Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 242: What I want is not a treasure.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, it’s mine for me!"

Sensing the power of the golden dragon streak, the old man laughed.

In his arms, he has already hidden several pieces of dragon spar. Although it is not possible to refine it as quickly as Ye Chuan, I don’t know what these dragons are using, but by intuition, everyone knows this. It is a good thing. When you leave the world of Dongtian and return to Wuyimen, you can slowly refine and enlighten, and you will break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop, and then grab the power of Wuyimen!

After the door of Wuyimen was involved in the world of Dongtian, there was no life and death. For many years, he had been peeked at the throne of the throne of the throne, and naturally he would not miss this golden opportunity.

Each of the masters and masters of the sects came up and looked at the golden dragon spar in the hands of the wind, and they all looked like they were hot. However, look at the wind and the many five-door elites surrounded by him, and have to dispel the idea of ​​forcible capture.

Among the vast array of people, there are quite a few who have been trained to be equal to the wind, and some even admit that they are slightly better. However, there are many people in the five-door family, and there are many people who are united and united, so that the big devils who are so ruthless are not willing to do it easily.

The wind and the glance swept the people's look in the eyes, the laughter was louder and louder.

Originally, he thought that he had become a lonely man. He did not expect that he unexpectedly met a group of five-door disciples after breaking into the magic dragon road, and in turn forced the crowd to become the most powerful person. What good things are encountered, only he is going to grab someone else's share, who dares to shake the ground?

"This old man is not dead, and he is one step ahead. What dog is leaving today?"

Tuo Xiong bears cold and cold and looks at the wind. He is not willing to be afraid of the golden dragon spar in the hands of the wind. However, there are fifty or six disciples in the five-door disciple surrounded by the wind, which is almost the disciple of Xuan Ding. Times, no longer willing to endure. The magic dragon is winding and twisting. I don’t know how many dangers there are. There are many opportunities. Now I will fight with the wind and I will only be cheaper than others.

"Hey, this man is jealous, luck is coming, it’s really blocked, it’s mine, and no one wants to grab it."

The old man of the wind clearly saw the unwillingness of the old rival Tuo Xiong, and his heart was more proud. He got the bargain and sold it. Tuoba’s bear’s mouth was pumping, and his heart was full of impulses, but he took a few breaths and still resisted it. He deliberately turned around and didn’t look at the wind’s expression, and he laughed at the wind. The old guy is more proud.

"Who is not dead, who said that this treasure is yours?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded when the old man laughed, and the voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Ye Chuan, who has been far behind, suddenly took off the mask and went up.

The Wuyimen disciples are well-trained and heavily entangled in the middle. Even if they suddenly rush out from the poisonous fog on both sides of the magic dragon road, it is difficult to grab the golden dragon spar with a single blow. Ye Chuan’s heart was a little bit, and he just went up.

The wind laughed at the old guy’s laughter, and suddenly saw Ye Chuan, who came up with his head, and suddenly felt as uncomfortable as eating a dead fly. He didn’t kill him. He grabbed the best treasure and also had no taste. feel. Cold and cold smile, the body suddenly burst out a cold power fluctuations, pushing the guards in front of the body to face Ye Chuan. The murderous, the body's power fluctuations are climbing.

"Hey, who is this young man?"

"I heard that it is a big disciple of the cloud, and there is only one monk in the realm of the monk. Is this kid tired?"


The crowd rioted and pointed to Ye Chuan whispering.

Today, in the three major sects of the Cloud Mountains, Ye Chuan can be said that no one knows. However, it is still strange to other sectarian disciples and scholastics who come from afar. The generation of such a singer, Xiong Xiong, did not dare to rob, but Ye Chuan was alone and walked to the wind. This is not a tired thing.

The people who have been rushing forward have stopped and waited for a killing without any suspense. Take a break and take a break.

Tuobaong turned and saw Ye Chuan's figure, and it was unbelievable to frown.

With his cultivation, it was not easy to get here, and paid a heavy price, and lost a lot of Zongmen elite. How did Ye Chuan, who was a monk, come here?

"Kid, I have been waiting for you for a long time, your boy is coming right. This treasure is not mine, is it your Ye Chuan? Hahaha..."

The wind tolerantly strode up and walked up, his face was awkward, and he couldn’t help but laugh. I still didn't do it, and my heart began to get up, thinking about the thrill of Ye Chuan's throat twisting his neck.

It’s cool to force the heroes to seize the treasures. After stealing the treasures, they will kill the enemy in public and remove the nails in Ye Chuan. It will be even better!

"Not yours, of course it is mine, yours is mine."

Ye Chuan also strode forward, and the distance between the two is getting closer.

Unsurprisingly, suddenly bursting out of the poisonous fog, it is difficult to get close to the wind and tolerate. I took off the mask and walked up. The old guy really went up and still regarded himself as an ordinary monk practitioner. This way there is no way to grab the baby in the hands of the old guy, no reason!

One is the real-life elders of Wuyimen Jiwei for many years, and the other is a young disciple of the Yunwu Zong in the district. Is there any suspense in this battle?

Naturally, looking at Ye Chuan, who is not self-sufficient, people shake their heads and wait to see how he died.

When he was nearly seven meters away, Ye Chuan suddenly stopped and said: "Old guy, we have a bet, whoever lost the treasure is, how?"

"Who is betting with you? Kid, do you have the qualification to bet with me?"

The wind and the old guy smiled coldly and continued to push forward. The strength fluctuations in the body were still climbing upwards. The outer air swayed with a handle and a knives, and it was murderous. "Now, when discussing the treasures, boy, I want to It’s your life! Why, are you afraid? Have the guts to stand up, but now they are afraid? Hahaha...”

The wind and the old man sneered at each other, suddenly speeding up, and ironed his heart to kill Ye Chuan. As soon as the body swayed, the wind was applied to the front of Ye Chuan, and the wind knife that was sharper than the ordinary flying sword was overwhelmed to Ye Chuan.


The wind sighed and screamed, and one face was a full blow, without any reservation.

The onlookers closed their mouths tightly, and the face of the raccoon was also dignified. He felt the pressure on the wind. With the identity of his master and the four people of the real world, he did not dare to easily block the edge of the wind.

The poisonous mist on the right side of the magic dragon road suddenly rolled up and down, and the little dragon who was hiding inside was nervous. Zhang mouth is about to scream, suddenly remembered Ye Chuan's cockroaches, hiding in the poisonous fog and waiting for the arrival of the opportunity.

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