Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 2915: Day 13

After eating, the family went to the nearby shopping mall and strolled around.

Tian Li felt that Qingming had been a small step into the entertainment industry, and she still had two beautiful skirts.

Nie Qingming didn't want to be too expensive. In the end, he bought a girly brand skirt.

It looks very nice and not very expensive. Two skirts are more than 600.

The family didn't get home until the evening.

Tian Li cooked beef noodles, the family ate them, took a bath, and watched TV together for a while, and then they went back to their rooms to rest.

Nie Qingming returned to the room, sat there, and began to practice.

This drama was filmed in City A, and Nie Qingming had ten days to enter the crew.

In these ten days, she has been practising her inner strength and mental method well at home.

After all, in the big dyeing tank of the entertainment industry, she is another girl. She still has to learn a little bit to at least keep her safe.

Since he was at home every day, Nie Qingming was responsible for the dinner at home.

Originally Tian Li was reluctant, but under Nie Qingming's persistence, she still compromised and let her do it.

In only ten days, the child also likes it. If she is willing to do it, then let her do it.

Except for cooking and cleaning the house, Nie Qingming was practicing his inner power.

This kind of plain day passed for a week.

The door of the house was banged loudly again.

Nie Qingming walked over and looked out from inside the cat's eye.

It was Zhang Qianxue with a blushing face, as if he was angry again.

"You went to the audition too!?"

As soon as Nie Qingming opened the door, Zhang Qianxue threw a newspaper over.

Looking at the newspaper slowly falling to the ground, Nie Qingming saw the entertainment page with different castings of beautiful men.

"Why should I explain this to you!"

Nie Qingming sneered at her angry gesture.

People who don't know thought she was wronged.

"It was obvious that I went to the audition that day, but you still followed it with a look of reluctance, and you were selected for the good-looking ones. You secretly went to the audition. You are really scheming. I'm really a kid. I count on you!!"

Zhang Qianxue angrily stretched out her finger and pointed at Nie Qingming.

"Do you think everyone is like you, with bad thoughts?"

Nie Qingming stretched out her hand and knocked out her hand. She was very annoying. Someone pointed her finger at her like this.

It's really rude.

"I was waiting outside for you that day, and an agent came over and said that I was more suitable for a role, so he took me to an audition, and then it succeeded!"

Nie Qingming explained.

"Now you just talk nonsense, I don't believe it anyway!"

Zhang Qianxue's face was red with anger.

She looked at Nie Qingming, with various expressions intertwined in her eyes, as if she was more unwilling, envy, jealous and hateful.

"Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me, and I have no reason to explain to you? Take a 10,000 step back, even if I want to go to the audition, we are all playing fair, Zhang Qianxue, what are you afraid of?"

Nie Qingming's calm eyes looked at Zhang Qianxue so quietly, Zhang Qianxue was a little broken in her eyes.

She snorted coldly, turned and left.

Nie Qingming also closed the door, his mood was not affected by Zhang Qianxue at all.

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