confessed, and then used teleportation to disappear in place, he didn't want to lose to Xiao Shun and the others.

Seeing the two people who disappeared in a blink of an eye, Xiaoyao suddenly became anxious, "Oops, they were preempted by them, Xiaozhi Xiaogang, we have to hurry up too."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were a little confused, so they were arrested by Xiaoyao?But there is no way, after all, compared to Xiao Shun and Tian Lin's strength, she is too weak, they can only help her as much as possible.

"Forget it, Kanon, let's continue queuing, just waiting for Tianlin to come back and bring him a cake for 4.0!" Nazi shrugged helplessly and pulled Kanon to continue queuing.

In the jungle, Xiao Zhi and his party searched aimlessly. Xiao Sheng recalled the amazing speed of the wind speed dog and couldn't help sighing, "Speaking of which, the wind speed dog is really powerful!"

"Yeah, because of this, I predict that Xiaoyao may not be able to easily catch it. Even Xiaoshu is dangerous. I am afraid that Tianlin has the greatest chance among you." Xiaogang analyzed.

"Even if it's difficult, but I believe that conquering this kind of thing is more about fate than strength, maybe my luck is better than the two of them!" Xiaoyao still held a glimmer of hope, pointing forward, "Maybe it It will suddenly appear in front of me."

A random joke, but found that the wind speed dog is eating sweet peach fruit under a tree she pointed to, the name of Ou Huangyao is really well-deserved.

Chapter five hundred and eighty fifth poachers

"Come out, it's here!" Xiao Sheng shouted, not expecting that they would be the first to find the wind speed dog.

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