"So your name is Xiaozhi, are these your friends? Hello everyone, my name is Masamune, and I'm practicing in order to win the Hoenn League Saiyou Conference!"

"I see, my name is Xiaogang, the two here are Tianlin and Xiaosheng, so you are Xiaozhi and Tianlin's rival?" Xiaogang also introduced himself.

"A rival?" Masamune glanced at the two of them suspiciously.

"Because Tianlin and I are also aiming to win in the Hoenn League!" Ash explained.

"My purpose is not just that, I want to become the world's No. [*] Pokémon master!" Masamune said a little unconvinced and said loudly.

"In this regard, Xiao Zhi and I are the same. No, it should be said that every trainer's ultimate dream is this 々"!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Then I'll ask you, how many badges have you got? I got seven, and I'm only one away from the Hoenn League competition." Masamune raised his head proudly. Generally speaking, he can get seven A trainer with a badge, he can be regarded as a good elite character.

But he didn't know that the two people in front of him had already won the eighth badge, and Tianlin won the eighth badge more than a month ago.

"Hey, look!" Xiao Zhi opened his badge collection box.

Masamune curiously came up and counted, "One, two..."

"You, you already got 8!"

"Of course, so in the future the world's No. [*] Pokémon master will also be mine!" Xiao Zhi raised his head and said, no matter how long he travels, his old habit of showing off has not changed.

"Damn, the badge is nothing at all. In terms of strength, I am definitely stronger. If you don't believe it, let's fight!"

"You can't ask for it, come on, Masamune!" To the challenge, Xiao Zhi readily accepted.

At this time, Masamune shook his head, "No, I feel that this person is stronger than you, and the object of my challenge is him."

"You are also a trainer who got 8 badges, please accept my challenge!" Masamune walked to Tianlin and solemnly bowed and begged.

The moment the trainer's eyes met was the signal to start a war. Tian Lin could feel that Masamune's strength should not be much weaker than Xiaozhi's. He would not refuse a challenge from a trainer of this level, and he also offered to fight. Doubles match.

The battle started like this, Xiaogang served as the referee of the game, while Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng watched the battle.

"Che, is Tianlin better than me, one day I will defeat him!" Xiaozhi held his arms with a displeased face, and it was rare to have a battle, but Tianlin robbed him.

"Okay, Xiaozhi, at least now you are indeed inferior to Brother Tianlin, which shows that this Masamune is very discerning!" Xiaosheng has heard that the more excellent a trainer is, the more he can not only judge his own strength, He can also see through the strength of his opponent. Masamune can see at a glance that Tianlin is stronger than Satoshi, which just means that his trainer level is not low.

"Tianlin, the Pokémon I want to use are them, go, iron dumbbell, big steel snake!"

"Ah, it's an iron dumbbell." Xiaosheng looked at Masamune's iron dumbbell in surprise, as one of the quasi-gods of Hoenn, iron dumbbells are quite rare even in the local area of ​​Hoenn, "However, in the sky Is it really okay to use iron dumbbells in front of Brother Ling, I remember Brother Tian Ling's strongest Pokémon is his Glittering Giant Monster!"

"That's right, apart from the rumored Dawu Zvqi, I am afraid that few other trainers have surpassed Tianlin in the attainment of iron dumbbells." Xiaogang nodded in agreement.

"Good iron dumbbells and big steel snakes, double steel, then I'll choose them, go, Duo Longqi, bucket hat mushroom!"

"' "Wow, there is a Pokémon that I haven't seen before, it's really cool, then I'll deal with it first, iron dumbbells, use slam, big steel snake, use dragon breath! "

"Xiao Duo, after taking the slam of the iron dumbbell, he used a jet of flame, a bamboo hat mushroom, and a seed bomb to meet the dragon breath of the big steel snake!"

Seeing the iron dumbbell rushing towards him, although the momentum was very amazing, Tianlin didn't seem flustered at all, because it was a general skill, and the iron dumbbell went straight through Duo Longqi.

