Chapter 23

Li Yawen: Today is the anniversary of our acquaintance, have you forgotten?

Qin Feng: Of course not, I have long prepared for this.

(Qin Feng handed Li Yawen a beautiful bouquet of flowers) Li Yawen

: Thank you, you are always so considerate.

Chapter 24: Resonance of the Heart

Qin Feng: Sometimes I feel as if you can read my mind.

Li Yawen: Because I really listen to you and care about your feelings.

Qin Feng: It's really lucky to have a partner like you.

Chapter 25: Honest Communication

Li Yawen: Lately I've been a little troubled by the pressure of work.

Qin Feng: We can find ways to reduce your burden together.

Li Yawen: Thank you for your support, I feel much more relaxed.

Chapter 26: Family Outlook

Qin Feng: My parents have been urging me to talk about marriage recently.

Li Yawen: We are still too young, but I am willing to face everything with you in the future.

Qin Feng: Hearing you say this, I feel very grounded.

Chapter 27: The Pursuit of Dreams

Li Yawen: Do you remember your childhood dreams?

Qin Feng: Of course, I always wanted to be an artist who can influence people's hearts.

Li Yawen: I believe you will achieve it, and I will always be by your side.

The story continues, Qin Feng and Li Yawen continue to share each other's thoughts, emotions and goals in life. They are open to each other, support each other, build a solid emotional foundation, and explore all areas of life together.

Chapter 28: Sudden Change

Qin Feng: My grandfather was recently ill and hospitalized, and I was a little worried about his health.

Li Yawen: I understand, let's visit him together.

Qin Feng: Thank you, your company makes me feel warm.

Chapter 29: Dilemma and Support

Li Yawen: My project has encountered some problems and I feel a little hopeless.

Qin Feng: Don't give up, I believe you will be able to overcome the difficulties.

Li Yawen: With your encouragement, I am more motivated to solve problems.

Chapter 30: Stepping into the Unknown

Qin Feng: I have the opportunity to participate in international art exhibitions.

Li Yawen: That's great, I support you to pursue a bigger stage.

Qin Feng: I will work hard for you and for our future.

Chapter 31: Feeling and Sharing

Qin Feng: In my artistic creation, I gradually found my own style.

Li Yawen: I also have a deeper understanding in the field of psychology.

Qin Feng: We have grown up separately, but we still shine in each other's lives.

Chapter 32: A New Chapter

Qin Feng: Li Yawen, I think we can enter a new stage.

Li Yawen: What stage is it?

Qin Feng: I want to walk with you to the palace of marriage.

Chapter 33: Promise Happiness

Li Yawen: Qin Feng, I am willing to marry you.

Qin Feng: This is my happiest moment so far.

(The two hugged tightly, each other's mood went up and down, full of joy and expectation) The

story further unfolded, Qin Feng and Li Yawen gave each other firm support in the face of life's changes and challenges. They continue to grow, share, and finally usher in a new stage, promising happiness and a better future together.

Chapter 34: Preparation for Joy

Qin Feng: Our wedding is going to be prepared, do you have any ideas?

Li Yawen: I want a simple and warm wedding, as long as I am with you.

Qin Feng: Okay, we will have a wedding that will make everyone remember.

Chapter 35: Sweet Promise

Li Yawen: Wedding vows, are you ready?

Qin Feng: I will write my most sincere promise to accompany you forever.

Li Yawen: I will too, our commitment will be engraved in our hearts.

Chapter 36: A Beautiful Start

(At the Wedding)

Officiant: Now, I announce that Qin Feng and Li Yawen are officially husband and wife.

(The two exchanged rings, kissed, and applauded thunderously)

Chapter 37: The Future Scroll

Li Yawen: We are going to start a new life, do you have any plans?

Qin Feng: I want to continue my artistic creation and create more beauty together.

Li Yawen: I will also stick to my career and always move forward with you.

Chapter 38: Family Laughter

Qin Feng: Our home should be decorated warmly, so we might as well do it together.

Li Yawen: Good idea, we can fill every corner with our memories.

Qin Feng: I hope that our home will become our common paradise.

Chapter 39: Companion Daily

Life (In the Kitchen)

Li Yawen: Can't you cook?

Qin Feng: Actually, I'm also learning, let's explore food together in the future.

Li Yawen: From now on, our lives will be more colorful.

Chapter 40: Visions for the Future

Qin Feng: What will our future hold?

Li Yawen: I hope to walk through every stage of life with you until I get old.

Qin Feng: I promise that no matter what the future holds, I will always guard you.

The story enters a new stage, Qin Feng and Li Yawen enter the palace of marriage, and jointly promise a happy future. They continue to embrace every detail of life in their companionship, create a warm and happy family for each other, and build a vision for the future together.

Chapter 41: Family Responsibilities

Qin Feng: We must be role models and give future children a healthy environment to grow up.

Li Yawen: Yes, we have to take on the responsibility of parenthood together.

Qin Feng: I believe we will be the best parents.

Chapter 42: The Beginning of a New Life

(in the Hospital)

Qin Feng: Our baby was born, which is too emotional.

Li Yawen: Yes, this is the beginning of our new life.

(They clasped hands tightly and looked at the infant baby)

Chapter 43: Happiness in the Dull

Li Yawen: Although life is dull now, I feel very happy.

Qin Feng: Yes, every family is a component of happiness.

Li Yawen: I hope we can continue to be so simple and happy.

Chapter 44: The Power of Companionship

Qin Feng: My parents are here, we can take the baby together.

Li Yawen: With their company, we will be more relieved.

Qin Feng: They will also make our family more warm.

Chapter 45: Hand in Hand Li

Yawen: Time flies so fast, we have come so far.

Qin Feng: Yes, we have been holding each other's hands and walking through ups and downs.

Li Yawen: There are still many unknowns in the future, but with you by my side, I have nothing to fear.

Chapter 46: Testimony of the Years

(Celebrating Wedding Anniversary)

Qin Feng: This year has passed again, and our feelings have become deeper.

Li Yawen: I think every day with you is a testimony of happiness.

Qin Feng: May these happy years continue forever.

The story continues, Qin Feng and Li Yawen continue to feel happiness in ordinary days, and shoulder the responsibilities of family and the power of companionship together. The years have witnessed their growth and love, and their feelings have become deeper, continuing to work together to face the challenges and beauty of the future.

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