Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2916: Day 14

She continued to practice her inner strength mental method.

Two more days later, Nie Qingming went to the crew.

Today is the start of the show. Although she is a female partner, she is also a female partner throughout the show.

"Qing Ming, come here!"

When the screenwriter Li Tianai saw Nie Qingming, he waved at her and let Nie Qingming pass.

After Nie Qingming walked over, "Ms. Li!"

"Come on, I am optimistic about you!"

Li Tianai is very satisfied with Nie Qingming's acting skills. When I saw Nie Qingming for the first time that day, I felt that she seemed to be very talented.

At the very least, she looks a lot like the characters in this script.

"I see!"

Nie Qingming nodded, with a smile on his face.

After the start-up ceremony was over, Nie Qingming went to his room.

When filming for the first time, I entered the residence of a local tyrant. The place where I lived was a local five-star hotel.

A person in a room, after she entered, she couldn't help but be speechless.

I had a plot before, and it was also in the show business circle, but that time, it was all big stars in the end, like this kind of direct treatment, there are still not many.

There are three or four stars, which are all good. Some of the production aspects are larger, and some good things will be used in all aspects of the TV series. The rest are much worse.

Nie Qingming just brought four changes of clothes, a set of pajamas, and a set of water-milk that Tian Li insisted on buying her before.

She is only nineteen years old, her skin is still very good, and she usually just washes her face with facial cleanser.

Now that she has come in to film, Tian Li feels that she has to put on makeup every day, and if this goes on, her skin will become bad.

Since I was going to eat this bowl of rice, I had to condition my skin. Nie Qingming couldn't help it. I took all these things.

There were not many things, it was just a small bag, and she quickly arranged the things for them.

So he sat on the bed and continued to practice his inner power.

In the evening, I went to the restaurant for dinner.

This hotel has been packaged by their crew, and the way to eat is also the hotel’s buffet.

Nie Qingming casually took the plate, picked up some things, found a place to sit down and eat.

"Can I sit here?"

Nie Qingming had just eaten two bites when she saw someone standing on the side asking her aloud.

Nie Qingming raised his head and looked at a handsome young man standing in front of him.

His eyebrows seemed to be smiling, and his lips were also slowly curled.


Nie Qingming nodded. She knew that this person was just like her who made his debut in this scene.

This play, called Huamei Nan, is in this academy, there are five beautiful males.

The person in front of you is called Shicheng. In the play, they are CP and will be their partners in the future.

Shi Chen looks very good now, with tenderness everywhere in his eyes.

Later, it became more and more popular, and many people said that they were mistaken for life in one encounter.

There are many male gods in the entertainment industry, but Shi Chen is definitely the one who has the least negative news.

There are a lot of fans behind them, and some people even say that they will be given when ten thousand years of cultivation are achieved.

In fact, this drama made a lot of people popular, but at that time, in Nie Qingming's eyes, there was only that man.

This is... ruined for life.

Here, with so many places, why Shichen insists on sitting with her.

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