After Tianlin finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something and added: "No, it should be four!"

"You said there are four more than me, I don't believe it, who are they?" Harry asked, but he was determined to win the grand celebration championship.

"Want to know, then I'll tell you, they are Mr. Robert of the envoy of Minas, Xiao Shun who used Poison Rose, Junmalu who manipulated the imitation of the Night Spirit, and Xiaoyao, a young girl who is trying to grow up. , your road to a large-scale celebration is still far away!"

Tian Lin quickly turned around and left, without taking a cloud with him, he really didn't want to be entangled by this sissy anymore.

As Tian Lin left, the other trainers who were just watching the battle immediately sneered.

"Haha, look at that person, he was taught by Mr. Tianlin."

"That's right, it's too self-sufficient, Mr. Tian Lin is a top trainer who even beat Master Yuanzhi. What does he think, he wants to step on such a big man to ascend to the top!"

"Hehe, how beautiful it is to think, how painful it is to fall."

In the face of everyone's ridicule, Harry covered his face and ran away. For him who loves face, this is tantamount to a public execution.

In fact, Tian Lin didn't mean what he said. He just wanted to remind Harry not to be too ambitious. Compared with him, Tian Lin looked down on those who taunted him. At least Harry could show the courage to challenge him in an upright manner.

It's a pity that Harry didn't understand this at all. He hid in his room and took out a small notebook. This is the notebook he recorded the people who offended him. When Tianlin's name was recorded by him, he also drew on it. A big skull said, "Damn Tianlin, you actually made me so disgraced, wait, one day I will teach you a good lesson, and the four people who surpass me, I will also defeat them one by one! "

Tian Lin didn't know, he casually said what he intended to inspire Harry, but instead added four additional names to Harry's enemy list.

-------Dividing line

Half a month later, Tianlin passed through the village of Liado on the island and came to the town of Ceros. There, after another two-day voyage by boat, he finally arrived at the location of the last badge, Liuli City.

Liuli City is located in the main city in the east of Fengyuan area. It is known as the mysterious city sleeping in history and has a very long history!

It is said that the original site of the city was inside a volcanic crater, and a long, long time ago, an underwater volcano erupted and then extended out of the sea to become a huge volcano.

However, due to the abundant water vapor in the sea, the volcano gradually quieted down and became an extinct volcano. The crater in the center of the land also formed a lake due to the accumulation of rainwater.

Soon after, people found that the climate here is very warm and suitable for human habitation, so they gradually settled here. After generations of construction, the prosperous and beautiful Liuli City was finally established.

After that, after continued development, the lake in Liuli City was connected to the sea outside and a channel was opened, so that ships from the outside world could enter the city and dock at the port.

It was already night when Tianlin arrived in the city. He was very lucky and saw the unique beauty of Liuli City. Looking up to the sky from here, he could see the edge of the crater, and he felt that all the stars were gathered above the crater. , very beautiful.

"It's finally here, it's a really nice city!" Tianlin stepped onto the land, looked at the houses built on the rock wall, and sighed that the wisdom of human beings is indeed infinite. Such a beautiful city.

Along the way, Tian Lin admired the beautiful scenery of the city while heading towards the Pokémon Center. The center is located in the east of the city. After Tian Lin arrives here, he plans to rest for the night before going to challenge the gym tomorrow morning.

When it comes to Liuli Gym, this gym is not simple. The original gym trainer was Michael, but after Dawu stepped down as the champion, Michael was a friend of Dawu. The strength swept the four kings and succeeded as the new champion of Hoenn.

The current gym trainer is Michael's mentor. Mr. Adam, who taught him the gorgeous battle game, is also a top coordination trainer.

If its trainer's strength is fully exerted, it is also a proper Heavenly King level powerhouse, and it is worthy of Tianlin's serious consideration.

After a night's rest, Tian Lin was enjoying breakfast in the restaurant while watching the latest information on the navigator.

Among them, the two most hotly discussed things are still the incident of Tianlin destroying the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, which had a great impact on the Hoenn area, and the second is the information that Tianlin defeated the Dragon King Genji. Unexpectedly, he actually swept the top two on the Fengyuan hot search list.

Sure enough, in the Pokémon world, excellent trainers are more talked about than so-called big stars.

On the local page of Liuli City, it is an introduction about the recent activities. Master Adam will perform a gorgeous performance for everyone in the city center at noon today.

Tian Lin, who is very interested in this, is going to watch it. After all, he also wants to take the road of coordinating the trainer in the future. It is not harmful to see the top performance.

After contacting Dr. Damu and replacing the Pokémon on him who was going to challenge the gym, Tian Lin went straight to the city center square.

This is a stage of water. When Tianlin arrived here, it was already crowded with people, and the lively scene was like a big celebration.

