"Mr. Dara, I thought about it before I came, I want to play one-on-one singles." Tian Lin said.

Dara nodded, "Well, yes, then, which challenge do you want to choose, the Frog Flower, or the Magic Power?"

"Neither, I want to choose Frozen Bird just like Xiao Zhi."

Dara was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, "Haha, as expected from a place, they are all people with both courage and strength."

"Frozen Bird, someone has challenged you again, are you willing to accept it?"

Dara asked loudly towards the sky, and after a while, a blue and elegant figure flew down from the sky. It was one of the legendary three sacred birds of Kanto, the frozen bird.

"Really, it's really a frozen bird!" Although Sundinazi and the others had long heard that there was a frozen bird in this place, and they were psychologically prepared, when they actually saw it, they couldn't help but be amazed.

Frozen Bird, Frozen Pokémon, attribute ice type plus flying type, characteristic oppression, serious personality (balanced personality), height 1.6m, weight 55kg, second-level god, the current strength of the king-level peak, has the skill: Frozen Light, water fluctuations, storm, blizzard, steel wings, high-speed movement, mind's eye, absolute zero.

Looking at the information of the system, Tianlin guessed that this frozen bird should still be in the growth stage, and its strength is only at the peak of the heavenly king level. No wonder it will be defeated by the fire-breathing dragon, which is also the heavenly king level but has an attribute advantage. A fully grown second-level god, The strength should not be lower than the champion level.

Of course, someone like Latias who has been lazy all the time doesn't count, but now she has been trained by Tianlin and has been promoted to the high level of the king in one year. It is estimated that it will not be too slow to break through to the champion level in the future.

"Tianlin, Frozen Bird seems to have accepted your challenge. What about you, what Pokemon do you want to use? I heard that you have Latias. Are you going to have a battle of gods?" , he has long wanted to try it.

Unfortunately, Tianlin shook his head and broke his illusion, "No, Mr. Dara, the Pokémon I want to use is not Latias, but don't be disappointed, it won't lose to any beast, let's go to battle , the giant gold monster."

"The shining giant gold monster!"

Dara saw the giant gold monster and realized that Tianlin was not bluffing. The power of the quasi-god is not inferior to the second-level god, and the flash is even rarer. In a sense, the value of this giant gold monster is only worth it. Above the frozen bird.

And after the giant gold monster appeared, the frozen bird's body actually trembled a little, this is because it is a divine beast, it has an extremely keen intuition, even if the giant gold monster is restrained, it can feel the huge power contained in its body.

"Then, the one-on-one match between Daala, the pioneering brain, and Tianlin, the challenger, will officially start now." The referee is Daala's disciple, and he is very familiar with the process.

"Pre-emptive, freeze the bird, use the freeze light."

The freezing light of the freezing bird is not only extremely fast, but also extremely powerful. Before the light is separated from the body and has not hit the target, the temperature of the entire factory suddenly drops by a few degrees.

But Tianlin didn't see a trace of panic. The jet flame of the old man in the original book could counterattack it. Could it be difficult for his own giant gold monster, "The giant gold monster, use the cannon light cannon to push back."

The cannon light cannon withstands the freezing light, like destroying the dead, how fast the freezing light started, and how fast it is pushed back now.


The frozen bird was knocked to the ground, and Dara's expression became more and more solemn. He experienced this situation not long ago, it was a fire-breathing dragon, and this time, the opponent's counterattack was not only more efficient, but also the damage suffered by the frozen bird. much bigger.

He immediately realized that the giant gold monster in front of him was much stronger than the fire-breathing dragon last time.

Chapter [*] The symbol of knowledge of giant gold monster vs frozen bird

"Frozen bird, make a blizzard!" In order to cause damage to the giant gold monster, Dara took out a more powerful ice-based trick.

"It's so cold, as expected of a blizzard of Frozen Birds." The three girls in the stands wrapped their clothes tightly and breathed heat into their palms, especially Kanon. She is a Dragon-type Pokémon and has a knack for ice-type tricks. Natural fear.

On the contrary, Ahida, leaning on the thick fat layer, is the one who is least afraid of cold.

The giant golden monster was also covered under the cold wind. Dala hoped that it should have an impact now. However, to his surprise, the giant golden monster in the blizzard was still standing still, and it seemed that he did not care about this at all. The powerful ice-type trick is in sight.

"What?" Dara was startled, the most powerful trick of Frozen Bird was completely useless.

"It's really strong, stronger than I imagined." Tian Lin couldn't help but admire himself. He originally wanted to test the current strength of the giant golden monster, but when he saw that the opponent was using all his powers Unable to move its steel body, it can be seen how strong the giant gold monster is at this time.

"Giant golden monster, it's our time to fight back and make a wish of shattering!" Tianlin ordered.

"Giant gold!" A silver light flashed from the giant gold monster, but nothing happened. Ruined Wish was not a skill that would attack immediately.

"Broken Wish? What is that?"

Whether it's Dara or the knowledgeable Sundae, they have never heard of this trick. After all, this was originally Kirachi's exclusive move. It's strange that they have heard of Kiraqi's battle, and it makes everyone puzzled. The thing is, nothing happened after the giant gold monster used the trick.

