"Nice tactics, Mr. Adam, but that's useless for me, Duoduo, keep your mind strong!" Tian Lin clenched his fists, Shanai Duo quickly moved, the blue light flashed in his eyes, and he controlled all the broken ice. Then flew back upside down.

Due to the side effect of destroying the death light, the King Goldfish could not move at this time, and the Sea Devil Lion took the initiative to meet him and stand in front of King Goldfish. It has thick fat and is not afraid of ice attacks.

It is a pity that it is not ordinary ice. When countless ice cubes hit the sea devil lion, although it did not cause any damage to it, it made it fall into a deep sleep.

"Well, what's wrong with those ice cubes?" Adam immediately realized something.

However, seeing Tianlin's bucket hat mushroom constantly sprinkled with mushroom spores, the spores were sprinkled on the ice cubes, and the Sea Devil Lion was directly affected by this move and fell asleep directly.

"Good job, next, do a concentrated attack, Duoduo, use the magic leaf on the goldfish king, the bamboo hat mushroom, and use the seed bomb along the attack point of the magic leaf!"

Tianlin's real hypnotic target is not the goldfish king, but the sea devil lion. After hypnotizing it, he can make a concentrated attack on the goldfish king. As long as the lightning rod is solved first, the electric trick can be liberated.

Tianlin's onslaught continued, and countless magic leaves flew away towards the Goldfish King.

"King Goldfish, dive into the water!" Adam ordered.

The Goldfish King dives into the water and swims around, but the magic leaf is a must-have skill, just like he has eyes, no matter where the Goldfish King swims, he still hits 0 ......

Perhaps because of the relationship between King Goldfish at the bottom of the water, the magic leaf was disturbed by the water surface without causing any damage, but what followed was an incomparably huge seed bomb.

'Boom, bang, bang! ! ! '

Three consecutive large seeds with hard shells fell from above and smashed into the water. The water surface was choppy in an instant. This is the real attack. The magic leaf is used for navigation. With its unique characteristics, as long as the attack point of the seed bomb is the same as it , then it will definitely not be missed.

King Goldfish was thrown out of the water by the seed and was seriously injured.

"What a powerful alliance, can't tell, Tianlin, you are also very good at our coordinator's battle method!" Adam couldn't help but admire, Tianlin would definitely get a high score in such a gorgeous battle.

"You have passed the prize, please don't be careless, my attack is still going on, Shanaido, continue to use the magic leaf!" Tianlin repeated the old trick, and the magic leaf appeared again.

"The same method won't work for me, Goldfish King, use the destruction to die!"

The powerful stunt destroyed the death light and rushed away the magic leaf in an instant, the beam attacked Shanaido, and Tianlin nodded at the bamboo hat mushroom.

The bucket hat mushroom understood, stood in front of Shanaido, and blocked the destructive death light with his body. At this time, Shanaido used his mental strength to create a blue road leading to the King of Goldfish. 3.9

Dou Li Mushroom rushed forward against the light, followed the path of super power, and came to King Goldfish as if floating on water, and then absorbed punches and hit the vital spot on King Goldfish's head.

"The King of Goldfish is incapacitated!" Sebastian announced the result immediately.

At this time, the sea devil finally came to his senses, but unfortunately it was only one person left. It was powerless to return to the sky. After only releasing a blizzard, it was quickly defeated by the double attack of Shanaido's [*] volts and the absorbing fist of the bucket hat mushroom.

The first round of the doubles match, which was like a gorgeous match, was won by Tian Lin, and the price he paid was not large. Shanaido was slightly injured. Although the bamboo mushroom was destroyed by the death light and hit by the blizzard in succession, but relying on the two It sucked back a lot of physical strength, and it still has the power to fight again.

Chapter [*] Adam's Water Pokémon

"Come back, Sea Devil Lion, King Goldfish." Mr. Adam took back the two Pokémon.

Tianlin also took back Shanaido who was celebrating, and the next thing was a one-on-one duel.

"Tianlin, your performance is really amazing. I haven't lost so cleanly in a doubles match for a long time. I deserve to be the youngest teenage king." Adam praised with a smile, and then took out a high-level ball.

"Looks like I'm going to have to use more power than usual, let's go, Lotte Kappa."

"High-level Quasi-Tianwang!" Tian Lin's eyes narrowed, and the opponent took out a Pokémon that was far stronger than the bamboo hat and had no attribute disadvantage, so he had to speed up the attack rhythm.

"Dou Li Mushroom, fast attack, use sonic punch!"

"Rakuten Kappa, ask for rain!"

Adam made Lotte Kappa withstood a quick punch and forcibly opened the rainy day. Its characteristic is to swim freely and double the speed in the rainy day, and for Adam of the water team, this rainy day is very helpful.

