
tournament was held in a wide ring, and the contestants appeared one after another, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Qin Feng and Yu'er were also among them, they felt the powerful aura around them, they were all in the sect.

However, at the beginning of the conference, some sect disciples expressed dissatisfaction with Qin Feng and Yu'er's participation. They thought that Qin Feng and Yu'er were new disciples and were not qualified to participate in this important competition, thinking that they were here to make fun.

"Look at them, they actually dare to participate in the tournament, it's a joke."

"Yes, it is simply beyond the power to want to challenge the leadership within the sect at such a time."

When Qin Feng and Yu'er heard these taunts, although they were displeased in their hearts, they were not angry, they knew that this was a challenge, a test. They don't want to get into pointless quarrels over these words.

The competition began, the contestants appeared one after another, and the competition process was extremely intense. Qin Feng and Yu'er also had their turn to compete, and they faced different opponents respectively.

Qin Feng's opponent was a disciple with great strength, and he displayed superb spells and martial arts. During the game, Qin Feng responded calmly and showed his strong strength. In the fierce battle, Qin Feng's steadfast cultivation and brave determination began to show excellence, and in the end, he defeated his opponent and won applause and respect.

On the other side, Jade's match also attracted widespread attention. With a gentle temperament, she showed great strength. Although her opponent is fierce, Jade's wisdom and flexibility give her the upper hand in the competition and ultimately win.

In every match of the tournament, Qin Feng and Yu'er showed outstanding performances, which shocked the disciples who taunted them. They used their strength to tell everyone that they were qualified to participate in this contest and also had the ability to shine in the sect.

The winners of the tournament gradually surfaced, including Qin Feng and Yu'er. Their strength and performance were appreciated by the sect leaders and recognized by other disciples.

The process of the tournament lasted for some time, and eventually, the sect leader announced that Qin Feng and Yu'er and the other winners would become the new generation of core disciples of the sect, responsible for the development and management of the sect. This result also means that the disputes within the sect have been temporarily resolved.

Qin Feng and Yu'er stood in the ring and glanced at each other, they knew that this competition was a success for them, and it was also their sixteen chapters: The Mystery

of the Sect With the end of the tournament, Qin Feng and Yu'er became the core disciples of the sect and began new roles and responsibilities. They continue to work hard to cultivate and contribute to the development of the sect. However, on a calm day, Qin Feng unexpectedly came into contact with the secret behind the sect.

Once, Qin Feng stumbled upon an ancient book that recorded the history of the sect in the sect's library. In the process of flipping through it, he suddenly found a record with extremely strange content.

This record mentions that the former head of the sect once went deep into a forbidden place in the True Cultivation Realm and found a mysterious treasure. This treasure seems to be closely related to the roots of the sect, but the specific content is not stated.

Qin Feng's heart moved, and he realized that this record might hide some secrets of the sect. He decided to investigate further, hoping to unravel the mystery.

He approached the elders of the older generation of sects and asked about this historical record. The elders looked solemn, and after a moment of silence, they finally decided to tell Qin Feng about the matter.

"This is a dusty history of the sect." An elder spoke, "Actually, that treasure is related to the founding of the sect. It is a mysterious treasure that can enhance the strength of cultivators, and is called "Yuan Spirit Crystal".

Qin Feng listened intently, and he asked, "Then why didn't the sect make this news public?"

Another elder sighed and continued to explain, "Treasure is powerful, but it also comes with great risks. According to rumors, the forbidden place is not only dangerous, but also has some unpredictable consequences. For the stability of the sect and the safety of his disciples, the previous head decided to seal this secret.

Qin Feng fell into deep thought, he understood that the previous head of the sect's decision was for the benefit of the sect. However, he also began to think that if he could find the Yuan Spirit Crystal, he might be able to better help the sect and improve the strength of the sect.

He decided not to tell anyone for the time being and continue to investigate and explore. He understood that it would not be easy to find the Yuan Spirit Crystal, but it was also an important mission on his future path of cultivation. At the same time, he will also continue to protect the stability and harmony of the sect and become a more seventeen chapter: breaking through the bottleneck

Over time, Qin Feng gradually integrated into the core of the sect and became the object of everyone's respect. The relationship between him and Yu'er has also become closer, and the two support each other and grow together. However, Qin Feng's path of cultivation encountered an insurmountable bottleneck at a certain stage.

He had been cultivating within the Qingyun Sect for many years, and his strength had improved a lot, but he found that he seemed unable to take a step forward. Whether it was in the comprehension of spells or in the cultivation of spiritual power, he seemed to have stagnated.

He came to the sect's cultivation ground, facing an empty grass, he felt anxiety and frustration in his heart. He knows that breaking through this bottleneck may require more effort and insight.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his heart: "Young man, your strength is already very strong, but on the road of cultivation, bottlenecks are inevitable.

Qin Feng's heart moved, and he immediately recognized that it was the voice of his Artifact Heavenly Illusion Sword.

"Heavenly Illusion Sword, do you have any suggestions?" Qin Feng asked reverently.

The voice of the Heavenly Illusion Sword continued: "Breaking through the bottleneck requires not only strength, but also comprehension. You can try to find some rare places in the True Cultivation World, or interact with other masters to gain experience and inspiration.

Qin Feng pondered for a moment, he felt that what the Heavenly Illusion Sword said made sense. He decided to leave the sect for the time being and go to some unknown places in the True Cultivation Realm to find new opportunities and comprehensions.

During his journey to the True Cultivation World, Qin Feng met various Truth Cultivators, and from them, he drew a lot of valuable experience and inspiration. He also constantly breaks through himself in the challenge, constantly looking for his shortcomings.

However, in the world of true cultivation, it is not all smooth sailing. Qin Feng encountered many powerful opponents and encountered many dangerous situations. He continued to grow in the process and gradually accumulated more practical experience.

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