Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1669: Descendants of the Sun 1

But the key is gone, that's... the straw.

Pressure-the last straw on Li Qingfeng's body.


He couldn't even say a word, and Li Qingfeng spit out a mouthful of blood.

The eyes are full of unwillingness.

When the head is tilted, there is no breath.

"Mission completed!! Li Daitao is stiff, use OR and don't use it!"

Li Qingfeng had just died, and there was such a mechanical voice in Yuan Qingming's mind immediately.

Yuan Qingming looked at the desolation in this mausoleum, full of barbarians.

She smiled slightly, "Use!"

For an instant, there was a burst of heat in her body, and then, she felt her own soul, which had slowly floated to the sky.

Back again, Jizeya's room full of floral fragrance.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Ji Zeya looked at Ji Qingming and said softly.

Ji Qingming didn't speak, but just smiled.

"Do you need a break?"

Ji Zeya looked very tired when she saw her.

"No need yet, I'm going to the next story mission."

Ji Qingming said quickly.


Ji Zeya didn't say anything, nodded.

As long as she wants to, as a time manager, it's hard to say anything.

At the moment, her fingertips were shaking slightly, and she saw countless flowers, which swept into a storm, and instantly enveloped Ji Qingming's body.

When she woke up, she found herself lying on a tree branch with her jet black hair hanging on her side.

She was wearing a snow-white robe, which was not an ordinary white robe. Upon closer inspection... it turned out to be faintly glowing with golden light.

She looked around and found that she was lying on a tree. The surroundings were all round and smooth. It was obvious that she slept on this one, which had been there for a long time.

She looked down again, and under this hibiscus tree, there were several men lying all around.

Everyone is handsome and handsome.

Ji Qingming stretched out his fingers and counted, there are nine people in total.

Everyone has a very exquisite appearance. She guessed that these nine people, if they were in modern times, must be a very popular boy group.

With long legs, handsome appearance, lying down and sleeping like this, especially under this soft moonlight, it was coated with a layer of silver light.

Looking at it this way, it adds a kind of temptation-confusion.

Ji Qingming looked around again, the sound of the waves, wave after wave, obviously it was a quiet night.

So she closed her eyes again and began to accept the plot.

Outside the Southeast Sea, between Ganshui and Gansu, there is the Kingdom of Xihe.

There is a woman named Xihe, whose Fang bathing day was in Ganyuan, and Emperor Jun's wife was born for ten days.

The person Ji Qingming traveled through was still called Qingming.

It is the daughter of Dijun and Xihe.

Dijun and Xihe gave birth to ten children in total, and there were nine older brothers above Qinglu.

Every day, they live happily in Tanggu. In Tanggu, there is a sacred tree called Fusang.

All ten of them lived on this hibiscus tree, and in daylight, Xihe drove to illuminate everything.

There are ten suns in total. When one person goes there, the other nine people are playing at home.

Di Jun and Chang Xi had 12 children and lived in the western wilderness. Every day, when the sun sets, the moon also starts to rise slowly on the other side.

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