"Mushroom spores!" Tian Lin knew that to decipher the opponent's speed, he only needed to hypnotize the opponent.

"As I said, the same method of 08 is useless, Lotte Kappa, make a noise!" Adam ordered in a low voice, and Lotte Kappa suddenly made a huge and uninterrupted cry.

For a period of time after the noisy trick is used, no one can go to sleep.

Moreover, the noise itself is also a powerful sonic attack skill. With the special attack of the high-level Lotte Kappa quasi-king, the damage caused to the fighting mushroom is also not small.

"Dou Li Mushroom, use an absorbing punch!" Tian Lin shouted loudly, in order to order in the midst of the noise, he had to make a louder noise.

Dou Li Mushroom withstood the noise and fired three absorbing punches in a row, all of which were successfully hit. Although the physical strength sucked back by the absorbing punches did not cause as much damage as the noise, it finally allowed Dou Li Mushroom to pass the noisy period.

The battlefield gradually quieted down, and the noise was over. Tian Lin immediately ordered, "Dou Li Mushroom, take advantage of this time, and use the mushroom spores again!"

"Tianlin, you've been tricked. You will use absorption punches, which is completely in my expectation. I also intend to let your bucket hat mushrooms survive the noise, Lotte Kappa, use the ultimate absorption!"

Under the rain, Lotte Kappa's speed was astonishing. The emerald-green light whip bound the bamboo mushroom in an instant. Before the spores of the mushroom were scattered, it absorbed all of its energy.

"Dou Li Mushroom loses its ability to fight, Lotte Kappa wins!" the butler pronounced the sentence.

Tian Lin finally realized that Adam did it deliberately. Noisy is a skill that has to be used three times in a row. It would be refreshing if he directly defeated the fighting mushroom during this time, but Lotte Kappa's injuries would not be light.

It's better to let the other party go through smoothly, and after Lotte Kappa ends the quarrel, then suck up the remaining stamina of the bucket hat mushroom to restore itself greatly. In this way, Lotte Kappa's injury is almost recovered.

No wonder, with the speed of Lotte Kappa in a rainy day, the Dou Li Mushroom can hit so smoothly, it turned out to be the opponent's plan.

"It's very clever, it's really smart, I'm going to ask you next!" Tianlin used the ape to play, although its current strength is only between the peak of the gymnasium and the first level of the quasi-king, but Tianlin is not at all cowardly. In terms of tricks, Tianlin really wasn't afraid of anyone.

"Hyperactive ape, yawn!"

"Do you want to hypnotize again, Lotte Kappa, make a noise!"

Lotte Kappa made a noise again, causing the whole venue to fall into a commotion, so that the previous yawn was useless.

"I can win this battle!" Tian Lin smiled slightly. He liked his opponents to use this kind of continuous skill the most. There is too much room for him to operate.

Although the power of noise is not weak, after all, it is not the skill of Lotte Kappa. It is impossible to kill the over-the-top ape in seconds. With this, Tianlin can lock in the chance of victory.

"Hyperactive ape, use laziness!"

The hyperactive ape lay on the ground and recovered his strength extremely quickly. The noise affected sleep, but did not affect laziness.Therefore, hyperactive apes can make a trick.

"Very good, next, do it again!" Tian Lin continued to order, and before Lotte Kappa made the last noise, Hyperkinetic Ape used one more time to block the rest of its skills.

The next method is very simple. As long as Tianlin seizes the opportunity to attack and be lazy in the two quarrels of Lotte Kappa, the physical strength of the hyperactive ape can always be kept in a relatively safe state.

Even though it is still showing a downward trend, the degree of its decline is definitely slower than the opponent's. The ultimate attack of the hyperkinetic monkey is to split, and it can still hit the key point from time to time. After a while, both Pokémon are scarred. .

The hyperactive ape had shock injuries caused by sound waves, while Lotte Kappa had claw marks on his body. Obviously, the injury was much heavier.

After such a long time, the rainy days and the next time have stopped. At this time, the two sides exchanged a noise and split again, and their physical strength has been lost a lot.

"Lotte Kappa, ask for rain again!" Adam took the opportunity to order, his judgment is that Tianlin will definitely choose to reply this round, because unless the split is a key point, it still can't defeat the current Lotte Kappa, after all, the basic strength of both sides The gap is too big.

He thought that a trainer like Tian Lin would not bet on that little chance.

Unfortunately, although Adam's judgment was right, it was also wrong. Strictly speaking, it was only half right.

"It's right now, hyperactive ape, to bring the dead back to life!" During these 973 times, Tian Lin gave up continuing to use the lazy trick, but chose the resurrection trick that can exert great power under low physical strength.

