Qin Feng: (excited) Hey, this newly transferred girl is so beautiful.

Friend A: Which? The one in the pink shirt?

Qin Feng: Yes, that's her. I heard that her name is Li Yawen and she is a new classmate in our class.

Friend B: Well, it's beautiful. Why are you suddenly so interested?

Qin Feng: I don't know, I always feel a little up and down in my heart.

Chapter 2: Chance encounter

with Li Yawen: Hello, I'm Li Yawen, can you help me find a classroom?

Qin Feng: Of course, I am also in this class. My name is Qin Feng.

Li Yawen: Thank you, Qin Feng.

(The two began to often attend classes and chat together, and Qin Feng's mood became more and more up and down)

Chapter 3: Common Hobby

Qin Feng: It turns out that you also like to draw, and so do I.

Li Yawen: Is that right? We have a chance to draw together.

(The two began to go to the studio together on weekends to get to know each other better)

Chapter 4: Heartwarming

Friend A: Why do you two stick together all the time?

Qin Feng: (laughing awkwardly) No, it's just a common hobby.

Friend B: Qin Feng, I see that your feelings about Li Yawen are not ordinary.

Qin Feng: (blushing) How is it possible, we are just friends.

(Qin Feng's heart began to really go up and down, and he developed deeper feelings for Li Yawen)

Chapter 5: Dating

Li Yawen: Qin Feng, can you accompany me to the museum?

Qin Feng: Absolutely, I'd love to.

(The two walk leisurely in the museum, sharing their feelings with each other

) Chapter 6: Hesitation

Qin Feng: (Hesitation in my heart) Should I tell Li Yawen how I feel?

Friend A: Why not give it a try? Maybe she feels the same way.

Qin Feng: However, I am afraid that it will affect our friendship.

Chapter 7: Confession

(One night, on the campus playground

) Qin Feng: (nervously) Li Yawen, I have something to tell you.

Li Yawen: What happened?

Qin Feng: I, I like you. It's not just friends who like it, it's more affection.

Li Yawen: (smiling) Qin Feng, I feel the same way.

(The two looked at each other and laughed, and their mood became more upward and down

) Chapter 8: Happiness

(Since then, Qin Feng and Li Yawen have entered each other's world and started a sweet love stage) Qin

Feng: (happily) It's great to finally dare to be together.

Li Yawen: Yes, I also feel very happy.

(The two are full of happiness and sweetness when they are together, and they go up and down every day)

The story ends here, and the story of Qin Feng and Li Yawen depicts a love experience from the first meeting confession to happy together. Through the interweaving of dialogue and plot, it shows the process of two young people attracting each other, hesitating and finally taking a brave step.

Chapter 9: Challenges and Support

Qin Feng: I have been studying so hard lately, and I feel a little pressure on the eve of the exam.

Li Yawen: Don't worry, I will always be by your side to support you.

Qin Feng: Thank you, I have motivation with you.

Chapter 10: Misunderstanding and Explanation

(One Rainy Afternoon)

Li Yawen: Why didn't you answer my call today?

Qin Feng: (embarrassed) Oh, my phone is out of battery and I forgot to charge it.

Li Yawen: I thought you didn't pay attention to me.

Qin Feng: How so, why would I ignore you.

Chapter 11: The Art of Getting Along

Qin Feng: We seem to be getting busier and busier, and we rarely have time together.

Li Yawen: Yes, but the important thing is that we cherish every time we get together.

Qin Feng: Yes, no matter how busy I am, I will find time to accompany you.

Chapter 12: Little Dispute

Li Yawen: Why are you always late, and the agreed time is not on time.

Qin Feng: Sorry, it's really a bit delayed today.

Li Yawen: I hope you can take our agreement seriously.

Qin Feng: I will pay attention and will not make you angry again.

Chapter 13: Mutual Tolerance

Qin Feng: I find that our personalities are sometimes quite incompatible.

Li Yawen: Yes, but because of the differences, we can complement each other.

Qin Feng: You are right, we must tolerate each other and grow together.

Chapter 14: Future Planning

Li Yawen: When we graduate in the future, where do we want to develop?

Qin Feng: I want to continue to learn to paint and become a painter.

Li Yawen: Then I support you, I want to be a psychologist.

Qin Feng: It sounds very good, we will definitely work hard for our dreams.

Chapter 15: Romantic Moments

(by the Sea)

Qin Feng: The sunset here is so beautiful, watching it with you, it feels more romantic.

Li Yawen: Yes, we will keep going, right?

Qin Feng: Of course, our future is full of surprises.

The story continues, Qin Feng and Li Yawen encounter challenges in getting along, but their relationship becomes stronger through communication, tolerance and mutual support. They face the future together, chase their dreams together, and enjoy every romantic moment.

Chapter 16: The Plan to Travel Far

Qin Feng: I've been wanting to travel recently, are you interested?

Li Yawen: Of course, where to go?

Qin Feng: I heard that the mountain area is very beautiful, and we can go on an adventure together.

Li Yawen: It sounds exciting, and I'm looking forward to it.

Chapter 17: Challenging Yourself

Li Yawen: I feel that I sometimes lack self-confidence.

Qin Feng: Don't underestimate yourself, you are very good.

Li Yawen: With your encouragement, I will work harder.

Chapter 18: Warm Little Residence

Qin Feng: I was thinking that we could rent a small apartment in the future.

Li Yawen: Well, I also think it will be very warm to have my own little world.

Qin Feng: We can arrange together and create our own space.

Chapter 19: The Run-in of Friendship

Li Yawen: Your friend doesn't seem to like me very much.

Qin Feng: Don't care, they just need time to get used to.

Li Yawen: I will try my best to get close to them.

Chapter 20: Visions for the Future

Qin Feng: What do you think will happen to us in the future?

Li Yawen: I hope we can always walk together and face the future together.

Qin Feng: I also think so, we will create a better future.

Chapter 21: A Happy Ending

(at Qin Feng's Art Exhibition)

Li Yawen: Your paintings are really getting more and more exciting.

Qin Feng: With your company and support, I have more inspiration.

(The two shook hands tightly, their eyes full of affection)

At the end of the story, Qin Feng and Li Yawen continued to deepen their feelings for each other through joint efforts, understanding and support. They face challenges together, create good memories, and finally come together to welcome a happy future together.

Chapter 22: Confusion and Revelation

Qin Feng: Sometimes I wonder, what is the meaning of life?

Li Yawen: I think the meaning is to pursue what you love and make life full of color.

Qin Feng: You are right, with you, my life has become more meaningful.

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