Man Huang Feng Bao

Chapter 241: The family is always narrow

The five surviving dragon masters continue to move forward and fight bravely.

Inspired by the world and the earth and the earth caused by the unearthing of the world, the people of the group rushed from the capital through the transmission array. Today, there are only two people in the area of ​​more than 200 people, and the casualties are heavy. Walking on the sinister magic dragon road, all five people are tight-looking, and going back, it is also possible to touch the ban, only to keep the scalp going forward.

Perhaps it is the sorrowful soldier who will win. Perhaps luck is finally coming. The five people have been attacked by the dragon guards one after another, but no one has ever been killed. Even sometimes, when you look at it, you will encounter unexpected events. The body can always avoid the key points in danger and danger. The awful thing is that whenever a dragon falls down and there is a dragon spar, it is always taken away by the mysterious cave world guard.

Ye Chuan and Xiao Longer trailed behind the five dragon masters, waiting to seize the rare dragon spar. Not only did not take the opportunity to start with the **** dragon master, but from time to time secretly help them. At the moment of life and death, several dragon masters sometimes have some stunned after hiding, and I don’t know how to hide.

At the beginning, Xiao Longer shrank his hands and nervously followed Ye Chuan. Later, with the encouragement of Ye Chuan, he slowly became bold and gradually showed an amazing talent.

Under the erosion of poisonous fog, Ye Chuan's body is still somewhat uncomfortable. It can't walk through the poisonous mist for a long time. Xiaolonger not only has no influence at all, but is even more powerful. In the bath of poisonous fog, the speed and strength are incredibly large. The body and even Ye Chuan are all in front of the eyes and have a stunning feeling. Later, it was often Ye Chuan who was on the sidelines and was shot by Xiao Longer to capture the dragon spar falling from the dragon.

Bang! A muffled sound, another dragon fell.

This time, it was a black dragon that fell to the ground. The body was stiff and bursting into a pile of sloping stones. The head was rolled out of a black dragon-shaped spar, and the black oil was like a black crystal. This black dragon is particularly fierce, almost let the five dragon masters annihilate the whole army, and the dragon streak dropped in the body is also one-third larger than the common one.

The first dragon master, Long San, is a Qingpao man. When he is about 40 years old, he will see this black dragon-shaped spar shining in front of him and fluttering himself. The fingertips have already encountered this dragon spar, and the next moment, it is too late to catch in the hand. A grimace flashed in front of him, and a thin figure flew into the poisonous mist and disappeared.

"Damn, it is him!" Qingpao people gnash their teeth, and they are shocked and angry.

"Three brothers, the situation seems to be wrong. I just walked a big hole in the world. Now I have a small one. Are we being stared? Is there a so-called death curse, are we all going to die here?"

A young dragon master came up, his face was tight, and he said that he was stunned and looked around. Only the enchanting face of the dinosaur face suddenly burst out of the poisonous fog on both sides of the magic dragon road. Being stabbed with a knife or a small thing, being dragged into the poisonous mist, it is definitely a dead end, and seeing that he has become a white bone, think about it.

"Shut up, what cursing? Go!"

The head of the Qingpao Man Long was cold and cold, and his heart was also uneasy, but on the surface he had to be forced to calm down, and several people continued to move forward. This time, the task given to him by the Long family is to break into the world of the world, to capture the top-notch world of the world, and to risk the scalp in front of him. If he can't complete the task, he can't return to Beijing to explain to his hometown.

The rumors of the old masters of the Murong family will soon break through to the sainthood. The dragon family needs the inheritance of this cave world. Otherwise, it will be completely slain by the Murong family.

The five dragon masters took a break and continued to move forward.

Behind him, behind a cold stone, Ye Chuan closed his eyes and refining the black dragon spar that had just arrived. The body suddenly burst into a violent wave of power to tear the world, and the body stood still. However, the tremors of the biceps, triceps and even the abdominal muscles of the arms, all of which brought the sound of the blast, like a lightning bolt. The violent power, even the little dragon who has been behind him, was shocked and jumped away from him.

The power of violent came quickly and went fast. Not long after, the power fluctuations in Ye Chuan calmed down and slowly opened his eyes. In the body, there are still six ways to swallow the sky, and the realm still stays in the seven-fold monk, but the feeling is different. Standing still, it gives people the feeling of being like a thorn.

"This dragon three is good, can be said to be a giant in the capital for centuries, the dragon is still not simple. Xiaolonger, let's go!"

Ye Chuan opened his eyes and watched the backs of several dragon masters go away. The evil spirits smiled and the little dragons kept up.

Stared by Ye Chuan, several dragon masters were depressed and wronged, and they finally encountered the dragon streak. They disappeared in the blink of an eye and only had a look. However, it didn't take long before they found out that they were unlucky not just one line.

After more than half an hour, several dragon masters caught up with the large forces that opened the road ahead. Ye Chuan also accidentally discovered several familiar faces, and the top raccoons and the five scorpions were forbearing.

The dragon masters who walked behind were still quite good. The dragon guards who walked in front of them and the dragons and other people encountered more guards. All the way, both of them were bloodstained. What surprised Ye Chuan was that the two of them gathered a lot of disciples of their respective sects, especially the Tuo Xiong Xiong. The Xuan Ding disciples who were surrounded by them were more than when they entered the Dragon Road. It seems that there is far more than one entrance to the Magic Dragon Road.

The more people who walked together, the more dragons they encountered, the deafening dragons could not stop, and the dragons rushed out of the poisonous fog.

Ye Chuan and Xiao Longer are far behind the crowd, only waiting for the opportunity to rush up when there is a dragon spar. Like the stone carvings in Shilin, not every dragon has seals in its body. Some dragons have hollow heads, and the treasures that fall from every dragon are dragons, some are flying. Sword armor, some are remedies. Every time there is a treasure, it can always cause a fierce competition, but in addition to the dragon spar, Ye Chuan is basically only a far-sighted and uninterested shot.

Roar! A roar, a huge golden dragon suddenly turned out, suddenly rushed, there were five adventurers fell to the ground. Everyone rushed to the ground and joined forces to kill this terrible dragon. The golden dragon's body collapsed into a stone. A golden glare of dragon crystal appeared in front of people, and it was full of ordinary dragon spar. The size of the pound, the imposing power fluctuations are filled with it, and the golden light falls from the sky. Under the golden light bathing, people accidentally discovered that the wound on the body was recovering at an incredible speed. It was as refreshing as the swallowing of Yuan Yuandan who could instantly increase his skill for a hundred years.

"This baby is mine, the country of the wind!"

The five 遁 风 忍 忍 厉 厉 厉 厉 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体 身体

Seeing this golden dragon spar, the old guy who has been secretly left a little bit of effort has suddenly gone all out. When others are still shocking, he has already performed his wish to hold things in his hands. The five-door disciples under his command have flocked up, laying a sword and guarding the whole **** to prevent the capture of other masters.

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