Just when he was in the Truth Cultivation Realm, he suddenly encountered a duel with a powerful Truth Cultivator, who was much stronger than him. In this duel, Qin Feng felt the limitations of his strength, and his skills and spells seemed unable to counter the powerful power of the opponent.

However, at a critical moment, he suddenly recalled many scenes that he had experienced with Yu'er, their growth, efforts and difficulties. His heart was full of determination and determination, and he decided not to give up, even in a weak situation.

In the fierce duel with his opponent, Qin Feng showed amazing perseverance and wisdom. Although he wasn't strong enough to compete with his opponents, he used nimble tactics and clever spells to gradually turn the tide. In the end, he managed to defeat his opponent and emerge victorious.

This battle made Qin Feng realize that the growth of strength is important, but what is more important is to continue to learn, grow and innovate. He decided to bring his experience and understanding back to the sect, share it with other disciples, and contribute more to the growth and prosperity of the sect.

At the same time, Qin Feng also broke through the previous bottleneck in this battle, and his cultivation path regained its brilliance. He understood that the path of cultivation of Chapter Eighteen: The Tribulation of Demon Beasts

and Qin Feng's cultivation path was becoming more and more full of challenges and opportunities. He broke through the bottleneck and greatly increased his strength, but he was also aware of the danger and unknown in the True Cultivation World. On a journey to find cultivation resources, he was attacked by a demon beast, a vicious battle that he could not forget.

In a dense forest, Qin Feng was looking for a rare herb that was said to be able to enhance the spiritual power of a true cultivator. However, he did not know that there was a powerful demon beast hidden in this forest.

Suddenly, a low roar sounded in the forest, and Qin Feng stopped alertly. As the voice got closer and closer, he saw a huge and fierce demon beast, it was a giant bear demon beast with a tall body and hideous hair.

Qin Feng knew that in the face of such a demon beast, he had to go all out. He quickly made a decision, and his body burst out with spiritual power, turning into a phantom and engaging in a fierce confrontation with the demon beast.

The monster giant bear is physically strong and amazingly powerful, and its claws are like iron tongs, and its attacks are fierce. Qin Feng used his spells and combat skills to constantly avoid the attacks of demon beasts and launch counterattacks at the same time.

The fierce battle lasted for a long time, and Qin Feng could feel that his physical and spiritual power was constantly being consumed, while the demon beast seemed to have no intention of getting tired. He realized that he had to find the weak point of the demon beast as soon as possible, otherwise the battle would become more and more difficult.

At the critical moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. He noticed that there seemed to be some tremor in the eyes of the demon beast giant bear, and he understood that it might be the weakness of the demon beast.

He used his body technique to quickly approach the demon beast, and then a thunderous spell hit the demon beast's eyes. The demon beast roared in pain and lost the ability to attack. Qin Feng took the opportunity to cast more spells and constantly attacked the weaknesses of the demon beasts.

The fierce battle continued, and Qin Feng's power gradually gained the upper hand. He constantly uses his spells and combat skills to fight monsters. In this life-and-death duel, he felt the tenacity and courage in his heart, and he knew that this battle was about life and death, and it was also an important experience on his path of cultivation.

In the end, Qin Feng's efforts were not in vain, and he successfully defeated the demon beast giant bear and achieved victory. But he also paid a huge price, his body was severely damaged, and his physical and spiritual strength were almost exhausted.

To the cheers of victory, he fell on the meadow of the forest, panting. He knew that this vicious battle was part of his growth and a valuable experience on his path of cultivation.

Subsequently, a truth cultivator passed by, found Qin Feng, and immediately treated him. With his help, Qin Feng gradually recovered, and his knowledge and understanding of the True Cultivation World became more profound.

The experience of this vicious battle made Qin Feng understand that the True Cultivation World is full of unknowns and challenges, but only by constantly growing and working hard can we gain more strength and opportunities in this world. Chapter 19: The Power of the Demon Beast

In that vicious battle with the demon beast, Qin Feng gained valuable experience and growth, but he also noticed that the corpse of the demon beast contained great power. He decides to use this opportunity to test his weapons and gain them even more power.

Qin Feng brought the corpse of the demon beast back to the sect, he knew that there were many masters in the sect, and they had rich experience in refining the energy of the demon beast. He handed over the corpse of the demon beast to the sect's alchemist, hoping to integrate this powerful demon beast power into his weapon.

The alchemist put the corpse of the demon beast into the refining furnace and began the complex refining process. The whole process lasted for many days, during which Qin Feng came to pay attention many times, hoping to witness the upgrade process of weapons with his own eyes.

During the refining process, the energy of the demon beast gradually integrated into Qin Feng's weapon. His weapon began to emit an unusual light, and a powerful force surged on the weapon.

Finally, after a long wait, the alchemist announced that the trial of the weapon was successful. Qin Feng couldn't wait to take over his weapon and feel the powerful power contained in it. His weapon didn't look much changed, but he could feel it become sharper and more ferocious.

"This is your work, young man." The alchemist nodded to Qin Feng, "This weapon now contains the power of demon beasts, and will become your right-hand man in the True Cultivation Realm."

Qin Feng stroked the weapon, he could feel the powerful power in it, and he knew that this weapon would be an important weapon on his future path of cultivation.

With the upgrade of his weapons, Qin Feng felt that his strength had also improved even more. He decided to use the power of this demon beast to continue his efforts to cultivate and contribute more strength to the glory and stability of the sect.

However, just as he was about to leave the refining room, he suddenly felt a strange breath. He quickly looked around alertly, only to find that nothing unusual had been found.

"Young man, you really are not simple." A voice sounded in his ears, his body suddenly moved, and he immediately felt a powerful momentum pressing against him.

Qin Feng gripped the weapon in his hand, alertly preparing to meet the possible challenge. However, in front of his eyes, a figure quietly appeared, and he looked at the person in front of him in amazement.

"It's you!" He was full of surprise, because the person in front of him was the spiritual powerhouse he had met in the True Cultivation World, the Truth Cultivator who had asked him for advice.

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