Doronqi turned around and let out a jet of flame, which burned the iron dumbbells miserably.The dragon's breath on the other side was completely blocked by the seed bomb, and it couldn't get close to Duo Longqi's side at all.

"What? Could it be that that Pokémon is a ghost?" Masamune worried. His iron dumbbells were just ordinary iron dumbbells, but they didn't have the same skills as the two monsters Tianlin and Dawu. .

The iron dumbbell club has only one trick, that is, slamming, that is to say, it can't cause any damage to (Nuo Qian's) Duolongqi at all.

Although the quasi-god is very strong, the process of cultivating the quasi-god is very hard. For example, the Pokémon captured in the Tianlin Fengyuan area have basically evolved completely, but Duo Longqi is still in the second stage.

Only the giant gold monsters in the final stage can be called quasi-gods. The current iron dumbbells are too weak.

"Since this is the case, I will focus on attacking the bucket hat mushrooms, iron dumbbells, use all the stamina to slam, big steel snakes, use iron tails!"

Masamune changed his tactics and planned to deal with the doll mushrooms first.

"Then let's do a concentrated attack, Dou Li mushroom, slow down the attack speed, increase the power to use the absorption punch, Xiao Duo, spray flames again!"

The four Pokémon on the field started their actions respectively. The purpose of the big steel snake and the iron dumbbell was the fighting mushroom, while on Tianlin's side, the target of the attack was not the injured iron dumbbell, but the intact big steel snake.

Chapter [*] Return to Kaina City

"You dare to attack my big steel snake, then let your opponent see how powerful you are!" Masamune encouraged loudly.

The iron tail collided with the absorption fist. After all, the attributes were restrained, and the absorption fist soon prevailed. After the tail of the big steel snake was shaken, the remaining fist strength of the bucket mushroom continued to rush towards the big steel snake.

Due to Tianlin's order, the Dou Li Mushroom deliberately slowed down its attack speed. As a result, the Dou Li Mushroom was hit by the iron dumbbell first, and then the absorption fist burst out, and the lost physical strength was instantly given to the big steel snake. After absorbing it, it was the iron dumbbell himself, who was injured by the reaction force of the slam.

In the end, the jet of flame arrived and hit the big steel snake seven inches. Thanks to the big steel snake's strength as high as the middle rank of the quasi-king, it was not so easily defeated.

"It's amazing. After a melee, Tianlin didn't take any damage at all. On the other hand, Masamune, the two Pokémon probably don't have much physical strength left!" Xiaogang was amazed by Tianlin's tactics, and sure enough he It's not that you can easily defeat a trainer on the side of the road, and the name of the youngest king is not a false name.

"I won't admit defeat. Since the tactics are no match, then rely on courage, big steel snake, to smash Duo Longqi, iron dumbbells, and continue to slam!"

"Crushing is the right choice, but unfortunately your order is too late, Xiao Duo, sneak attack on the hidden spirit, bucket hat mushroom, give the big steel snake the last absorption punch!"


The big steel snake opened its huge mouth to bite at Duo Longqi. Duo Longqi flashed and disappeared from the battlefield. The big steel snake bit in the air. At the same time, the bucket hat mushroom punched the big steel snake in the face.

The big steel snake flew out all at once, and finally broke two trees and fell heavily on the hillside before it stopped. However, its eyes were already in circles, and it could no longer fight.

"In this case, at least one must be knocked down, iron dumbbells, come on!"

Masamune and the iron dumbbells were still full of momentum. After the bamboo hat mushroom defeated the big steel snake, he did not relax, but crossed his hands and forcibly withstood the slamming of the iron dumbbells.

No matter how powerful it is, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Tianlin's Dou Li mushroom with a single blow.

Iron Dumbbell saw that his attack was completely blocked by the opponent, so he planned to hit the opponent sideways. At this time, Duo Longqi, who had disappeared for a while, appeared again. The skill sneak attack from behind, and soon, the iron dumbbell followed in the footsteps of the big steel snake.

