Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1668: Tomb Watcher 40

If you don't stop it properly, both of them will die.

With that said, Yuan Tianlan rushed towards the mouth of the organ on one side.

His body just got stuck on the mouth of that organ.

The institutions here always like fresh life.

Just after Yuan Tianlan entered, the ground here was shaken, and it was over.

Yuan Tianlan's body was also filled by the black hole.

Standing here, Yuan Qingming was already in tears.

She reached out her hand and wiped the tears from her face.

"Dad... you are here to guard the tomb, I will guard it outside... we will guard it together."

After speaking slowly, Yuan Qingming turned and left and walked outside.

Since Li Qingfeng had opened the headquarter organ before, many places in the mausoleum had been destroyed, and some small tomb passages had been blocked.

Fortunately, all roads lead to Rome, and these tomb passages are also relaxed.

After Yuan Qingming walked out, looking at the Chang'an City outside, the candlelight had been extinguished at this time, and there was still the bright light before.

With all the ruins and broken woods, Yuan Qingming suddenly heard a groan-groan.

She walked towards the falling rock on one side, only to see Li Qingfeng under the falling rock on one side.

That big rock fell just right-on his waist, his waist seemed to have been smashed to pieces.

The whole body was filled with blood.

A handsome face, at this time, is also getting paler and paler.

The whole person's breathing has also begun to become cramped, and his hand is still holding the black box stubbornly.

"It seems to be dying!"

Yuan Qingming squatted in front of him, his eyes full of mockery.

Li Qingfeng's eyes also began to loosen, and when he heard what Yuan Qingming said, he immediately trembled-trembling.

It should be trembling with anger-shaking.

"What's the use of you holding that box?"

Yuan Qingming said, rummaged inside the cloth bag in front of him, and found a simple bronze key.

"You should be looking for this!"

Yuan Qingming held the key in his hand and held it up in front of Li Qingfeng, dangling it to him.

As soon as Li Qingfeng saw the key, the boss suddenly opened his eyes.

"It is for this thing that I want to enter this tomb!"

Li Qingming paced beside her and squatted in front of him again.

"I guess, the blood curse on our Yuan family still has something to do with your Li family! As for being a guardian of the tomb, it must be your Li family's credit..."

When Yuan Qingming said this, Li Qingfeng's eyes also burst into other looks.

Seeing his expression, it was obvious that Yuan Qingming knew it, and he had guessed it right.

You guessed it!

"You Li family are really greedy! After so many years, and still want to come in, I think if my father hadn't sold the secret here, you probably would never be able to enter this mausoleum! Ha ha... … Come in! Now you can be regarded as your Li family and our Yuan family here together, guarding the tomb together!"

As he said, Yuan Qingming chuckled lightly.

With a strong flick of her hand, the key in her hand fell into the moat on one side.

Seeing that the key is no longer there, and his own can't move at all, it's not far from death.

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