"Is it bluffing?" Dara wondered, "If that's the case, don't worry about it, but that giant gold monster has amazing durability, and it's definitely not possible to beat it hard, then, try this, Frozen Bird, make out of your mind."

Frozen Bird closed his eyes and sensed every move of the giant golden monster with his heart. After this move, the next blow could guarantee that he would hit the opponent.

"Then it's over, Frozen Bird, use absolute zero~'!"

"Oops, it's a one-hit nirvana, and the hit rate of this move is [*]%!" At this moment, Yahida is the most anxious. As the most optimistic trainer, Yahida really doesn't want Tianlin to be there. The first battle facility is defeated.

"Mr. Yaxida, you underestimate Tianlin too much. This kind of method will definitely be useless to him." Nazi said lightly, she noticed that Tianlin's expression had not changed at all, and the confident appearance was like a victory in hand. generally.

The absolute zero ice completely covered the giant golden monster, freezing it in the iceberg.

"The giant gold monster is lost..." Dara's apprentice raised his flag to prepare for judgment. After all, he was hit by a one-hit nirvana, and there was no way to survive.

"Referee, don't make the judgment too early." Tian Lin suddenly stopped and said, "The giant golden monster, shake off the ice on your body!"

After receiving Tianlin's instructions, cracks began to appear in the iceberg.

"Giant gold!"

With the giant gold monster shouting loudly, then the whole body exerted force, the iceberg was completely shattered, and its body shone with silver light, and there was no injury at all.

"How is it possible, it's okay to be hit by the one-hit nirvana, is this giant gold monster's level higher than the frozen bird?" Dara did not dare to accept the truth, the only way to make the one-hit nirvana ineffective was One, that is, the level is superior to the opponent, and his Frozen Bird is the peak strength of the King of Heaven. If you want to be immune to the absolute zero degree under this strength, then the strength of the opponent is?

"Champion-level Pokémon!" Not only Dara, but Sundae and Nazi also realized that Tianlin's giant golden monster has actually broken through to the highest level that ordinary Pokémon can usually achieve, champion-level, This is the highest level in the world. After all, the legendary master level is just a realm that is only within sight and out of reach.

Tianlin smiled slightly. If they knew that the giant gold monster was not as simple as breaking through the champion level, but reached the high level of the champion level in one breath, it would have scared them all.

"Mr. Dara, you have also attacked many times. It's almost our turn to fight back." Tian Lin said, looking at the sky, "Calculate the time, it should be almost."

Almost subconsciously, everyone also looked towards the sky, only to see that in the originally calm sky, a silver light descended from the sky, and then two or three, countless rays of light were woven into a large net, completely covering the freezing. bird.

"What is this, could it be the shattered wish just now?" Dara recalled that the trick that didn't happen at that time turned out to be the same delayed attack move as Predicting the Future.

It's a pity that he realized it too late, all the routes of the frozen bird at this time have been blocked by the light of broken wish, and it has no way to escape.

Countless rays of light swept through the frozen bird's body, causing incomparable damage to it. Tianlin saw the opportunity and let the giant golden monster stand up to the last part of the light to save the frozen bird, because he knew that the opponent could no longer Keep fighting.

The moment the light stopped, the frozen bird fell from the sky and hit the ground, losing consciousness.

"'" Frozen Bird loses its ability to fight, and the giant gold monster wins!I declare the winner of this match as challenger Tian Lin. "The referee finally made the right decision this time.

"This, it's almost killing. The giant golden monster has only attacked twice in the audience. Is the frozen bird so vulnerable?" Yahida was very suspicious, but he quickly realized that, as a divine beast, How could the frozen bird be weak? The real reason for the current situation should be said that the current Tianlin is too strong.

"If this young man, he will definitely be able to dominate the battle zone." Yahida is now more and more certain of her previous judgment.

After watching the battle, Nazi said unwillingly, "It's terrible, is this Tian Lin's current strength? I thought that after a year of hard work, I should have narrowed the distance with him (good), Now it looks like it's just getting further and further away."

"Sister Nazi, you're pretty good, at least you've broken through to the level of a king. I'm just a trainer hovering at the level of a quasi-king. If this goes on, I don't know when I'll be able to stand beside him."

Tianlin's powerful strength suddenly caused the two girls to fall into a state of self-pity, and Kanon, who was heartless, could still remain cheerful, and she was happily celebrating her master.

Dara helped the frozen bird and came to Tianlin, "Tianlin, I have seen your strength, it is really powerful."

"Come on, this is the proof of winning the battle against the development zone, the symbol of development, I am the symbol of knowledge, please accept it."

"Thank you, Mr. Dara." Tian Lin took over the symbol of knowledge, and the symbols of the battle zone were all golden badges, but the patterns on them were different.

Tian Lin finally got the first symbol.

Chapter [*] Return to Pokémon Academy

After obtaining the symbol of pioneering, Tianlin declined Dara's retention. Under the recommendation of Yaxida, he was ready to go to the next battle facility, the battle arena, which is located near the golden city. The brain of pioneering is a female trainer. , named Cucumber Fragrance.