This shows how terrifying Master Adam's popularity in Liuli City is.

"In our beautiful Liuli City, a new water art will be born!"

The host's voice fell, and a man's figure slowly walked out of the backstage.

Chapter [-]: Top Coordination Trainer Adam

"That's Mr. Adam!" Tian Lin finally saw the gym trainer in Liuli City.

This Mr. Adam is a charming middle-aged man, known as a charming gentleman trainer, which is a bit like describing a woman, but it is actually because of his fighting style, calm and full of beauty.

He is elegant and well-spoken, and is deeply admired by some noble ladies. Compared with the previous Harry, his demeanor is somewhat similar, but Tianlin has no sissy feeling at all.

A real gentleman~, but that's it.

The moment Master Adam appeared on the stage, he was immediately greeted with cheers, screams and applause from the audience in his azure blue suit.

Mr. Adam first waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and the entire venue immediately became quiet. This ability to control the venue was amazing. Then he came to the center of the venue, and several water jets shot up from the water stage, and rainbows appeared at a time. on the stage-on.

Tian Lin sensed that there were many excellent water-type Pokémon gathered in the pool below the stage.

"Everyone, how are you?" Mr. Adam said in a loud voice, "The performance is about to start, thank you very much for coming, and please allow me to introduce the biggest contributors to today's event, my most beloved Pokémon. "

"Okay, come out and say hello to everyone!"

Mr. Adam's Pokémon appeared gorgeously. The six Pokémon, Sakura Fish, Sea Thorn Dragon, Luli Li, Love Fish, Horned Goldfish, and Roaring Whale jumped out of the water and listed on both sides of Mr. Adam.

In the end, a Minas jumped up from the water and perfectly displayed its charm in the air for a moment. Whether it was temperament or posture, it was so perfect.

The strength of these Pokémon is not too strong. Tianlin detected that even the strongest of them, Minas, only has the strength of the peak of the quasi-sky king. It must not be Mr. Adam's real main force, but more for performance and Taoism. Pokémon for testing in the museum.

"Okay, let's show it to everyone, Phantom of Water!" Mr. Adam's performance finally started. He is indeed a top coordination trainer. Adam just used water skills, using low-power skills such as water guns or foam. Together, they create a mesmerizing effect.

The audience present was mesmerized.

"The top coordinator really has a hand, whether it's Xiaoyao or Xiaoshuo, I'm afraid they can't achieve this level, the control of the ultimate move is almost perfect!" Tian Lin couldn't help but admire.

Tian Lin's voice was not loud, and he was completely buried in the surging crowd, but for some reason, Adam still heard it, maybe it was the induction between top trainers, he went straight to Tian Lin and said: "Thank you for your Compliment! Mr. Tianlin, your presence really makes the city of Liuli shine."

"Where, you are serious, I didn't expect Master Adam to know me." Tian Lin bowed slightly to express his gratitude.

"Of course I know. Speaking of which, I have to thank you. My incompetent apprentice will never do his job properly. Since he has become a champion, he still runs around the world all day. It's an incomparably huge disaster, and as a champion, he will have a great responsibility." Adam's words showed a trace of fear, and he cared about his apprentice from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, I told him long ago, don't play with that playboy named Dawu, but he doesn't listen, and now he's broken."

Mr. Adam's words are enough to make countless people feel ashamed. If Michaelis is not a good tool, and Dawu is a dude, then what are other ordinary trainers, the scum in the trash can?

"Mr. Michaelis hasn't returned to the league yet?" Tian Lin asked. Even if such a big thing happened, even if it has been resolved, he should rush back as the champion.

"No, this bastard has just finished a Mikuri Cup in Kanto, and he will go to Chengdu to hold another. He said that the matter has been resolved anyway, and it doesn't matter if he comes back later to deal with it, this willful temper, the alliance I can't do anything about him. I heard that the alliance planned to call Dawu back to temporarily handle the follow-up matters on behalf of the champion, but this guy is more extreme than Mikori, and he just played missing, and now I don't know where to dig the stones?"

Well, after hearing Adam's words, Tianlin has a deeper understanding of the irresponsibility of the two Fengyuan champions. Take a look at Chengdu Champion Ferry. Compared with these two people, they are simply model workers. They wander around the major areas every day. resolve the incident.

"Forget it, don't care about those two guys, Tianlin, you came to Liuli City to challenge my Liuli Gym, right?" After the chat ended, Adam asked about business.

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"Yes, Mr. Adam, please accept my challenge!" Tian Lin nodded and pleaded solemnly.

"Haha, what's the problem, please wait a moment!" Adam promised to return to the center of the stage, "Everyone, today's performances are all over, thank you for watching, just now, the most outstanding new star in the world, Tianlin The gentleman came to Liuli City and challenged me to a gymnasium, I have already accepted it, and now I have to say goodbye to everyone."