"The big steel snake and the iron dumbbell have lost their ability to fight. I declare that the battle is over, and the winner is Tianlin!" Xiaogang immediately judged.

"Come back, big steel snake, iron dumbbell, thank you, although you lost, you are still the best." Masamune took back the Pokémon, he was not frustrated by the defeat, and smiled: "Tianlin, I lost completely. Yes, you are really strong, but in the Hoenn League, I must fight you again."

"Okay, I'll accompany me to the end!" Tian Lin nodded, this Masamune has a good temperament and strength, and will be a good opponent.

"Masamune, since that's the case, you have to hurry up, there are only about two months left until the opening of the competition." Xiaogang reminded.

"Ah, then I have to speed up the trip to get the badge, goodbye everyone!" Masamune left in a hurry.

"He's really a bloody person. In a sense, he's a bit similar to Xiaozhi!" Xiaosheng muttered to himself as he watched Masamune leave in order to get the last badge. He thought of his own Sister, "I just don't know how my sister is doing. Did you catch up with the Michaelis Cup?"

Seeing Xiaosheng's worry, Tianlin silently took out the information on the navigator and put it in front of him, "Don't worry, I just checked, she has caught up with the competition, and has passed the first review today. It's a two-day gorgeous battle, and we have to trust her."

"Really, that's great! (aidj)" Seeing the latest information, Xiao Sheng finally felt a little relieved.

A few people continued on their way. In the afternoon, they boarded the ferry bound for Kaina City. After sailing for two more days, they finally arrived at Kaina City. In less than three days, the event will be held here. The splendid and large-scale celebration of the Alliance Conference has been made, so these days are particularly lively.

As soon as they came to the Pokémon Center, several people couldn't wait to contact Xiaoyao, and they eagerly wanted to know the result of Xiaoyao's game.

"Everyone, look, I succeeded, and I got the Water Column Ribbon Medal!" As soon as he answered the phone, he saw Xiaoyao excitedly showing off the ribbon medal in his hand on the screen.

"Well done Xiaoyao, then you will get the right to participate in the large-scale celebration." Tian Lin praised, the water column ribbon medal is universal all over the world, and the coordination trainers who can get this medal are all extraordinary, "Next, you Just hurry back to Kaina City, there is a direct flight from Ruoye Town, and the big celebration will start in less than three days, so don’t waste your time.”

"Don't worry, Tianlin, I have already bought the ticket for the return trip. I will rush to Kaina City with Xiaoyao. With me here, I will never be late." Xiaoshu stood beside Xiaoyao, shaking it handsomely. Tossed the bangs.

Tian Lin didn't expect that this dead arrogant actually sent Xiaoyao to the venue of the Mikori Cup. Tianlin originally thought that Xiaoshan would be sent to Liuli City Airport at most. Sure enough, this guy is always unusual about Xiaoyao. 's heart.

Knowing that Xiaoyao had successfully obtained the fifth medal, everyone finally felt relieved. Next, they booked a room and waited for the opening of the large-scale celebration while training.

One morning, Tian Lin was doing morning exercises with his Pokémon when he heard the sound of someone training Pokémon nearby.

"Minas, please use the freezing light, the mind power puppet, and use the destructive death light!"

Tianlin stepped forward and watched curiously. An elegant man with yellow hair and purple clothes was practicing for a gorgeous battle.

"It's him!" Tian Lin remembered this person. The last time he saw him was also in Kaina City, when he defeated Xiao Shun. This person's name was Robert, and he was a powerful coordinator of the imperial envoy Minas.

When we met for the first time, that Minas only had the strength of the quasi-celestial king at the beginning. Now that a few months have passed, it has reached a near-high level. This strength, even in league competitions, is first-class. A good player, and it can be said to be almost invincible in a gorgeous battle.

"It's amazing, it seems that even if Xiaoyao Xiaoshuang has made a lot of progress, the odds of winning against him are still not too high." Tian Lin made his own judgment.

