The adventures of Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice, they take on new challenges in real life and write their own legends.

The adventures in "Journey of Fantasy" not only bring them fun and achievement, but also let them get to know each other and form eternal friendships. Whether in the game world or in real life

, the friendship and adventure spirit of Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice will continue forever, lighting up their former [Scene 80: The Oath of Friendship]

On the road of adventure, Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice firmly believe in the power of friendship.

Qin Feng: We used to be strangers, but through adventure, we forged a deep friendship.

Xiaobai: Yes, no matter what happens, we will always be together!

Lola: Let's protect this friendship together and walk through every adventure.

Alice: No matter how many challenges lie ahead, we must rely on each other and face them together!

[Scene 81: Continuation of the Legend]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice continue to explore in the world of adventure, and their names are also passed down because of countless legends.

Qin Feng: It's incredible to hear that someone is singing our adventure story in the game.

Xiaobai: Yes, it all stems from our determination to forge ahead and the friendship of unity!

Lola: We will continue to write new legends and fill the world with our footprints!

[Scene 82: Forever Together]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice have gone through countless adventures together, and their friendship has become stronger under the baptism of time.

Qin Feng: In this vast world, our adventures will never stop.

Xiaobai: As long as we support each other and move forward together, all difficulties can be solved!

Lola: No matter how difficult the adventure ahead, we will go forward!

[Scene 83: Treasure of Memories]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice found an ancient treasure pendant during an adventure.

Alice: This pendant looks ancient and must have hidden countless memories.

Qin Feng: Maybe this was left by some adventurer, and there may be their story in it.

[Scene 84: Memories of Adventure]

When Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice opened the pendant, there was a message and photo inside.

Xiaobai: This is a message about brave adventure.

Lola: The people in this picture seem to be happy, and they must be happy because of the adventure.

【Scene 85: Eternal Inheritance】Looking

at the messages and photos in the pendant, Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice decided to put their messages and photos into the pendant and pass it on.

Qin Feng: Let's pass on our adventure stories and joys forever.

Alice: This pendant will be a testimony to our friendship and a symbol of our adventurous spirit.

[Scene 86: Feeling of Gratitude]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice decide to hold a special party to thank everyone who met during their adventure.

Lola: Without you, our adventure wouldn't have been so exciting.

Xiaobai: Thank you to every adventurer who has fought alongside us.

【Scene 87: The Adventure Continues】After

the party, Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice continue their adventure.

Qin Feng: No matter how many unknowns lie ahead, we must move forward bravely!

Alice: Adventure fills our lives with endless possibilities.

[Scene 88: Adventurers Forever]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice will always be that group of brave adventurers, and their stories will continue to circulate in the world.

Qin Feng: In the adventure, we find our true value.

Xiaobai: Adventure makes us more courageous and determined.

【Scene 89: The spirit of adventure】Qin

Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice's adventure journey will continue, they grow together in real life and write their own legends.

Lola: Adventure has taught us to cherish every moment and move forward.

Alice: No matter what the future holds, we will always face everything in life with an adventurous spirit.

[End of

story] Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice's adventure continues, and their story will continue in [Scene 90: New Challenges and Growth]

In the next adventure, Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice

face more challenges and puzzles. They grow through adventures and learn more wisdom and courage.

Qin Feng: Every adventure is a test, but it is also an exercise.

Xiaobai: Yes, through adventure, we become stronger and stronger!

Alice: Adventure allows us to constantly challenge ourselves and push our limits.

[Scene 91: The Power of Friendship]

On the road of adventure, the friendship between Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice is even more unbreakable.

Lola: With you here, I feel fearless no matter what comes my way.

Qin Feng: We support each other and spend every adventure together, and this friendship is our eternal motivation!

【Scene 92: Adventure's Footprints】The

adventure footprints of Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice are spread throughout the vast world of "Fantasy Journey", and they have gained countless memories and achievements in the game.

Xiaobai: Looking back on the bits and pieces we have come along the way, I am really emotional.

Alice: Every adventure is a precious memory, a treasure.

【Scene 93: Tomorrow of Hope】During

the adventure journey, Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice also made many new friends and explored unknown mysteries with them.

Qin Feng: Every encounter makes our adventure more colorful.

Lola: The possibilities are endless in this vast game world.

[Scene 94: Eternal Adventurer]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice have become the eternal adventurers in "Journey to the Illusion", and their story will continue in this world forever.

Xiaobai: On the road of adventure, we will continue to move forward.

Qin Feng: Yes, we will always maintain an adventurous attitude and meet unknown challenges.

【Scene 95: Oath of Friendship】On

the road of adventure, the friendship between Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice became stronger and stronger.

Alice: No matter what happens in the future, we will always be close to each other and face it together.

Lola: Let our friendship never change!

[Scene 96: A New Adventure Beginning]

Qin Feng, Xiaobai, Lola and Alice decide to continue their adventure journey in the game world and real life, constantly creating new miracles.

Qin Feng: Let's embark on a new adventure together!

Xiaobai: Yes, future adventures will be even more exciting!

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