Hearing Adam's words, the audience boiled over.Warmly welcome Tianlin. The residents of this city are much better than those in Beichenghua City. Although they worship Adam, they have no ill will towards his challenger.

Just when Tian Lin was leaving on Mr. Adam's private yacht, he could still hear the cheers coming from the back, making him work hard to get the badge. Tian Lin couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this is really a good city, and the land is good. Water raises a kind-hearted person.


"Tianlin, are you carrying all the Pokémon you captured in the Fengyuan area?" Adam suddenly asked on the yacht.

"Yes." Tian Lin replied with a positive answer.

Adam nodded and said nothing.

After a while, the yacht arrived at the location of the gym. It is indeed the strongest gym in Fengyuan, and it was actually built in a luxurious manor.

"Welcome back, sir!" When he came to the door, Mr. Adam's butler greeted him.

Adam introduced to the housekeeper: "This is the man who has dominated the hot search list recently, Tian Lin, he is here to challenge my Liuli Gym today."

"Mr. Tianlin, hello, welcome to come!" The housekeeper bowed slightly, "I am the deacon of this gym, my name is Sebastian, please give me more advice."

"Where, please give more advice." Tian Lin replied with a smile.

"Then, sir, and Mr. Tianlin, please come in."

Tianlin followed the housekeeper into the gym. Since it is a water gym, of course it is a water battle arena, but this place is not a complete water arena. There are many grounds around for Pokémon to stand on, even if they can't swim. The Pokémon can also exert their strengths here.

Tianlin and Adam stood on the trainer platform respectively, and the battle at the Liuli Gym was about to begin.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Nine - Liuli Gym Doubles Competition

"Then from now on, a gym challenge match between gym trainer Adam and challenger Tian Lin will be held. The number of Pokémon that can be used by both trainers is five, the first round will be a doubles match, and the Pokémon of the winner will be held. Dream can continue to use it to enter the second round."

"The second round starts with a one-on-one singles match. When one of the Pokémon is incapacitated, the match is over!" Butler Sebastian read out the rules as the referee.

That is to say, Tianlin has to play a doubles with Mr. Adam first, and then it will be a one-on-one duel. The number of Pokémon involved is as many as five, which is close to a full-fledged battle. That said, it's all going to be a tough challenge.

However, as the last gym in the Fengyuan area, Tianlin thinks this is pretty good.

"Trainers who aim at the Hoyuan "Nine Seven Three" league competition must be as soft as water. No matter what kind of vessel they encounter, they can change their shape and respond correctly. Tianlin, let me Let me see what kind of battle you, the youngest king in history, can fight!"

Mr. Adam's temperament has changed. If he was a gentle gentleman before, he is now a warm-blooded knight. "It's started, let's go, sea devil lion, goldfish king!"

Adam was the first to send out Pokémon, the Goldfish King adapted to the water field and the amphibious Sea Devil Lion, both of which were at the beginning level of the Heavenly King. He asked Tianlin if he brought Pokémon from the Fengyuan area. , just to determine what level of Pokémon you should use.

Of course, for ordinary people, it would be very difficult to use a Pokémon face that has only been subdued for less than a year against a Heavenly King-level opponent, but for Tianlin, this level is just right.

"Then I am them, let's go, Duoduo, bucket hat mushroom!"

In order to deal with the water-type gym, Tianlin made a special trip to exchange the grass-type bucket hat mushroom. In addition, Shanaido also has a [-]-volt trick. Tianlin is to firmly occupy the attribute advantage.

But there is one thing that Tian Lin pays great attention to, that is the characteristic of the goldfish king, that is the dream characteristic lightning rod, with this characteristic, any electric attribute attack will be useless.

"Shanaiduo, use magic to shine, the bamboo hat mushroom, use the mushroom spores on the king of goldfish!"

The choice that Tian Lin made was to use an all-round attack and the other to use an auxiliary trick.

"Goldfish King, use surf, sea devil, blizzard!"

The King Goldfish's figure rolled up a huge wave, and the sea demon lion took advantage of the situation to use a blizzard to freeze the huge wave, and a huge ice wall suddenly formed between the four Pokémon. The mushroom spores were all blocked by the ice wall.

"Very good, King Goldfish, and then use the destruction light!"

King Goldfish opened his mouth and a burst of orange-red light shattered the ice wall again, and countless pieces of ice smashed towards the bamboo hat mushroom and Shanaido, causing them to suffer unbearable pain.

This scene is really amazing. Mr. Adam is worthy of being a top-level coordination trainer. As soon as he came up, he used a magic trick. If it was a gorgeous match, Tian Lin might have to be deducted a lot of points.

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