This is just right to send Nazi home, but before that, Tian Lin still needs to bid farewell to the sundae, because this place is already very close to the Pokémon Academy. After this Quartz Conference is over, the academy will start again. Recruit new.

As the current chief trainer of the academy, Sundae represents the facade of the academy, and she really cannot be absent.

"I remember when I came here last time, it was covered with a lot of thick fog. I didn't expect that after the thick fog dissipated, the scenery here would be so good." When he came to the college and looked at the beautiful scenery around him, Tian Lin couldn't help but sigh. road.

"Hee hee, that's your bad luck. The day you came was foggy, and you don't even think about it. Our school is an aristocratic academy, how could it be possible to choose a place with a bad environment?" Sundae teased.

Tian Lin was stunned for a moment, yes, he had thought that the academy was deliberately creating a sense of mystery, and his feelings were just bad luck.

After a while, the three came to a luxurious aristocratic academy.

"Tianlin, Sister Nazi, Kanon, welcome to our academy." Sundae, as the host, warmly welcomed several people 003.

"Miss, you're back!" The guard looked very respectful when he saw the sundae, and immediately opened the door, and a few people walked in like this.

"Sister Sundae, hello, you are finally back!"

"Ah, Sundae-senpai is still so beautiful."

"Lord Sundae, please accept my knee."

Along the way, there have been male and female classmates who have been showing hospitality to Sundae. Her popularity in this college is unexpectedly high, and of course she can understand. After all, in terms of appearance, she can be said to be a rare beauty. In terms of strength, she is accurate. The top master of the Heavenly King has surpassed all the teachers in the academy. Even if she is placed in a gym training home, she is still a powerhouse at the upper level, not to mention that she is the first academy student to win the championship in recent years.

Tian Lin stepped forward and took Sundae's hand.He was a little unhappy, and the female classmates didn't matter. The men looked at their girlfriends with drooling, how could they bear it, so they immediately declared their sovereignty with actions.

Sundae was slightly taken aback. It was the first time she had seen Tianlin take such initiative, but seeing the male students around her who expressed their love to her, she immediately understood, and then she couldn't hold back at all. Happy, it turns out that the calm, strong, and decisive Tianlin will also be jealous at times.

For her, the powerful Tianlin on the battlefield that is calm and bloody like a god of war is very attractive to her, but for some reason, she always feels that this cute appearance of jealousy declaring sovereignty suddenly appears more in her eyes. charm.

The sundae held Tianlin's palm instead, and the two walked into the campus hand in hand, ignoring the murderous gazes of the students around.

"Alas!" Nazi sighed, looked at everyone pitifully and followed, but Kanon didn't know why, anyway, in her pure heart, what the master did was right, wherever the master went, she would go.

"Who is this bastard, and why can he hold hands with Senior Sister Sundae?" After a few people left, someone finally couldn't hold back his anger and roared.

"Are you blind? This affectionate look is obviously a boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Ye Qingjie, Sister Sundae actually has a boyfriend. My life is meaningless."

In addition to being angry, there are also those who are unlovable, but some female students recalled it, and suddenly a flash of inspiration, "Ah, I remembered, it is him, the youngest king-level trainer, Tianlin. "

There are still a lot of groupies among girls, but in the Pokémon world, the biggest stars are those incomparably talented trainers. With the name of Tianlin in the Kanto region, he has already accumulated a large number of fans, because of him There are handsome and fascinated mother fans or girl fans, and there are also a group of hot-blooded teenagers who adore him because of his strength.

"If it is him, he is indeed worthy of Senior Sister Sundae. I heard that his strength is comparable to that of Senior Sister's two grandmothers," the crowd said with some sensible relief.

But there are still some who can't let go, holding their heads and lamenting, "Why, for a powerful trainer like them, don't girls just slow down the speed at which they throw the Pokeball, why does he steal everyone's money? Sundae-senpai."

I don't know the gossip behind the scenes, Tian Lin and others have followed Sundae into the principal's office. Now that he's here, Tianlin will of course pay a visit to Sundae's grandfather, the school's principal, Matsumoto Hiroye.

"Grandpa, I'm back! Did you miss me?" As soon as he entered the door, Sundae shouted loudly, acting like a little girl.

Matsumoto Haoye was in the office. Hearing the words, he slowly raised his head. When he saw the sundae, there was a look of kindness on his eyebrows, but he still taught a lesson, "You, you have become the chief student, and you are still old. It looks like a small one."

"Grandpa Haoye, it's been a long time, you can be well!" Tian Lin stepped forward and greeted him.

"It's Tianlin, you're here too, welcome." Matsumoto Haoye stood up, walked in front of everyone, and looked at Nazi, "This is Miss Nazi, Sundae often mentions you to me, I didn't expect You dare to challenge Master Shiba at such a young age, you are indeed young and promising."

"Where, you've won the prize. In fact, I don't have full confidence in the face of Master Shiba, but no matter what, I will fight with all my strength. I believe in my partners." Nazi replied neither humble nor arrogant.

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