Splitting is unable to defeat Lotte Kappa, but there is no problem in bringing him back to life. Tian Lin really does not gamble on luck, and he has the confidence to win.

Taking advantage of the time when Lotte Kappa was begging for rain, the hyperactive ape swooped over, hit it in the face with a punch, and sent it flying away from a distance.

Lotte Kappa fell to the bottom of the water, and when he floated up again, his eyes were already in circles.

At this time, there was a drizzle of light rain on the field again. When Hyperkinetic Ape defeated Lotte Kappa, it did not succeed in preventing it from releasing its ultimate move.

Adam took back the Lotte Kappa, and took out a high-level ball again, "Tianlin, your next opponent is it, go, Catfish King!"

When the advanced ball was opened, there was a very well-developed catfish king. Even if it wasn't as big as the master that Tianlin saw last time, it was much bigger than the average catfish king, and his strength was still high.

The only weak point of the water system and the ground system is the grass system. Unfortunately, the bell mushroom has been defeated by the Lotte Kappa, otherwise 4 times the restraint will definitely be able to defeat it.

"Hyperactive ape, use it to bring the dead back to life!"

Tian Lin took the lead. He knew very well that the weakness of the catfish king was speed. At this time, the hyperkinetic ape was extremely powerful in coming back from the dead.

Chapter five hundred and thirty-first super giant marsh monster debut

"King Catfish, please come down and use the mud bomb!"

Adam's order is always so unhurried. Facing the resurrection of the moment when the power has reached its peak, he actually dares to choose a hard connection, thereby greatly improving his chance of hitting the counterattack.

Tian Lin is a little puzzled about this. Even if he wins the hyperactive ape in this way, the loss of physical strength is bound to be very large. If he is unable to face Tianlin's next one, what's the point of that?

Tian Lin, who couldn't figure it out, shook his head and shook off the wasted brain cells in his mind, "Forget it, don't think about it, since the other party wants to fight hard, then we don't need to be too polite, overdo it, let's go all out!"

The hyperkinetic monkey repulsed the Catfish King with all his strength, but he couldn't win with one blow. Then it was hit by the Catfish King's mud bomb and fell to the ground.

"You did a great job, come back, Hyperape!" Tianlin praised the Hyperape, it has already caused a lot of damage to the opponent, which is enough, "I also have the water-type and ground-type Pokémon. , I'll ask you now, giant marsh monster!"

The giant marsh monster appeared, and the strong figure seemed to be full of power.

"Well, a very good giant swamp monster!" Adam nodded, approving the giant swamp monster cultivated by Tianlin.

"Giant marsh monster, use the waterfall climbing!" Tianlin ordered. For the catfish king including the ground type, the water type trick can at least cause normal damage, and with the help of Lotte Kappa's rain, this waterfall climbing is more and more powerful.

"King Catfish, please continue to push down!" Adam still did not choose to dodge or use a trick to block, relying on King Catfish's own body to resist the attack of the giant marsh monster.

After eating the full power of the resurrection and climbing the waterfall in the rainy day, even the catfish king of the high-level quasi-day king was seriously injured.

And Adam was still so calm, "King catfish, it's time to rest, resort to sleep!"

The catfish king fell into a deep sleep, and the sleeping trick can restore all the stamina of the Pokémon, at the cost of being unable to dodge and fight back during the sleep.

"Since you choose to sleep to recover, then I will attack with all my strength, giant marsh monster, and use surfing 々"!"

The giant marsh monster slammed the sea with both hands, and instantly a huge wave rushed towards the catfish king.

"Hehe, Catfish King, you can surf too!"

Opposite Tianlin, the catfish king opened his eyes immediately after he fell asleep and recovered completely, and then rolled into a wave.

Two huge waves collided with each other, and the entire gym was shaken by this vast scene.

"How is it possible that the catfish king woke up so fast! Could it be?"

Tianlin thought of something, raised his head to look at the falling rain, and instantly understood that the catfish king must have a wet body, and all abnormal conditions would be lifted under rainy days, so it woke up as soon as it fell asleep.

The foreshadowing left before Lotte Kappa was defeated was actually used here, and the catfish king removed the side effects of sleeping with the help of his characteristics, and his physical strength returned to the best state.

"It's amazing, Mr. Adam!" Tian Lin couldn't help but praise.

Adam looked at Tian Lin and said softly: "Tian Lin, I said that trainers must be as soft as water, no matter what kind of vessel they encounter, they can change their shape. Now, you can adapt to me like this. Utensils?"

Tianlin smiled confidently, "Of course, Mr. Adam, you can use it in this rainy day, so can I, giant marsh monster, mega evolution!"

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