Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3322: Daimeisei 40

There is a pit, I feel like it is going to fall! !

"You pretend to be my girlfriend and come to my grandmother's house for dinner with me! You do something for me, and the feeling of guilt in your heart will be much less."

When Guan Chen Fengyun said these words lightly, Long Qingming really thought that she was looking for herself.


Guan Chenfeng asked again.


Long Qingming nodded.

What's wrong, the man who originally wanted to tease, although he couldn't be so naked.

Guan Chenfeng didn't expect that she would agree so simply, and smiled immediately.

"Thank you!"

Long Qingming stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the scenery outside. It was already snowing, and everything outside was covered by the snow.

It's really picturesque.

"Go, go and change clothes."

Guan Chenfeng walked to her side.


Long Qingming nodded, just about to go to his room to change clothes.

But in a blink of an eye, Guan Chenfeng grabbed his hand.


She looked at Guan Chenfeng suspiciously.

"Come to the studio and choose a set of clothes."

Guan Chenfeng took her hand grandiosely and went directly to the studio with him.

I thought that the studio was clear at a glance. When he took the remote control and slowly opened a wall for you, he saw that inside the wall, it turned out to be a whole wall of clothes.

Guan Chenfeng walked over, took an extra-long black down jacket and handed her blue jeans and a red wool turtleneck.

"I'll go back to my room and change."

Long Qingming returned to the room and put his clothes on, feeling very comfortable.

Sure enough, for a picky person like Guan Chenfeng, the things at hand are really good things.

She walked out with the black down jacket in her hand.

It happened that Guan Chenfeng also came out with a black coat.

He is in black trousers, his forehead reveals sexual ankles, his upper body is a beige woolen sweater, and his collarbone is exposed. No matter how you look at him, he feels that he has a different temperament.

Obviously he is a moonlight person, but he has the heat of the sun.

While she was looking at Guan Chenfeng, Guan Chenfeng was also looking at her.

Red close-fitting high-necked short sweater, black high-waisted pants.

The clothes are very ordinary styles, but her figure has a different charm when worn.

Guan Chenfeng also felt that his clothes, when worn on her body, wore fifteen points of charm.

"You look great!"

Guan Chenfeng exclaimed in praise.

"Your clothes look good!"

Long Qingming lowered his head and looked at it. In fact, the original owner's figure is really good...

When she walked to the hallway, she put on the down jacket. This down jacket was very unusual, only showing a little calf.

Wearing her own sneakers and looking at herself in the mirror, she even felt very good-looking.

"Let's go!"

Guan Chenfeng's clothes were also put on, and he stood beside Long Qingming.

Long Qingming looked at him in the mirror, wearing a black coat and gray sneakers outside.

Standing by his side, there was an unexpected match, which caused Long Qingming to swallow a sip of water.

Guan Chenfeng opened the door, and Long Qingming walked out.

"Put the scarf on!"

As Guan Chenfeng said, he wrapped a gray scarf around her neck.

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