Tianlin was pacing back and forth in the tent, thinking about whether there was any remedy. No matter what, Xiaoyao was the first friend he knew from Fengyuan.


"Liu Li City, that's right!" Tian Lin looked at Liu Li City, and suddenly remembered what Mr. Adam said before. If that is true, then there is still a chance.

Tianlin opened the navigator to inquire about the information, and sure enough, the gods had not completely given up on Xiaoyao.He made several phone calls in succession, and seized the last chance by virtue of his current network of connections. As for whether or not he can succeed later, it depends on Xiaoyao's own ability.

After running out of the tent and tidying up, Tianlin took back all the Pokémon, and then said to Kanon, "Canon, transform into Latias, take me directly to Mushui Town!"

Canon nodded, and on the sea, a red figure pulled the speed to the extreme, carrying Tianlin to fly rapidly.

At this time, in the Pokémon Center in Mushui Town, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at the room with worried expressions. Ever since they learned that they would no longer have the opportunity to participate in the large-scale celebration, Xiaoyao had lost his soul and covered himself in the In bed, do not eat, drink or sleep.

"Sister, don't do this, even if you can't participate this time, is there another time, cheer up!" Xiaosheng slapped the door hard, hoping that Xiaoyao would cheer up.

"Don't mind me, leave me alone!" Xiaoyao's crying voice came from the room.

"Qianliyao, come out for me!" At this moment, a voice called Xiaoyao with a first name and a surname, and it was Xiao Shun who also came here to learn the news.

At this time, he was angry, but he was holding something like a plane ticket in his hand.

Chapter five hundred and thirty-four the hope brought by Tianlin

"Xiao Shun, why are you here?" Xiao Zhi and the others looked back at Xiao Shun, looking at his angry face, suddenly feeling guilty for some reason.

"Of course I came here because of Xiaoyao's business. Tianlin called and told me. I asked you, what are you doing? Don't you pay attention to the time? Xiaoyao's strength is improving rapidly, but the schedule is like this. Slow." Xiao Shuan said angrily.

Xiao Zhi hesitated and was speechless. It seemed that this was the reason for his guilty conscience. In the end, Xiao Sheng answered him, "Actually, we have been hurrying on our way, but after getting lost several times on the road, we only catch up. Two gorgeous contests."

"Get lost? It's because of this ridiculous reason!" Hearing these words, Xiao Shun was even more dissatisfied, "Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang, you are people who have traveled to two regions, and you still commit this "Jiuqi" Seven "low-level mistakes."

"I'm sorry!" Xiaozhi Xiaogang lowered his head, and they were also very remorseful, but this is a two-year-old problem, and it is not something that can be corrected by changing it.

In other words, there was plenty of time in the past, and they didn't want to change. Traveling is for experiencing various things. Although getting lost will waste more time, for them, it may not be a good way to increase their experience, but they didn't expect this to happen. thing.

"Don't be arguing!" Suddenly, the door opened and Xiaoyao ran out, "It's not Xiaozhi's fault, it's all my fault, it's my not working hard enough!"

Xiaoyao couldn't help crying as he spoke, Xiao Shun, who was originally full of fire, saw this scene, but the fire couldn't come out at all, so he comforted softly: "Forget it, Xiaoyao, it's no big deal if you can't catch up this time, yours The strength will not be weakened by not being able to participate in a conference. Every year, there are thousands of new coordination trainers in the Hoenn area alone, and only one or two hundred people can participate in large-scale celebrations. The competition is too fierce. , it's better to come again next time!"

"Well, thank you, Xiao Shun, and everyone, I must have worried everyone these days!" Xiao Yao endured her grief, and she should be stronger in the face of her companions who care about her.

Seeing Xiaoyao walk out of the loss, Xiao Shun finally felt a little relieved. After glancing around, he realized that there was one person missing, "Where's Tianlin? Why isn't he here?"

