Moderator: Mr. Qin, your acting career has achieved such brilliant achievements, but there must be hard work and hard work behind it.

How do you maintain your passion and dedication to show business?

Qin Feng: Acting is a career I love, and I have been passionate about acting since I was a child.

Each roleplay is a new exploration and challenge, and I enjoy the transition and creation process from one character to another.

At the same time, I also cherish the support and love of the audience, which makes me feel that my efforts are valuable.

Therefore, no matter how difficult and challenging I encounter, my enthusiasm and persistence will continue to drive me forward.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, you have experienced many opportunities and challenges in your acting career.

Was there an experience that impressed you and had a significant impact on your growth?

Qin Feng: Once, I was involved in a movie with very complex characters.

During filming, I faced a lot of difficulties and challenges and was unable to understand and grasp the emotions of the characters.

At that time, the director gave me a lot of guidance and help, and at the same time I also took the initiative to communicate and learn from other actors.

Through their guidance and help, I gradually found a way to break through and the key to understanding the character.

This experience taught me how to face difficulties, how to work with others, and grow with the help of a team.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your success story has inspired many young people to chase their dreams.

What would you like to say to young people who are pursuing their acting dreams?

Qin Feng: For those young people who are chasing their acting dreams, I would like to say that first of all, we must firmly believe in our dreams and have a heart that will not give up.

The entertainment industry is highly competitive, but as long as you are willing to put in the effort and persistence, you can gradually realize your dreams.

At the same time, do not neglect the importance of learning and accumulating experience, and maintain continuous learning and exploration of the performing arts.

The most important thing is to stay authentic and loving, and touch the hearts of the audience with sincere performances.

Moderator: Thank you very much Mr. Qin for sharing and encouraging! I wish you continued greater success in your acting career!

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for your invitation and blessings! I will continue to work hard to present more wonderful works for the audience! Thank you all for your support!

In the interview, Qin Feng showed his persistence and professionalism as an actor, and also expressed his love and gratitude to the audience and his acting career.

His sincerity and hard work will continue to lead him to greater success in the entertainment industry.

Scene: Qin Feng wins the award at a film awards ceremony, and the host comes on stage to have a dialogue with him.

Moderator: Good evening, distinguished audience friends! Today we are fortunate to invite a high-profile actor - Mr. Qin Feng.

Congratulations on winning Best Actor at this year's Film Awards! Can you share with us how you feel?

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for the recognition and recognition of the hosts and judges! It's a great honor in my career.

The award for Best Actor is the result of my years of hard work and the result of the team's joint efforts.

I would like to thank the director, crew and all the actors who worked with me, without their support and cooperation, I could not have completed this character.

At the same time, thank you for the support and love of the audience and friends, without your support, my achievements today would not be possible!

Moderator: Mr. Qin, the characters you portrayed in this movie are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have won unanimous praise from the audience and judges.

How did you interpret the character? Is there any special preparation process?

Qin Feng: This role is a big challenge for me because he has a complex inner world and emotional conflicts.

In order to better interpret this role, I did a lot of preparatory work.

I studied the script and dug deeper into the psychological state and emotional aspects of the characters.

At the same time, I had in-depth discussions with the director and screenwriter to discuss the motivation and development of the characters.

In addition, I observed real-life characters with similar characters, drawing inspiration and triggering emotions from their words and actions.

Through these preparations, I strive to bring the complexity and authenticity of the characters to the audience.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your acting skills have always been highly praised, and the audience is full of expectations for your performance.

Have you ever encountered a particularly memorable or challenging role in your acting career?

Qin Feng: Indeed, there are many roles in the acting career that are very memorable and challenging for me.

One of them was to play a villain with a complex and contradictory life.

The emotional ups and downs and inner struggles of this character made me face a lot of challenges.

I needed to find my inner balance and show the multifaceted and complex nature of the character.

This process requires me to constantly explore and dig into the role and fully integrate myself into the character.

Although it was a lot of challenge, it was precisely because of this role that I gained a deeper understanding of my acting skills and acting ability.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, your success is not only reflected in your acting career, but also in social responsibility and public welfare.

Can you share with us your views on public welfare and your experience of public welfare?

Qin Feng: For me, public welfare is one of my responsibilities as a public figure.

I have always believed that a successful person should give back to the community and help those in need.

I actively participate in various public welfare activities, pay attention to the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, and advocate love and care.

I hope to use my influence and resources to make some positive contributions to the society, so that more people can feel cared for and warmth.

Moderator: Mr. Qin, congratulations again for winning the Best Actor Award! Finally, is there anything you would like to say to your audience and fans who have been supporting you?

Qin Feng: Thank you very much for the support and encouragement of the audience and fans! Without you, I would not have been where I am today.

Thank you for your love and trust in me, and I will continue to work hard to live up to expectations and bring more excellent works to everyone.

Thank you!

Qin Feng shared his feelings and love for his acting career at the award ceremony.

His gratitude and praise for the team showed his humility and team spirit.

He inspired audiences and fans with his success, expressed his gratitude to them, and promised to continue to work hard to bring more wonderful performances to everyone.

Scene: Qin Feng talks to the host in a TV interview.

Moderator: Welcome Mr. Qin Feng to our program! Your recently released new song has been very popular and has become a hot topic.

Can you share with us the inspiration and story behind your song?

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