In the ancient town where Qin Feng is located, a grand dragon boat race is held every year in summer. This year, Qin Feng and his good friends decided to form a strong dragon boat team to participate in the competition. Here's what they had during the preparations

: Scene: On the riverside of the town, the dragon boat team is preparing for pre-race training.

Qin Feng: Come on everyone! We must win the dragon boat race this year!

Xiao Ming: No problem, Qin Feng! We've been training for so long and can definitely get good results!

Xiaohong: By the way, how do we divide the labor? I want to sit in front and help control the direction!

Qin Feng: Okay, Xiaohong, you sit at the bow of the boat. Bob, you are responsible for the drumming, maintaining the rhythm, and stabilizing everyone's mood.

Xiao Gang: I can be in the middle, as the core force to push the dragon boat forward.

Xiaomei: Then I will sit at the back and be in charge of commanding the rear rudder!

Qin Feng: It's great, we have a clear division of labor, and with tacit understanding, we will definitely win the competition! Also, it's important to keep the rhythm and don't let the speed of the boat be affected by excessive passion.

Xiaohong: No problem, we'll stay calm!

(In the days leading up to the race, they did repeated pre-race training, silently persevering and honing every day.)

On the morning of game day, the sky was clear and sunny. Qin Feng and his teammates were ready to go to the arena.

Referee: Are the players ready?

Qin Feng: Ready!

Referee: The game begins!

(The dragon boat gallops on the water, Xiaohong controls the bow, Xiaoming beats the drum powerfully, Xiaogang pushes the dragon boat with all his strength, and Xiaomei controls the rudder steadily.)

Qin Feng: Everyone should pay attention and keep the rhythm!

(The team moves forward in unison like a close-knit machine.) They keep catching up in the race, sometimes leading and sometimes falling behind.

Xiao Ming: Qin Feng, we are ahead!

Qin Feng: Keep, we can't take it lightly!

(The game entered the final stage, and Qin Feng's team was still closely ahead.)

Referee: And the last hundred meters!

Xiaohong: Come on, everyone, there's one last stretch left!

(The team worked together and rowed the dragon boat as best they could.) Their hulls are getting closer and closer to the finish line.

Referee: The champion is... Qin Feng's team!

Qin Feng: We won! That's great!

(The team cheered and hugged each other excitedly.) Together, they won the dragon boat race, and at this moment, all the efforts became worth it.

In a joyous atmosphere, Qin Feng and his teammates celebrated the victory. They understand that behind this competition is not only their individual efforts, but also the result of unity and cooperation. After the race, they became the heroes of the town, leaving behind a legendary dragon boat story.

(The next day, a victory celebration was held in the town, and Qin Feng and his teammates were warmly welcomed.) The celebration was held in the town square, where people gathered around and sang and danced. Villager

A: Qin Feng, you guys are really powerful! In so many years, our town has never won a dragon boat race!

Qin Feng: Thank you for your support and encouragement! This championship is not only an honor for our team members, but also for the entire town!

Villager B: Qin Feng, I heard that your team is particularly united during training, can you share how you did it?

Qin Feng: Of course! In fact, the most important reason why our team can be united is that we trust and respect each other. During pre-match training, we often meet to discuss tactics and listen to the advice of the players.

Xiao Gang: That's right! Everyone has their own expertise, and we are good at playing to everyone's strengths.

Xiaohong: Also, during the training process, we also had some differences, but we always sat down and communicated seriously and looked for solutions to problems.

Bob: Also, we learned to encourage and support each other. Every time we train, we say, "As long as we work together, we can do it!" Villager

C: It sounds like your tacit understanding is really good!

Qin Feng: Yes, tacit understanding is the key to our success. We not only honed our rapport on the training ground, but also supported each other in our daily lives and became really good friends.

Villager Ding: Your spirit of unity is really worth learning from!

Xiaomei: Thank you! In fact, unity and cooperation are not only applicable in dragon boat racing, no matter what you do, as long as everyone works together, I believe that good results will be achieved!

At the celebration event, Qin Feng shared their training experience with his teammates, which brought a lot of encouragement to everyone. Since then, the people of the town have paid more attention to unity and cooperation to meet the challenges of the future. And Qin Feng and his teammates also formed a lifelong friendship because of this dragon boat race.

(A few months later, it was the annual dragon boat season.) The atmosphere of the town is once again filled with dragon boat racing. Qin Feng and his teammates decided to participate in the game again, and they became well-deserved defensive champions.

Bob: We're going to win the championship again this year!

Red: That's right! We're defensive champions, so don't let us lose that title.

Xiao Gang: I heard that some teams have organized new members, and their strength may be much stronger than last year.

Xiaomei: Then we must go all out and maintain tacit understanding in order to win again!

(Race day arrives, and the dragon boat teams are ready for this fierce competition.)

Referee: The game begins!

(The dragon boat team rushed to the finish line like an arrow off the string, and the race was extremely intense.)

Qin Feng: Everyone should stay calm and don't be affected by the pressure of other teams!

Bob: No problem, I'll stabilize the drums and keep everyone in lockstep!

(Halfway through the game, Qin Feng's team still maintained the advantage, but the other teams were in hot pursuit.)

Xiaohong: We're getting closer to the finish line, come on!

(The team members worked together to row the dragon boat as hard as they could.)

Xiao Gang: Let's not be careless, concentrate!

(Just late in the race, the opponents made the final sprint.)

Xiaomei: They are surpassing us, we can't lose!

Qin Feng: Don't panic! We still have the last heritage! Paddle with all your might!

(Qin Feng's team increased its strength, and the speed of the ship increased significantly.)

Referee: In the last hundred meters, Qin Feng's team is ahead!

(The team rushed to the finish line like arrows, and Qin Feng's team maintained the lead at the last minute.)

Referee: The champion is... Qin Feng's team!

Everyone: We made it!

(The players cheered and excitedly celebrated the victory.) They successfully defended their title of dragon boat race.

At the celebration, villagers came to congratulate them.

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