Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3389: Princess Maid 27

People are inevitably like this.

After all, that person used to have the same identity as them, and when that person was around, she didn't feel that she had much patience. It was really surprising that she had these things so suddenly.

When Lu Qingming went out of the study, planning to breathe in the yard, he heard the clever voice of the cuckoo.

"Miss, the second master is back!?"

Du Juan received Lu Qingming's instructions early in the morning. She wanted her to wait outside. If she heard the news of Lu Zhiting's return, she had to tell it as soon as possible.

"Oh, I see."

Lu Qingming nodded. Before going out, he saw Lu Zhiting approaching from a distance.

"Little girl...I brought you things back!"

Lu Zhiting's face was gray and he had a big beard. There was still the temperament of a handsome young man from the past, he was obviously an uncle in his thirties.

"Where is the stuff!"

Lu Qingming also walked up anxiously.

"Let's go in and see!"

Lu Zhiting asked Xiaosi to carry the pole in.

Opened the thing covered on the basket, revealing the true content inside.

"This is a sweet potato, this is a potato, this is a pepper, this is a carrot, and this is a corn."

Lu Zhiting smiled, as Jiazhen introduced to her.

"Second brother has worked hard!"

Lu Qingming looked at the things in the basket and looked at Lu Zhiting's current form, feeling even more distressed.

"I know I feel sorry for my brother! My brother has been out for the past few months, and his clothes are rotten, his shoes are also torn, and there is nothing delicious."

Lu Zhiting took the tea from Bailing, raised his head and drank it all.

Then he sighed again.

"I see, brother, did you just go to the mother's side?"

Lu Qingming looked at him like this and couldn't help laughing.

"Go to please your mother first, I'll just come to you."

Lu Zhiting put down the tea cup and said.

"Well, second brother, you go back to take a shower now. I'll go to the kitchen and make a big bowl of noodles for you. You can rest first after eating."

Seeing that there were shadows under his eyes, Lu Qingming was naturally very distressed.

After all, I'm going to sea. I've been out for almost a year. Basically, I've been on the road for six months.

Being a businessman is actually very hard work.

If the road is good, it will naturally be a smooth journey. There is a slight difference on the road. Not to mention the death of the blood, but the life is still there. That is also two things.

"Okay, then the second brother will go back to take a bath first, please bring me the noodles quickly!"

Lu Zhiting was also a little unable to sit still. In fact, when he was on the road, he could find an inn to freshen up.

However, it was an arrow at home, so I wanted to come back soon.

Lu Zhiting left, and Lu Qingming also hurriedly took the maid to the kitchen.

There was old duck soup in the kitchen, and she rolled some noodles by herself, the roots as thin as hair.

I also made some three kinds of fresh fungus, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and the like, and cut them into thin strips.

She specially made some more noodles. First, when Dad and her brother came back from outside, they were too meaty and not very good to eat. They were both nourishing and delicious.

What's more, the relationship between mother and father is very good. Although they are both so big, they are still sweet as honey.

It's been a long time since I saw each other. If we don't see each other in a day, it's natural that there are countless things to talk between the two.

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