"Tianlin has long since separated from us to travel alone!" Xiaozhi said, and then he told Xiaoshu what happened to Larousse City.

"Tianlin, this bastard, actually ran away. If he was here, I don't think such a thing would have happened. I'm going to find him!" Xiao Shun was about to leave Mushui Town to find Tianlin to settle accounts. At this moment, Baoke The automatic door of the dream center suddenly opened, and a familiar voice came in.

"Xiao Shun, don't be so angry, I'm not here!"

Tianlin walked in with a smile, he came to convey a good news.

"It's just right, you dare to laugh!" Xiao Shun stepped forward and asked.

Tianlin didn't answer him directly, but asked: "Xiao Shun, have you bought the things I asked you to buy on the phone?"

"You said this!" Xiao Shun picked up the ticket in his hand, which said Liuli City - Ruoye Town, which was a flight ticket from Liuli City to Chengdu Ruoye Town.

"Just buy it, go and give it to Xiaoyao, let Xiaoyao grab the last ribbon medal!"

Hearing Tianlin's words, everyone was immediately surprised. They clearly remembered that Miss Joey said that the curtain water conference was the last gorgeous competition of the large-scale Fengyuan celebration. Why did Tianlin say that Xiaoyao had a chance to get the last medal. , and still go to Chengdu to capture.You must know that the medals of the major regions cannot be used interchangeably.

A flash of light flashed, and he suddenly remembered something, picked up his navigator to check the news, and soon, he got the information he wanted, "So that's the case, it's the Mikkeli Cup, which is about to be in Odo in Chengdu. Mare City."

"Mickey Cup? What is that?" Xiaoyao asked eagerly. If she really had a chance to win the last medal, she swore that she would work hard to get it even if she put everything on her own.

Xiao Shun explained, "The so-called Mikri Cup is a special Pokémon flamboyant contest held by Mikri, the current Hoenn region champion and master of flamboyant contests. The Mikri Cup will be held around the world, and the winning The Water Column Medal can be used at any region's splendid and large-scale festivals, so coordination trainers from all over the country will come to participate, and if it is that medal, it can indeed be used in Hoenn."

"Really, that's great, then I'm going to go to Chengdu now!" Xiaoyao regained his energy instantly, and the previous depression was swept away.  …

"Wait a minute, there are only two days left until the opening of the Mikuri Cup. The registration closed yesterday, and I'm afraid it's too late to go now!" Xiao Shun was still a little worried, because it was written that the registration had ended.

"Don't worry!" Tian Lin laughed. His magnetic voice will always make those who listen to him feel at ease. "Xiaoyao has already signed up. She only needs to rush to Chengdu within two days."

One day ago, Tian Lin on the uninhabited island remembered that Adam had said that Michaelis was holding a gorgeous competition in Chengdu and immediately checked the information, and found that although the Michaelis Cup had not started, the registration was closed.

So unwilling, he planned to ask Xiaoyao to get in. As for the person who has the best relationship with Michael, of course, there is no other than Mr. Dawu.

He immediately called Dawu for help, and Dawu readily agreed to this kind of trivial matter.

Then, Daigo personally contacted Michael.

Inside a luxury hotel in Odo Mare, Chengdu.

"Mr. Michaely! It's time for you to come out. Here's your phone."

"Oh, I see." Although Mikkori, who just became the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Hoenn area, was a little tired, he still shook his cape. His dashing movements still made the female staff member who had just reminded him to answer the phone on March 3.9 blushed. .

"Hello, I'm Michael" took the microphone and showed an elegant smile. The female staff member's heart almost stopped.

"Ah, Mikri, I'm Daigo." A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

With a "snack", Mickley smashed the microphone in his hand, and the female staff was so stunned by the sudden development that her eyes almost fell!

"No, I'm sorry, can you help me get the phone call I just made into my room?" Michael tried his best to maintain a dashing smile on his face, and forced a smile at the female staff, he canceled the plan to go to the restaurant After planning to eat lunch, I went back to my room.

