Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3390: Princess Maid 28

Lu Qingming made three bowls of noodles, Master Lu and Lu Zhiting used large bowls, and Zhang's one used small bowls.

Bai Ling went and gave it to Lu Zhiting. Lu Zhiting just took a shower and was sitting there while the young man was waiting to get his hair done.

Bailing's bowl of noodles was sent over.

Placed in front of Lu Zhiting, Lu Zhiting was a little disappointed.

My sister is also this noodles in clear soup, what's the point of eating, there are a little vegetarian dishes on top.

"Second Young Master, this is made by the young lady herself!"

Seeing that Lu Zhiting had no desire to do anything, Bai Ling immediately reminded him.


Lu Zhiting still picked up the chopsticks. Although the noodles in clear soup seemed to be tasteless, after all, the little girl made it by herself, so I had to eat it.

Just after taking a bite, I felt that the previous eighteen years were all in vain.

Was that noodles that I ate myself before? Bah, that's pig food.

This noodle is really delicious, and I have to swallow my tongue if it is delicious.

Obviously it's just a very ordinary bowl of noodles, how come it tastes so delicious.

This made Lu Zhiting puzzled.

After eating up the large bowl of noodles, Lu Zhiting let out a sigh of relief.

"Second Young Master, you should rest first!"

Bai Ling was really amazed, and left with the bowl.

The noodles from Shangfang were delivered by Lu Qingming himself.

Master Lu had just taken a shower and was sitting there, drinking tea.

Zhang Clan sat beside him with a smile, chatting with him.


Lu Qingming walked in and asked Amber to put the noodles on the table.

"I just cooked noodles for my brother, these are for parents."

Lu Qingming said with a smile.

"I haven't eaten anything cooked in Qingming!"

Master Lu was very happy and walked to the table very happily.

Seeing that my daughter is already slim, and knows how to wash her hands and make soup, it really feels like a young girl in her family has just grown up.

Zhang is also very happy, his daughter is really a sweet little padded jacket.

Knowing that I can't eat it, I'll go with the master and make myself a small bowl.

"Then you have to taste it well, the food that our Qingpu made is very good."

When Zhang mentioned these things in Qingming, he was very proud.

What female celebrities, what cooking, what writing and drawing, even if his daughter is taken into the capital, it is completely comparable to those of the ladies.

"Mother, don't want Wang Po to sell melons, eat it quickly!"

Lu Qingming quickly took Zhang to sit down, and put the chopsticks in her hand.

Zhang still laughed from ear to ear, and with Master Lu, I ate every bite.

I didn't know if it was hungry or it was really delicious. The two of them finished eating in a while.

Master Lu still has some ideas.

"This face looks ugly, but it's actually very delicious!"

Master Lu took a sip of tea and couldn't help but praised it.

Zhang also nodded again and again.

Lu Qingming did not speak, but smiled while pursing his lips.

"I won't bother my parents to rest, my daughter will leave first!"

Lu Qingming took the maid and left.

Zhang and Master Lu have not seen each other for a long time, and naturally they have countless things to talk about.

In the evening, they were still a family and had dinner together.

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