"Mr. over there, if you want to enjoy my performance, you can watch it closer." Perhaps it was because it was too quiet here in the morning, Robert overheard Tian Lin's self-talk.

But Robert not only didn't rush people, but very heartily invited Tianlin to watch it up close.

Chapter five hundred and thirty-eight is about to open the gorgeous large-scale celebration

Tianlin has a clear conscience, since the other party invited him, he will take advantage of the situation and go forward.

"Hello, Mr. Robert, your Minas and Psychic puppets are great!"

"Thank you for your compliment." Robert thanked extremely elegantly.

Tian Lin smiled lightly, "However, is it really okay for you to invite me directly to watch your training? If I am also a trainer participating in a grand ceremony, wouldn't your intelligence be exposed?"

"But I know you're not, and it doesn't matter even if you really are. As a coordination trainer, you should show your charm at all times, especially for a top trainer like you, Mr. Tianlin, if you can Give me some advice, then I'm really honored." Robert said Tianlin's name, and obviously, he recognized Tianlin's identity long ago.

"Thank you for your love, but unfortunately, I can't give you any advice. Our trainer's fighting method focuses on defeating the enemy with the most efficient attack, which is different from your gorgeous battle match, and your strength as a coordinator is already very good. , In this regard, it should be you who gave me advice to this newcomer who is about to enter the path of coordinator." Tian Lin smiled bitterly, he is not hiding things, Robert is extremely strong in terms of personal strength and Pokémon strength, he There really is no qualification to give him advice.

"It's such a pity, but I'm still very grateful for your recognition of me!" Robert nodded, the recognition of a king-level trainer like Tian Lin for him is the best proof of his strength.

"In normal times, I would definitely propose to play against you, but now the gorgeous competition is approaching, I don't want to hurt Minas, I can only put the opportunity to the future, then Mr. Tianlin, please do it yourself, I want to continue training That's it." After speaking, Robert started his gorgeous performance training on his own.

Tian Lin watched for a while before leaving. Robert trained really hard. There is no reason for him to be so strong. It seems that Xiaoyao Xiaoshun wants to win the championship in this large-scale celebration. It is still very difficult.

------Dividing line

Two more days have passed, and there is only one day left before the opening of the large-scale celebration. On the last day of registration, Xiaoyao Xiaoshun was long overdue.

"Finally back to Kaina City!" Standing at the entrance of Kaina City, Xiaoyao said excitedly. These days, she and Xiao Shun hurry up, except for a cute little kabbi on the way, Xiaoyao couldn't help but subdue Other than that, they didn't care about anything else, and finally arrived at their destination on the last day.

"Okay, Xiaoyao, now is not the time to feel emotional, today is the last day to register, let's go to register for the competition!"

Xiao Shun and Xiao Yao ran into the city, and soon, they successfully converged with Tian Lin and his party at the registration venue of the large-scale celebration, and then entered the venue together and found the registration office.

"You two want to participate in a large-scale celebration, right? Please show your ribbon medals!" The receptionist smiled at the two of them.

The two were already ready, each holding a box in their hands, and the receptionist took a machine to scan them one by one to confirm that it was not a counterfeit.

"Okay, Xiaoyao from Chenghua City and Xiao Shun from Larousse City, the data has been entered." The receptionist took out two books and handed them to the two, "This is a guide book for large-scale celebrations, which records The location of the game venue, as well as the process of the game, etc., the two must read carefully, and I wish the two of them good results in the large-scale celebration."

"Yes, thank you!" Xiaoyao Xiaoshuang politely took the booklet and the coordinator trainer card and turned to leave.

"It's finally here, you all have to do your best!" Tian Lin said to the two of them, both of whom were his friends, and he sincerely hoped that they would all achieve good results.

And this conference is the best chance for them to get the title of top coordination trainer, because Tianlin will also participate in the next conference. When they face the big boss of Tianlin, I am afraid that the odds of winning will not be too high.

After the group completed the registration for the competition, they came to the players' dormitory. At this time, a pair of gentle hands covered Xiaoyao's eyes, "Guess who I am!"

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