Soon after, the female staff seemed to hear something resembling the roar of a beast from Michael's room.

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-fifth Go to the Mikkeli Cup

"Dawu Zvitch, you bastard!" In the room, Mikri, who was alone, could no longer maintain the fake smile before, and roared angrily, "What the hell were you doing when you were the champion? as many mountains."

Dawu was in the cave at Meteor Falls at the moment, and when he heard Michael's complaint, the embarrassment on his face was as many as the stones in the cave, "Well, don't be angry, Michael, I'm here to make you After taking office, you will have a job to hone your work efficiency, and then improve your work efficiency! Really, that's what I really planned. It's definitely not because you sneak out to dig for rocks and accumulate too much work."

It's really good that there is no silver [*] taels here, Mikri is getting more and more angry, does Dawu think he is a fool?

"You really have the guts to say it, do you know how tired I am now? Na Qi has proposed to break up with me, but I don't even have time to coax her. I want to fight with you. If I win, you will Take the championship back!"

"I don't want it, Mikuri, you have no right to tell me, I have heard it for a long time. In 08, you held gorgeous competitions in the two major regions of Kanto and Chengdu, didn't you just avoid work like me!" Dawu retorted road.

Mikuri blushed. To say that the one who knew him the most was none other than Dawu, he immediately said what he wanted, and quickly changed the subject, "Cough, forget it, do you have anything to do with me today? "

"That's it..." Dawu conveyed Tianlin's request.

"The Tianlin you said was the one who solved the lava team and the ocean team with Mr. Du some time ago?" Mikuri asked.

"That's right, it's him. Speaking of you, the current Hoenn champion, you were not there when the evil organization was using super ancient power to wreak havoc. If it wasn't for him, the Hoenn area would have been really miserable. You can say that you owe it. It's a big favor, so you won't help with such a small task now, will you?"

Michael nodded, Dawu was right, in a sense, he did owe Tianlin a big favor, and he had to admit it, "Okay, since it's his request, I'll help him with this. , add that little girl named Xiaoyao to the competition list, but whether or not she can get the medal depends on her own ability. If you want to see him, please tell him for me."

"Haha, that's enough. Tianlin is not the kind of person who likes unfair battles. I will also remember what I told you. Then goodbye, you can continue to work hard, Mikuri!" Dawu finally teased. One sentence, and then quickly hung up the phone before Michaeli got angry.

Then he reported the good news that Michael had promised to Tianlin.

"Thank you, Mr. Dawu, you also help me to speak to Mr. Mikri. I also hope to play against him one day!"

Dawu looked at the phone that had been hung up, and sighed helplessly: "Really, have I become a microphone for the two of you?"

-----Dividing line

In the Pokémon Center of Mushui Town, after Tian Lin told everyone what happened, the big guy suddenly cheered.

"Brother Tianlin, thank you." Xiaosheng said gratefully, he was worried about his sister's gloom during this time, but now Xiaoyao has regained his former light, and finally made him feel at ease, all thanks to Tianlin.

"It's nothing, it's too early to be happy, I just helped Xiaoyao get the right to participate. As for whether she can get the medal or not, it's up to her, and the most important thing at the moment is to rush to the Chengdu area." Tianlin reminded.

"Don't worry about this, I'll contact the fastest boat to take Xiaoyao to Liuli City by plane." Xiao Shun took out his money ability as a rich boy, and soon after, a speedboat stopped at Mushui On the shore of the town, Xiao Shun also jumped up, "Xiao Zhi, I don't worry about you lost parties. This time, I will personally send Xiaoyao there."

"Please, Xiao Shun, and Xiao Yao, come on, we are waiting for you in Kaina City, where the gorgeous and large-scale celebration is held!" Xiao Zhi said confidently, he knew that Xiao Yao would definitely seize the last chance Yes, then he just has to go to Kena City and wait.

