Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 3321: Daimeisei 39

"It's fine if you like it!"

Long Qingming said casually again.

In the end, she ate six, and the rest of the dumplings were eaten by Guan Chenfeng.

The two leaned on the sofa, chatting casually.

At last it was twelve o'clock, and after the countdown, the fireworks outside the window became more brilliant.

"Happy New Year!"

Guan Chenfeng raised the wine glass and moved in the direction of Long Qingming.

"Happy New Year!"

The wine glass in Long Qingming's hand touched his wine glass and made a crisp sound.

Both of them drank the wine in the cup, and Long Qingming felt that the fruity fragrance in his mouth was flowing wantonly.

Slightly drowsy, her hands dropped and her eyes were blurred. She lay there leaning on the sofa with no image.


She looked at Guan Chenfeng in front of her and murmured.


Guan Chenfeng heard her talking, but when she approached her, she didn't say a word.

Guan Chenfeng shrugged helplessly, first picked up the wine glass in her hand and put it on the table.

She stretched out her hand and picked her up. She just hugged her in her hand, but she felt... In fact, she was very weak.

Guan Chenfeng looked at her blushing little face, and there was warmth in his heart.

There was even an unspeakable, unclear emotion, and it grabbed his heart so quickly.

He put Long Qingming on the bed, covered her with a quilt, took another look at her, and then left her room.

On the second day, when Long Qingming got up, his head still had a little pain.

I thought I had a hangover. I originally drank the drink, sweet and sour, thinking it had no alcohol concentration, but I didn't expect that after drinking it, my head would be so groggy.

After Long Qingming finished washing and going out, Guan Chenfeng was already eating breakfast.

"There is porridge in the pot!"

Guan Chenfeng was drinking milk and spreading butter on the bread.

"You cooked it?"

Long Qingming was a little surprised. He never eats Chinese breakfast, but he still cooks porridge.

"It's not that hard!"

Guan Chenfeng replied lightly.


Long Qingming filled a bowl of porridge, then sat down opposite Guan Chenfeng, and just took a bite, and it was delicious.

After drinking a bowl of porridge, my stomach feels more comfortable.

"tastes good!"

Long Qingming praised politely, but what she said was just the truth.

"You like it!"

Guan Chenfeng took away everything on the table.

"I'll clean it!"

Long Qingming felt that he didn't do anything like this, and it seemed a bit bad to be a shopkeeper.

"You can't wash it clean!"

Guan Chenfeng also refused very decisively, and left with the dishes on the table.

This rejection really hit the nail on the head.

Long Qingming really didn't expect that one day he would be rejected by others.

When Guan Chenfeng was washing the dishes, looking at Long Qingming's annoyed expression, he smiled suddenly.

Suddenly thinking of Auntie and the others trying to go back by themselves, so does grandma.

It's not that they don't want to go, as soon as they go, they start to worry about their partner's affairs.

This makes him really wonder how to say it.

"Do you think it's very helpless to open your mouth here!?"

Guan Chenfeng asked her with a smile.


Long Qingming answered carefully, but after the answer, another emotion appeared in his heart.

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