"Well, thank you all, I will never disappoint everyone's expectations." Xiao Shan looked at everyone who tried their best to help her and cheer her up. At this moment, she was extremely strong, both in character and strength.

The speedboat gradually disappeared from the coastline, until the figure of Xiaoyao Xiaoshu was no longer visible, and a few people walked back.

After some conversation, Tian Lin learned that Xiao Zhi also got the eighth badge not long ago, and got the right to participate in the Fengyuan Alliance. Now he, like Tian Lin, has a lot of time. After a few people summed it up, they decided to go together. Go to Kaina City, and cheer on Xiaoyao Xiaoshun and the others at the upcoming large-scale celebration.

Anyway, after the trip to the Hoenn area, Tianlin is about to start his road of coordinating the trainer. The large-scale celebration is the highest level of gorgeous competition in a region. It is time to let yourself accumulate more experience points.

The group also decided to go to sea by boat to travel between the archipelagos. It happened that the final destination of Kaina City was a seaside city. Unfortunately, there was no direct ferry from Mushui Town to Kaina City, so they planned to go to another nearby town.

In a forest two days later, together with the human-shaped Kanon, a group of five people sat together. It was lunch time. Tianlin found that the biggest advantage of traveling with Xiaozhi was that he did not have to cook. Xiaogang The craftsmanship of 977 is completely below him,

His Pokémon are also very satisfied with the Pokémon food Xiaogang made.

"I'm full!" Xiaozhi finished his lunch like swallowing dates. He is now in a hurry to do special training. Recently, he has just subdued a snow boy, hoping that before the start of the league competition, it will learn to freeze the light trick.

"Tianlin, are you very calm?" Xiaogang smiled. He observed that Tianlin didn't seem to be in a hurry to train these days.

"Yeah, for the past month or so, I've been doing independent training on an uninhabited island. The adjustments that need to be made have been completed, and the rest just waits quietly for the start of the league competition." Tian Lin leisurely Enjoying the food, that leisurely performance is in stark contrast to Ash.

"As expected of Tianlin, he is always so confident. I think Xiaozhi is going to be in danger again this time." Xiaogang sighed. Although Xiaozhi has been improving, he found that every time he saw Tianlin, he The speed of progress is even more exaggerated. If things go on like this, Xiaozhi doesn't know when he will have the chance to really catch up with Tianlin.

"No way, the gap in strength is there, Xiaozhi can't be Brother Tianlin's opponent." Xiaosheng took a bite of the rice ball. He was blindly worshipping Tianlin, and instantly denied Xiaozhi, who had been traveling with him. .

Tian Lin thought that Xiao Zhi would probably cry when he knew what he said! .

Chapter [*]: The new rival Masamune debuts

Just when Ash was training alone, an extra-large rice ball suddenly rolled down the hillside and fell into Ash's hands.

"What is this?" Xiao Zhi asked in confusion.

"My rice ball.... give me back the rice ball!"

Then I heard a voice coming down the hillside, a burly boy suddenly rushed down, the humanoid Pokémon Xiaozhi with the ability to predict danger quickly avoided, and the boy slammed into the tree.

"Uh, that, are you alright!" Xiaozhi asked worriedly.

"I'm fine!" A red mark was hit on the boy's face, but he didn't care at all, and smiled with a big smile, "Well, the rice ball in your hand is my lunch, can you return it to me?"

"Is this?" Xiao Zhi looked at the extra-large rice ball in his hand and handed it back to the fat boy.

"Thank you!" The boy took the rice ball back, opened his mouth and swallowed it all in one bite, "Ah, I'm full, so satisfied!"

This scene saw Xiao Zhi stunned, he actually swallowed such a big rice ball in one bite, is this a humanoid Kirby beast?

"Xiao Zhi, what happened?" Xiao Gang and Tian Lin, who noticed the movement here, also came over.

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